《The Jewels of Mahavhar: The Great Stone of Grigori.》Chapter XVII: Help
Nolgrek spread the map before them on the silvery table. The chamber walls on the mountain fort were rocky as expected but polished so finely and meticulously it almost looked unnatural. Trixter leaned to have a closer look at the map and see what he got himself unwillingly into.
Hibe is probably sunbathing... He thought, grinning jealously. Ugh this is not the time to be thinking about her... but I hope she is in a safer place though. He smiled at the thought of her face but quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts.
"For the guests, we are located here. Watergul is here. Zolciak is here, on the east lay the shore of Qrinmonk. Eefran is here, further north from Zolciak, deeper in the jungles. The West has word of the war but they're still unbothered by it and Zion's filth took over the entire east..." Nolgrek pointed to his guest the location of every region and city he mentioned with a very hurt grin.
"Not all of it. Dihya stands stronger than ever. That stronghold is the gate to the northern east." Objected Vyrgal
"To hell with that she-bear. I want nothing to do with her or her legion." Nolgrek spat.
"You might not like her Nolgrek but she has proven to be the most resilient defence we have there and might outstand us all..." Said Dreg.
"Indeed, I believe we should leave all conflicts we had with Dihya behind for now. We need her forces to strike back or at least counter their next assault." Added Vyrgal.
"My lord we cannot afford an open battle with the few allies we have. And as much as the west is not concerned with the war, I don't see you care less about them. I don't' think you want the filth of Zion to reach them." Said Morgan.
"Who do you take me for? I am not your brother, Morgan." Replied Nolgrek angrily before leaving the room pushing the dwarf soldiers in front of the door. His companions followed back.
"Woah... he has some anger issues that prince of yours." Said Tolk jokingly.
"Don't mind him, Morgan. He speaks not what's in his heart." Dreg said, trying to comfort him.
"He is right. My brother remains a stain on my honour. I will wash it off with his blood, Breymhel be my witness." Morgan bit his lip and slammed his fist on the map. He then left the room in fury. Inside was left Dreg, Nolgrek's trusted lieutenant along with Trixter, Tolk and some of their crewmates that Goldeneye has left in their care. There were ten men, seven other wizards and three dwarves.
"If you want my advice... Trixter was trying to break his silence gracelessly.
"I am not dealing with pirate scum, let alone their wizards." Dreg left and went to look for his cousin Nolgrek.
"Well... y'all going to die" Said Tolk laughing out loud. His assertive tone triggered Dreg's hatred towards them. And the boisterous chuckles of their companions made his head boil.
"Say that again. I bloody dare you." Challenged him Dreg, who rushed towards the wizard in menacing steps. The chatter and giggles rose louder.
"Y'all going to fucking die." Accentuated Tolk. The height difference between the two was remarkably great, for Tolk was a very tall wizard whilst Dreg wasn't the tallest of his kin.
Although Dreg was almost half Tolk's tallness, the dwarf grabbed the wizard from his shirt and pulled him down closer. Tolk did not fight it and just smiled nastily.
"You're looking down on us you fucking prick!" Their foreheads bumped.
"Everyone does, you're pretty fucking short champ." Answered back Tolk wittily. Smiling some more and his friends burst in loud laughter.
"Hey hey hey calm down! Tolk cut it out, would you?" Trixter stepped in to break the intensifying clash.
"I'm not the one who's being aggressive. The imp can't contain his fucking emotions." Objected Tolk.
The moment Trixter grabbed Dreg's arm to break Tolk free from his grip, the dwarf leaned his head slightly backwards and quickly stroke Tolk with an unexpected headbutt. The wizard lost his balance for a moment and almost fell backwards when one of the vultures grabbed him. The bold wizard felt his head spin and his ears rang deafeningly. Dreg on the other hand didn't waste time, for he also grabbed Trixter by the neck, pulling him down in the same fashion.
"That was an exceptional headbutt my friend! I salute your iron skull! But it is very much unnecessary, I'm not here to fight you. I awfully dislike violence." Trixter's gawkiness was all over the place.
"I awfully dislike you!" Dreg's fist came rushing towards Trixter's face.
"Fuck!" The wizard dodged it effortlessly. "I only meant to break your dispute!"
Dreg aimed at the wizard's chin but again, Trixter dodged it smoothly, which threw Dreg aback for an instant. Reconsidering his opponent's unexpected speed and the size difference, he let go of his grip and tried to lock the wizard by his waist but ended up crashing on the wooden table, knocking it over. The maps, the marker pieces and everything on that table scattered all over the room while Trixter stood behind the dwarf unscathed.
"You shouldn't be picking fights with him." Commented Tolk who was still dizzy but not less witty. "This son of a bitch is nearly uncatchable." Blood ran down his face from his injured forehead.
Dreg was trying to pick himself up when one of the dwarven vultures offered his hand in help. Dreg spat on it and stood up on his own. "Keep your nasty hands off me you cheap toy monger"
"Qaarl does in fact make awesome sculptures." Said Trixter who was still trying his best to end the disagreement.
"Fuck you." Qaarl rolled his eyes smiling and whipping his hand on his clothes.
Dreg was still willing to fight the unwanted guests, Trixter made him more furious since he couldn't lay a hand on him. "You slick grief magician, I will bleed you!" Dreg charged at him head first, only for Trixter to dodge again effortlessly.
"You can't catch him dumbass." Tolk chortled.
Tirixter was still trying to persuade the dwarf that he wasn't his sworn enemy, while the other vultures were toying with the angry lieutenant, Nolgrek showed up again with his companions. He gave a concerned look to the state of the plotter room.
"What happened here?" He asked.
"I apologize on behalf of my subordinate. He lacks basic manners, but thanks to Dreg here, I suppose my cousin has picked some." Replied Trixter eloquently, snapping his fingers to his subordinates to clean up the mess.
"I would appreciate it if you did not start fights with my lieutenant, I still need his brains." Nolgrek said.
"Oh they're pretty safe in that head don't worry." Said Tolk, who was whipping his blood.
"He gave you a head?" Vyrgal chuckled but soon regretted it, Dreg was a higher-rank than the soldier. In fact, Vyrgal was his underling and the careless dwarf felt the menacing glare of his commander.
"Oooh! You're the funny guy now, eh?" Dreg asked rhetorically, walking towards Vyrgal still fuming from his quarrel.
"Stop being so quick-tempered Dreg, stop torturing your boys." Ordered him Nolgrek. "Where's Morgan?"
Dreg sighed. "He left as well, after what you said." He said "That boy knows nothing but revenge now. You shouldn't be picking on his wounds sire." Advised him Dreg.
When the table was ready again, Trixter was holding the map marker in the shape of two hammers crossing. "Prince regent, they're right..." He declared. "You will need allies. Strong allies, that is common knowledge, it doesn't take a bright strategist to say this. If this lady Dihya is as strong as your people claim, it would be foolish, no it would be rather suicidal to face Zion without at least her help. You will need more though." He put the piece where it was before. "One common enemy leaves no room for kin wrangles. No matter what happened between you, you should send your finest diplomate and ask for her help."
"And what do you know of war?" Mocked him Nolgrek, whose opinion about that queen remained unchanged.
"More than you think." He replied firmly.
"Your unscratched new-born skin says different." Commented Vyrgal.
Dreg remembered how he couldn't catch Trixter. Makes sense. He thought.
"I like to take care of myself." The wizard replied jokingly, and unlike Nolgrek's, Trixter's companions didn't feel the need to help him in the futile argument.
"I know you've helped my people in the siege of Zolciak, to that I'm grateful but don't think we will like you more. I had the reports from my soldiers there, hadn't it been for the giant Imkor who betrayed Zion's filth you would have been crushed along with everyone. That turncoat redeemed himself and saved Zolciak. You're no saviour." Said Nolgrek
"Listen, if it wasn't for my captain, I wouldn't be here in the first place. Yes, I'm not a saint or a saviour, I believe everyone has their share on good and bad things. We're all equal, we just lean different. I'm here to help because someone I admire asked me to. My little group here is here to help, because they were asked to. We don't share your morals or your goals. Even the brymhelians, your own kin, don't care." The Vultures shrugged their shoulders in agreement.
"Criminals all of them. Sea filth and ignominious wave riders." Dreg spat.
"None of you high lords were there for them. Qaarl here, grew up in this same city. If he was to tell you the alley he was born in, you wouldn't even know it and yet he was a citizen like many. He was thrown in jail because he fought against your bully soldiers who tried to rape his sister. Trust me Prince, you're more corrupt than a dwarf sailing the sea. It was the Phoenix who saved most of us from leaning the wrong way." His voice didn't break once. "You don't hate us because we're wizards, or pirates as you say. You just hate us because we sail a ship and we follow none of your rules. And we remind you that "no" can be said to you as well. Now let's cut this unnecessary chatter and sort this out."
The room was tomb-silent but the looks that were shared were louder than any words.
"I doubt you're seeking pity from us." Said Nolgrek finally. Breaking the heavy silence. "There have always been injustices, but blame the inequities of luck and have mercy on our weaknesses. We can't keep an eye on every woe. The bigger problems hinder our sight to the smaller ones. Like the current situation, many have taken advantage of the siege to do as they please, and we cannot stop them, or hold accountable for what they're doing because we barely have enough to hold ourselves together against a greater threat..." Nolgrek sighed heavily.
"Well then, let me introduce you to the people who are here to help." Said Trixter. "It is only natural I start with your kin, since you already know about Qaarl, he is an incredible gunslinger and an even better storyteller. Then we have Borstig and Harek, skilled fighters. Borstig is also our smith and Harek his assistant crafter." The three dwarves nodded their heads. "Then we have the men, Erdem and Gulden, Miyabe and Tudert, Nanala and Zeena, Elea and Mikkel, Yufitran and Sharaf who once was a renowned knight in a kingdom I'd rather not name." The Men all raised their hands when their names were mentioned, they were of different sizes, shapes and sexes but they melded perfectly. "Which leaves us with the wizards, Tolk wields the stone of sturdiness and swings the axes of Doom."
Dreg looked at the wizard and Tolk smiled at him again. It infuriated the dwarf but he kept calm.
"Ophior wields the vital stone of soul. Hazim wielder of the stone of ice. The twins Iguig and Agadir, they wield the stones of water and earth. Zohra, wielder of the stone of mirage. Cànan wields the stone of smoke. And last but not least is Bambra the only summoner in our crew if not in the world." The wizards also nodded or raised a finger when their names were called.
"What about you, slick prick? What's your skill?" Asked him Dreg who was eager to know what type of wizards his opponent was.
"Watch your manners Dreg. No more of this for now." Ordered him the prince.
"It's alright, I take no offence in what he said. Anyway, I actually wield many stones, but focus on the stone of range." He replied smiling. "I'm not a big shot wizard but I'm very light or so people say"
"He is unattainable." Avowed Cànan.
"He is second in command in the ship." Added Sharaf.
"He's just very awkward." Affirmed Qaarl.
"And bald." Said Tolk.
Dreg was taken aback. The vultures all looked very strong, including Tolk, but Trixter looked sluggish and clumsy. Yet, all of them were praising him and he just stood there unable to acknowledge it or was it all a play? Dreg wasn't going to be fooled, he thought.
"Well, I wouldn't expect less of a warlock like you. Cheap lies, pretending to be weak..." Dreg stated who couldn't keep quiet. Nolgrek shook his head in disappointment.
"He is not pretending; he is very maladroit." Objected Elea.
"Alright then, I suppose I should introduce my group here as well and put aside our differences and disagreements. Greg is my lieutenant and my deputy. Zora and Torovik the two general commanders. Vyrgal, Luth and Morgan who left us, are one of many strong soldiers we have." Nolgreck pulled a chair and sat.
"And I'm the regent to the throne of her majesty Sargon of the Dawn. Marshal of her troops and her uncle." Nolgrek wasn't very thrilled of his own introduction.
"Big boss!" Commented Tolk.
"How are we supposed to make Dihya aid us?" He asked in disgust.
"You write to her?" Suggested Trixter who had no idea how bad the blood was between the two kingdoms.
"Oh yeah that would be a great idea, hadn't she been a crazy bitch." Replied Vyrgal.
"She will send us back the head of the messenger as an answer." Added Zora. His voice was raspy, and his eyes twitched whenever he uttered a word, a trail of an old injury on his skull. He had a black beard that fell to his knees and his hair was braided. His face was covered in tattoos.
"She is very paranoid; she believes everyone wants her throne. To her everyone outside her walls is a threat." Said Torovik while shaking his head.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but something must have happened to make her this way and seeing how you dislike her... What happened?" Asked Trixter.
"You're not entirely wrong. Well, long ago, when the old queen -my sister- was ruling, Prince Guiva -Dihya's brother- asked my sister's hand in marriage. Which my sister accepted against my better judgment. I never liked that grave digger, but my sister loved him dearly. He managed to persuade my sister that she must claim Dihya's kingdom as her own. Swearing that Dihya is a tyrant queen, that my sister will be praised as a saviour. He promised his plan was impregnable, that he has the support of her soldiers and all will follow him in his coup d'état if she is willing to help him and be his queen..." Nolgrek paused, sighing and shaking his head. "My sister was with child at the time and she was so madly in love. She would have lit us all on fire had he asked her to. She raised her army against Dihya, who was oblivious until we were at her doors and inside her fort. We believed we were on the wrong, I can still see the faces of those I killed myself. But we follow commands and the commands said to raid the fort and take Dihya alive. We were victorious but DIhya wasn't as simple as her brother. She had more people than expected... and elites. Disciplined and trained to kill, they called them the Legion of Death, and she was at their lead. A bloodthirsty bear she was... filled with rage, Dihya and her legion swarmed us like a landslide."
"Ohoho I'd like to meet her!" Said Tolk with eyes wide open in excitement.
"So, you retreated? She and her legion drove your entire army back? How many were there?" Asked Trixter eagerly.
Nolgreck looked at his field generals and at Dreg, the memory of that battle was filled with shame and loss.
"Yes, we fell back. We outnumbered them by far, there was a thousand of us and they merely were a hundred. I almost lost my life facing one of the four leaders. Zora was left with a cracked skull, Torovik lost his eye, and Guiva was taken captive. Some say he is still alive and held prisoner still." Declared Nolgrek.
"Sargon is his daughter?" Inquired Trixter.
"Yes, she never saw her father and her mother died not so long ago. She will rule when she comes of age, until then I am in charge on behalf of her majesty." Said Nolgrek.
"I see now... it's not that you don't like her, you're just scared of her. Interesting!" Stated Trixter. The remark didn't please the dwarves.
"I would like to see how you're going to feel when you face her legion. No magic is strong enough to faze them trust me. She hasn't deployed them yet to face Zion, which means she still doesn't even need them, or at least all of them..." Argued Torovik.
"Wait actually that might do it." Considered Trixter.
"What might do what?" Questioned Zora, unjustifiably blinking.
"My crew and I will be your messengers. And if she responds in violence, we can gladly respond. You won't have much to lose anyway." Trixter avowed.
"I like this!" Declared Tolk, bumping his fists together.
"Of course you do." Whispered Ophior
"So, what say you?" Inquired Trixter of Nolgrek.
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into boy. They bear their name rightfully; the Legion of Death isn't something you'd want to meddle with. I ignore how strong you are but you still have mere men with you and seven wizards will barely wound the weakest one of them. No offense but you stand no chance." Objected Nolgrek.
"Don't tell me you already grew fond of us Prince Regent?" Trixter teased him.
"I am not going to stop you, but I do feel the obligation to warn you. Do as you please. If you fail, know that you failed none but yourselves and you owe us nothing but if you should succeed then you will be saving many lives." Stated Nolgrek.
"Alright then if it's going to help stand against the invaders, we will gladly face the legion of death for you. We might need to warm up before facing Zion, hopefully this Dihya and her legion are good sports." Said Trixter.
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