《WHIRLED》chapter 6: divine rune blade..
" wait you said it was a month ago?" "Yes.." " 12 days ago vashna destroyed... And mr Railee dream of it some other time.. I do not believe it first.. but my investigation came to a conclusion... Mr. Railee got transported in the middle of rhufinya market, the day vashna destroyed... I need answers too, so we decided to move forward... " Landro telling jorgin's about dream.. " But why I didn't hear any news about vashna was destroyed we must see it for ourselves... " " Because the news has been blocked by higher authorities, they said it was for good, that it can frightened every citizens... But military are restless... They try to find clue and why vashna got destroyed... Rhufinyan council sent a scout to investigate... Maybe before we get back to rhufinya there was a full report over the tragedy.." landro told... " So if that happens we might also investigate for ourselves.. specially this man, whom didn't scratch after I slash him so many times..." This scary lady jorgin, but she's cute, while pointing her index finger on me... " Uhhh wait im not a dummy... Sigh.. " Sad to say...mr Railee was my personal assistant.. I did try to attack him but nothing's happened.. just like what you did... So if our journey will also find a clue for Mr Railee I will not hesitate... We will uncover his true identity no matter what...." How can you be so sure... That hes on our side... " He mentioned something about the teleportation scroll... That teleportation scroll is forbidden even to talk, only empress or high priest can use it no more no less.. so why a normal person will know about it.. I need answers as you see, so will you let him be until we find out miss jorgin?" "Not me.. you can't fool me" Ahhhh.. she wanted to prove that im the enemy so that she can continue that halted attack of her... She's a war freaked... Just looking at me... Maybe she like me too... She like me to disappear hahaha... Did i laugh.. probably just in my mind.. She's looking at me really... I must get away with her... Ohh.. mr Cedric... I'll just hide behind him while walking.... " Well well... so where do we start our investigation?" " First the ruins of vashna... Then Mr railee's ... And I need to get revenge on that minotaur..." " So all of it was for revenge then... Okay I will help you... But afterwards we will travel north continent... " " Are you crazy that continent was the land of bayhukan race,, we can't stand any chance against them..." Landro frightened... "So You know the secret too??.." " Slightly, empress told me that secret when i was still vashna archmage.." " Well i don't know empress told you that also...but Believe me I've been there many times and I have ways not to be detected by their expectators.." landro was thingking for a moment " can you really have ways not to be detected while entering that continent..?" " absolutely.." "so we have a deal then... Hey, the two of you get it done we need to roll now..." After travelling 2 days... We reached vashna.. and what is this... I smell rotten corpse.. while walking.. i got stub by hard object... As we walking.. i didn't pay attention watching my steps... So that's why i was in this street with dry blood.. and a... I stub in the corpse... Ohhh i felt terrible... Vashna... Perfectly destroy... "What kind of power can do this" jorgin felt strange around, she suddenly felt sad about the citizens fate...' empress..' she said to herself with a lower voice... What happened to empress... The smell of thousands rotting corpse.. body piled every where, as we move further to the walking the street... This place, 11 days ago was very lively but now structures destroyed with boulders different sizes , including the famous vashna mage university smashed by a giant boulder.. nothing but dust and rubbles... Landro realized it was a high tier magic scroll which only used for teaching methods and not for military purposes.. so vashna didn't predicted this could happen in mere instant.. if the enemy happens not being detected or other possibilities.. could it be... They used Portal methods.. as he analyze every possibilities.. as the rumors about who was responsible for this... That's the first thing they need to find out... If mr Railee's dream correct, those demons are not from this world... something caught our attention... What was that!!!... A tree of corpse, hills of corpse.. i felt my stomach turned upside down.. mr Cedric also felt he couldn't stand the scene... Just why.. " Why why why... " I can hear those screaming in my head... How they died... How their faces registered in their corpse... They suffered terrible fate... " The work of brutal creatures,......" Landro explained some of his observation... As they move forward they saw demon corpse piled.. next to the " D,demon..." Who piled them!!! Both rumian and demon's piled separately... Soon... Ambushed... " We're surrounded... Jorgin defensive position..." " I knew it already... You think im surprised..." As me and mr Cedric in unpleasant situation... " Mr railee... How long do you plan to pitied the dead...!!! We will be among them if you didn't help us here..." As he speak... I felt.. arrow approaching... Just like instincts.. i catches it... It was slowmo... I'm back to the situation... I realized... Mr Cedric was behind lady jorgin and at the center of the two... they're deflecting arrow trajectory from all sides... As i gasping for the situation... Arrow stopped from raining... and next, soldiers hiding from the rock's showered us by themselves... As my body felt so heavy.. why something make it heavy for some reason... I noticed Cedric was looking at me in horror... Why!!! Omg... Multiple arrows stuck in my body... Wait... I don't feel pain.. arrowhead pierce my body just a few centimeters... But i see how the arrow pierced the rock rubble next to them.. yes blood comes out as some of it fell when i try to move... Then suddenly the bleeding stops and healed like nothing happens... Wait.. Am i dreaming!!! What was that... As i look on them they're surrounded by foot soldiers around 60 of them with different kind of melee weapons... Then the Archer's consist of around 40 above destroyed buildings... Ready for releasing the stick of death... As lady jorgin... Can't used her full power without concentration... " Do you have something in mind jorgin..!!! " " yes.. first i need to concentrate but as you can see they never give us openings... we can't win if this continues... The fact that there were some frozen boulders siting in our center..." " Ohh... Mr Cedric... Do you have plans..." As mr Cedric was looking at me through the slightly body blocked sight.. taking arrows struck in my body... Im about 20 meters so only archer can see me... Nope they're not... Looking for openings to launched their arrows at the perfect defense combo by landro and lady jorgin... Oh.. im forgotten... As one Archer noticed me... But it's too late for him... To see... I imagine how to stop them in my mind .. and it works... I just didn't land a solid Punch... Whooaaa... I imagined if i can be bruce lee... His movements like i was him... No just faster than him... I don't have intentions killing them so.. they just throw one by one... Those ambusher didn't figured out what Is happening... Soon they understand,.. " How... Are you still alive.... At this rate... Ahhhh..." Looks like their leader is spectating at that building... " Is that the pervert guy...!!" " Yes indeed lady jorgin... Behind you..." Slash.... The guy that almost hit jorgin suddenly slice in three... Its her sword skill multislash x mark level... In single strike, three after slash followed... By this foot soldiers realizations.. the rumored x level sword master was no other than the bandit killer... " It can't be... Retreat, we won't stand no chance... It's Jorgin... Ahhh" The soldier run away... Right after him every foot soldiers surrounded them running away in horror... What!!! Ohh... Archer's knocked out... No signs that i murdered them... Okay im relieved... As i almost confident everything was okay... I forgot... Their leader... Which... " Arghhh...." Archer died while running away... Same as the other... They've been running but something prevent them doing so... Before i realized... It was their leader... " Huh... Your not fit for us i supposed..." Why killing his retreating comrades... Killed by the leader they trusted with their lives... What kind of mounstrousity he's doing... " Hahaha you fool... Think you can be one of us... Oi.. remember this... We are the defiler of cities... Conqueror of land's... Salvager of wives... no one can beat us hahaha..." He's all alone... But still he has that confidence... Just look at his eyes... I almost lost my sanity when... Jorgins after image leftovers, passing through the leader... " Huh... How did.. yoouuuu... Argh..." I see how the leader multi slash turned him to mincemeat... That's jorgins lethal stance... Other archers see how their leader died instantly without even dodging jorgins fighting supremacy... By this moment I've calmed down... Cedric standing... " Hey... Cowards.. get back here... Hahaha.. you don't stand a chance against us... Ha.ha.ha.ha...!!" " What's that smell.." Landro was sniffing while Cedric was laughing so hard... " Errhhh... Did you pee in your pants Cedric... It's so disgusting... Ehh.." Cedric's laughed stopped.. the situation has calmed down after that... But why killing his fleeing comrade... Isn't that understandable... But he deserves it right... Thanks to lady jorgins actions... She covered the dead archer's body.. with their Cloak... After that... Tension arised... As they were too cautious now in our moving further... Cedric's already changed his pants but still he stings... Jorgin declare the perimeters secured... " What's that move of yours mr railee..." Landro asked but jorgin just looking at me like she was more surprised to know... " I ahhh it's our greatest weapon as humans... We called it Martial Art's techniques... " Guess explaining is a bit hard... Saying it directly will stop them to question me again... As if... " Martial arts techniques...!! Never heard of it... But i think ot suit's you..." " By the way mr.. pervert... " Ouch... She's calling me that way... Nahhh... Im not a pervert... It's just the situation... Errr... But.. she smile so it's okay... Maybe first impressions getting that title from her... Mr. Pervert... I'm not worrying... Cause im not guilty... Did you!!!! Hey... Shhhsss... Hahaha.... After several appraisal made by landro around 20 demon corpse... While walking carefully, he give us the result of his observation.. " They are immune at ordinary sharp metals, not your daily monster lair as i speak.. even if you fight the most weaker demon, you can never stood a chance... Only a meteor barrage was the main reason this demon didn't stood a chance which exactly owns by the creator of the scrolls... And that is the empress of this land... _ i can't follow.. im completely lost... So many demon corpses nearby... Maybe vashna's last line of defense... A powerfull Knight of vashna defended it well...as vashna knights owns a reputations and a title's of lair conquerors, which their ranked not lower than SS adventurers " More than just one week since the lively vashna turned to ruins... and when we reached the upper ground more and more demon corpses everywhere... Thousands of demons perished... Now we saw the portal... It was completely destroyed... A giant Boulder smashed halfway... But something's not right... Jorgin learned that there was a way that many have survived the annihilation... " Wait maybe someone's survived... A path through galagarth holds has been blocked by Boulders..." As jorgins speaking, we turned our head to the north side of the portal.. and theres The road leads to galagarth holds as landros speaking...why because so many footsteps rushing their way through... "(Hear me my savior I'm right here)" did i hear something...!!! " Did you hear that?" " Ohh man maybe a corpse whisper hahaha " Cedric answered.. " Yeah... It's just your imagination.. oh by the way... Mr Cedric I almost forgot your payment... Our deal ends here.." landro feeling sorry forgeting the deal and handed him the payment... " Aw man that was great... See you later, bye then.." " Take care mr Cedric... " " Thank you mr Railee... And..." He look at jorgin... " What!!!!" Ohhh she's so rude.... I wonder why shes always like this... She's very hard to elaborate... But lady jorgins rating 9/10 almost... Maybe because those floppy ears didn't match her cuteness... Yeah... She's more mature than the other of her kind... Cedric now was gone... I was feeling sad right after when Cedric left us.. Then this happen... The ground rumbling like.... Earthquake...!!!! No... there's light coming out of the ground and incinerating the rocks slowly... the light extended converting to concentrated light beam... As it extended, reaching the sky... I felt frightened... No it's not just me... Landro and jorgin too.., as we felt we slowly moving backwards.. before the light incinerating the ground will caught us in it...as The beam of light desipate and there was a glowing thing on the hole after the light disappeared.. It slowly floating.. " Watch out, it was maybe left here to protect the ruins... Everyone cover... I'll handle this" jorgins on defense position covering the two of us... We look at each other nodding as we realized, it was a blade, a double blade, there was an electric particles covering these blades... It stops Midway... Then rotate pointing the us .. I felt something bad will happen... It begun moving, it started.. the first blade was deflected by jorgin... The second blade become much fast.. almost knockback jorgin... " It's getting heavier, those attack... Landro use your forcefield I'll use bind to stop these blades .. " " Kay.." landro cast a forcefield... What an unexpected happened was shocked landro and jorgins common senses... The blades pass through the forcefield as if it was nothing... " What it pass through.." landro Dodge it but... " ability bind " jorgin bind the blades, but she was carried through and down for a moment.. It was a blink of eye... I was looking at it but the light dazed me so i covered my face with both hand... What's this!!!!... " What are these ... Get off me no..." This blade's conquering my hand... Im trying to take it out of my hands, the blades stuck on my left and right hand.. jorgin and landro was surprised... " i dont understand , by the heaven's.." Landro said while in state of shock... " Those blades was heavy... How could you just swinging, like it has no weight... " It doesn't matter... All i want is to take it out... Its too itchy... but words didn't spit out because... Im worrying now... Focus focus.... Jorginss surprisingly confused.. she was getting up, after pulled by her bind ability while wrapping at that blade recently... " I dunno... All I want is to take out of my hands .. it's so hot..." Then the aura that circling the blades was crawling on my hands "whaaa help sir landro.. miss jorgin.. what is happening" Did i panic!!!! Nope im just worried... Its like, there's something trying, entering my body.. from these blades... when the aura reach my head.. It's like entering my whole sanity... Im losing my consciousness... then there was a voice communicating inside my mind... While losing my consciousness, the light draining from the blades... Incircling my body... The light collision from the two blades particles downdraft and updraft... Creating unstable molecular collisions which lighting form like walking on the ground... Inside my mind... " Railee... your not ready yet.. still confused? I'm in your mind... Only you and I can talk together... I have force to this resort.. we have little time to discuss" " Who are you..??" " I'm empress of the empress, I'm the leader of the leader... I live to balance the life here on Aurora and beyond this universe... I am a daughter of a God...im the God, creator of this universe... my name is Aurora... I live here for a long time... But whenever there is good there was also evil..." " I don't understand everything.." " Your mother was my great grand daughter...i gave her birth in your universe where a world called earths exist..I left a present for you.. fused with chrovite and my flesh.. this is called divine rune blade, for it was forge with my flesh... may this blades of God can aid you to annihilate those demons..." " Demons annihilation!! Why me.. im just a Coward..." " I'll give you a blessing of my Divine protection.. after transferring some of my power to random person here on my world... I became weak, fragile... but I'm also relief.. This is my final gift to you my grandchild... ( empress smiled) the light covering my body, absorbing every last drop... "Just remember, you must stop the void dragon's resurrection..." " Wait what... Hey hey hey..." The background became white after that... "Somethings happening.. look at the different light encircling him..." Landro speaks.. " It was been absorbing by his body..." Jorgin surprised... They're actually hiding in the rock... Because the lightning incenerates everything it touch... After the light absorbs my body fell on the ground...now then i open eyes... What happened... I asked them but.. they're not here... " Hey... Where are you..." " Keep it up mr Railee you can do it..." " Keep it up pervert you can do it..." Ohh man... Guess i can't do anything about that... Wait... " Hey why are you hiding there???" " No... Probably were just playing hide and seek.... Right lady Jorgin..." " Why you wanted to see us... Don't think... Errrhhh...." the blades is still in my hands... But this time, i can now hold or drop it... Hahaha... I drop the blade.... Then jorgin insisting to help me picking up the blade.. but she can't even lift it... Maybe, she's exhausted... " How could a blade so heavy..." I'm swinging other blade... Whoa... This is nice... It's beautiful... " Ahm railee could you drop that blade in your hands and pick this one here" She was smiling... It was strange... First time she called me by my name... maybe because she got interested in my masculinity... Finally... Ha.ha.ha.ha... " Oh okay...!!" While looking in her smile...did she just hypnotized me?!! She did make me obey, everything what she tells me right now ... Im just confused about her behavior.. i suddenly drop my blade just like what she tolds me...,why this creepy feeling.. ehhh,... jorgin's rush to the blade that i dropped.. But again she can't lift it... then pick the blade jorgin's ask me again... struggle to pull the blade on the ground.. "( What the hell... Even the other blade I can't move by inches..)" Landro after observing jorgin's behavior... He realized that only railee can weild the blades... Landro smiled... " Need a hand over there jorgin?.. hahaha.. okay pick your blade railee we have a secondary task scheduled.." Landro conjured a very unique blade backpacked.. " Here you will need this..." The blade perfectly fit on my back... The blade design cross on my back.. do i looked like a legendary dual blader... "That suits you..." Landro portrait happiness on his face... Landro became happy the first time he met railee... It seems like he found he's master not an assistant... " ahm sir landro do you know the name aurora?" " yes, aurora is a world we are walking now.." "but..." " stop talking we need to rest first..." " o okay... On the distant someone saw everything... And they're not just one but hundreds of them are on their way to vashna ruins..
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