《The Dark Soul》Things to Know and New Equipment
The beginning of a new day has arrived as Karan got out of his bed and dressed up.
He wore the clothes that was given to him by Heretta after yesterday's meeting with the Guildmaster.
It wasn't anything fancy like the clothes the guildmaster was wearing, but compared to the villager's clothes, they were a few classes higher.
Since it was summer, he wore light clothing. He put on a white shirt that was so tight that you could see his muscles underneath clearly. Then he wore some beige colored pants that were made from a material that felt a bit like jeans. He finished that with some black shoes and a bit of styling on his hair, so it wouldn't look so rough.
"This is all so formal... But since the guildmaster wanted to meet me again today, it can't be helped. I wonder what he wants to talk about?" As he thought that, he walked out of the front door and saw once again the giant city that was the capital of the Kingdom of Falania, Remuras. Lots of people were either walking down the road, some carrying things and others don't, or riding on carriages. You could clearly see what carriages belonged to the noble class and which ones to the commoner section.
As he stepped outside, a warm breeze blew past him and he smiled.
Thus he started walking to the guild, buying a bacon and egg sandwich on his way for breakfast, so he wouldn't be hungry for a while. Since he had recieved some money from the guild, he would naturally spend it.
'This tastes surprisingly good, even though the egg is a bit underseasoned and the bacon slightly underdone. But whatever, food is food.' He thought to himself while leisurely walking down the road.
There he was once again, in front of this huge building that was the Adventurer's Guild of Remuras.
As he stepped inside, the hall became quiet again aside from a few whispers here and there. The looks he got differed from the person. Some were curious, others envious.
"Hey, um, I was wondering if the meeting is ready fo-" Suddenly, he was interrupted by the doors opening again loudly as a big and bulgy man entered and looked at him. Likewise, Karan quietly stared back.
"What?! You wanna fight?!" The rough-looking man asked aggressively as he tried to push Karan away. However, his body didn't move an inch.
"?" The big man looked irritated as to why Karan wasn't being flung away.
"It's very rude to interrupt someone and then also try to push them away." Karan said nicely, while the man seemed to be getting angry.
"I could give less of a sh-" As he looked into Karan's eyes, they turned black, like the abyss, and in the middle of it, something was smiling at him. He started sweating profusely before falling backwards on the ground, clearly very scared.
"Disappear." He heard in his head as he pictured the creature he saw in there. As he looked up at Karan again, he saw a tall monster with no eyes, but a toothy grin on a large mouth.
He suddenly screamed and got up before quickly running out of the guild.
As everyone looked confused as to what just happened, Karan turned around, oblivious to what the bulky man had just experienced, before once again asking- "So... Is the meeting room ready for me to go in?"
"Uhm, Yes, yes it is. Follow me, please." Heretta told him and walked towards the same room he was in yesterday. As he followed her, he could feel the peoples gazes on his back. He could also hear whispering going on, but he couldn't understand what they were saying.
When he entered the room and the door closed, people were talking louder again. "H-Hey, wasn't that the 7th Rank A-Rank Adventurer, Kririon? Why did he run away like that. It looked like he was scared for his life, but I heard that that man's Fighting Strength was only C Rank..."
As people were questioning what happened outside, Karan was once again sitting on the same couch as yesterday, waiting for the Guildmaster to show up.
As he was thinking about some things, he was interrupted by the door opening and Guildmaster Hexan entering. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday because he didn't need to change clothes. They were enchanted with several useful spells and runes that would, for example, clean his clothes, provide him defense as well as a physical barrier and several other things.
"I wish you a good morning, Karan. How has your first day in the city been? Was the house to your liking?" He asked him with a smile while sitting down opposite to Karan and sipping on a cup of tea.
"Good morning to you as well, Guildmaster Hexan. The city was lovely this morning on my way here, and yes, everything was perfect." Karan bowed his head slightly.
"No need to call me Guildmaster, just call me Hexan, seeing as we may be equals soon." He chuckled before putting the tea down.
"Now, let's start our little meeting, shall we?" He now looked a bit more serious but he still had a relaxed air around him.
"The reason I called you here today, is to introduce you to some things, seeing as you don't really know how things work in the kingdom. First, I have hired someone to teach you to fight as well as a Scholar to help you write, read and other things that will be useful to live here, as well as in other countries. Second, your equipment will be done by this evening, so tomorrow I will introduce you to your new teacher and the day after that, you will meet the Scholar. Third, money. In most of the countries around us, we use Kredon coins. They were invented by the first rulers of the Alliance. There are Copper coins, Silver coins, Gold coins and then Black Gold coins. Basically, 1 Silver coin is 100 copper coins, 1 silver is one gold coin and then, 1000 gold coins are one Black Gold Coin." Karan intently listened to Hexan as he continued to tell him more common things about the Alliance and this world.
It was now afternoon as they continued to talk and discuss some things.
"It was nice to talk to you, so take care. While you're waiting for your equipment, you can go explore the city some more. Also, take this." The guildmaster said before handing him a small bag. Inside of it were 10 gold coins, something which normal farmers wouldn't earn in their entire life.
"Thank you very much, Sir Hexan. See you later." Karan bowed slightly before taking the bag and leaving the room and also the guild.
As he went outisde, he looked around and decided to go to some places that the guildmaster had recommended.
The first one he went to was close to the guild and was a library with lots of books about magic and the elements, as well as monsters and other stuff that was useful to know as an Adventurer or Mage, Warrior, whatever.
the library was a large building, nearly as large as the guild. It looked more rustic, a plain wood and stone building with some carvings on the stone, but nothing special. It looked like any other building in the capital, but when he entered it, the size seemed to have tripled, nearly quadrupled. He stood with his jaw wide open, confused as to how this would work. Not looking at the phenomenon that was the size, there were a lot of books, lots of shelves. Rows and rows of shelves, sorted in order of the class they belong to. And at the back were a few shelves of books about monsters and other creatures.
"Can I help you, young man?" An old lady called out to him from the side. She looked very frail, but had a special aura around her. 'She is not someone to mess with', he thought.
"A- Ah yes, I wanted to learn some things about magic, the elements and attributes. Also, I want to know about the monsters in the nearby fields and forests."
"Ah, a new adventurer it seems. Let me see, right side, look in row 13, shelf 4 for magic and the elements. Right next to that, on shelf 5, you can find books about attributes. And then, left side, in row 29, shelf 7 are books about monsters and other creatures in the nearby areas." The old lady said with a smile before looking at some things behind her counter again.
"Thank you." Karan bowed his head slightly before walking to row 13 and looking at the shelves she told him about.
" 'The Elements of Nature'..." He mumbled before opening the thick book and starting to read.
The Elements of the World
In the World, we have discovered lots of different elements, such as the basic elements that are: 'Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness'.
Then there are the deviant elements, which are extensions of the basic elements. Every one of those has it's own branch of deviant elements.
With the power of magic, you can also combine elements. If you, for example, combine water and air, you can make a difficult to master kind of magic that is called 'Weather Change'. There are hundreds of thousands of other spells made by combining elements. Some are more difficult to learn, some are easier.
The Element of Fire
The Element of Fire is one of the basic elements of this world. It has very destructive properties and many different uses.
It also has deviants of itself, which are: 'Lightning and Destruction'.
It can be combined with other elements to make upgraded versions of itself, as well as other things.
The Element of Wind
The Element of Wind is also one of the basic elements of this world. It's normally a very quiet and peaceful kind of element. But when used on larger scales, can be quite violent.
There are no discoveries of deviants of this basic element. It was said that there were some ancient creatures that could use deviants of Wind, but it was lost in time.
The Element of Earth
The Element of Earth is another one of the basic elements. It is a very creational element, but can also be used to bring destruction on a large scale.
It has deviants which are: 'Gravity and Metal'.
The Element of Water
The Element of Water is another basic element of this world. Like wind, it is usually quite peaceful, but if used on a larger scale can be quite destructive.
Its currently known deviants are 'Blood and Ice'
The Element of Light
The Element of Light is also a basic element of this world. It is the most peaceful of them on all, if used normally. With the power of light, you can heal other peoples wounds or injuries. With the appropriate amount of power, it can heal nearly any injury. One of the only exceptions to that is death.
It has no currently known deviants, like wind.
The Element of Darkness
Last but not least, there is the basic Element of Darkness. It's a very unusual element, since there so many unknown things about it. Some people that believe strongly in the gods believe it to be the element of evil and that it stems from an ancient devil in the 'Underworld'.
Its currently known deviants are 'Undeath, Domination and Corrosion'.
Because very few people want to, or rather, are able to learn and master the deviants, we don't know much about them. The only beings that are known to be exceptional at the Element of Darkness are 'Reapers' and 'Demons'. Those races are the only ones that can truly master the darkness.
When Karan closed the book, he noticed that he was completely absorbed by its pages and didn't notice that it was already evening.
As he put the book back, he thought- 'The Elements seem pretty interesting, but darkness seems to be quite the weird one...'
While walking towards the exit, he heard the old lady's voice again:
" 'The Elements of The World' is a very informing book. It was written by a Scholar from a neighboring country. Good pick." She gave him a small wink and waved him slightly goodbye.
While he was running to the guild he made plans to read the rest of the books some other time, because it already took him quite the long time to read that book.
As he entered the guild, slightly panting, he saw Heretta waving him over to the already known door that lead to the meeting room.
"I'm, I'm very sorry that I'm coming so late, but I forgot the time while reading in the library." He apologized between breaths.
"It's not a problem. The guildmaster had something to do, so he also just returned a few minutes ago. He is waiting inside." Heretta bowed, opened the door and left to the second floor of the guild hall.
When he entered, he once again saw the guildmaster with a small box on the table, and some clothes that looked like armor hanging on a stand.
"Hello again, Sir Hexan. I've just returned from the library you recommended. It was quite fascinating." He bowed his head slightly and sat down opposite to the guildmaster.
"That's good to hear, I hope you found what you were looking for. But anyways, that's not the subject of this late meeting. I have here your new equipment, handcrafted by two of the best smiths and tailors in the alliance, and they're everything you'll ever need. I might have gone overboard with the equipment, but you seem like a smart fellow that wouldn't die so easily, so I could convince the king to also fund me a bit. So, here we have your 'weapons'." He said as he opened the box. "Well, they're not exactly weapons, but amplifying gloves that help you concentrate your power on your fists. They channel energy like mana and they are made from metal that can greatly amplify and move the darkness element. They were specially made for Pugilists that are greatly attuned with the element of darkness, like you."
The gloves were mainly black with some tints of white on the knuckles. Those things were actually small white magic crystals, which amplify the element of darkness, as well as turning some of it into raw physical power. His fingertips were not encased by the gloves, but were free. They were out of a material that felt like leather, but was actually a certain metal that was very thin and elastic. It could amplify magical power, the darkness element and physical power greatly.
"These feel great... And I can also feel my power increase greatly while wearing these... They're just amazing..." Karan looked amazed when putting them on.
"Indeed they are, but there is still the armor left." He said, got the 'armor' and gave it to him, telling him to put it on.
He did as told, went to another small room and came out, wearing the armor.
It didn't really look like armor, but had a defense greater than a dragon's scales. He had black, heavy boots with several crystals going over small belts running around it. Then there was a black jeans, also with small belts running around his thighs and crystals on them, and then a big belt around his waist, that had a crystal button. Then, the most outstanding piece of 'armor' was the large black leather coat that had crystals on its sleeves, on its neck, and also some crystals acting as buttons. Under the coat was a normal looking, grey shirt that was made out of reinforced Tarantan silk. Every single piece of cloth and material was amplifiying his bodies defenses, made a physical barrier around him, amplified his magical and physical power and the element of darkness. The crystals were the same ones that were also on the gloves, so they were also amplifying it even further. Basically, it was unbelievable equipment that could boost his Fighting Strength to the lower echelons of S-Rank.
R/N: Reference pictures because I'm bad at describing things:
"Holy Crap... What is this equipment? I feel twenty times more powerful than before?" He was looking baffled at himself through the mirror. He found the design to be a bit embarrasing, but also kind of cool.
"It looks very good on you. And indeed, this equipment can boost you power a lot. I haven't spared a single coin for this. I spent about 20 years of profit from the guild for this equipment, and then also some of the kingdoms funds." He looked quite pleased as for the result.
"20 years of profit?! Isn't that quite a lot?! And that only for a single person that doesn't even know how to fight... You're insane!" He said in absolute disbelief.
"That I may be. But i think it was worth it. If you succeed, you will never need to change your equipment nor clothes until the day you die. By the way, it can also shapeshift into normal looking clothes if you want it to. Anyways, I will leave you alone for today. It is quite late already, isn't it? Don't be late tomorrow!" He said as he walked out the door and left.
"Gods..." He sat down on the couch and closed his eyes.
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