《WHIRLED》chapter 14: outnumbered under siege
" you just said the mountain peek cant be reached becaused of the dragons.. how'd you know it was 20,000 steps?..!" " take it easy.. its a long story but, i will summarize it for you... when empress give julian a dragon gift they were at 10,000 steps, and empress warn julian never step on 10,001 steps or you will smite by gods.. only god can step on it understood... that is how we know everything here and it's keeping us safe young man.." " ahh okay no more question i guess..." " well then See yah at the 10000 steps..." Ramzel start running... Ordinary guys from earth even the marathon athletes can't compared to his swiftness, he was 3x faster... " Guess I need to follow him through..." I start joging upstairs.. I felt I was just walking, strange.. Galagarth holds palace... Council doors located at 3rd level bottom of jharl's throne... Everyone is busy entering the council doors... Before entering the guardsman examining the sealed card.. just like a ticket for entering a movie theater... " It's almost time, harla be careful about that chest were almost there.." " Yes empress..." " Hey empress, what is our role over the council meeting?" " Yeah I have that in mind also..." " You both just listen carefully okay and write down the details..." " How can we write it down without inkpot and quill and a sheet of paper?" " Yeah how can we write?" " Ahh just memorize it okay... We were entering now be quite let me do the talking..." " Kay" jorgin and mexie agree.. " Papers milady..." One of newly appointed guard Don't recognize the empress... " Oh ho make her pass, forgive him empress..." The guard suddenly turn his face look pale... " forgive me your highness" the guard vow... " Well it's ok, everyone can make mistakes.." They have entered... A long table was ready but every council members from different cities and holds gathered for today's untimely council meetings.. jorgin saw a jharl from frozenhold Talking to jharl of galagarth... " Why held this meeting out of schedule... I missed this hunting season..." Jharl Agustin notices empress together with mexie and jorgin... " Don't blame me, it's not my fault... See the empress was arrived.." The jharl of frozenhold looking at empress Mila... " She was not the empress... But the sealed imprint, could it be... That undying woman... Finally turned to ashes, everything's getting more exciting..." Empress have seated in front of many jharl.. jorgins and mexie was near the wall standing at the left side of empress seats facing... Empress saw 5 chairs vacancy... " Good afternoon ladies and gents.. today is sundrass everybody knows... I am the newly appointed empress of this continent... Any questions?" A fourth chairs seated stands " I am jharl Jared of hinderhold, I have set my soldiers to defense position holding the enemy line right now... I need aid for my citizens, I don't want them to be slaughter before sundown... I beg the help of others... But they just ignores... So I waited for this moment to explained my current situation your highness..." " Ohhhh" everybody shocked The jharl of hinderhold seated.. " Why this wasn't been reported?" " What we can do to help? We cant make it in time ..!" Agustin just said... " Forgive me empress for entering your conversation, but if you just let me with mexie .. we can make it in time..." A moment empress heard about jorgin's said, her power of immediate transportation ability and the rumors about mexie's true nature, maybe there was still hope for hinderhold... " Okay I made up my mind... Jorgin and mexie aid hinderhold line of defense..." " But empress all we need was army not cheerleaders..." Jharl Jared protest... " End of discussion to hinderhold..what are you waiting jorgin and mexie!!" " At once sire..." Jorgin and mexie's eye meets and they know what to do... Mexie hold jorgin's shoulder.. then they disappeared without a traced ... " So is that really jorgin?" Jharl of frozenhold his memory suddenly flashback when he was a child riding a horse while being chased by groups that abducted him for a couple of days... Luckily jorgins appeared before a hundred arrows almost hit them... And they have been teleported to frozenhold palace... " Yes she is jharl Remy... This time no more side questions, we must topic our top priority why I summoned you here today... Harla hand over the chest..." Harla and her 3 companion hauled a chest that can fit a 5 footed person .. every jharl was wondering... Murmuring... Empress Mila open the chest... Everyone has terrified about the chest " This creature was the reason of vashna's downfall .. from thousands of years... many artifacts,stone tablet and markings lead to this creature that they lived here thousands of years ago..." Everyone was murmuring... Whispering... " So how can we know if that was real or fake corpse?!!" Jharl Agustin just answer... " Are you hearing yourself jharl Agustin...?" " All I am saying is how can a myth turns fact..." He cazily smiled, empress Mila was controlling her temper " Have you been to vashna's ruins jharl Agustin?" " Nope, but I don't bother walk on those ruins... It was way more disgusted..." " ( Is he trying to annoy me!!) I have orders now, harla hand over the papers and let everyone know how will they participate in this battle against unidentified creature..." Every jharls and holds have different war strategy that won't affect normal life of every citizens... " You have received your part for this Matter, any questions?" The jharl of hinderhold stand up... " Forgive me your highness but I am restless until the matters settled down for my hold... " " Any questions?" " But empress" jharl Jared protested but... " I am jharl inggort of humidhelm, let's aid our brothers here first before ending this meeting.." " As I have said lately the matter of hinderhold has been settled down... Got any more questions regarding your part for the sheet entitled to everyone here?" " Then how should hinderhold defend itself empress" jharl Agustin said... " Don't you have ears Agustin!! Everyone here except jharl Remy of frozenhold knows about the unpredictable prowess of legendary jorgin's in every battle she surpassed..." Everyone murmuring and whispering... " Well the meeting was adjourne, happy afternoon ladies and gentlemen..." While empress was leaving, everyone was talking about jorgin they ask Remy how could jorgin still be alive... Remy said I dunno.. Hinderhold battlegrounds.. located south of vashna... A three commanders was riding their horse 2 man 1 woman... " Let's retreat commander... We've been overrun... " " If we will die tomorrow why not today.. " a woman commander said " Hahaha women's got more balls... Let's die today shall we..." " Lets aid our comrade's, no falling back... For hinderhold, for vashna, for marka.. hail the empress.." a woman comrade shouted raising her sword... " Warriors of the knights, let's flanked them left and right, if you got balls charge your knights to the center.. Charge for our citizens, kill all the enemy..." A woman comrade start charging from right... " This this is insane this is madness, this woman is suicidal... I can't bear this anymore knights on my command retreat..." The woman commander saw a man commander retreated... She just bite her lower lips to her anger... " Lord tius the enemy has movements, the center Knight army retreated, awaiting your order sire.." " Let's teach this rats how to defeat..." The enemy commander saw the knights flanked manuevers He command the long range archery projectiles... But the woman commander saw the enemy's change movements... " Ability activates guardian aoe , flash swords everyone deploy.. too early for this but I have no choice..." The entire Knight covered with yellow light, when the left flanked knights commander saw a woman commander move.. " Ability activates guardian aoe.. whenever you do I'll follow, all knights, flash swords deploy... " " Lord tius the enemy activated guardian ability and knights flash swords ability..." " This was the moment I've been waiting for.. command the archery army to activates aoe penetration ability..." " At once sire .." The knights raid and raid and raid thousands enemy foot soldiers died or nearly death, they become restless until... The sky turns dark red... A woman commander was shocked, never know about the archery ability.. " Shet, knights retreat..." Even the left flanked retreated... But it's way too late thousands of them died and a woman commander hit by raging arrow piercing her right chest, another arrow piercing her right shoulders her left legs and stomach, the horse became slower also hit by many arrows... before falling down together with woman commander.. " That's how you scattered the rats... Hahaha too late to retreat commander..." The enemy commander cheering on the distance... When he feels he losing some air and a pain on his chest.. he vomited blood... He saw his heart out of his body holding by a hand from behind through his body... He was trying to turn his head when he realized his assistant head was rolling on the ground before the body dropped... " Argghhh..." The hand of unknown attacker pulled out together with his heart... He still breathing but gasping... The last images he saw was a woman in leathered clothing's and silver chestplate, resemblance of unknown attacker at runder cave and another woman whom Pierce his body so easily even if he has mithrill armor .. she was covered in red aura eating his heart whole... It was familiar... " Me mex mexieeee..." The last word of enemy commander before he dies.. Jorgin was enchanting with her sword a black purpled aura from her bladesword covering her entire body extends and the blade sword became a whip encircling her... " We're late mexie... I'll take the enemy knights army, proceed to archer army, let's do this.." " Hell yeah..." Mexie release more violent aura... They both make a move... Jorgins first hit hundreds of knights slashed in two... Some enemy knights released ability guardian but it was useless to jorgins bladesword whip penetrating the magic defences... The archer saw the knights falling... They were preparing to aim jorgin when suddenly... A red fast light passed them when they turn around... They fall to their deaths The foot soldiers saw a enemy enteruptions... " Let's not waste the sacrifice of our comrade's... Kill all the enemy, charge..." Everyone left standing became furious killing every enemy in their paths... In just 2 minutes all the enemy knights army have all been perished, together with the archer army, all cold dead...the defences forces have 5,000 foot soldiers, 6,000 knights, soldiers,1,000 archery soldiers.. from hinderhold aided by nearby hold Griffen... the enemy forces consist of 10,000 foot soldiers, 8,000 knights soldiers and 4,000 archery soldiers... All wipe out together with the rebel commander and his assistant... A complete loss to rebels all wiped out... The remaining enemy retreated chased by mexie and they were all brutally killed... A knight soldiers around 200 chase enemy that was retreated... When they saw... A woman is piercing the heart of nearly death enemy soldiers... Eating the hearts... Another enemy soldiers was awaiting for mexie, pretending dead lay at the thousand corpse of his comrade's .. when he saw mexie was killing one of his dying comrade's , he didn't hesitate... He slowly rise then gasp all his strength and to take last one final blow... The knights commander saw what the enemy intent.. he take his mithrill bow and aim for the enemy, when almost the arrow reached the enemy's body an appearance in front of the arrow grabbing it... And the enemy soldier that almost hit mexie was became lifeless... the knights commander realized mexie was holding the heart's attacker while facing them eating it slowly but the eyes of mexie was looking at them... The knights commander gulp his saliva... It was a terrible view .. suddenly mexie finished eating the heart and began walking then running towards them then vanished... Then... " Mexie stop... They're not our enemy..." The knights commander realized he was almost pierced by mexie's claws behind him... He felt more frightened... When he turn around his heads mexie was smilingly crazy... And mexie jump towards jorgin's... The knights commander still at frightened state... " Is that the last of them?" Jorgin was tapping mexie's head " Yes jorgin..." Mexie looks innocent with more blood covering her whole body.. " You need to wash yourself first... We've done here..." Then they both disappeared on a thin air... " Commander who are those people, vanished without any trace...?" " I wasn't sure how she grab that raging arrow and at the same time killing the enemy soldiers... I am pleased they're on our side know what I mean.. No matter how I reverse and reverse it on my brain I couldn't find a way to see her movements, it's way too fast, fast that this enemy soldiers don't have a Chance to counteract..." " I dunno, but I don't feel ease on them around... It's like we're just puppets waiting to be smashed by them.." A knights from woman commander arrived shortly after mexie and jorgin vanished.. " Commander, knight commander lady sesha had escape from deaths and she's been transported to nearby village haalrough..." " Really that was a good news, we must rally then to haalrough... Vicka all the fallen soldiers must have decent graves where they died... Can I count on you...?!!" " Aye sire ..." The knights commander left with victory raising the flags as a sign of it... Jorgin and mexie teleport at galagarth palace empress place... Empress saw the two have arrived... she realizes that they won the battle by looking at their status.. Someone is knocking the door, Before empress was closing to them she hurried at the door... To her surprised it was jharl of hinderhold... " Please empress I you need to mobilize your troops to aid us in battle... I'm begging your help pleased..." Before he vowed down empress hold his shoulders... And smiled, and the jharl feel more relieved that maybe she change her mind and helping him instead... " So you rally your troop to hinderhold empress?" " No, not anymore ... Calm down first jharl, don't push yourself too much... You may rest now..." " But empress I thought... " Before the jharl of hinderhold finish speaking... " It's over... You heard me..." " What do you mean it's over?" " See those two I order to aid your troops was came back.." Jharl noticed a woman covered in blood they were present at council meetings recently... " Is that true..." " Do not worry jharl, hinderhold is recovering now.." " So how's the enemy? How could I believe it.." " Here take a look at this..." Mexie hand over a cape covering two round objects..." " What is this?" " Have a look then..." Out of jharl's curiosity he opened it and he was shocked... " What are this heads ?" The jharl fall and seated on the floor after realizing two dead cold heads was hand over to him... " It was a souvenir so I thought from getting it..." " Actually it was enemy commander and his assistant... Proof that they died trying to capture hinderhold.. and we've been wipe all of remaining enemy forces..." Jorgin told the jharl... " Really.. so it was a good news after all .. " jharl take a damped cloth and rolled over the heads...and " I dunno how can I pay you... But if you needed help just drop by at hinderhold, i can give you anything you wants, many thanks.. thank you so much empress for now I must hurry back to hinderhold and they must know how those enemy commander been slaughtered.."
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The year 2149, and Earth has reached an all-time high in both peace, technology, culture, etc. Humanity has finally stretched beyond their cradle and colonized the moon and Mars. Yet, in such a glorious era, specks of filth remains. Alan Morris is a chronically ill patient with an insatiable wanderlust, yet fated to remain eternally locked to his hospital bed.His illness requires him to have constant care and attention, which drains enormous amounts of his familiys ressources. After having spent a decade in the hospital with no sign recovery, his family finally decide to cut all ties with him.Recognizing that he is now alone with no support, he despairs and finally reconcile himself to enter the abyss quietly without struggle.Yet, it seems as though poor Alan is the butt of all jokes in the Universe. The very next day after being abandoned he is met with Aliens assaulting the Earth and abducting him. Join our protagonist, as he loses his humanity (litterally) but gains the chance to see more of the universe than any other being ever.Note: My first ever story, be warned of errors and boring content. Also, i guarantee NOTHING. i am doing this because otherwise, i will NEVER get this this damn story out of my head. Lastly, no schedule, no promises, and if i get bored, i may just fade away. Can't accept this? Well tough. This also means that i couldn't care less about your opinions. Advice i'll gladly accept. Opinions will be ignored. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANY PICTURES USED IN THIS STORY! NOT EVEN THE COVER
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