《WHIRLED》chapter 19: it has begun..
Kaela continent Almost three million arga race population... Have more advanced weaponry and armory than any other neighboring continent... This land has rich in mithrill deposit... kaela's continent are twice smaller than marka... Divided in 2 country kardaela and hungaela, with different types of government... Both sides agreed for land expansions cause 30% of it's continent occupied by monsters randomly.. they've tried to eliminate the source but for no reason after a day every monster they've killed respawn at the time of their death at the same location... But their numbers went down, so they've both decided to captured nearby continent at all cost after they learned the mineral deposit called draeja was been abundant at marka continent... Was significantly sold at very rare price... Expansionist greed are they... Hungaela just agreed because 60% of continents populations are in this country and their cities are very very crowded, to mention the crime rate rising each month.. with less land farming food supplies and monsters presence they're in trouble handling overpopulated country. . Not to mention the benefit of much larger continent marka, has only 15% monster presence and with only two million populations only 1 country with five provinces, 28 cities, 34 village and 15 tribe settlement... Kardaela's expansion was about the dreaja mineral deposit but his allies hungaela wants only land and water... Different needs but same purpose... To take over all of marka's resources... Their campaign starts 632 years ago but almost halfway to their goals, marka's defiance hold them more bloody ends for every invader from their continent.. thus marka learned a way to train ordinary soldiers to strengthen mercenaries, making kaela's forces to plunge to their end... However kaela's campaign was about to end, seen by a unanimous seer under kaela's roof .. but emperor mataidus never believe what the seer foretold... Instead he created 200 naval fleet that each can hold 1000 soldiers armed with mithrill armors and weapons.. Rebel kingdom... A normal afternoon patrol when... " Is their any scheduled visitor's for today commander.??" " Why'd you ask soldier.." " Take a look over there!!" " Ohhh... We got some uninvited visitor, and ahhh it's a woman!! Hmnnn looks like commander Freda with more blood on her!! whole body...!! Get her now soldiers, quickly..." The soldier's move to where Freda fall to the ground weakened with so much blood lost.. guess she's lucky by now... Being move to her quarters healed and now resting ... Badjork learned freda's situation and move to where freda was resting... He sit on the chair beside freda's bed.. Waiting for her wake.. hours later... Freda opened her eyes and realized badjork was looking at her... " Forgive me father, I failed you..." " It's okay my dear, just tell me what happened..." " Hinderhold guards talking about a final assault preparation for today... they were talking last night while I was trying to find mexie, but I didn't find her so I decided to look for traces happened to general autillius..." " So did you learned something?" " Yes their head was at hinderhold stadium pierced by long pole stands..." " they've been cheering our defeat, maybe they want to demoralize ussince thyeve been planning for final assault I must inform general morgul to set up ambushes before reinforcement will arrived tommorow afternoon.. rest for now my dear..." " Wait father... You didn't ask who almost killed me yet..." Badjork stops after he stand... " Then who did this to you..." " When I was on my way here pass the mountain cliff, I noticed mexie was following me... I greet her happily but she attack me first.. so I got no choice but to defend myself, she was desperate to kill me ,she said she was jealous so she tried to kill me... I got lucky to got away with her father..." " Why would she do that for!!" " I dunno her motives but all I think was she became our enemy now father.. after all I've done to her, this is all I get back... Shame on her..." Badjork became silence and.. " Rest now Freda I have important things to do, our survival lies on pre emptive attack..." " Could you promised me to make her pay on what she did to me father..." " Yes I promised..." Badjork close the door and leave.. while Freda has her sarcastic smile... "Just you wait mexie hahahaha..." Badjork final arrangements on how to setup ambushes.. fulghar ruins and hilltop nearby... He assigned some soldier's to dig up tommorow morning... He had detailed the map for possible opportunity to withstand enemy frontal or flanked attack on his very own set up kingdom... By this moment empress forces appeared to have comofladge cloak and tents, craftsman unique creation... she also didn't make any bonfires for it can alert every scout or enemy patrols... " Attention this mirage cloak are from our aspiring craftsman, everyone here has already have it... We will now entered hostile zone... This is our final moment we must not fail if they noticed us our mission will be compromised, that I wouldn't allowed.. stay where you sleep.. that's the orders generals, tell the cavalry to use sleeping ability for the horse's, I don't want a noise at night does anyone understood?" " yes empress... " all five generals answered.. "Our moonbeam protection will cast after dinner and you can sleep.. that's all , may the blessings of the divines bestowed upon us... Now dismiss..." After dinner a large scale moonbeam protection cast by 2000 mages to cover up the entire army... And everyone sleep but they cover themselves with a unique cloaked... Allowing them not to be detected by visible eye... They look like grass or rocks depends on where they lay... Middle of the night... A large number of enemy forces storming the road with a large number around 2000 mages infantrys and archers most of them and general morgul was leading them... Some enemy mages, covering them with moonbeam protection while marching... " Empress the enemy has started a move..." General persi wake up empress with a lower voice... When empress awakes, she realized a large number of enemy marching entering their perimeter.. she used her whispering ability to wake her sleeping soldiers... All are awaken now with mirage cloak still intact... " Standby... Start crawling around slowly and quietly.." Empress soldiers begun the process of ambushed An enemy soldiers alerted.. when a soldier pass on a dry branch and when empress noticed the enemy stops... " Hold!! everyone don't move by millimeter" empress command through her whispering ability.. " Did you hear that?" Every enemy became cautious... Looking every surrounding corner .. One enemy mage cast eagle eye detection ability which can see movements on the terrain nearby... After a sight seeing... " Probably just your imagination, next time I won't allow a nervous person like you .." " Forgive me general..." " Fine fine fine let's move now, after all our enemy can't reach this far enough got it now everbody don't waste any moment for some scratches..." The enemy start walking again .. " Let them pass..." When she sees an opportunity... " Dagger out, used perfect cut ability, remember hold their breath before slitting their troat , and the attack will start behind them we must kill them quitely, steady " They've wait till they have been encircled unnoticed " Now..." Enemy pulling one by one , a very silent kill... " I can't wait to see those soldier of this continent to be killed by our unique style ambush right fenal..." general morgul said but no response from behind... " Hey back there, don't feel nervous hahaha..." When he look behind a soldier without his cloak surprised a commander with a dagger stabbing his chest piercing his heart and fall to the ground... But he was still concious while vomiting blood and a cold feeling , a soldier was nearing him again but this time a soldier was trying to take a dagger that stab in his chest but he hold the hand of a soldier while pulling a dagger stab in his chest... And he noticed all of his comrade's dead cold behind... He loosen his hands and let the soldier pulled out his dagger... " Everyone drag those enemy corpse and clean the roads... We must hide their dead body to proceed to our mission.." everyone drag the corpse to a small crater dug by 4 mages with magic dig ability... And renew the crater like nothing happened.. the other mages clear the bloods on the road by cleaning ability, then empress told them to rest again and leaving all to the scouts that changing time to time... It was a blissful morning when jorgin arrive where empress told they would encamp but no sign of them... " Where is empress and where's the encampment...??" " They're here jorgin... Look around you..." Mexie was away from death but still sleeping in jorgin's back while ride on the horse... " hahaha even asleep your very talkative.. hmmnn.. Impossible how would... " She stopped from saying anything when a soldier just pop up near her.. " Welcome back milady... I was assigned as a scout for this time around..." " Huh... You just sprout here right..?? Are my eyes deceiving me!!" " Yes milady , it's about this cloak , I can see through it ,like it was never here .. " jorgin was fascinated by this Cloak " Milady empress want you to report now I'll accompany you to her... But first wear this as empress orders..." " Oh I see.." when jorgin realized she was invisible by naked eye... " Ahh this is how it works.. okay then take me to empress..." " Empress lady jorgin was here... " Then a mirage tent curtain opened... jorgin: !!! " Hurry before someone sees us..." " How?? I didn't know about this mirage tent..?" Jorgin still on a shocking discovery... " Forgive me lady jorgin, we built this cloak for a sole purpose... And it's a top secret... So that enemy won't figure out our war strategy..." " Ohhh I see.." " Hmm I told you to be back before sundown yesterday! What happened to her..!!" " I found her nearly death at a big tree near fulghar ruins.. it appears she fought a powerful enemy that she end up almost died... She's lucky I got there in time... but who would actually cope to her swiftness on the enemy side..We must take precautions or our entire forces will be wipe out..." " Don't be ridiculous... We can win this long and tragic war" " Your highness the enemy's clothing's that we ambush last night are all cleaned and ready... Awaiting your orders..." " We're ahead of scheduled.. those clothing's are bonus to our campaign.." " What do you mean enemy's clothing's??" " Ahh last night we ambushed enemy's movement towards the valley cliff, maybe they are assigned to that I guessed, now we have their clothing's and that's the advantage for us..." " Then how will those clothing's be our advantage...??" " First I'll assigned those elite infantry to used it and they will infiltrate enemy in fulghar hills here take a look at this... did you noticed the high walls built?? This enemy defence strategy will cost us more time to pass through the big gate, but as I said those clothing's are the only way we can get inside fulghar and easily take advantage of those enemy soldiers before they will noticed some slight difference about the wearer of their clothes, they'll be long cold dead.." " Do you think it works..." " I'll give it a try I guess..." " It's a suicide mission empress!!" " I already made up my mind lady jorgin... Commander tell those elite infantry to wear enemy uniform and place red band on their shoulders as a sign they were on our side to avoid miss encounter... Also tell the Archer's and mages to be ready and use tag ability that will cast 20 times reach arrow projectiles, embed it with explosive magic, explosive arrow bombardment directed to the heart of rebel kingdom.. where the friendly king resting on its own benifits..." " I'll let them know at once empress.." " Now jorgin you will lead the infiltration unit.. I entrust you this mission.." " Thank you for your trust empress... I'll join them right Away.." Jorgin left mexie resting in the mirage tent, empress took a glimpse on her.. and she felt something terrible feeling by looking at her ... "I must not falter this time..." While looking at the small map enemy's positions... " Emerald how long can you hold to show enemy's movement on this wall..." Emerald : lvl 5 Occupation: enchanter Health: 800 Defence: 16 Endurance: 1 Stamina: 32 Agility: 16 Strength: 16 Magicka: 1200 Mana:1200 Magic resist: 16 Ability: future glimpse III, Shadow caster III, Mana mastery passive III, Magicka mastery passive III, guardian caster III, healer X Healer X category allow a caster to multiple heal people within its aoe range... Shadow caster can multicast ability that already casted... Future glimpse can show the present occurrence wherever it is... " I can hold it for one whole day depending on the change of scenery you want me to show... The more and bigger the more Mana will cost.." " Well then, can you spot 4 scenery at a time being?" " Yes empress.. just tell me what will be and I'll show you instantly..." " First the fulghar top view, second badjork location... Third our path , fourth the sea, and last was enemy defence movement..." Then emerald start showing the said location... While empress has a clear view to the situation, she cast again her whispering ability... " Be advices, everyone must watch the man on their front.. I don't want any casualty... Infiltrating force lead by lady jorgin keep yourselves alerted, the mix force with cloak standby to every enemy soldiers and wait for my signal for their execution.. Second wave are in position do not remove mirage cloak at all cost... Keep safe everyone.." as empress end her speech but her whispering ability still on... The enemy guards noticed a horde of people moving towards fulghar... Alerted but when they see their clothing's, they just ignores them while they entered fulghar gates... The soldier's with mirage cloak, move one by one towards enemy soldiers standing by... When empress noticed a scout running towards a horde of around 2000 enemy soldier's she wait for slightest movement before she will execute plan b... The enemy occupied fulghar was around 4000 but the heavy infantry wearing mirage cloak was around 10,000 with disguised infantry lead by jorgin numbering in 2000 the outcome of at least three to one... favor on empress side... The remainder heavily infantry slowly moving towards the fulghar hill with a number of 1000.. the enemy digging ground soldier's preparing a hole for the incoming wave of attacker's doesn't know what will happen next to them... And still the mirage cloak still intact... Archer's moving towards fulghar plain together with the mages... The cavalry will proceed with a raid when all preparation are all in place... But at the sea 20 miles from the beach... empress realized a very huge naval fleet and they're too many... " Change of plan, cavalry stand by... Archer's and mages move 2 miles north to your position... That's where the northern fulghar cliff ,target was the enemy fleet closing... All soldiers at fulghar capital execute plan B..." After hearing execute plan b... The enemy at fulghar capital start falling one by one, some enemy soldiers surprisingly Shocked... " What the hell was happening.." a commander looking at his comrade's being slaughtered without attacker in sight... She rush to withdraw but all over the capital saw how his comrade's died without even knowing who the hell attacked them... " The horn!! blow the horn " he command but even the horn blowers wether stab , beheaded or slice in half... " Just tell me the hell is happening..." After a commander shout he felt a pain on his center chest, at last he realized how the attacker can't be seen .. " It it was a mirage cloth... Arghhh" he said with low voice before he died... Fulghar is in different symphony... No enemy escaped from Their deaths... All wiped out...
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