《WHIRLED》chapter : 13 sweetened village
Railee was still shock about what happened a moment ago.. " Hahaha, there goes gradu again, years have passed after a waterwheel been reconstruct I have never seen him like that before since then.." " Ah hahaha" " Mr. I need to rest my back is killing me...( This young man has something in him maybe ijust cancelled everything for today, cause I am now a Freeman after 70 years of service..) this village will be busy for a time being.. I can't help so that I'll pass ramzel..." " Oh yes sire, there is a place in breezefold where you can rest well..." " Oh... Really I'll try it hahaha .." " Seems like gradu and his company was busy by your fault young man hahaha... " "Ehehehe" " Everybody listen up.. ,give this young man everything he needs" " Yes sir..." Everyone respond.. then jullian and ramzel entered breezefold... Railee explaining to everyone that they needed to harvest the unnamed plant... everyone is busy harvesting together with railee... At galagarth palace prison... " Are you certain felroug?" The guard asked to man that witnessed the brutal killer...last night.. " Yes it was terrible indeed.. it was a woman brought by empress yesterday I swear..." The man looked terrified... " Okay, okay, calm down, we will look upon this matter you may leaved..." " But this murderer must captured before it's too late..." " Sir" a jail guard whispered something on a warden... " I'll see to it felroug now I have important matters to attend you may go home.." Felroug protest but the jail guard drag him away... " you must inform the jharl.. we must contain this situation all at once.." the warden told the jail guard Mexie is sitting at the stadium waiting for everyone... " I'm bored..." She was sleepy when she noticed a platoon of galagarth soldiers running towards her... " By the order of jharl Agustin you must come with us milady.." " for what reason's?" " Orders are orders milady .." mexie assumed she was been summoned by empress... " Kay" mexie accompany by guards not knowing what will happen next... Jorgin was walking towards stadium before she noticed mexie was accompany by galagarth soldiers... " Huh!!" Empress was preparing everything for council meeting that will be held at the afternoon when she noticed a guard from galagarth palace talking to her royal guard... She just ignore it more important is the preparation for council meeting... But to her surprised.. her royal guard whispered to her, that make her rush towards the door... At galagarth palace jharl's throne... Located at the topmost portion... Jharl was talking to his consultant... When the throne door opened .. it was been noticed by milandra jharl's bodyguard " Hold it right there.. what do you want...?" " It's okay milandra let them pass..." Mexie was been observed by milandra while closing to jharl... " the treacherous woman has been brought by your order sire.." The captain of the platoon kneeled together with his comrade's Mexie was confused... Left standing... " Ahhh, so your the woman been told killed two ferocious wolf.. correction, murdered,what do you called milady??..." His bodyguard suddenly fall back near jharl Agustin holding her sword... " Oh he , ah my name is mexie and your newly appointed jharl of galagarth... Yes I was the one who actually killed them... And they will also die before sunrise... So What's the point? What's the thinking?" Mexie was curious about what the jharl really wants... " I like that mindset of yours ... So you already figured out why your here..." " Huh, I got no clue..." " Yayks... Guess I need to help you understood... First of all, everyone knows about the power of a our moon.." " And??" " What I'm trying to say was.. I need you to be hired as a galagarth butler, for hiring so, you have privileged of living a decent life here on.." " Forgive me sire for enterupting your conversation, but it's the highest position, couldn't be achieved by any stranger..." Milandra was annoyed by mexie's presence she couldn't understand... " Exactly, decade's have passed and the position still available... And I have found the right candidate milandra.." " But will this stranger accept your offer.." " Well, she must accept it for it's the most valuable position..." " What if I'm not interested or accepting your offer!!" " Well sad to say, you have committed a crime against to galagarth, and it's the only way you can get away with it..." Jharl Agustin sarcastically smiled... "(' that smile on your face, you think you win moron..') I wonder why you offer it to stranger, just what your bodyguard milandra told..." Mexie trying to get away in this situation... Then the door creeks opened... Empress was standing in front door.. she was trying to understand the situation... When she realized something is not right she entered then... " Jharl of galagarth, what is the meaning of this?" " Forgive me empress, I'm just trying to hire your companion for butler title..." " From here on I can't allow such deeds, i am responsible for her So if anyone even you cannot stop me from taking her away..." " (' tsk ') well as you speak empress... You can have her... I think I got a head ache, I must rest on my quarters for now, accompany me milandra" " At once your highness" while walking milandra took a glimpse full of hatred " Thank you empress.." " The jharl was idiot... Hahaha" " Hahaha.." They were almost walking towards the door when it opens... Jorgin and empress royal guards in full battle gear.. " No need for that jorgin, sheated your weapon all at once .." Everyone sheated thier weapon... " Forgive me empress, I take necessary measures.. I thought mexie was been captured..." " She's free now we can leave here... By the way where is the young man called railee?" They were talking while walking away jharl's throne... " They were talking last night about the tour..." Mexie join the conversation " Oh, really... Why I didn't inform... Mexie?" " Well , miss jorgin, you said you have important matters to do after empress left..." " Ah .. I see..." " So where do you think they're headed..? Any clue!!" " Ah hehehe I dunno empress hehehe " " Royal guard do you have a news where the previous jharl went today?" " I've heard that they ride drexs towards mountain lake village..." Empress suddenly stopped from walking " Is something wrong empress?" " I was just happy that for years of his service, he can now tour himself around galagarth..." " The first jharl of galagarth was Julian and every jharl named julian... But lately the politics seems so pragmatic, they said that many talented citizen like Agustin that need to heir as the new jharl of galagarth... I couldn't protest that time caused vashna just destroyed... So I let them decides what is the best for galagarth... And it's just a name they said... The council violated the taboo regulations, the name jharl must be replaced by deaths not politics..." " So the council stood for that childish Agustin.." " Hahaha" the three was laughing... " Jorgin and mexie I need you two, to be present at the council meeting this afternoon..." " What ..." Jorgin said " Im still tired, I'll pass empress..." Mexie was still sleepy..., " No exceptions.. this was the most important matters needed to be understood..." " Why is it so important?" " It's about vashna's destruction theory.." " Huh" " We have three hours left, you can sleep mexie... Jorgin you have three hours to do what you wanna do...don't be late " " Kay..." The two don't have any choices... Mountain lake village low The wooden made mechanism for sugar canes had been built.. Gradu and his company smilingly happy... They cheered... Everyone cheered... railee was amazed by craftsmanship of gradu and his company... Railee was puting the sugar cane layer by layer... Everybody was looking but more interested was gradu... Railee finish filling all the slots, he tried to push the lever... It was an easy task... The juice from canes start dropping to a pot... " Whooaaa" everyone surprised... The juice full a pot then railee ask about where to cook.. a man point a fireplace used to be for volume cooking... They follow railee and start cooking the cane juices... Hour have pass till it became sticky and crystalized... At this moment ramzel was coming out breezefold... " What's happening?" The crowd was full of curiosity... " Just in time sir... The sugar is ready..." " W what sugar!! You mean..." " Yes and here it is... But we need to cooled it down for a brief of time..." As ramzel looking at a brown sticky liquid pouring by railee at a giant plate... Minutes have pass.. the sugar seems cooled down... It became solid railee crack a piece and taste it... His eyes became big and " Try it everyone you will see how sugar can change your life.." Ramzel also curious so he take a piece and bite it... It was not the first time he taste sweet fruits... But from a grass no it was unbelievable... Everyone followed gradu tasted it and he felt some emotions in him... He suddenly rush to the wooden mechanism He made, start piling those sugar canes... But when he tried to pull the lever it won't budge... He tried and tried but it wont budge.. " "there are four lever to be push by four person but cannot be push by only one person.." railee explained to gradu... gradu became more confused... " But why you just pushed like it was nothing???" "ehahaha..." Gradu was still convince that this young man was no ordinary... ramzel couldnt believe but he was now believing.. he think of something more exciting.. " From here on we will cultivate the soil near water dam and start to grow them... Young man what do you called this grass from where you have been?!" " Ahh it was sugar canes sir..." ramzel was thingking for a moment then " Okay from now on the grass will be called 'railee sugar cane'..." Everyone cheered... " Nahh..." Railee disgusted... " Hahahaha... I just name it before you so that you will be remembered young man..." " Geeezzz... thanks sir.. hehehe" " ahm sir can i ask some questions?" " you can ask anything you want.." " how did the village start..." " 630 years ago, when a war broke over this land, the empress summoned a being akexia female and brandon male from earth, our ancestors.." "So the history tells about 630 years ago a man and woman from earth aid this continent from deminishing?? " " Well according to history yes, but the history didn't tell about how they fought and became the most respected person here on marka continent... And how they've been betrayed by allies.. brandon was transported here accidentally one year ahead of akexia.. he was a master of everything but not a combantant, he loves planting and disecting frogs,,.." " do you have doubts about what happened then?" " Yes and no.." "Huh?" "Yes because we have a parchment here, and it's been sealed for year's... The parchment has small details about what happened 630 years ago... As you see this village have two sides... The upper and lower... It was devided for many years because we haven't found the mole yet.." " Mole.." " Yes but first this is not the place to talk... Come inside..." He followed ramzel... But some eyes looking at the distant... It was all made of wood.. this place looks like old house and they have window unlike the structures from every city (" I remember the nightgate inn has window too, strange..")the utensils here is the same from earth... Looks like they are all handmade.. we entered a room and he opened a closet.. The closet door has secret doors.. it was amazing... " Kindly close the door first... Don't forget to lock it.." " Oh okay sir" Sir ramzel open the door and it's a long downstairs.. He light up the torch... " Careful young man" I remembered the candlelight ability thought to me by sir landro, (Just close your eyes and feel the dark.. you need to stay calm and think of the light then cast it..) and.. " Whooaaa... Wait are you a mage young man? Where did you learn that..? I thought you were a bladder, strange.." A bulb of bright light sprung in my left arm... " It's been thought to me by my master.." " Wait how... maybe your master was really good.. but how!! This whole mountain village can dispell any type of magic..this was the unknown phenomenon here, how come it wasn't dispell... Hahaha, now I know why Julian brought you here . That old man..." "Hatsing, did someone mentioned my name .. geezzz I'm still sleepy ahhhh..." Julian back to sleeping... " I can't understand what are you trying to tell me exactly?" We reached the end of the stairs and ramzel open the door... Railee let the candle light magic in the center of the room... " so what about the mole!?.." " yes there was a mole here, and i cant figured out exactly what is there motives.." Ramzel was taking out some spiderweb and tapping the dust on one chest... He opened it, a sheet of paper taking out the box and place on the table... I realized , it was a map... " Here take a look at this... We were here... And this map tells about terrain and locations of every city and holds here on marka continent... What I bothered the most was..." As I look at the map I was amazed... Who ever did this was very very good at it... " You see some stone markings where the most monster lurks... I think this monster program to defend the stone markings right!!" " Ahh I thought so.." " Here it is mountain village map location... There is a stone markings... Located at the peek... No it was impossible..." " Huh..." " We cant climb this mountain.. before we know our body will be turn to shreds by this dragons.." " Ahhh like the one sir Julian and I rode all the way here..." " Exactly... But that dragon was the only one can be rode, a gift from the empress , and it's been entitled to Julian... every dragon here is protecting the peek mountain, the reason is we do not know yet... Wait what kind of magic you can cast..?" " Ahm first candlelight, fire Lance, ice Lance , storm bolt, and splitting ground... But everything is basic, I've no match for my master..." Ramzel was shocked... " How many years you started learning every basic magic?" " Ahh I just learned it a week ago.." " Whoaa, the hell... You really sure bout that?" " Yes as I said I was about 2 weeks here on Aurora... I'm just a loser before I've been teleported here..." " The hell.. you said It recently, about being teleported... Where did you came from?" I told everything about our world and how I've been teleported here... Ramzel face was shocked... " What the hell... your just newbie and you learned it in a single week... I couldn't believe it... Well we have training grounds here at mountain village... I must see how your magic works...before I'll decide, if I'll hand over the map of this continent or not got it.." " I don't want the map but someone will..." Railee suddenly remembered about finding the clue for those unknown beings... " The only answer is yes or no young man.." ramzel face became angered... " Ahahaha okay I'll do it, yes..." " We're wasting time then..." We both go back outside and followed sir ramzel.. the backdoor of breezefold has a stairway up to the mountain... " Young man this is a 20,000 steps up above this mountain peek.. way up high yes... And their are at least hundred of crawling trolls when you reached 2000 steps... If you can manage to climb 10000 steps without any scratches, and Where the training grounds located, I almost forgot... Don't ever kill one or they'll hunt you down... Everyone of them... Got it..."
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