《The [God] Machine》Progress Report: Part 15 Waiting Room
This chapter, if you could even call it that, serves to document my progress on upcoming parts as well as other things I may be working on or planning. Entries will be listed by date (mm/dd/yyyy) with the most recent entries being towards the top of this page.
2/16/2022: This year's gonna be a bitch. I'll continue to write of course, even if it isn't much.
12/25/2021: Happy Holidays, P.15 begins with some brief, preliminary notes.
12/25/2021: PART 14 POSTED
12/1/2031: Definitely not dead, I swear. The P.14 outline is more or less completed and the actual chapter is about 3-4 pages right now. Slowly but surely.
9/20/2021: Don't worry, I'm still alive. I've had some important revelations recently, largely on things that don't matter yet, but important ones nonetheless. The P.14 outline is six pages as of now and my guess is it'll be about 12 pages completed, with the actual chapter clocking in at a similar page count.
7/11/2021: Our favorite document returns, now with more lines. The progress on each chapter will be separated by a page break like below. Anyway, I've begun some preliminary planning for Part 14. I have this event calendar that needs some more detail before I move on.
7/6/2021: PART 13 POSTED
6/27/2021: Provied I remember, P.13 will be posted later today. A handful of minor chnages to parts 3, 4, 6, and 10 have been posted already.
6/21/2021: P.13 is approaching the home stretch.
5/21/2021: P.13 is now 12 pages.
5/6/2021: I've posted that short story I mentioned previously on my fictions page. It is titled "Who Fixes Books Anyway?" go and check it out if ya want. On another note, I've finally become of drinking age recently, too bad I can't drink away finals.
4/23/2021: Still alive, though I resemble a corpse. With the semester wrapping up I have had no time to work on P.13. What I have had time to do, however, was to work on a short story as a final project for one of my classes. I'll likely end up posting it here when I'm done so I can say I did something.
4/5/2021: Midterms are over, thank god. Now to start preparing for finals, kill me. P.13 is now 10 pages.
3/22/2021: God, I hate midterms. P.13 goin' on 9 pages now.
3/7/2021: Seven pages now. This part goes a lot faster, the only bottleneck is finding the time.
3/4/2021: Part 13: Mystery of the Colored Wood is now five pages. I'd wager it'll be slightly longer than its outline, somewhere between 15 to 20 pages. I tend to add/change a lot of dialogue when actually writing a part.
2/23/2021: Just pulled an all nighter, did I ever mention I'm back at school? Because I am now. Work still continues on the next part whose writing has officially begun after the aforemention outline's completion.
2/1/2021: Outline is complete at 15 pages. Actual writing will begin soon.
1/26/2021: P.13 outline is now 13 pages. I estimate It'll be done by about 15 pages.
12/27/2020: Even if its a bit late, happy holidays everyone. Writing continues at a very slow, but steady pace. A common theme you've surely noticed.
12/4/2020: P.13 outline now 11 pages.
11/27/2020: Finals are over, the writing continues. Slowly.
11/18/2020: Finals are almost over, work will resume soon.
11/12/2020: P.13 now 10 pages. The classic worm, now with legs and wings. Ruler of the skies, eater of melons.
11/6/2020: Working on part 13 outline, currently going on 9 pages. Slow-going thanks to semester coming to a close. You know, finals and all that.
Samantha logs into Incrementum out of pure frustration. Frustration with her job, her boyfriend, her mom and every other aspect of her unraveling life. As her first heroic act, she can’t figure out how to log out. The Brighthollow forest feels real, too real, and it has bugs. Luckily for Francine, a wealthy widower with dreams of creating the largest empire in the history of mankind, Samantha gives the game a chance. But Samantha won’t play the game Francine’s way, or the way Incrementum’s Gods wish. Samantha plays the game as she pleases and damn the consequences.
8 144Bastion Academy Series
For Jiyong, Bastion Academy is more than just a school for magic in the heart of the kingdom… It’s his chance to pursue the secrets of the ancient ones’ machines and get his family out of the poverty-stricken outer-city. His acceptance letter in hand, Jiyong is sure nothing will stand in the way of his dreams. When a street brawl lands him in a coma only weeks into the year, his chances of graduating are all but shot. With an unlikely digital companion, he’ll have to rebuild his magic core and catch up on all his classes, or risk being dropped from the academy at the end of the year. But kingdom life is not like the outer-cities, and kingdom kids are far more ruthless about who they’ll allow to climb to the top. Jiyong will have to train hard and fight for every score to make it in this wealthy academy for powerful families, all while supporting his own from afar. Release Schedule: 1 Chapter a day, Monday-Friday.
8 150Photo of my life (Jensen X Reader)
Who would have thought that a simple photoshoot would change my life forever?Disclaimer: I have nothing against Danneel. I actually think that she is amazing.
8 148Library Magic
Isaiah a world of magic. The current state of world is a battle of the races, which the demons and humans that co-exist are winning. There, a human who is gifted by God with a strange power. A human that can do the what was known as the impossible and is changing the world within. But what is his goal? To become a God? Or is it more deeper than that? Find out as this is the story of that human.
8 134Conspiracy Theories
This is going to be a book about a whole bunch of different conspiracy theories, so if you want to add on, just comment!
8 184Disappearance
8 124