《Galactic Intervention》009 The farm


As I walked into the farm I looked around the area. There were hanging vines with glowing moss on the ceiling. Bugs floating around just living their lives. I even saw a cow that I gave Jack. I decided to walk around a little so I went through an opening in the wall. Once through I saw a large glass tank filled with fish above a multi-level farm for the fish's poop to become fertilizer for the plants. The plants consisted of corn, wheat, hemp, and some other veggies. I walk over to the plants then climb a ladder to get up to the tank to see that Jack went ahead and got a variety of fish and tools for each of the fish's needs. The tank overall looked like a fish palace where fish swam in and out as they pleased. Satisfied with Jack work I climbed down to explore some more. I notice that there is an under construction sign on a wall will pickaxes lying on the ground near it. I walk over to the wall then see a briefcase with plans for a very large pool over 100 feet deep with prison cells at the very bottom. I looked closer at the plans and saw a glass bubble as the jail cells for people who can't breathe underwater.

I decide that we did need a prison just in case but maybe not an underwater one where if you tried to escape you would drown to death. I put the plans back down then went to another sign with another briefcase with plans. These plans were describing a large bunker for hiding underground. I could house up to 250 people for the first level. There were 10 levels planned each with an armory, kitchen, air system, and a miniature farm that could sustain the floor if the food planted was enhanced somehow. I did like the plans but they seemed dangerous since the floors were only 3 feet thick and no support beams running through all the floors.

I looked around but saw nothing else to check so I left the farm to go back to the main entrance. This time I went through another tunnel to see the rest of the cows were feeding on grass and drinking water. I walked to the main entrance with nothing left to see and decided to drag the cow back into its area. Once I put the cow where it should be I wondered why Jack told me to wear armor into the cave. I walked back into the main entrance to look to the last tunnel last had a metal door with a sign that read 'Stay out monsters are inside. Finn that means you too. These monsters are at least level 15 to 20 maybe even higher since I didn't go past the first room when the dungeon was made. Enter once you have someone who can beat the raid boss in a 1v1 situation.'


I chuckled and shook my head. I take out a piece of paper and write down 'Nice try Jack. I'm gonna go ahead and try to fight some stuff in here. If I don't come out within 24 hours then I am dead making you(Jack) the new leader. I write this note at 4:27 PM'

With my note written and out of my mind I unlock the door and take the first steps to either my ascension or devastation.

Once through the door I see maggot like creatures that range from the size of a moped to the size of an SUV. There was egg sacs on the ground wiggling around like something was hatching. I summon Typhon to be at the ready. I activate fleeting speed and dash forwards driving my sword into the head of a maggot cutting through its mouth but stopping after a foot causing the maggot to spray acidic blood all over me. I then activated goring rush causing an aura blade to cut the rest of the maggot. I turned around to see three more maggots beginning to surround me. I activate fleeting speed again and hop over the maggots body to create distance between me and the other maggots.

Once I land on the other side side of the maggot's corpse I loot it real quick getting a vial of acid (Maggot blood) but nothing useful for now. I look around and see an egg in front of me which I decide to slash the head off so it won't even hatch "Haha spawn killed bitch!" I then see the maggots begin to get around the dead body. I activate fleeting speed and run forwards slashing the two more eggs on the way.

I pull out a pistol thinking this is my last resort since it makes a load of noise. Once the three bullets rang out three dead bodies fell around me. I went around killing four more maggots finishing off the rest of this room. I walk around looting every dead body. I gained nine more vials of acid and I even got a blood crystal. I eat it with the feeling of a slimy goo sliding down my throat. I open the blood wheel wondering what traits I could get. A bloodstained wheel pops into existence in front of me.



Wheel percentage: 5%

Possible maggot traits:

Acid blood: 1.5%

Maggot's skin: 2%

Hive Mind 0.5%

Poison resistance: 0.4%

Evolving: 0.1%

I hope that I don't get this stupid five percent chance. I roll the wheel hoping I can burn away the maggot trait chances so I don't get this crappy traits. I roll the wheel staring down the five percent chance go round and round. I close my eyes then hear a ding. I shiver in fear of actually getting this stupid five percent chance.

Congrats, You have gotten the trait evolving!

This skill allows you to every 5 levels pick a selection of skills or traits to add to you arsenal.

Since you have not reached level 5 you will be granted the amount of experience necessary to level up.

You are now level five!

Your evolution options are:

Flightless wings

Dull eyes

Hollow teeth

You have to pick within 10 minutes or the top option will be assigned.

I pondered if any of the choices sound useful. The wings could evolve later on to the ability of flight while the dull eyes sound useless. The hollow teeth sound like a vampire route. I wonder if I would even want to become a vampire? I shake my head and think of all the downsides with being a vampire so I choose the wings.

You have chosen the flightless wings.

WIth that I feel a push on my back and hear a large tearing noise as my skin gets ripped away. I feel a rush of air fill my shoulder blades. I try to imagine my shoulder blades wrapping around me. I end up slapping myself in the face with my new wings. I then pull them away from my face and see a pair of wings filled with black feathers. They have the red symbols from my soul on them. I then imagine my skin being covered in the skin of my soul. I feel a searing pain fill my forehead then spread to the rest of my body. I open my eyes and look down at my hands to see black skin covered in red symbols. I activate fleeting speed and watch as the symbols turn a dull blue and shift into clouds. A window pops up

Congratulations, You have figured out what your soul link does!

You skin feature boosts your skills to new heights.

While skin is active:

-50% Mana usage

+200% Skill power

+100% Skill duration

Your skin still has 2 more secrets. These secrets are made by you. You can infuse your skin with items, skills, blood, souls, etc. to boost the gains from your skin.

2 slots remaining

I fold up my wings and undo my skin. I then walked out of the first room to the second.

In the gods world

Loki: I feel that another monster has been born. He will bring ragnarok upon us or he will be able to hold off ragnarok.

Zeus: Bullshit Loki. A puny human can't do anything to gods. We will kill him if we need to. All in favor of waiting!

Loki, Odin, Thor, Hades, and Hera put their hands up.

Zeus: Those in favor of killing him!

Zeus, Posiden, Hermes, and Apollo put their hands up.

Zeus: So many of you didn't put your hands up. Why is that?

Prometheus: Because we are gods who shouldn't meddele in mortal affairs.

The other gods all nodded their heads

Wukong: We will give them blessings if they earn it they will recieve punishment if they challenge us agreed?

The gods once again nodded their heads.

Zeus: It is decided then we will deal with them at a minimum of it being needed or as we please but we kill them without them being a threat to us.

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