《WHIRLED》chapter 18 : unknown occupation..
" Dorothy... was the name on the bottom" " Maybe it was the name who draw this map sir Julian" " Old and young man .. your missing my point..." " What is that you mean ramzel.." " See this peek mountain!! There is a gemlike stone markings at it's center... " " Yes I see that yesterday at the cellar, right sir ramzel..." " Yeah.. ahahaha... " " So you mean this markings was all about the location of every monster's here at marka continent.. ?" " Nope, not just marka .. here" another 3 sheet of paper from ramzels bag been pulled out , and put it over the table... Julian was surprised... " Whooaaaaa is this the map of all continents.." " Yes, and I have been through every portals that can move across every continent..." " Hah, really... " " Yes look at those door like markings on the map... All surrounded by undying stone Giants ..." " You just said you pass through those portals but how did you pass those undying stone Giants?" " Ohhh I've fought one of them and they were really hard to kill .." " So you killed one of those monster? Impossible we fought one with 200 galagarth well trained soldiers but we failed and only 67 of us got away with it.. so how did you manage to kill one?" " Remember when I fought this young man yesterday old man!! I only used my primary ability enhanced and I can killed undying stone Giants... But yesterday I used all of my ability reserved to it's fullest , to think this young man just a scratch eh.. " " What do you mean about your ability..." " Sigh... You got me there... Honestly no one or I don't want any other person will know about my status.. but perhaps I owe you my life and I swear to every god to aid your side till my last breath was taken from me..." " Your becoming dramatic, go on tell us how your ability works?" " Okay okay, my primary ability was only preparation, I only used 30% of my body's initial strength.. meaning my muscles grow depends on how much magic enhanced Inserted, then after a couple of minutes for my body to adjust from muscles and bone stretching, I can add another enhanced ability after that... My second transformation will cost 70% of my ability enhanced, this was a critical moment because my organs may fail anytime due to muscles and bone enlargement , but I have the ability that strengthen all my body parts allowing me to move to final phased of transformation.. I called it heavens judgement transformation ability... When I was on this phased... My stamina will be consumed rapidly... That is why i trained to back in forth 10,000 floor daily , and it paid off after 16 years of training, my stamina stops from advancing it's number, but it stops around 3,000 I guessed.. but all of it drained yesterday.. maybe I need to train another type of stamina related ability hahaha..." " So how did you learn this kind of ability? And how can you know how much stamina do you have..??" Railee was just listening while Julian was asking.. " It's from a pile of papers I discovered on the hidden cellar 17 years ago..." " So you mean you can see through our statuses?" " Yes..." " Ohh... Can I have a try it then" " Ohh okay..." Ramzel elevated his eyes and a circle red cold light covering his eyes... julian occupation : battle blader Lvl: 3 Health: 200 Defence: 10 Endurance: 2 Stamina: 160 Agility: 18 Magicka: 6 Mana: 6 Magic resist: 2 Ability: full force stab penetration I tamer II wind rider passive I Farming V " Hahaha pretty bored status..." " So what is my status ramzel...??" Ramzel told about julian status " Well I don't know about wind rider passive, maybe just sticking with drexs where I got that ability hahaha..." " And now young man, can I see through your status?" " Yes yes I really appreciate you will told me about it, cause my master didn't tell me status stuff hahaha" " Just stand there okay.." " Kay" railee occupation: unknown Lvl: 1 Health: 50 Defence: 30000000 Endurance: 30000000 Stamina: 30000000 Agility: 300 Strength: 30000000 Magicka: 30000000 Mana: 30000000 Magic resist: 30000000 Ability: berserker passive I Love affinity passive X Dash I Dual bladesword X " Let's see ahh... Your just level 1 , just 50 health!! yeah it's level 1 health I don't understand... Whaaatttt is this for real... Omg, that explains how you withstand my full power... Are you some sort of God or maybe a real life cheater, this is insane... Berserker I love affinity X category whooaaaaa what ability is this omg, dash I, dual bladesword X category , it happens you slash through my perfect body protection ability.. shet is this for real..??" Ramzel can't still believe what he saw about railee status and gulping his saliva... " Your face look pale ramzel and your right eye has blood dripping...tell us what you saw through..!" " I , I, I don't know what to say... But I quit being stubborn and serve you my lord..." Ramzel kneeled on railee for the first time.. " Hey get up sir ramzel your disgusting me already, just tell me my status..." " I won't get up till you accepted me as your follower.." " Okay okay get up now please..." " many thanks my lord .." " I thought my ears have problems what I heard, but you said it twice ramzel... Why you call him your lord just now?" " Yeah sir ramzel why?" " Forgive me my lord, according to prophecy written in book of God, an ability with double X category will befall from heavens to save rumian from extinction.. I did my research at the great library many years ago after I discovered this underground cellar.. and your status was far more greater that no rumian can ever achieve..." " What was your saying ramzel..?" " Okay sir ramzel, but stop calling me lord I felt ashamed, pleased .." " No I won't, I'll call you by it because it was meant for it.. I will be happy if you let call you my lord... And old man I have a parchment here how to train lord railee to smite a dragon and his the only one who can do that..." " Wait what! I thought you knew nothing about it?" " I lied before but now I'm serious.. I'll be out of galagarth for a couple of days, I need to clear the portal through kaela continent then I must assassinated the heart of rebels empire commander to take them to our side..." " What are you insane, millions of arga race waiting for you on the other side of that portal you mentioned... It's a suicide mission..." " I have no time to explain right now, I must depart right away.. my lord I know you can have a dragon by your side to fast travel to every stone markings on the map and understand what ever lies ahead.." " Huh, I don't understand sir ramzel.." railee was confusedly shocked to whatever ramzel was saying.. and Julian was reading the parchment hand over by ramzel just now... Ramzel was storm out of breezefold... " Since this is the writings from unidentified mage was correct, no doubt this was origin of all magical casters ability... This signature is very very familiar, I wonder who write this..." " What is that sir Julian?" But Julian was busy digging on his memory.. " Right it was the late empress handwriting.. my memories are right it was her who wrote this but how, is she a mage? Hmmnnn... Whatever it is, let's put it on the test... Common young man let us move to training grounds halfway to peek mountain.." " Ahhh Im tired of those ugly looking gorilla... I'll pass..." " We're not walking, remember drexs?" " Ahh okay I almost forgot.. hehehe" They ride drexs and stop halfway to mountain peek... After a couple of reading railee started from his training... Hinderhold palace " Looks like everyone is here.. this meeting won't take long..." Jharl Jared explained the situation and the council agreed to end the hundreds of years struggling with continental neighboring intent... Jharl Jared told everyone to be cautious, he doesn't want anymore rumian to die by this war... "i didnt explain that i have sent a message to every cities village and settlements yesterday before i reached hinderhold for it is confidential and empress already read the letter i left , now as you can see these portals are open today and messengers and soldiers passing through it right now... Meeting adjourne.." Jared leaving hinderhold city... The city became restless, together with the neighboring city after a message been received by them... Thousands of forces reunited for one cause .. to end the war started by the rebel from kaela continent... Freda seems infiltrated hinderhold last night while under magical protection to moonbeams and the plan of gathering all troops all over continent she heard accidentally to people's gossip while listening behind doors and learned the missing head of her comrade's... Killing a few guards and disguise, before hinderhold guards alerted, Freda have fled from the city, After she cannot find mexie's trace.. Galagarth palace.. before noon.. " Please take a seat jharl Jared everyone is agreed to your proposals..." " Thanks empress" " City to city portals have been reopen to my orders yesterday before sundown and every soldiers from every city will be here in no time. The morale of our citizens became like fire already burst after the greatest victory, since the enemy had demoralized after a head parade of enemy generals the long wait of peace must achieve today.. not tomorrow... For the future of marka's peace let's end this here and now.." after empress short speech everyone shout for peace... Every soldiers guards royal guards including the army reserves join the forces of all city's from marka continent , at overwhelming numbers... Started Marching north by the empress orders... 50,000 heavy infantry armed with Javelin Spears and heavy Shields 20,000 Archer's armed with various types of bows.. 12,000 cavalier armed with long spear and short sword 2,000 mages all over continent master of different types of magic Empress together with jorgin and mexie including the jharl of every city with their generals and war veterans at the front marching north to rebel captured city's... Mexie seems assigned to scout in advance to avoid ambushes... While mexie was scouting... She doubt the empress decision, avoiding bloodshed was a joke... Mexie's been hungry after 16 hours not eating... She sense a running horse rushing.. away from the advancing forces... " Meal , meal, meal.. I can hear your bloodvein pumping so delicious... Ohhhhh..." Her body once again released more violent aura and start rushing towards the running horse..
" He ha... You can run but you can never hide... Don't make me suffer foodie, I'm nearly there uh... He ha ha" she laugh so crazy her saliva was dripping , her concious been out of control again whenever she was hungry... All she think was... " Eat, eat, eat them all... Hahaha" She was nearly to running horse but all of a sudden... She didn't sense a dagger coming and Pierce her limbs... She seems slow down after.. and then stop.. she pulled it and the more painful she feel the more agile she become... She dash again... A dagger is arriving her but not this time... An afterimage just hit ... A person riding the horse became annoyed after she see through how mexie Dodge it for the many times... But the second attack revealed it was Freda riding the horse... 4 daggers she released simultaneously... But mexie while dodging them with crazy like smile closing much faster where Freda was riding the horse... " Guess I don't need this horse anymore... Ability released agility tripled..." In the blink of an eye after mexie almost hit Freda she vanished on a thin air... But mexie knows where Freda is... While mexie was standing on the horse balancing... The difference between their agility... Freda have ability to multiply her agility, but mexie don't have that kind of ability instead mexie has unique type of ability allowing her to adapt to it's prey... Born at jaghur tribe... A tribe where rumian and monsters collided with a perfectly engineered killing machine, a combination of predator monster and a brilliant mind of rumian race .. a monster that can level up like no other... More aura is released within mexie's body exceeding it's limits... Freda thinks she outrun mexie's capability... But in mere seconds as she trying to figure out to counterattack, mexie was behind her jumping branch to branch of any trees on her way, and then throw several daggers to distract mexie's nearly to catch up... But mexie was determined allowing her body to punished by daggers and pulling them 1 by 1 while jumping, it makes her more faster ignoring the pain she felt.. at last mexie almost hit Freda but " I didn't think I'll go all out this time... " Fredas confidently smiled... " Ability multiply agility to maximum " a miss hit by mexie on the after images, looks like the tide of battle has change as they were fighting both vanishing spontaneously on the scenery but the outcome... Mexie fell into the ground suffered from severe dagger cut... So much blood dripping around her body... And when Freda land on the ground walking towards mexie, seems like they're both bath in blood ... Freda cough some blood while mexie grasping her breathe while vomiting so much blood... She tried to stand, but Freda dash and hit mexie multiple dagger slashed... Mexie fell again to the ground and trying to stand again... " Arghhh oho... Hahaha argh.. you know what... You seems like understimating my prowess in battle poor mexie.. looks like your end is here with no one beside you unlike me I have my father's love... Oh ho wait did I said about love... Pathetic mexie you just waste the love of father... What a pity little kitty ..." " Ahahahaha... You think I lost to you oho... Coughing.. I am ,.. i am.. kyaaaa..." Mexie released large aura never seen before... Freda sense a terrible aura.. chilling her very bones.. " Do you feel it Freda? Hahaha your about to die... I'll use my body's last breath to kill you and eat you here... So don't move while tearing your body to pieces..." Freda was so terrified but she must survived for the enemy is nearing her father... " Ability activates high jump dash..." freda float mid air in an instant.. but mexie was ahed of her... " where do you think your going..." freda was shocked but she was very determined to escape for she is the only one can save her fathers kingdom.. " super sprint speed ability..." Then Freda disappeared again saying.. " Well settle the score someday" " Coward Freda, comeback here.." she shout.. " I didn't eat your heart already.." she said it with a low voice.. after she felt so much pain and move down the ground and saw a big tree, shes struggling while walking, so much to say half crawling.. So much blood dripping from mexie's body, she drinks some of them... Before she lost conciousness... While her body was lean on the big tree... Jorgin seems agitated.. and empress noticed it.. " Looks like you've been problematic till now.. is something bothering you?" " I'm just wondering why mexie didn't comeback at her second time she's out to scout the terrain on any possible ambushes.." " Those ambushes I told you was not to worry about.." " Why I must not worry?" " Because before the rebel realized they were surrounded already by our entire forces... The reason is the portal from other cities to gather our forces so fast to travel across this large continent and be there at galagarth in an instant... Galagarth is not so far from the rebel set up kingdom near the seawalls...That's why they were desperate to captured galagarth thus galagarth is their weakness if they can't capture it they won't capture the whole continent because of its location allowing every resources to cut through our supply line, and that's the reason why we have an advantage to situation because galagarth is well defended and even they've been encircled, it can supply itself with abundant resources, so even if galagarth might end up like that , the only way through is very difficult for them to surpassed..." " I thought of it many years ago.. but may I follow mexie?" " Sigh... Okay" " I'm wasting time then.. I'll be on my way thanks.." " Before you leave, I need to inform you that we will set an encampment on that hill, and don't forget to be back before Dawn .." " Sure thing.." and then jorgin ride as fast as she can with her horse... Empress just looking at her while leaving the entire forces..
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12 Miles Below
The world is in ruins. Extreme sub-zero temperatures suffocate the surface, making even simple survival an ordeal. Frozen derelicts of bygone eras span across massive ice wastes. And the elite few hoard any technology rediscovered within. The only escape from the deadly climate is beneath the surface. But it’s another disaster underground. Monstrous machines lurk in the depths. Unhinged demigods war against them, dying over and over, treating it all like a game. The land itself shifts over time, more contraption than rock. And an ominous prophecy states that the key to everything waits at the last level - but nobody’s ever reached that far. When an expedition into the far uncharted north goes terribly wrong, Keith Winterscar and his father get trapped together in a desperate fight for survival. Stumbling upon an ancient power struggle of titanic scale; the two will need to set their differences aside while they struggle against Gods, legends, and the grand secrets of the realm that lies below. Updating Monday and Thursdays. Discord can be found here (This is a shared discord server with other books.)WARNING: This series is ridiculously filled with spoilers, every book has multiple reveals. One of the main draws of the series is to figure out why things are the way they are, and then slowly start narrowing down your own theories until the reveals hit. Discord was made for up-to-date readers since there's no way to really police spoilers. Don't join until you're current!!
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*Crack* of me and my friends.
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8 152