


{ After that explosion , when Aiden was unconscious

He heard that similar voice again which he recalled in the

morning saying " AIDEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY,


{ Aiden was gaining consciousness after that voice he heard in

his dream }

[Aiden to himself ]

Where am I....? What happend just now.......? And why I am

lying on my desk .

*( Aiden suddenly realized the attack that just happen to

his school )

Aaaaaaahhhhh............ I remember , our school was attacked by a little girl .

{ At the same time AKITO AND HANA came behind Aiden }

[ Hana to Aiden ]

Aah .... Aiden you woke up from you sleep, did you not Sleep well at last night.....?

[ Akito to Aiden ]

Yeah... Man did you not sleep well last night ...? Your eyes have eye bags , you should get some rest .

[ Aiden to both ]

What are you guys talking about , didn't you guys

remember , what just happened ? A

Little girl was attacking our school and all of our school

building turned into ruins , she was after someone to kill him.

[ Akito to Aiden ]

What are you saying Aiden , you were probably

dreaming that stuff. There is no

Way a small girl can do that kinda stuff in a broad daylight , you

can clearly see that our school building is perfectly fine

and no one is hurt at all .

[ Hana to Aiden ]

Yes ... Akito is right there is no way that happened to our

School and we don't even know about that... You were

probably dreaming all that stuff ....

[ Aiden to both ]

But how could this be possible .........! I definitely saw

school building collapsing . I am sure that was not a dream


{ Akito and Hana in a confused state }

( Later on that topic , both akito and Hana convinced Aiden

that it was his dream , time flies , by the end of the

First school day all 3 of them agreed to meet at the school

gate to go home together )

[ At the school gate]

[Aiden is still confused , whether that was his dream or

it really did happened ]

( While they were walking on the way to home, a girl came

running towards Aiden and then she jumped on his back

and hugs him )

[ Aiden to that girl ]

Hey !!! Who are you ?? And why are you

clinging onto me ( Aiden didn't saw her face yet ) and can

you get down from my back.

{ She gets down from his back and then Aiden turned

around and saw her face .

{Aiden to the girl }

( Says In a shocking way ) you were that small girl who

was attacking on our school before, and i knew that

wasn't my dream at all , you see guys i was not lying back

then .

{ Hana to Aiden }

( In a weird way ) What are you saying Aiden ? What do you

mean by she was the one who attacked our school ?

You might don't know but she is my cousin and she is

going to be a transfer in our school , although she looks small

but her age is same as us .

[That girl to Aiden ]

First of all , sorry ...... For the inconveniences that i made

by hugging you I really didn't mean to hug to you but

Hana , and yes that's true I am her cousin. i am going to

Be a transfer to your school . And i don't know

What you are saying about attacking the school i just


come this afternoon to Hana's house her mother give me

an advice to meet Hana at the school so i came here to

meet her .

[ Hana to Aiden ]

Yes , she is saying the truth , she just came this afternoon , my

mother already informed me yesterday that she is comming .

Though , I really forgot to introduce her to you . Her name

is Mihari , she is same age as us , her parent just came

from abroad from work , so they decided to transfer her in

this school .


[ Aiden in his mind ]

This can't be just a pure coincidence , same face , same

name , and the same voice . I am sure she was the girl who

was attacking to our school . And now suddenly

transferring into our school . . ಠ_ʖಠ Something is a bit

odd .

{ Mihari to all }

I will introduce myself once more , so

It's nice to meet you guys , my name is Mihari , and i hope

we all will get along vey well .

{ Seen cuts while Aiden was still on thinking about the

previous incidents ,but on the other side a mysterious girl

was looking on them from the above telephone pillar while

they were heading home .}

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