《Celestial Beings: Evolution》Stage 1: Grinding I (Chapter Six)


We walked and walked, until a forest was infront of us. The trees were huge, it was more of a rainforest than a normal forest. The land underneath was filled with grass, and plants. It looked dangerous, but thank God it's different to the sand. It's just so... plain. There is literally no other words to describe the biome other than bland. At first it was kind of cool since it was a completely new experience, but because there was barely any trees, and the trees that were there were pretty bare, there was no shade, and it took a toll eventually. But this! I think I can get used to this. Hopefully there are stronger monsters too since Sand Worms barely give any anymore, we killed one but we thought it'd just be better for us to leave them since it wasn't worth the hassle. Also, we both lack damage, quite severly too. I'm pretty sure Aly is only investing in Speed, and maybe Wisdom but that doesn't do much if you're not planning to become a class with being a Mage involved, which I am doing. Hopefully we both get a good class. But lets not expect much since getting a Class may be a while.

As we walked in, it was hard to adapt, mainly due to the fact that the terrain was pretty wonky, but we got over it eventually.

We finally saw something, and it was a monster. I used search immediately.

[Search] was invoked.

[One-Eyed Snake] - Level 10

I flinched and took a step back. Level 10? Me and Aly aren't even Level 9, let alone Level 10. But we need to learn, we have to fight. If we don't move forward in this biome, we'll be stuck in the stupid ass sand killing Worms all day. I don't want that. I want to train. I want to move up in the world.

I went up first since it seems Aly's vitality is practically non existant. I punched first, backed off and knew Aly was going to attack next. Our teamwork has gone up a lot since that near death experience, I think it's just because we trust eachother more now. We both now backed off and waited for the One-Eyed snake to attack. However Aly had different plans, because the snake had one eye, she went beside it so it was forced to either pay it's attention to me, or Aly.



With all my might I uppercutted the purple, ugly snake with only one eye straight in the middle of it's small head. After a few more rounds of bombardment of fists, it finally died.

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

[Eloxus] is now Level Eight!

Nice! I'm so close to double digits, although I doubt I'm getting there soon, since apparently 300 Experience Points isn't worth that much, anyways let me allocate them. Aly waited since she also gets a Notification since we're partied together.

[Eluxo] Level Eight

[Species] Lesser Being

[Class] None

[Instrument] No one is interested.

[Unspent Points] 5

[Agility] 3

[Endurance] 3

[Strength] 3

[Vitality] 6

[Wisdom] 17 -> 22

[General Skills]

[Limitless Communication] Beginner - Level Zero

[Search] Beginner - Level Three

[Species Skills] None

[Class Skills] None

Nice! I guess we should grind for a bit, since levelling up is beyond easy in here.

queue the epic grinding montage music

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

.... ...

.. .. ...

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

.... ...

... .

[Aly] is now Level Eight!

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

... ..

[One-Eyed Snake has been defeated!]

[300 Experience Points have been shared evenly among the Party Members!]

... .. .

[Eloxus] is now Level Nine!

I queued to Aly that I needed a break. I sat down and looked at my status window.

[Eluxo] Level Nine

[Species] Lesser Being

[Class] None

[Instrument] No one is interested.

[Unspent Points] 5

[Agility] 3

[Endurance] 3 -> 4

[Strength] 3

[Vitality] 6

[Wisdom] 22 -> 26

[General Skills]

[Limitless Communication] Beginner - Level Zero


[Search] Beginner - Level Three

[Species Skills] None

[Class Skills] None

I mean, a bit of Endurance never hurt anyone..

[You have learnt Mana Sense!]

FINALLY, I DID IT! Also 25? What an odd number.

I didn't know how to communicate to Aly that can we stop for a bit but it's whatever, I took a quick glance of the skill and my heart sunk.

[Mana Sense 0/500(1000)]

You can now sense the mana around you, it's up to you to decide what element you pick, however that doesn't come easy. When you get a feel for mana you then have to pluck out each individual mana droplet of whatever element. Collect 500. Unfortunately due to your colour you will not get a head start.

Fuck [The System].

Fuck [The System].

Fuck [The System].

Fuck [The System].


I'm going to the Police for derogatory behaviour, and I will get my compensation, if I could I would sue your ass. I have rich parents remember.

If I could scream I would, Aly looked at me with a strange expression. She won't understand me, she probably isn't even levelling Wisdom up anyways. I don't understand why the Green fucks had magic, like it feels impossible, what are Droplets?

I kind of signalled Aly to wait by holding my hand out with my hand stretched out. I think she understood? She kind of stared so I just sat down. Let's use [Mana Sense] I guess, I'm not as inept as I was at the beginning despite it only being a few days (around 5-6).

[Mana Sense] was invoked.

I opened my eyes. I didn't know what to expect, I've never seen mana before.

I saw an amazon of colours, at first it didn't seem real, but it was. I didn't know what to do, or if I should even touch them since I don't know what element I want to use. It was fascinating, I saw a multitude of colours. Red, Black, White, Yellow, Dark Green, Light Green, Blue, however there wasn't just one shade of blue, there were many. I'm conflicted. I don't know what to do, or what certain types of Magics these are. Some of them looked dirty like the Dark Green one with Black Spots inside. Whilst some of them looked clean, an example being the Light Green magic which felt like it was sparkling. I think I should just stare, and see what brings me in.

I sat there, for a solid hour, looking. It fascinated me. I had three options which I wanted to pick. Grey, Dark Blue and Light Green. I touched each one to see what happened. Light Green didn't react much, it kind of just wobbled. Dark Blue, wanting to come in closer but I shoved it away. However, Grey kind of just... wandered off. Strange, am I not compatible? No, that's crazy. Most definitely not, why would I even be able to see it anyways. I walked towards it, running wasnt needed since it was going quite slow. It sped up. This is no good, maybe I need to absorb this thing.

I sat down, and thought of things are Grey. Clouds, Old People, Ash, Smoke, a Screwdriver. I opened my eyes again and saw three grey droplets come into my direction. I opened my arms, willingly letting them in.

[Mana Sense] 3/500. Grey droplets are Puppeteer or Illusion Magic. If you absorb any other elements/magic, you will be unable to use magic.

Hmm, I thought about it. Isn't that weak? Wait a minute, what the fuck? I don't even have a choice.

In conclusion: [The System] is a scam and go fuck itself.

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