《WHIRLED》chapter 5: jorgin
I just wake up.. its day 11, ohh my, i can't jog on a place like this... The floor made out of wood.. probably create random sound of stretching.. sigh... I realized landro wake up early.. his not on his bed... As i move to the table where the hot casserole and bread is waiting to be consume... Maybe landro prepared this... Where did he go! I guess it's none of my business anyway... I was thinking about it while drinking a coffee... Cedric still on his bed... after i finished.. i felt revive.. thanks for the coffee.. almost forgetting who i was, if it wasn't for it ... I almost touch the door knob.. suddenly, the door opens.. " Mr railee can you wake up Cedric we need to resume our travel..." Just at the right time.. Cedric wake up.. "What happened?" He asked for his confusion... Smell of the coffee, makes him move to the table and start drinking it... Why he was surprised about that coffee... So i asked why... He said... 24 rhufee for one pack of coffee beanstalk... Wait what... That's too expensive.. One pack can fill the portion of 4 person... Which means coffee was too expensive i guess.. you can buy 50 bread for 1 rhufee... 1 rhufee consist of 50 rhufee cent's... And 1 bread cost us 5 pesos... That's 250 pesos per 1 rhufee... Enough for minimum salary paycheck daily.. 24 rhufee divided by 4 portions.. =6, 6 times 250... That's P1,500 pesos Seriously.. P1,500 per drink... Thats insanely expensive... More expensive than the Starbucks coffee shop... Sigh... After he finished drinking and eating hard bread... " Did you gain your strength Mr Cedric?" " Hell yeah it was awesome, I feel kinda replenish..." " Then shall we go?" The key has been turn over the merchant desk... "Why so fast you didn't consume your full payment ?.." " It's ok we will leave now..." Again the people murmuring about landro's past.. We're on the road again... Several hours have pass but no one's trying to start the conversation... And the horse looking goat was too slow... Unlike yesterday.. Noon time... " We rest here for a while " landro said They were on the top of the hill.. Cedric pull the horse to the grass to feed... As i was placing a mantle preparing our food.. While landro is a little bit distracted.. i was still confused about what is happening to landro.. It's like yesterday somethings bothering him I wonder why..!! Time to eat... A moment later... The sun's getting hotter... As the forest started to fade as we move away.. Travel along rhufinya forest has ended and the next... " From this place we must keep our eyes open don't caught off guard..." He seems began to act too cautious.. Landro speaking while looking at desert... Jorgins desert: a desert where the most brutal bandit leader live a long time ago... legends says... when jorgins birth, her mother was killed by unknown group of bandits... Then they let the child left to die on this desert... But that was the mistake they made... A Traveller found him nearly death... She was adopted,raised, and when she was 10 years old the Traveller told jorgins that she was found on the desert beside her mother... After hearing about what happened... Jorgins run away... The Traveller didn't realize that jorgin, gone missing he searched town to town.. but she can't be found... On the desert jorgins whereabouts... Abducted by bandits ,plundered, exploited at young age... Many years have pass... Jorgins now at the age of 15 gain the bandit chief favor... She now plot a way to get revenge to them.. the bandits took a good loot that day, after they plundered a large number of merchants passing the desert, they didn't leave the men alive, the children are abducted to be sold, the women are captured to be their slaves... After going back to their camp the bandit chief started a celebration... It was jorgins joyfull day, she managed to put a Poison on their drinks... After that all of the status of every bandits pass on her... She became more powerfull.. After poisoning them.. she then released every captive by those bandits and give the loot to them...to start a new life.. She became famous about what she did... she was called bandit killer, after that he returned to find the Traveller...she was told that, after she left the Traveller was become lonely and never giving up finding her... She was last sighted near fulghar ruins... after one citizen saw it and told her that the Traveller went over there... A creepy man told the Traveller that she's on that ruins, no I'm not there.. he's been deceived... So the Traveller went through... Rumors said that the creepy man was practicing the dark art witchcraft... Which allow the person to restore it's youthfulness. . After that she was never heard again together with that creepy person...many believe that she surpassed death and live immortal , some says she became a ghost that lurks on the desert... That's how they called it jorgins desert.. This sandstorm stop the three moving forward... "I can't believe I'm doing this for 8 rhufee.." Cedric regrets while crying... " The storm has stop..." I noticed.. "Okay we must keep going we were nearly on the cave..." Landro pointed his fingers on the cave... But me and Cedric don't see one... Is he joking around..!! " How did you know there is one on that cliff...?!! And do you realize that is too far.. are you blind, near..? Huh huh huh .." Cedric's speak while still crying for 8 rhufee payment... " I was once travel along this desert" " O yeah I've been traveling here for my whole life but I never learned about that cave you mentioned" still crying... "What a pity..." A moment later... " So where's the cave now uhuh..?" " Here... Ability dissolve.." landro cast a spell that opens a hole on the bottom of a cliff... The two were at the state of shock... " Common people we need to rest or you want jorgin haunted you outside..." Frightening us.. we followed right after.. as we entered the improvised cave... landro made a fire spell and rest after eating... In the middle of my sleeping.. i was totally awaken by my dreams, about the bladesword... Saying.. " your nearly there don't stop.. make haste my savior.." Then i saw something on the cave opening , a shadow that is walking.. am i seeing things..!! out of curiosity i slowly move to the entrance while still inside.. The moon is on the top.. i predicted it via shadows from the cliff... but where's the person? Only a shadow is moving... Out of curiosity, i slowly getting near the cave opening.. then the shadow stop at the center of it... I just remind, that before we sleep landro cast a spell that will block a person perceptions to see the cave he made... Railee is nervous why it stops, he can't move by inches.. then the shadow disappeared Leaving a footprint... Sigh i felt relief but still.. who was that.... Common railee what do you think you're doing.. Im outside the cave... Then i clearly see those footprint on the sand, after investigating.. i realized that the footprints wasn't normal, but on the last footprint i suddenly jump on my conclusions... So if the shadow jump it must be on the top of the cliff.. I am sweating now... nervously... As i turned my head on the top of the cliff... As i evading the moonrays... I felt relieved.. No one's on the cliff.. okay let's head back to the cave... Suddenly... " Identify yourself stranger?" Aa i felt a cold metal on my neck.. " I a..I'm railee... I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you" As i realize that this world has so many secrets... Including the shadow walking and people just sprouting anywhere.. " That's not what I want to know... Tell everything, why you were here? Or I slit your throat...TELL ME"... " Whooaaa please calm down i explained everything.." As usual... I was caught again in this kind of situation... I did tell everything from day 1, but i didn't mention the dream i was pursuing... And about what landro learned about me... " Can you let go of me please I'm begging you I meant no harm.. I'm just a loser... Please miss..." Then the blade has taken off his neck.. " Can I turn around miss..." " Okay" i suddenly take a look at the persons appearance... I was amazed... The person was so cute and she got resemblance on human race, so strange.. weird indeed.. she was wearing black robe with hood ,long boots , chestplate armor... And leather Short.. i think I've seen her before... " So you were following us from rhufinya until now?!! Why..." I ask.. " your not in the position to ask.. remember I can still kill you instantly before you realize your head will roll on the ground..."
" Okay okay.. I ahh... please calm down" i raised my two hand as a sign of surrender... The person sheated her weapon ... She was looking for something... " I can sense him here, where is he?" " Wh who is he???" Who??? " The man called landro..." She reply... " Ah ahhh... I see..but why you need to see him?" " It's a long story so please can you tell me where is he?" " Okay here follow me.." Right after i realize the cave opening was gone... I suck.. " OMG it's just right here, a moment ago.. why it was disappeared.." I was groping the cliff wall.. asking myself repeatedly.. i didn't know where to find the entrance... " OMG where is it, where are you.... Nohhh..." But the opening is nowhere to be found... " Maybe it's a mirage... Rumors about a mage can cast a mirage but you can pass... But now maybe it's on different level... I wonder how hard the training he does to attain such level of conjuration... Even I cannot understand how he perfected it.." I was confused what she was talking about.. "Sigh... Maybe we can wait here till they wake up..." While looking at her.. she was so cute... I can't take my eyes off of her... When their eyes meet... " What are you looking at..." Then i saw her pants loose a button.. and dropped... White flawless legs.. and white undies.. she immediately pull her pants... "'oh you pervert.. GO TO HELL..." she suddenly swing her blade ... It's too fast... I didn't have a chance to see the attack movements.. This girl passes me like a wind.. i realized that the cute girl is right behind me... She's way too fast.. " Who the hell are you?? " The cute girl ask... " I'm just a normal guy like I said before..." " Ohhh.. normal guy huh...such words.. only fool would believe lies from your mouth... Wait will she try again, no.... now she's at her full power preparing for fatal blow ... " No one withstand my fierce blade attack after this you will not realized how your liar body turn to mincemeat... ( Whispering a spell her blade turns black cold color with smoke covering it..) behold the power of vengeance..." I'm confused i don't know what to do.. " oh man not again... please it was just misunderstanding okay, calm down..." " It was a mistake letting you live..." The cute girl dash in a blink of an eye the blade meets railee's abdomen and was thrown 10 meters after the blade swung.. " That was the liars fate" then the girl sheated her sword... about 30 seconds after.. Am i dead... Nope.. i didn't feel any pain.. I see she was surprised I'm still alive... " This time you live from my second attack, I will unleashed now my full power... (Just I don't understand what happened..at first I thought I missed but that second attack I used my slashing ability.. why this guy withstand my fatal blow... No one live after slashing them with it... but how??!!!.. there is maybe an explanation about it...) Divine power I'm asking you to aid me from deminishing this demon..." The cute girl hold her blade in front raising it.. the blade turns dark again, but this time her blade extend like a whip.. encircling her whole body... She was preparing for attack... When a hand hold her shoulder.. to her surprised she immediately jump forwards, not knowing who hold her... Before she know it was a familiar face... " What a rush miss" Landro is holding her bladewhip... Until then she became calm... Her blade return to normal and sheated it... " I'm sorry Mr landro forgive me.. but this guy I want him dead..." " Why trying killing me OMG... I did no harm to you...!!??" I told the cute girl... " You pervert..." The girl angry again but " Okay miss calm down first... If you want to kill him feel free but you can't even scratch him as you can see... And after all your the one here must explained...!!" Landro's face suddenly change and there's an aura coming from him... " I apologized for what I've done.. my name is jorgin..." The girl said it clearly... On the distant inside the cave Cedric hearing a commotion outside, Cedric hear the girl proclamation... " Whooaaaahh it's jorgin the ghost of this desert. We must run away from here..." But cedric didn't even move any centimeters...what a pity piece of shit... Landro calming down.. " Okay miss what's your up to?" " I'm jorgin I live for a hundred years.. I've participated many battles even on the great war that surge victory to this continent... No one knows exactly who I am.. some call me bandit killer some, a ghost, a hero, a witch, an immortal and many more.." " So why ended up following us? If I recall it starts 10 years ago you started spectating me.. there must be a reasonable explanation behind it...!!" Landro ask " 10 years ago there was a person name mia told me about a mage who create a powerfull minotaur I was the one who rescued you on that cave... I tried everything to kill that monster but all I can do was scratch him... To be honest I have a doubt killing that monster, that's why he still lived until this day... I was hoping to find a clue of Mia's whereabouts.." " so it was back to mia..so why now?" " i bet she was the one who create that thing and not you...but even I extendeds my connection still I cannot find her..." " so why now.. vashna is destroyed.." " im so busy trying to figure out who really create it and iv'e found out mia's been missing the day she returned to vashna, So I follow you hoping that someday she will try to kill you again..." " that was gross.." " But that wasn't the reason why I follow you until now.." " so for what reason?" "somethings coming, something's bothering me a month ago the Devine protection broke, while offering to the gods...I need you to aid me for investigating the abnormality..." Jorgins explained... " I'm still confused?!! How ended up alive until now?? Care to explain?" Landro ask... While railee and Cedric just listening... " Yeah we also intrigued... " The two spoke... " Okay when I was on fulghar's ruin I accidentally killed that creepy man while following him, i pulled a string accidentally, a trap for Intruders set by him was struck in his chest, it was instant death, after that i saw a blade on his waist and i pick it...i found out that my father was dead... when trying to reached my fathers corpse, a blade lighted so brilliant it was from a creepy man's waist... I thought it was an ordinary blade.. the blade turns out to be alive, there was a printed encircling the center of my father's dead body... Then the blade began to round and round piercing my body with it.. it was so painful.. and when it stops all the light enter my body, i have lost consciousness for a day aweek or i can't exactly remember, i don't want to live, now that the only person cared for me so much is dead..but no matter what i do i can't die.. so i decided to buried my father, and move on...that moment.. a group of bandits trying to avenge their chief after they found out my whereabouts... They assassinated me, a total of 60 arrows struck in my body before I realized it was an ambush... It felt so painful... Those bandits leaved me...knowing that jorgins was dead they proclaim to every land that they've slaughtered me... When I wake up i was still there, struck by 60 arrows... To my surprise I was still alive... why i couldn't die.. I take out every single arrow worth a million pain... Then the wounds healed like nothing's happened... Maybe this blade give me immortality.. after that I research of it's origin.. but I failed to know..."
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