《Heart cultivator》Resurrection


James wakes up lying on his stomach in a forest, under a most common tree, feels a whirlwind of sensations at the same time that they disorient him, from a warm sensation in the chest to abdominal pain and headache, dizziness and blurred vision, after lying on the ground for a while, feeling increasingly weakened.

Soon the sensation of heat in his chest spreads more, until he sees a red liquid that reaches his hand, that makes him regain consciousness a bit and he moves his arms a little, takes them to his abdomen where he feels pain, only to find a huge missing piece of meat where a lot of blood is spilled, after realizing his strange situation, he immediately panics.

- "What ... what happened to me?

I remember coming out of a store, hearing a horn and seeing a shadow, then nothing, I'm lying here, bleeding.

- "Did something fall on me?

Someone should call a paramedic, I hope they don't take too long, at this rate, I'll become an old man's testicle by the time they arrive. "

Before he can continue to make jokes about whether he will die, an incredible headache paralyzes him, followed by a great deal of knowledge about a life that was clearly not his, most of it irrelevant, just memories of how a wretched orphan suffers. in life until a cultivator of a sect comes across him one day and sees that he has some talent, takes him to his sect and enrolls him as an external disciple.

The young man believed that his life could only get better until he realizes that he is the same shit from a different animal.

His talent might be decent, neither too good nor too bad, just average, but when they found out that his dantian was the size of a marble, they no longer even gave him the few miserable cultivation resources assigned to him on a monthly basis. external disciple.


Other disciples just as talented as him intimidate him and force him to do his homework, clean his clothes and cover his responsibilities in the sect until his body couldn't take it anymore, when he got fed up with being a slave he tried to face his stalkers alone to get beaten, they will drag him into a forest and after another beating they said

- "with such a small dantian you don't even deserve to be a cultivator, you just waste the sect's resources, but still you didn't settle for your situation, nor do you want to be of any kind of utility helping us with our chores, the stupid hope you have being a cultivator blinds you from the truth, I'll help you by opening your eyes "

and then, the poor bruised and bleeding young man was pierced below the navel, breaking his little dantian into a minuscule amount of spiritual qi of which it was composed, and they walked away leaving the young man lying on the ground bleeding and unconscious.

It seems that this blow was too strong for the previous owner of the body, not the physical damage, but the mental damage of having lost his only hope, that took away all his strength and desire to live, and as he was already dying from the wound, your body simply sped up the process with your consciousness to avoid further suffering, just like when someone no longer feels pain when they are on the verge of death, the brain releases chemicals so that the person leaves in peace.

Apparently the soul of the young man left his body before he was completely dead, giving free pass to the soul of James to inhabit it, despite his bad condition.

And this is how James finds himself in this strange situation, in a foreign body, unable to control it and about to die a second time.

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