《Galactic Intervention》008 The Soul Canvas


"What do you mean until I impress you?" I asked wondering why I was being held in this place. The person removed their hood to reveal a smooth head with no face and nothing else on it. "I am a reflection of your soul." I spoke but inside of my head. "You will be held here by me your own soul. Here is the soul you just consumed. Also the reason my face is completely smooth is simply because your soul has nothing to its name. No power or entitled power to speak of."

I grabbed a small crystal from its hand and gripped it. I wondered if the crystal could now be a weapon like a sword or a dagger. With that thought the crystal became a sword then morphed into a dagger. "Really? You want to fight me with that pitiful weapon. If your going to fight me then you might as well pick a less generic weapon. Something that reflects your personality." I thought on its words then thought of a weapon I saw in a shop one time. A pair of brass knuckles appeared but they had blade on the front but also the bottom of them. When I slipped them on the blades pointed downwards. I gripped the blades and felt like they could be a good weapon choice if I did a lot of practicing.

I rushed to the other 'me' and slashed at him. He easily dodged it then followed up with a punch of his own knocking me onto my back. The punch felt like someone put a bunch of pillows around a baseball bat. It hit me with a bunch of force but only force to push me back and not to harm me. I picked myself up and ran forward to slash at 'myself' but this time I used goring rush to make an aura slicer. Once I tried to activate the skill it fell apart with my mana failing to shape itself. So I decided to try and rush it but this time I ducked the arm and stabbed the blade into the ground to use it to spin and sweep for his legs.


Once I hit its legs it began to fall so I pulled out my blade and slashed at its face scoring scratches on the perfectly wound object. I then followed up with a stab by raising the blades above my head then bringing crashing down into the thing's neck and ribs. The stabs went through like butter but then melted into my soul. It swung its arm at me but this time it brought me close to it. "Tell me Finn. Pick a feature from the creature in the mirror that I should take on."

"What are the features I can pick from?" I asked while sitting on the ground. "The features are hair, ears, eyes, mouth, skin, or special feature." it responded.

"What is the special feature?" I asked. It shook its head "I cannot tell you until you choose it."

I sat there in thought for a second and decided to ask another thing "Are the red symbols part of the skin feature?"

It nodded its head in agreement but said nothing. I straightened myself and gave it my answer "I choose the skin feature."

It stood up and it did something with its hands to make a hand gesture that no human could do with bones in their fingers. A dot appeared on its head then began to spread till it began to cover the head then the upper chest leaking down till even the feet were covered. Once that was done a bunch of red dots grew into symbols that covered my soul's arms. Once that was done it gave me a thumbs up then flicked its wrist forcing me to fly backwards for what seemed like minutes then hours. I soon fell asleep to the whistling to the wind in my ears and the light pressure the wind created on my back.

I woke up on my floor with the mirror once again in front of me. I saw myself but also a little ripple on the mirror. It was pulsing constantly making waves. I stood up then checked where Sarah was sleeping to she that the bed was empty. I then went outside to see what was going on. Once I rounded the corner of my house I saw a goblin group sitting around a fire cooking a boar. I readied myself for a fight by pulling out a sword and activating goring rush. Just as I was about to release the skill onto the group jack tackled me to the ground from behind forcing my skills into the dirt. The dirt pulsed outwards like a wave.


I stood up and looked to Jack "Dude what the fuck was that for?! They are goblins!" Jack looked to them then back to me "Yeah but dude they are bound by their god to be peaceful here unless provoked. They act like guards for Sarah. Wherever she goes they follow. She is out hunting with the other group right now though."

I couldn't shake the feeling that this would end terribly if anything goes wrong. I looked back to Jack to ask him about the farm "So Jack how is the farm right now?" He grew a smile the size of the world itself. "Dude it is amaze balls. The animals you gave me are working great while the plants are growing like crazy. I actually had started a project underground. Here lemme show you." Jack began to walk through the middle of the town while giving the goblins a friendly wave and in turn they smiled and waved back.

Once we arrived at the farm I could see a large farm the went for what seemed like a a square mile of land. In the center of the farming land is a small concrete block with a hatch on top of it. We began for the hatch but once we got there I saw a bunch of carvings in the stone making magical circles. "Hey Jack how do we open this?" I asked.

He responded with a defeated look "Once it was set in place it wouldn't open for anyone." I knelt down to the hatch then touched the hatch willing it to open. A prompt popped up asking if I wanted to open it. I selected yes and the hatch glowed with a bright golden glow. It began to disintegrate to ash and fall down into the hole. Once the hatch was completely gone we began to climb down.

Once we were down to the floor of the cave we walked for a few minutes and arrived at a door made of steel. Jack then fished out his keys and unlocked the door to reveal a medium sized room. It looked like a house but also an armory. The wall to the left was covered it weapons and armor while the right wall was dug out to make a living area with an infirmary. "What is the gear for? For the defense from up or from what's behind that door." As said the last bit I pointed to the door to the other door with 3 locks on it. Jack chuckled a little and sat down in a soft looking chair. He scratched his head and spoke "Trust me it's for what's behind the door. I don't go in without being suited up with the best gear we have." He tilted backwards in the chair and pulled a lever on the side of the chair to release the leg rest.

With that he fell asleep. Leaving me somewhat alone with nobody to talk to for fun. I walked over to the wall and pulled off a suit of leather armor. Once the armor was strapped on I opened the door then walked through ready for any challenges that I may face

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