《Liberum Mundi》The Road to Home. (Part 6)
Staring at Rana I answer, "That's because she promise me, that she will help me out of here."
Feeling a cold stare as his face got closer to mine. Before I knew it, his right arm grabs me by the neck. Lifting me off the ground once more. Choking as I held his arm to let go. I feel my heart skip a beat, as I feel something coiling around my heart. Not being able to look down I tried speaking:
"Rana, lef me explan mor. Im nut dun," to see him tilting his head to the side.
Letting go. As I fell off the ground. I hold my own neck, gasping for air. He speaks once more saying, "Continue," in a disgruntled voice.
"Why won't you let me finish before doing that," seeing him raising his right arm. I continue to say, "I manage to wake up a little bit after collapsing."
As I said that, he leans himself on a wall. Folding his arm and says, " I said continue," in a dissatisfied voice.
Calming my self as I breath in and out. I continue saying, "After we got out of the Reliquary and I collapse. I manage to wake up, seeing my self being healed. It was blurry, but I can still see. It was her, she was the one healing me, she never once cast a spell or feed me any drugs. As she saw me woke up, she told me that she will help me out. With the help of somebody else... I think it's Yosova."
Rana opens his folded arms and walks closer , looking down on me. Before sitting down. Crossing his legs and said, "That's your reason? Why didn't you tell me. You could have said something that important in the cell!"
I retort saying, "Well if you didn't say anything about trust and my family in that cell. I probably would. It may leave a bad taste of ignoring what they said, but I could have still at least talk and negotiate with her if you don't shoot that magic at her."
Taking a huge sigh, he hold his temple. Pulling back some of his long bangs, Revealing his broken mask. Showing a forehead with smooth white skin, more fairer than mine. Oh well I too have... Wait why do I care. Aunt Palka and Nicole it's your fault. I feel like both of them are laughing with how much I care now... I need to get back sooner.
Rana looks at me and ask, "Then how do you explain her surprise when seeing you, when he carry you? And you know what never mind," as he say that he stands and bow at me saying, "I'm sorry Sova. Please forgive my rash action thus far."
Seeing that, catches me by surprise. I immediately say, "Wait, you don't need to d-" stopping mid sentence as I feel my head being pat. Rana close the distance. Whispering in my ear, "I hope you're not lying. Here," feeling like he smiled behind that mask. A beautiful engraved red potion drops infront of me. Dropping the handle. I Grab it and went to her. When suddenly the ground shakes the crack floor begins to move and vibrate... Wait don't tell me.
Running limply to Aoi, I immediately carry her in my shoulder. Feeling as if I'm carrying a boulder. I thought, how heavy is she? Rana immediately grabs me and Aoi carrying both me and her in his small shoulders easily... Magic is nonsense. And hear him saying, " Well let's get out looks like the damage broke some of the floor," and starts dashing quickly.
Still holding tight to the potion. Not seeing where he is going. I lift my head to see the floor crumbles and a giant gaping hole. On the floor Rana finish the battle. Many colorful flying beast starts to burst out in an uncountable rate. Swallowing the sky as the lights dim. The beast encase the sky with total darkness, when beast starts to climb the hole and chase after us... Is this how monster fight with mass assault?
When we enter a certain hallway, I see the walls shuts tight behind me. Hearing the loud sound of something smoosh. Rana clicks his tongue and say, "This is worse than I thought. Looks like this sector will have to be quarantine... Weird I'm pretty sure, someone is watching us from here," as he says that he stops in his tracks.
Hearing the sound of a door getting kicked open forcefully. I was immediately thrown into some flat surface. Ouch... Feeling the pain of the previous battle, I decided to get up. Sitting on some weird 3 x 3 stone block, in the middle of the room. I See a bright round room, very long in diameter and lockers spread around circling the room in an orderly manner. Looking closely the locker has names in them... Mostly females. Wait am I in a girls dressing room?
When I hear a giant steel snap. I look behind to see Rana, opening a locker near the entrance. As it's door faces me, I see a name written Aoi... Seeing him scavenge the inside, throwing out some white shirts, pants and underwear... I quickly look to the side to see Aoi still limp with her face down on the block. I quickly go to her turning her around and hold her in my right arm. Seeing her skin still filled with cracks and her eyes losing it's life. I opened the potion, forcing her to gulp it down till the last content with my left hand. As her eyes gains back life turning blue, she faces saying, "Sorry and thank you," passing out in my arm.
Checking to see she is still breathing. I Lay her down. I stand up checking on my self. My green t-shirt along with my short pants tattered and burned missing it's sleeves. My skin filled with light burn wounds and some cuts seems to have recover. I gotta thank sis for teaching me how to hasten healing speed with Qi... When something soft hit me in the head. Seeing what it is, A black headband with the name Sova knitted to it. Immediately grab and put it on. I feel like my soul is missing without this, and it's very comfy to boot. When suddenly I feel my self getting braver.
When I see where it came from, I see Rana standing there, Holding a small transparent glass case showing the green stuff inside, on his right arm. He comes closer to me putting the small salve in the block and said, "Strip off."
Confused, I tilted my head and ask, "What?" only to fall down flat in the block.
Seeing him lifting his long sleeves, revealing his smooth slender hands and fingers. Opening up the salve scooping the green gel like substance with his left hand. When I tried to speak it's like something is forcefully stopping my mouth from opening making me squeal and hum, "Hmmph hnmmm."
Seeing his hands entering my shirt. Feeling the slimy texture of his left hand rubbing against my stomach, "Damn this is good quality," looking at me as he say that... Why!? Looking at me and said, "We he hell, don't worry this is really good stuff like it can restore your tan skin and remove burn marks. Sadly not scars."
I responded trying to make him stop. While the things coming out of my mouth was, "Hmmphn nhhhmp."
He giggles and said, "What? Is it wrong because a guy is doing it? But letting a cute girl rub their hands on you. Well aren't you a healthy boy..." feeling something weird as he press my thighs, and starts pulling my pants down before stopping midway. He then continues to say, "Wait are you still thinking I'm a guy all this time," he laughs maniacally as he said that. Before continuing saying, "Don't worry I'm a girl..." stops a while before changing his... Her voice and says, "Don't worry dum dum. I'm just going to heal you up in tip top condition with this salve, nothing to worry just relax. It's not like you can get free massage from a pin point expert you know," her voice is weirdly enchanting and endearing. Exciting me, as it makes me fully awake, alluring me like the songs of the sirens. Feeling my self being lubricated with the green stuff. I can't help but feel weird. Accompanied by her captivating humming... I can't help but, "Hnnnmmp."
Rana immediately hasten what he... She is doing, and then look at me face to face or mask. I feel hazy, only being able to shake a little and moan... Feeling like every part of my body is saying she is doing this only for enjoyment... Please stop it I thought, when she finally says, "Hehehe, you are just too cute," hugging me tight as she lift me up. And continue saying, " Oh you're so soft and squishy. Your smooth pearl white skin, that mellow blonde hair... Teasing boys like you are just... Are just so cuuuute! Hehehe, Tulia was right about..." she immediately lets go. Suddenly being able to move again I swiftly wear back the broken clothes.
I retorted back saying, "You seriously need to control your self Rana. Do that one more time and I'll seriously never join you. Ever!" seeing her keeping silence and facing away from me. I ask, "Uuhm Rana, what's wrong? Did I offend you. I'm sorry."
Still looking away from me, I feel heavy sorrow fills the room. When I though I see her rub her face behind the mask, and said, "Don't worry about it, I guess I went too far. Come let's get out quickly," her voice returns, with a kinda deep voice. She stands up. All of the emotion she has, gone in but a moment. She went to Aoi's locker again, pulling out some new green t-shirts, pants, my equipment from the chest plate, different gauntlets, the leg guards, and my bag. As I was changing and putting it on, I say to Rana, "Rana... I don't know what happened but if I can help, please let me know. After all I'm going to be your companion right?" trying to cheer her up.
Hearing that she suddenly flinch, and looks at me again. Regaining her composure, she pets my head and says: "Don't worry Sova. You're a really good kid, take good care of your self until you really want to join me," she says in a melancholic tone.
I immediately grab her left arm and said, "Rana I'm sorry but can you return to your cheerful self. Seeing you like this is worse than being in that precarious situation. Please."
She says, "Then you better prepare yourself. Now come on, she will be just fine here. If my thesis is correct, they are likely amassing their forces at the entrance right now. Well sadly there is only one way out of this place," she changed back to her carefree self.
Feeling a weird urge inside of me. I ask her, "Uh- uh Rana, C-can you please try speaking in your normal girl voice again? It's very attractive."
Only to be replied with, "Oh... Ooooo. No can't do. That voice is highly addictive and very nubile so you better try resist it. Teehee," she said in a cheerful manner.
I answer back, "Eh but it's s-," only to be flickered in the head.
"Ouch what was that for!" I say in anger.
She replied back, "You're now free, be thankful... Whatever," she opens the door and says, "I will be waiting outside so if you need anything just grab whatever you can here, take your time but just no too long. And you forgotten something" throwing me something, as I grab it. It's the charcoal handle I use in the battle with Aoi, "You left that in the dome. Just make sure you don't forget it's yours now, take it as a gift," and left. Closing the door making a click sound as she leave.
I scream at the door saying, "I'm sorry," putting the handle on my waist. As it perfectly fit where the spear is missing. I look in the room. I see Aoi still passed out. Sleeping calmly... When she suddenly gets up, "Eeeek, what!" As I pull out my handle. Trying to form a blade as quick as possible.
Seeing her raise her hand, signaling me to put the weapon down. And says, "Kid it's okay... I guess I let my feelings rule me out in that place. I'm very sorry please forgive me... I know you may not forgive me, after all I tried to kill you, but please answer this. Why did you lie and save me?" she ask bewildered.
Feeling baffled, I wonder why Rana didn't hear me scream just now... I answer her, "I don't want to kill anyone, I already lost my parents in some war I barely understand nor remember. Even someone like me know that Yosova talks with his heart. He must've been devastated if he hears that you died. Violence is never the answer is what sis always told me.. But seeing her disregard her own teaching makes me question if I should follow it... But then again everyone has their own life and circumstances. I was the one who kinda make the first move. So I should be the one apologizing. "
She takes a huge sigh and knock me in the head. When she says, "Okay, let's stop this nonsense," she stands up and walk to her locker. Seeing her cloths tattered and thrown out I hear her murmuring, "All my folded clothes..." and takes something out. A navy blue card with the Symbol of a white four sided gem and a white crescent moon with the same color. She walks to me and handing it to me.
Taking it, I look around and ask, "What is this?"
She showed a surprised face and said, "HUH! You don't know. Are you serious?" she said sounding shocked beyond believe. And continue saying, "Don't tell me you never even seen this thing before... Simply put this is the thing you use when you have too much money. You went to the bank or guild and they will put your cash here. They call this thing the CC or Currency card"
Looking at it I say, "Oh, well I guess it does have the common currency logo. So why are you giving this to me?"
She takes out a sheated short sword from her locker. Wrapping it in her waist and say, "It's my way of saying thanks for showing me mercy. But remember not all people will do the same when you spare them. Be careful kid you're just too kind... You will probably fight Yosova and Fyorga after this. Be careful, I don't know what he talks with you about me. But let me make one thing clear both of them are stronger than me even after my transformation... Now go, may the spirits guide you, and keep what you see in that place a secret promise me..." she close the locker and glares at me.
I walk to the entrance and say, "Oh. Uh... Yes I promise. Thank you and may the spirits be with you too," and leave the room as she stares at me. Whew, the Confederations greeting... Even if I live here for almost a decade I'm still not use to it. Now feeling fully equipped once more, I hope I don't get stripped again.
Seeing Rana leaning on the wall infront of the door. She ask, "So what did you take?"
I raise my hand, showing her the card Aoi gave me. When Rana say, "Oh money well I guess that's pretty reasonable."
I reply back saying, "No I didn't steal anything, turns out she was awake but I don't know how long... Forget I said that I don't wanna think aboit it. She gave me this as a way of saying thanks for sparing her life," opening my bag seeing it completely empty. Putting it inside as I was about to seal it Rana put something inside the green salve she use to lubricate me.
Rana walks ahead and say, "Take it you will really need it after this."
Zipping my bag quickly. I immediately followed suit. When she starts running, I also started running. Passing through the litted hallway. I look back seeing the door getting further and further. And look back infront, seeing Rana's blue scarf swaying smoothly. Going left, going right, ascending some stairs in the way.
I ask Rana to break the silence. "Say Rana I've been wondering, what will you do after I went back home. Surely you won't just leave me alone after all this trouble?"
She answers, "Aw you care... But you're right, I won't that's why I want to make you join me voluntarily."
I retorted back saying, "Well honestly speaking, you're not doing a good job at it."
"I know... I'm just trying my best in this times of strife. I need companions if I want to succeed my quest. Someone I can really trust. I don't really know what's your past nor who you really are but if you are related to Rubeca I can bet you are someone special. Someone I will need. And kid while we're still at it, you better throw away all your comfort in this city. Cause it's probably going to get worse from here on out," Rana answers with a low tone.
"You know Rana I wanna continue asking what I ask back in the cell. Who are you truly? You never given me a full answer," I ask once more in this hallway.
The yellow lights flicker as we run. Shadows envelopes us as the hallway change color to green. Doors started to appear beside us and multiple passage ways with boards having arrows started to appear saying where we are. And seeing Rana going to where the board saying [Exit gate] Rana still looking infront of me, stays in silence. When she finally speak saying, "Do you believe in another world Sova? A place different and yet the same somehow or another."
I tilted my head, "Other worlds? What?"
"Yes something from another dimension. I was pulled into this place by some misunderstanding it seems, and I can't go back unless I satisfy the desires of the God who summons me," she says in a serious tone.
"Wait. You're from another world? How is that even possible. Wait you're not lying aren't you. Don't tell me this is a joke, if so maybe I should laugh just now," I said in confusion.
She reply softly saying, "Believe it or not... I told you I will not lie I have no reason to anymore. Just be ready and prepare your sword we're getting close to the entrance."
For some reason, the air feels sad and melancholic, maybe I shouldn't have ask her that. I comfort her saying, "Hey once I'm done and went home, I will help you okay? You help me out all this time. Maybe you may have some motive but I will still help you. After all my aunt told me that if someone help you. You should help them back with whatever you can."
Rana still not looking at me. We keep running in this empty hallway with doors and passage ways before she finally reply, "You're really kind, I can appreciate you comforting me now we arrive."
As she say that, the hallway grows wider and taller and a giant gate came to view. So big you can have eight people doing the horizontal formation and march through with still some little bit space. Giant 2 meterlitted torches hangs on it's side. When Rana starts running faster and suddenly jumps, round kick the door smashing it up as the rubles flew over. Creating clouds of dust. When I heard a sound of something getting hit. I see Rana flew over me, landing with her mask falling infornt. I stopped running and grab the mask.
Looking back at Rana, half her face still covered by her black hair. Her eyes still hidden. Revealing a white smooth face and soft light pink lips. I see her face blush and pulls the blue scarf and covers the lower half. Raising her hands, looking away from me and hesitantly says, "G-give it back p-please it's e-embarassing," back in her alluring voice she commands me.
Feeling a weird sensation inside of me I reply, "Oh oh. Right," throwing it back at her.
When suddenly two giant figure appeared. A robust man a made and a beautiful female with long hair. Made out of water appearing from the dust. They suddenly raise their arms as they offer something above. Water suddenly appears and shoots random buck shots of sharp ice. Seeing the ice shooting rapidly, I tried backing away. When it's too late, Rana appear before me and hugs me. Encasing us in some transparent bubble. Feeling Rana's warmth I look at her seeing her face from below. Revealing her large black eyes, with long eye lashes looking closely to see she has a very dark brown color pupils. My heart for some reason beats faster. It's just like when I first met May when I was a kid. Feeling mesmerized I thought is this one of her spells again? I need to resist...
She wears back her mask, covering her entire face. And flicker me in the head again. She pulls me up making me stand straight and says, "Get your weapons ready we got a big company."
Standing up, I see the giant figures gone but still surrounded with dust. When I hear a large beast like screech blowing away all the dust in some sound wave. My ears rings as I hear the sound of multiple rattles and hisses. Two green like scale resembling a claw. Fly towards me, Rana slash the claws in half with her bare hands. The claw suddenly combine back together and flew back where it came from. When I see where it return to.
Standing on top of the giant pile of green rubbles. A 7 feet tall man with a muscular figure showing from his armor, holding a 1.8 meter blue great sword in his right hand while resting it in his right shoulders. Wearing some kind of weird full plate armor made out of green scale as it was swallowing him up covering his entire body. Except the crotch making it looks like a waist guard. It look very impractical. While his helmet makes it looks like some giant dragon head swallowing him up while leaving some pillar like spaces in between. Hard to believe but that armor makes him look like the dragon kins.
Beside him a man shorter than him with a warrior like figure. His head covered with a helmet that looks like two giant five fingered claws are grasping his head from behind, making it's thumb look like small horns. It's helmet have eight glowing red eyes from each fingers except the thumb. His entire body even the neck and crotch looks like multiple claws are grabbing him as to form a green full plate armor with no opening at all. With a long serpent like tail sprouting from behind his waist waving around with a concious of it's own as it makes a rattling sound. No his whole armor is rattling, vibrating around with lots of sound. Making him look like a serpent. Holding a short green sword resembling some sort of short sword... A gladius. His armor makes it looks very uncomfortable. Especially that crotch part.
The serpent like guy is definitely Yosova. While the one in scale armor is Fyorga. When Fyorga starts saying, "I can see you phantom, I'm not a special ranking hunter for nothing... Sova right? if I remember correctly. Didn't think you're the type to escape. Well here we are, trying to stop you. Still I'm quite happy, you actually did something bad. Now I can kill you and avenge my siblings. You've met them already just now."
Water starts to spurt out from the rubbles below him. Spiraling up as it surrounds him, forming into the two figures from before. When he says, "Meet Yun li and Albert li. They are a vengeful spirits who still stays because of their unjust death. Like seriously some people tried to quote and quote "Excorcise" them only to die a miserable death. Now in the name of my family I will slaughter you both," he says in a pleasing tone.
When the two figure hugs him turning his armor lapis blue. His greaves, helmet and armor sprout out frozen spikes, giving him horns, encasing him in some sort of Ice armor. Yet he still moves around like nothing is stopping him. His great sword now encased in ice making it two meters long when finally his helmet got frozen whole. The gaps in the helmet starts shining dark blue. He puts his right feet a little forward. Still holding his great sword with one hand, resting his great sword below. Making a fools guard stance.
I quickly ask, "Can't we just not fight, this doesn't need to happen we cou-" being cut mid sentence when Fyorga swung his great sword easily, shooting ice buck shards and says:
"Oh shut your trap. If you're not making a move I will."
Rana whisper at my ear, back in her kinda deep voice and says, "See it's no use. Surprise attacks always does the trick."
Well it's another fight... I don't see any other hunters anywhere it could be a trap but it seems like a fight is imminent... I sigh and thought to my self well here we go again.
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