《Liberum Mundi》The Road to Home. (Part 7)


As I gaze upon the two figures. They stand up tall upon that rubble. As the kings of the hill. When Yosova grab one of Fyorga's shoulder and say, "Hey old man I think you're letting too much blood into your head. You better cool down. Hahaha."

Fyorga, glares at Yosova and say, "Yosova. SHUT UP."

Rana then whispers to me, "Sova listen, there are not much to say here other then the dragon man is a dualist and the other is probably the same but I can't sense anything. You better give it all you've got with those people and stay close to me all right?" she ask.

I nod and take out my weapon. Weaving the Qi around it, forming a long sword. But before I could do that, Fyorga suddenly jump high above, raising his weapon high above his head. Rana suddenly shoots out a mass of multi coloured flame knifes in rapid succession numbering to thousands. Fyorga not blocking, lets the flame hits him. When one of the flame touch his frosted armor. It exploded in a grandios fashion coloring the sky in a mesmerizing artwork. When a shadow looms among the fireworks, Fyorga came out fully intact with no burns. Taking no damages. I wonder if Rana's flame magic is no more use here.

"Jump!" screams Rana in panic.

Following what she say, I jumped a few feet above. When Fyorga spin his sword and stabs deep into the floor just a few meters away. Still in mid air, a giant wave of ice burst out from where he stab, as it amost freeze the soles of my boots. I trip as my feet touch the sudden icy floor. Stabbing the ground as I was about to fall. My weapon is now the length of a short sword but longer than Yosova's. I feel cold chills blowing from behind me. I keep my target at Yosova, the cold wind gathers around him. Slowly turning into a giant gale, before revolving into a giant cyclone engulfing him. Turning this entire area into a snowstrom. My vision of the entire area is gone replace by heavy snow. Feeling my whole body shivering from the coldness. I breath out to see a mist coming from my mouth. A green flame suddenly appear beside me. Surrounding me inside a green coloured bubble, and finally stop me from shivering. Something suddenly grabs me by the leg from infront.

"Eh?," I exclaim in surprise. When I hear the sound of steel dragging from behind me. I feel thin strings wrap around from my waist till my stomach.

"Eeeh?!" and suddenly got pulled from the front and back. Floating in mid air as I was the prize for the tug of war, "Aaah ow ow ow ow."

I see the same green claw from just now pulling my left leg, grabbing tight to my leg as it was crunching it. Before I could do anything, I feel the pull from behind me suddenly vanish, and I was haul out of the blizzard in but a moment thanks to the momentum. Flying high above the rubble I turn to look behind me to see a huge snowstorm. Piling up the floor with snow turning the area from just now like a completely different environment. With multiple cyclones moving around and a dim flickers of light showing and vanishing from inside it... Rana I'm sure you can win this. As the view goes lower. I see Yosova, sits on the frozen rubble that resemble some kind of chair. Sitting with a laid back position as he rest his head with his left arm and wave at me with his right.


As the claw on my leg releases me. I landed on to the icy rubble. Sliding away, before falling off from the high pile of icy debris. Crashing down in the middle of some kind of lobby. Stopping suddenly as I plunge my blade to the floor. Ouch... With it's floor all frozen in solid ice. This lobby is contrasting with the one in the Central Guild Lobby. It's walls are all made of some kind of cutted stone and metal. It's ceiling has been swallowed up by gloomy and dark swirling cloud, showering white snow as it was winter... I'm quite happy to see snow falling through my nose. For it gives me these weirdly warm fuzzy feeling. Cause there is no winter in the sector where I live in. Usually, when there is no place sis wants to bring me. I ask her to see snow. Looking closely A dragon's head pokes out in the middle of the spiraling clouds. Biting a glowing white orb, as it lights up the entire lobby. With wooden pillars around the lobby each decorated with a twin red and green coiling dragons made of some jade and ruby stones. Damn I really want to lay down and relax seeing that, but now is not the time... This place is still opulent in so many different way. I pulled my sword out easily... Neat I thought to my self before I stand up, slipping as I barely stay on my feet by stepping the snow and using my sword as a stick. Infront of me is a giant gate similar to the one Rana destroyed. And on both sides is another gate but half of the size. The room is practically empty with just a wide space different than the one in Central guild's lobby, that is filled with luxurious tables, chairs and other deluxe goods.

The sound of ice getting smash resonate across the lobby. Hearing the sound of falling glaciers from behind me. I look to see the source. Crouching down as he stands up very slowly. Pumping out steam from the tiny slits of holes in his helm. The frozen floor beneath him continues to crack further as he stand. His long tail sways around making it hard to define it's length as it makes a rattling sound everytime it sways. The uncountable claws grabbing and covering his entire body clamours as he was vibrating. His shoes now has three claws resembling the feet of a beast stabbing it's nails into the frozen floor. His eight red serpernt like eyes glows brightly. Oozing out a thin heavy aura as it surround him pushing back all the snow that hail from above. Gazing at me from somewhere around 4 meters, like a snake finding a mouse. Unlike Aoi his different in another level.

"Hey chap, looks like you chose to escape. Well I can't blame you," he says happily. While toying his short sword with his fingers.

I replied to him, "Sova, we don't need to fight. Just let me and Rana pass through, please. Every second I'm here is more chance that my family is in jeopardy."

"Well I wish I could. But I really can't, after that stunt you pulled chap. At least show me what you can do first. You could maybe even defeat me, and escape on your own or help your friend back there. Rana is it?" he answer back in a joking manner.

I breath in and out. I elongated my blade to become a 1.3 meter long sword. I thicken my Qi surrounding me. Moving my right leg forward, holding the sword with two hands right hand above left hand below. I put the blade on my right shoulder feeling the Qi touching my shoulders, my arms and elbows in. Wrath guard stance. I guess this is the only stance I'm used to... And it seems his kind enough to wait.


He walks a few steps forward, "Oh you really are from the empire. Nice... Let me try something."

Yosova begins holding his short sword tightly with his right hand. And begins to raise his right arm as to form a shield stance. As I tilted my head to the right in confusion. He suddenly vanish shattering the frozen ground beneath him as he does. Enhancing the vision of my eyes... I can see him. His Swinging his sword to my left. I immediately swing my sword to the left with all my might. And our blade clash,making a weird sound of resonance the moment I hit his blade. As the wind pressure blows through my body. The ground beneath me cracked as my foot sunks deep.

Yosova standing infront of me, towering me as he pushes my blade down closer to me with only one hand not letting me counter back. I tried pushing him back with all my might and move to the right. But before I could move. He quickly begins to disengage, moving his sword and backing away. Making me forcefully swinging to the right with the momentum. Stopping it, I connect it by moving forward stepping into a steep floor, swinging to the left immediately. I'm not that easy to play with I didn't train with sis for nothing and this sword is pretty light and easy to control. He blocks it easily with his short sword using only one hand. His gladius resonates a weird sound once again and my Qi blade shakes uncontrollably as I look at him. When I see him retract his left hand and swings a left hook trying to hit me with his palm. I move back trying my best to keep balance, making him miss by a margin. As his left hand pass through my sight he begins to laugh.

"Hahaha. Oops, I miss," he says like his having fun.

Suddenly he twist his left arm around mine, wrapping it around my arms. Capturing both of my arms as I feel the rigid cold steel of his armor. I tried to escape only to get my arms lifted. When he push my left elbow up. It makes me look up as I twist my arm and tip toe on my feet in the process. Thanks to his height. I Still hold my blade tight, while it points to the ground. Not letting it go as I feel my arms getting twisted more. The red eyes on his casque, glows brighter as I feel him smiling behind his helmet. Now gazing at me face to face... Oh no.

"Hahaha. Too easy," he laughs sounding very amused.

The green flame beside me starts to dive at him, Yosova dodge easily by bending his head closer to my face and proceed to hit me with his pommel. swinging his pommel diagonally, bashing me in the jaw. Not being able to move and forcefully hold tight. I was force to feel the full impact of his strike. As his weapon resonates. My vision shakes. I close my eyes reflexively. As he lets me go, I fell on my feet. Still holding my weapon tight. I Opened my eyes. Seeing my vision turn into a circling mess of mayhem not knowing where is right, left, up nor down. Waving around uncontrollably, as I'm trying my best just to barely stand on my feet. Swaying around for a while before finally standing still.

"Nice... Stand... Very tough," barely hearing what he says Just to take another impact from my left arm.

Feeling something in my left arm cracked. Making me Fling far and crash to the ground presumably, hearing the sound of glass shattering close to me, sliding away before hitting something curved. Touching it to feel a wood... It's the pillar. I hold my left arm, and tried moving it to the side. Only Making a large cracking sound, "Aaaaah. Ow ow ow," I scream in pain. Grabbing my blade tightly with my right arm, I stabbed the ice floor and stand up with only one arm.

Pain course through my every vein. My vision is now a mess of unprecedented chaos. My left arm is not working anymore. My knees is shaking as I was standing. This all from just from two hits... Trying my best to hold out. I grit my teeth once more focusing my vision. I look ahead of me. To see some kind of green silhouette heading slowly towards me... Yosova. Not wanting to release the sword nor make a stance for if I do I will fall, I was left standing open for attack.

Not caring anymore, I brace my self. And pull out my sword, raising it high above my head with my right hand, while using my left hand that still limps to balance my swing. Wavering at my feet before I fall. I swing it down diagonally producing a Qi wave slash. When seeing the blur vision of Yosova just slicing the wave instantly. Feeling an arm pass right underneath my right armpit. He pushes me down by the right shoulder. Forcing me to bend over. My arms that is interlock with Yosova is twisted forcefully. Making me release my weapon reflexively.

Hearing my weapon drop to the floor. My face suddenly got bash by something, feeling the full impact. Before he releases simultaneuosly as he hits me. I hurled upwards. Crashing on something made of stone behind me head first. Before falling on my butt.

My chaotic vision darkens. I feel blood flowing from my nose. Dripping continuosly on my shirt and breast plate. I tried moving my right hand trying to grab my weapon wherever it is. Only to be grasp by some claw and push to the wall. Nailing it down, "Aaah," I groan not able to move anymore. I decided to look infront to see, a blur green silhouette with a long tail towering over me, casting out a long shadow overlaying me. Not being able to do anything I was force to accept my fate. Closing my eyes. When I hear him say, "Chap... You've got... Tenth of my strenght yet... Oh boy."

Feeling a claw touching my stomach, Qi flows into me. My vision begins to clear up, my nose stopped bleeding and the pain begins to dissappear. The claw on my right arm detaches and flew back reattaching back to his right shoulder. When he then starts to say, "You're lucky, Aoi fought you with monster techniques... Besides she is not train to deal with humans. Well she is just too kind to a fault . Me? I'm a full fledged Martial Artist, and a criminal, just like you. Sorry chap I was just testing you as a fellow practitioner, come on I'll help you out," he said as he lets go of my stomach and giving me a hand.

Not accepting it I glare at him and ask, "What do you mean criminal? And you expect me to trust you after all that trashing?"

"Aah chap, stop dazzling me with your ignorance. I mean, why do I want to help someone who's probably a ghost that came out from the Reliquary which is said to be impossible to get out. Have a Special Ranking Hunters card which commoners nor many wealthy nobles won't have the luxury nor skills to hold and some illegal items which is banned in multiple countries around the world with him. Someone who can't even follow someone's word when I told them I'm going to help you out... Guess I can't blame you for that one. Then getting persuaded by some shady figure, who just happen to appear out of who knows where. Damaging government property that is pretty much relics and priceless, hurting others and almost killing innocent personnel and MUCH MUCH MORE. You tell me! Why should I trust YOU!" pointing at him self then points at me when he said the last part. And giving me a hand once again.

Silenced by his reply. He then continue to say, "And besides don't you know the stance and technique you learn are techniques from the empire. Use for fighting humans, not monsters. Like what I use to beat you up just now and they usually just gun down all monsters with a wall of guns and artillery battering. I gone off topic there... Either way didn't your sister The Tyrant Gardener ever tell you about Martial Artist or Qi users being illegal in multiple countries unless they had..." stopping amid his words before continuing to say, "Hey if I'm really serious you're suppose to explode when I first grab you and are you just gonna leave me hanging or what? My hands are getting tired here," he ask me before whispering, "That's sarcasm there. Hahahaha."

"Which part!?" I retorted back.

Finally able to move both my arms again, I thought, Sis... Why didn't you teach me all of that... Maybe I fall asleep during theory lessons. When suddenly a bright light dawn upon us. Yosova grabs me by the hem of my t-shirt and dodge away, pulling me along. The flames exploded dividing the lobby in two with a multi coloured fireworks when it suddenly froze up from below and stopping at the top. Turning it to a beautiful wavering rainbow sculpture. Casting out auroras into the orb. Making the entire room full of colorful lights.

"Whoa, that's actually quite beautiful," Yosova said in surprise. Putting me down while wrapping his left arm around from behind me. Kinda like holding me hostage.

Standing a few meters away from the spectacle. Suddenly a green flames zips above me. Yosova bent his head to the left. Dodging it again easily, before the green claw on his right shoulder detatched. Hurling in fast speed and grabs the green flames nailing down on the dragon near the pillar beside me. It can get captured? I thought to my self. When I hear him saying, "And you have spirits too... How nice is life when you have a influential person as your family. Like seriously kid your life is just too luxurious. While back when I was your age, I had to eat corpses to survive."

Staring at him from below he looks back at me asking, "What's with that eyes kid? You could seriously charm any man with that cute face... Peoples life are just different. That's all I have to say."

"I feel sorry for you... But can you please let me go now?" I ask him.

Only for him to answer "Nah, I won't. For some reason it's warmer when I'm close to you. Just wait for a while... I'm cold too you know. Just like you, I can't use magic."

As he said that. The giant sculpture begins to crack. Fractures starts to spread across it. Shattering completely as it exploded. Two figures came out of it. Her long blue scarf swirling around as she moves mid air, leaving behind trails of corrupting darkness wherever she go like a night fairy. While the twelve foot tall, semi human ice dragon chasing the other one around moving like some berserker, swinging it's two meter thick blunt long sword made of ice, stopping it's attack when it almost hit the pillar. Scattering ice shards and strong blizzards wherever he threads leaving nothing but mayhem.

Rana now looks a bit different. Her uneven short hair that swings to the right is now longer, reaching tilll her shoulders making her look more feminine. With a quarter of her mask shattered leaving her right dark brown eyes open to see when her long bangs sway. Other than that her clothes, greaves and armor is still fully intact. Covering her whole body. Sitting on top of a coiling dragon's head as she look down, raising her left hand summoning more multi coloured flames. While her long blue scarf whips uncontrollably from the harsh snow storms.

Fyorga on the other hand resembles nothing like he looks moments ago. His now twelve foot tall, bigger than Aoi in her second form. His lapis blue armor now resemble real razor sharp scales made of ice going upwards like a lamellar. Fusing together with his body as I see it tightens together. Making it look like lizard skin. Spikes protrude from his head, knees, shoulders, torso, his back, and elbow Looking slimmer as he now has a tail with a sharp multi layered end, while his helm is now a dragons head but with no eyes, nose nor mouth. Just the gaps that shines dark blue. Looking similar with the dragon kin from the fairy tales but with no face. Roaring at Rana without opening a mouth or some sort.

When I look up again, not knowing what face Yosova is making while he wears his helmet. I ask what is boggling my mind, "Say Sova can all Hunters transform like that? Like seriously they all look like monsters."

"Nah... Just Special Ranking Hunters or High Ranking Hunters that will soon be promoted to special ranks, can transform into something like a full fledged monster. You fight a monster with a monster after all. Except those gate guards since they are station in human settlements they need to look fully human to not cause any riots. Still I'm impressed it actually force Yosova to transform. And last this long too... Maybe it could actually help you out of the Reliquary," he explains.

"So you can't?" I ask again.

To be replied with a quick, "Nope."

When suddenly Fyorga faces this way he starts to say, "Hey phantom we got your target hostage, surrender now or else," with a ghastly voice.

"Or else what?" Rana replied back as I see her right eye frown. Probably smiling behind that mask.

Fyorga then starts to get enraged. Screaming at Yosova, "Hurt that boy Yosova!"

Only to be replied with, "Nah I'm quite comfortable like this. His very soft like a girl."

"Are you serious?!" I tried moving around only to be hold tighter.

"It's just a joke chap. You think I could feel with this armor on."

"You bastard!" his aura becomes more fierce, as the snow becomes denser. Yet it's not affecting me like during the time with Aoi... Maybe thanks to this bubble. The lobby darkens. Lightning begins to spur from the ceiling. And the skies started raining ice shards the moment lightning strikes between them. Before the ice shards makes contact with both me and Yosova. It disintegrated when it hits the bubble.

When Yosova says, " I know I am... Still being in the protection of spirits is nice... I guess they can't enchant you with magic since you are from the empire and all. Oy, old man damage!"

As Yosova said that the storm stops. And he begins to grumble something. Lifting his great sword with both arm. He vanish appearing before Rana and strike. Rana disappeared immediately. Making him stop his swing by spinning around and landing on the pillar standing horizontally on the pillar. As the claws on his feet digs deep into the pillar.

Rana appeared before us showing her back. Provoking him by saying, "What? Afraid of colateral damage? You're very reasonable contradicting to your looks. Never mind you just damage the floors either way."

"Floors don't count only the gates and scurptures count," Yosova reply back.

Fyorga stayed calm as he crouch and dash raising his sword high above his head, leaving his chin open. Rana who is now close to us... Oh no. I look up when I hear Yosova saying, "Too easy," and raise his sword.

I tried to disturb it by grabbing his sword. When suddenly he push me aside, and takes a stance. Rana vanish once more. Leaving both of them to clash. When I hear him saying slowly, "Just the chance I needed."

And makes me tilt my head in confusion. When Rana suddenly grabs me by my jaw, while holding my cheeks and make me face her, "Looks like you're unhurt where did that blood came from?" she asks worriedly.

As I was about to answer. I heard a ear-splitting boom accompanied by the loud sound of shattering ice. Making me cover my ears. Rana still holds me seemingly unaffected. Looking to the side I see Yosova making a swing with his green short sword. But what surprise me is the fact that Fyorga now has no head... No he lost his entire upper body. Revealing his real upper body still wearing his blue armor expose. When the piling debris behind him shattered and hauled over plugging up the way we got here.

"Hahahaha. Suck it biyatch," Yosova says amusingly. While flipping his middle finger.

"Ho ho," Rana exclaim in surprise. As she lets go of me.

Fyorga fall on his knees as he land. When he look at Yosova. His face was filled with madness. Full of unprecedented rage. Absolutely Incandescent with dark blue glow. Ice starts floating and combine together. Forming back as he regenerates. He smashes the ice beneath him, with the soles his feet as it gets larger. Ice started sprouting around us. Creating spikes and surprisingly lotuses. The sky darkens and thundering skies fills the lobby raining down ice shards. Seeing Yosova's armor breaking the ice before it hits him. Whipping gales of snow storms blows at us all. Not feeling the cold I see Yosova shivering from his armor... Maybe that's just his armor.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!!!" Fyorga screams creating a giant swirling blizzard coming towards us.

Before Rana could react. Yosova just prepared his weapon and as soon the claw from before attach to his right shoulder. His aura intensifies. Becoming so dense and expanding covering him in transparent aura turning him into a shadowy figure. Making him look very inhumane as his armor clamour more faster and much louder. He then starts making a slash as he say, "Roaring viper resonance technique, Chaotic path: anarchic tide," before he finish slashing Rana covers my ears.

Hearing the ear-piercing boom more powerful than the one just now. Shattering all the ground around 10 meters around him. I cover my ears holding Rana's hand as our feet sunken down.

The green flames stayed beside me once more holding my weapon. When I see his semi transparent tide enter the blizzard and dispersing the squall. A loud exploding sound resonates through the room. Fyorga back in his dragon form... No he looks more demonic his head that resemble a dragon now have goat horns, his size is now 15 feet, while the body becomes more dense with muscles made of ice. With more crooked ice forming. He took the attack head on,taking the sound waves full force. Taking no damage as the ice floor shatter. A blue circle similar to Aoi's appear beside his head and summons a blue spear. Approximately 5 meters long. The head looks very sharp with razor edges, wavy tip and a dragon head decor and weird snow patterns on it's long stick made of semi transparent blue crystals. And takes a stance. Holding the bottom with his left raising the back up as he raise his left arm up, while holding the upper part with his right, Aiming it down to the broken ice floor. Rana lets go of my ear pulling my hand back in the process when I hear:


"Well simply put I'm going to turn the main five to main six well why don't we try again." Yosova reply back in a joking manner.

"...DIE," he summons a giant blue magic circle with a dragons head and weird runes infront of him. And lunge his spear out with his right arm. Creating a giant blue beam when it pass through to circle. Tearing trough the floor in it's path.

Yosova, spins around his blade as it resonates till it becomes blur. He swings it up, parrying the beam above. Splitting the clouds as it hits the ceiling. The damage causes debris to fall on top of us. Rana grabs me by my hands and pulls me to the gate. Separating us when I feel a resonance hits through me saying, "Thanks for not killing my cuz. She's all I've got."

Rana kicks open the giant gate once more destroying it as we went out. As the debris blocks the way in. Heavy rain hails mercilessly upon us. Our clothes got wet, heavy and murky upon contact. Hearing hammering thunder around us, fighting the whipping gale as we went. As we stand in the middle of the storm.

Rana lets go of me. Landing to the muddy stone floor. I thought to my self, finally I'm out. Please wait for me everyone. I'm coming home.

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