《Apocalypse Remnant`》Brothers


With such a system he'd have to slaughter zombies without abandon to level up. He checked the items in the store and all the things in the store were system made including the weapons.

He also thought of checking out the skills panel on the store and unfortunately what greeted him was a list of greyed out blocks with only the top 4 of them being visible. Those consisted of Gunslinging, basic martial arts, sixth sense, sword art, all of them were priced at 500 points which while was quite a lot was still acceptable seeing the usefulness of these skills. He thought of reading the introduction of each skill.

Gunslinging: This skill gives the user the basic knowledge of using different types of guns and every time the user uses a gun the skill level increases.

Basic martial art: This skill gives the user more control over his strength and the basic knowledge of martial arts.

Sixth sense: This skill unlocks the sixth sense of the host, due to which he can sense incoming danger.

Sword art: This gives the user the basic knowledge of swords and also imparts the ancient way of using a sword to the user.

System note:

As these skills are bought from the system and not learned passively they will start from level 10.

The max level for a skill is level 100 after which the skill either evolves to a stronger one or it stays at level 100.

*After the purchase of each skill the price of other skills doubles.

While all of the skills were dope and he wanted to buy them all the last line from the system made him want to curse the system to die a painful death… a very painful one. This just made him rethink what skills to buy as the price of the next skill will be doubled so the price series will go as 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000 it will increase drastically causing him to be very picky about the skills he chooses. He also thought about the process of learning a skill by repeated use of it passively, he'll have to try it first to see how long it would take for that to happen.


As he finished his monologue the ticking timer stopped, the shroud of silence was shattered and the wheel of time took off again.

Suddenly his surroundings seemed extremely loud and chaotic, his teacher started speaking nonsense again. He stood up abruptly startling everyone around him, he could see than a new timer had come up, indicating he had approximately 29 minutes till doomsday.

Jason looked at Harry, his best friend sitting beside him, they had been friends since grade 5 and had been together since. He could not leave him here he had to take him with him, he turned to him and spoke in a grave tone to his voice.

"Harry we need to go it's urgent, don't ask me just come with me first."

Harry could not understand what had happened to his best friend, standing so abruptly and he hadn't seen such a grave look on his face ever before. Seeing the seriousness of the matter he nodded strongly and stood up with Jason creating a scene.

"Please excuse us, Mr Arturo," Jason spoke and walked out of the class without waiting for his answer. Harry followed him wondering what had gotten into his friend, he could hear their teacher ranting about children having attitude problems.

While Jason was walking briskly towards the mechanical workshop of his school he could see that the timer had sped up and he had only 27 minutes left. Before he could do anything else he had to explain to his best friend the whole apocalypse thing. He stopped midway and turned to face his best friend.

Harry was a square-jawed, blue-eyed burly guy with well above average height. He liked to gym a lot, but if you thought he was all about muscle then you couldn't be more wrong about him. He was one of the smartest guys he knew, he was an expert hacker and the best in mechanics in his class but the best thing about him was his humbleness and his down to earth attitude. Jason looked straight into his eyes as he stopped before him, and spoke with dead seriousness.


"I know what I'm going to say might seem absurd and bordering on the brink of insanity but I want you to understand that all of this is the truth and it really is happening. I bet our years of friendship on this," Jason paused a bit after seeing that the look on his friend's eyes hardened on seeing the seriousness of the situation.

"In approximately 26 minutes the world we know is going to turn upside down, there will be zombies all around us and it will never be the same again. Don't ask me how I got to know all this but just trust me on this one. I want us to survive this apocalypse. Do you trust me on this one Harry?"

" Stop joking Jason and start explaining why are we really here," Harry spoke with a quiver in his voice, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't want to believe what his best friend was telling him but that look in his eyes told him otherwise, he knew he was telling the truth he just wanted to make a last-ditch effort to ask him hoping he would out loud and says all of this was just one big prank.

"I bet my life and our friendship on this, "Jason spoke with dead seriousness making Harry weak on his knees making him almost stumble. Jason caught him and gave him a strong hug he knew that he would be in the same state had it not been for the soul shard ability of the system.

"So what do we do," asked Harry as he looked at his best friend searching for answers.

"You go to the workshop and find something we can use as a weapon and try to warn the world online about the upcoming doomsday, do it discreetly but it should be all over the internet. And meet me in 15 minutes at the bus stand. Also, call your parents and ask them to store food and water inside and close all the doors and windows in your house" He knew that informing the public like this won't do much but it is all that he could do, and he also knew Harry being a professional hacker could do exactly what he asked him to do without any hassle.

Harry nodded at Jason, he'll do as he says as only he knows what was going to happen. "What are you going to do then?"

"Well me?... I'm going to hijack the school bus,". Jason spoke with a wide smirk on his face stunning Harry at the absurdity of the statement.

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