《Where All Dreams Go》The Condiments, the First and the Trip
Chapter 7: The Condiments, the First and the Trip
"The first rocket ship of the Philippines, Maria 10, open to the public..."
A screaming sound of a fuming pot.
"You said something, Diko?"
Wait, what am I doing?
I shook my head and slapped both my cheeks softly with my hands.
I begin to recollect my thoughts.
The smell of chopped garlic and onions filled the room as a pot exposed with heat started making a sound. In front of me was a knife and chopping board. I had just cut the carrots into tiny pieces and I did it without thinking. I looked around a bit. An orange light illuminated from each corner of the room while a built-in white light bulb shone just under the cupboard to light the kitchen counter. A recipe book at the farthest left from me and a few knifes inside a knife holder. A cooking stove at least one meter to my right currently used by my big brother. Further to his right is the fridge filled inside and outside from our daily needs to pictures and drawings my brother, sister and I drew back in the days. My brother soon opened the pot and it stopped screaming.
I was so well taken out of my thought that I forgot that I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner with my brother.
In hindsight, I just did something dangerous. Don't try this at home, kids...
But I couldn't help but release a sigh.
"Hey, diko. Can you hear me?"
"W-What is it again?"
"You sure are thinking about things, huh."
He said that as he stirred the contents of the pot. Smells of different kinds of vegetables erupted from it as soon as he did it.
"Pass me the carrot?" He said as he kept his eyes on the pot while extending out a hand.
"Oh, here it is."
"This is still a whole carrot, you dummy."
Without thinking, I accidentally gave him a whole carrot.
What am I even doing?
I shook my head again and passed him the carrots that I just cut. He took the plate and looked at me as if he was investigating me. He laughed a little and refocused his attention to the thing he's cooking.
"You know, I've been with you for as long as I can remember. I always know if somethings up with you."
He took a ladle and tasted a bit of the broth. He took another tablespoon worth of broth and gave it to me.
The broth looked very normal with a bit of green.
"Is this enough salt?"
I took the ladle, blew it to remove some of the heat and slowly sipped the broth resting on it.
"It's too bland. Add just a little bit more salt?"
He put on his thinking position with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.
"Funny you said that. I've just followed the recipe."
But I didn't really think too much about it since my mind is occupied with another thing. A silence passed by accompanied with the bubbling sound of the bland broth.
My brother broke the silence.
"Diko, what's up?" He said as he cleared the lenses of his glasses with his t-shirt.
For just a second, he looked exactly like me dad. I could tell everything to my dad. Seeing him like that, I was sure I could tell my big brother anything too. Well, technically, I always tell my big brother everything that troubles me. I always know I could count on him. I'm sure this is one of those times.
I clasped my hand.
"Kuya, have you ever considered doing something crazy or impossible or even stupid in your life?"
There was a silence between us and I was a bit embarrassed asking that question to him. I mean, not only him. I'd probably be embarrassed when I ask that question to anyone. But whatever! I'm serious right now.
With that thought it mind, I slowly looked at him.
He then chuckled like he heard a joke or something! It actually pissed me off but I decided to hold it in just a little.
"See?! You're laughing!"
He waved his right hand as if to say no as he continued to laugh.
"No! No! It's not like that Ha-Ha. It's just, you know. It's rare for you to be this serious."
"What does that even mean?!!"
"It means what it means! Ha-Ha!"
You know that thing they always say that when you hear people laugh it makes you laugh? Those laugh tracks they use in TV shows? It actually works since hearing my brother laugh made me laugh a bit.
Anyways, he started to answer the question.
"Of course I've never thought of that. I've never done something stupid in my life. I'm not an idiot."
"Oh... So you don't think it's a good idea?"
Also, is he calling me an idiot?
He started stirring the broth again and then closed it back with the lid. He hanged the ladle just beside the stove and focused on preparing bowls.
He answered but only this time, he sounded serious.
"No, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that I never did something crazy and stupid in my life."
"And I regret not doing something stupid and crazy in my life." he added.
What he said unconsciously made me face him.
"That's the best part about being an idiot."
He pointed at me and smiled..
"They can do everything."
He opened the lid again, took some more condiments that I'm pretty sure was not on the recipe and just added them like there's no tomorrow but somehow you can tell that he's somewhat measuring everything up and careful not to mess up the flavor.
"They just need a bit of a push and courage. Let's add a bit of flavor to this blandness."
As soon as those condiments entered the pot, the used-to-be-bland color of the broth turned into something a bit of a disaster but it didn't look disgusting or anything, it just looked like it's been cooked by someone who's bold enough to do the "bold action". You could even say that what he did is something stupid so him saying he'd never done anything stupid in his life is a lie itself. But it looked good and natural.
As soon as he did that, he took the ladle and scooped up a few tablespoon worth of broth and he let me taste it first.
I built of the courage to try and taste this broth. My mind was hesitating of course since it may taste disgusting or something. Nonetheless, I dove right in and sipped the broth.
"How is it?" my brother asked as if he already knew the answer.
I thought of something.
"It tastes too sweet. It tastes delicious though, but you know what'd make it taste more delicious?"
My brother looked at me as if questioning what is it I'm about to answer.
And that's how I got yelled up by my mom as we ate our food on the mountains as we stargazed. It tasted delicious though. Maybe it's because I'm biased or something since I'm the one who made it this way.
But I have no regrets.
Halley looked at me and he began swinging his own swing. Courage and hope filled his eyes as he said the following words.
"Well then, want to go with me?"
The wind suddenly blew as I let out a breath of surprise. A background music suddenly started inside my head.
I could feel my eyes widening up and for some reason, like a hero who made a comeback from the villain's clutches, the setting Sun suddenly lighted up again, creating this tinge orange as it reflected my eyes.
I couldn't help but gasp for air. I'm not sure if it was because of excitement or I've just heard something so crazy.
A wind blew my hair - adding more drama to the scene.
I noticed my hands tightening up in every second that passes and the receiving end was no other than the book. I felt sorry for the book.
It was hard letting words out, so instead of talking, I decided to use my head.
I started moving my head up and down.
As I did that, Halley smiled even more but gradually, I could see hints of disappointment in his eyes.
It wasn't long though since he instantly revealed the cause of those disappointments just a second after.
"You wouldn't believe how much I've heard that from people. But they all leave in the end."
Halley stood up from the swing and I knew his words carried weight from just seeing the way he stood up. I felt a bit of his disappointment.
"Saying it's impossible, crazy, unrealistic - even stupid, or they were told not to by their friends."
But the thing that really stung was what he added.
"Or just scared."
I bit my lips a bit.
"I wouldn't really blame them. We're just high schoolers after all. We're just kids who go to school, make friends, hangout and play sports."
At this point, I felt everything he was saying. Somehow, I felt a bit insulted because of myself. Everything he said was true. And this thought annoyed me.
Halley went to his bag and it looked like it would be the last time we'll be talking about this.
I felt that this could be the last chance of something extraordinary. Something that'd change my life forever.
With this thought alone, words quickly formed in my mouth.
"No! I'm serious about this! I've been told that I'm never serious in anything! A lot! Even by people who are close to me! But this time... I'm really seriou-"
Before I could finish, Halley took something out of his bag and faced me with a face serious enough to kill all the jokes in the world. I could say that it was quite intimidating.
"Come to this place this tomorrow, then I'll believe you."
I looked to the magazine he showed me.
"The first rocket ship of the Philippines, Maria 10, open to the public..."
I took the magazine Halley gave me and raised it above my head. I read all the details.
"Manila... It's so far..."
I put the magazine just beside the book I borrowed from the library. I realized that I haven't really opened the book since the library.
As I'm laying in bed, different trains of thoughts kept going in and out of my head.
I closed my eyes. The inside of my head was all messed up. The things Rick said really affected me deeply.
It's impossible though. He's just a high schooler like us.
I wouldn't really blame them. We're just high schoolers after all. We're just kids who go to school, make friends, hangout and play sports.
You wouldn't believe how much I've heard that from people. But they all leave in the end. Saying it's impossible, crazy, unrealistic - even stupid, or they were told not to by their friends.
It's space. There's no way he could go up there
Or just scared.
Well then, want to go with me?
But from remembering those words, I opened my eyes. It was already 5 AM.
My kuya isn't really the wake-up-early type of person even in weekends. Because of this, my mother gave me a job to at least wake this hopeless kuya of mine.
Nonetheless, I still do it. I'm thinking that as a little sister, it's my job to take care of my kuya.
He's not really the reliable type but he can be reliable sometimes. He doesn't clean his room so I clean it for him sometimes. Who am I kidding. Most of the time. It's not really my job as his little sister.
Nonetheless, I still do it. I'm thinking that as a little sister, it's my job to take care of my kuya.
He's kind of a scaredy-cat. He always tries something new but he doesn't always stick to it. That's kind of a problem in the future. I'm honestly scared if he's going to be okay so sometimes, I always talk to him about it. It's not really my job as his little sister to give him life advices.
Nonetheless, I still do it. I'm thinking that as a little sister, it's my job to take care of my kuya.
But last night when we went stargazing. He looked different. Not bad-different. Just different. He looked more mature than usual. I wasn't really used to it so it gave me a bit of a shock.
Actually, come to think of it, he's been a bit different lately these past few days. Almost like he's having a midlife crisis or in this case, a high school life crisis. I've seen my dad have that. I didn't know it runs in the blood. Will I have a midlife crisis too someday? or even what's happening with my kuya now? It didn't happen to my eldest kuya though.
"Louise, can you wake your brother up? Even if it's Saturday, he should at least wake up early."
That voice came from my mother. I have two brothers but I knew exactly who she's talking about.
"Okay, mom. I'll wake him up after watering the plants."
It's not really my job as his little sister to do this.
Nonetheless, I still do it. I'm thinking that as a little sister, it's my job to take care of my kuya.
Whatever will this kuya of mine do if I wasn't born.
With that thought, I made my way to the stairs and eventually reached his door.
As always, I wake him up, he comes down to the living room then I clean his room. That's always the routine.
But something's been different lately.
I closed my eyes and started yelling as I opened his door.
"Kuya, even if it's the weekend, you should wake up early and clean your room...?"
I was shocked.
What I saw in that usually-storm-of-a-room was something entirely different.
His manga books were piled completely clean on his book drawers.
His dirty clothes were all inside his laundry basket.
He opened his windows and curtains.
He cleaned his computer desk. There was no Dr. Pepper cans in sight.
He cleaned his piano and guitar.
He fixed his bed.
Is this still my kuya?
This is a First...
I woke up earlier than I usually do. I didn't wait for the song that I'm so used to hearing now. I had prepared everything. From my boxers to my socks. From my t-shirts to my shorts. Everything. I was roaring to go.
The Sun was shining as if it was greeting me with novelty. Even though it's the winter solstice, the Sun still shined like it ruled the season. The man-made pond sparkled as I ran towards the train station with a backpack so light that it felt like I could fly with it. The stubborn rays of the Sun that managed to make its way towards my skin from the gaps of the trees didn't sting so much thanks to the wind that seemed to follow me.
I crossed people of every walks in life. Mostly old people. Some were playing chess just beside a coffee shop. It was obvious who was winning and losing based on the look of their faces. One was smirking while the other was looking annoyed. Seeing those expressions, they looked a bit younger for some reason. They looked at me as I ran.
That's right.
I'm going on a trip.
This time I'm really going on a trip.
I've already passed the town's market. I looked at them as I ran. Wives of lucky husbands were already lurking there with their own reusable market bags. True to most clichés, I could hear them talking about town gossips about how weird Mrs. Cruz looks with her new tan, how beautiful Mrs. Arceta looked with her new bag and how they wanted one, and if Mrs. Delanse's daughter is pregnant. The shopkeeper wasn't affected though as he continued setting up shop. I didn't really knew who those people were but the looks on their faces didn't look like one of those bad people. They looked at me as I ran.
Finally, I'm at the train station. Come to think of it, I've been here a lot of times already. But I've only been riding the same one train. I've never really ridden another train. I've realized that something I thought was familiar, wasn't really familiar.
There were new things to discover.
There's more.
With that thought alone, my heart skipped a beat.
My breathing shortened.
Crowds eventually formed as I bought tickets to Manila. I entered a new hall that I've never seen before. Who knew there was a statue of Jose Rizal just standing there. Unfamiliar footsteps surrounded me and was soon drowned out by an electronic voice.
Hearing that, I gulped.
I flinched.
I clenched the ticket I just nervously bought. I bit my lips.
That's right. I'm going on a trip.
This time, I'm really going on a trip.
I'm getting on a train I don't use and go somewhere far and see things I've never seen before. I'm scared. I can feel my hands shaking. I want to quit and go home. And everything I'm doing now might not mean anything at all... but... but...
I closed my eyes and swiped my ticket. The ticket managing machine opened and I went in.
With this struggling built-up courage, I'm still going!
A few steps followed and I saw Halley. He was standing at the end of the line. Looks like he just arrived a few seconds before me. He instantly noticed me and smiled.
"Looks like you're here."
"Yeah... I can't even believe I'm doing this."
Almost like he never heard me in the first place, he talked.
"Come to think of it. I didn't really catch your name."
"It's Justin. People call me 'Diko' though."
"Diko? As in middle brother? The younger brother?"
"No. It's Diko as in 'I can'."
The train ride to Manila was quite eventful. Halley and I took pictures of the sceneries out the window after we went out underground.
The Manila Bay had this very white man-made shore, which reminded me of Boracay. It was hard taking a picture there since it'd look like we were perverts since a lot of girls where there wearing swimsuits. A female train guard even looked at us in a very weird and derogatory way. I wouldn't blame her though.
The train also had this battleship game where you play with people on the same train. There was this one game where my opponent was actually the person sitting in front of me. I could see everything. I didn't know what to do so I tried faking some near misses and eventually won. A lingering feeling of guilt accompanied me throughout the trip. I eventually lost the next game where my enemy didn't even miss a shot! Noobmaster69 is so good in this game... Am I missing something?
Eventually, Halley and I got hungry and decided to check the train food menu. A train employee gave us a menu. I never knew food would be that expensive. I mean, 150 pesos for a cup noodle? I even looked at the most unreasonably expensive food. 450 pesos for a chicken wing and rice? I could buy 16 Piattos potato chips with that! This is just plain monopoly! Anyways, Halley and I rode a 7 hour train ride with rumbling stomachs. Just kidding. We both combined our savings and bought a pizza for 749 pesos.
I sent a picture of my ticket to my family Chat group. I also sent it to Rick. I just had a feeling that he needs to know too. I even sent him a few pictures I took of Manila Bay. My sister called me a pervert while my brother just sent a laughing and like emoji. Rick put me on seen for a while and eventually replied with a like emoji. That's just like him.
I talked to Halley about everything I wanted to talk to him about. We talked about a lot of stuff. From his story, space, rockets, stars, stargazing and more. I don't know why but I feel like he's hiding something.
Eventually, we fell asleep. It was to be expected since we did a lot today.
Just an hour later, we finally arrived at the Manila Train station and quickly made our way to the venue. It was already late afternoon so we had only a few hours before the closing ceremony.
We rode a taxi and eventually arrived. We passed a lot of unfamiliar streets. Every where I looked, it was always new. That fact is enough to make my heart beat fast.
A few minutes later.
There it is.
I can see it.
It's so grand.
It looks very much like an airplane, but it looks different at the same time. I looked at the burns on its side. Either this is caused by its exit to the atmosphere or its reentry. I'm not sure but I just have one way to describe it. It looked "Real." People really did it, huh. We humans really did go up "There."
I feel humbled as I looked at it even more.
I looked at Halley. His eyes sparkled like the man-made pond near my house. It sparkled like how it sparkled back then at the detention room. But I could see a tinge of sadness - no, not sadness. It's melancholy and realization in his eyes. I don't know what he's thinking and I can't possibly imagine. But something is happening.
He took out something from his bag. It was a recorder. He recorded something, but I couldn't really hear him because of the noise around. I didn't think much of it though.
He then started to speak.
"It pierces the atmosphere carrying tons of fuel, sweeps across the clouds and above, and breaks through the gravity of the Earth, heading skyward beyond the Kármán Line, a hundred kilometers away from sea level, to a place that is thought to be impossible to reach. Where all dreams go. To a place where no one is supposed to be."
"How will we go up there?" I asked as I'm filled with wonder.
I looked at Halley.
He had a grin on his face.
"Want to know?"
An airplane whooshed by so close to the airport that we felt the wind blew by its engines - blowing mine and Halley's hair in the process as he smiled.
I can't help but pull out my phone and finally start that diary I was planning to make since the beginning.
The first title I wrote was...
"My youth is finally starting!"
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