《Galactic Intervention》006 Farming and Fishing


February 9th 2023

Four days after the Rinx incident...

"Sarah where are you?" yelled out the little boy named Brandon.

"Hehehe. You will never find me Brandon!" giggled Sarah.

I woke up in a decent mood and decided to just go help Jack out with his farming. After a minute of walking I reached Jack's farm. "Hey Jack!"

Jack came rounding the corner at a very fast pace. "Yeah Finn what's up?"

As I walked closer I see Jack is covered in dirty overalls. "I was taking a few days off and wanted to help you man. What kind of stuff you got going on right now?"

Jack motions for me to follow him to the farm "This is what I have going on. It's a real pain in my ass but damn it's gonna pay off to have."

Once I saw what Jack was talking about I was blown away that he could have done this within a few days that he has been here. "Jack how did you do all of this? Better yet how did you do all of it this fast?"

Jack started to the farm and spoke while smiling at his work "Well my farming skill reached level twenty that's how. I also used old pipes from my house and other houses to make these massive irrigation pipes. According to my skill the plants should finish within a few days. By then we will have as may plant based foods as you want."

I smiled then my face fell into a frown "Wait Jack do you have any animals?"

Jack looked back to me then sighed "No bacon or steaks sadly. If you could bring back animals I could raise some young then kill the parents for meat."

"I will totally do that since that right now could be on the very top of my priority list. Here's another question for you. Can you raise fish?"

Jack shook his head "No not yet. Five more levels then I can. Once I hit level 40 I can raise monsters though. Once I'm level 50 I can mix DNA of most creatures and create new ones or just raise let's say two cows who have the best steaks then extract their DNA to make a breed of cows that produce the best steaks."


I tilted my head to the side "How long to level 50 then? When level 100 is the even better question."

He looked at me with a face of confusion "Why would I know. I mean 50 should take about 2 weeks while level 100 is a pipe dream for me. Oh, also I have to tell you once I hit level 50 I will be sucked into a portal for 1 week to get my profession. Then once I hit level 100 I will become an ascended farmer. After that I will have to do a series of quests to become a transcended farmer."

I had some questions but went against asking so we can get to work sooner. "Alright then let's get to work Jack."

With that we went to working the fields. The one thing that pissed me off is that whenever I willed something or cared for a crop Jack would point out that I was being to rough or I was doing it wrong. I held my tounge though since this is a skill I might need to learn so I can grow any magical crops I run across or just maybe I want a house plant to liven up my home.

After 2 days of helping Jack out he hit level 25 so I decided to go fishing to get him some fish. "Alright everyone I gonna be out of town for a few days so please if you can stay safe and if anyone shows up to the settlement either fight them off or give them usual welcoming quest but only if they seem like they can help the settlement. One more thing if anyone finds some animals please lock them up for Jack since he will be using them on the farm. Oh shit one more thing we will be expanding the influence of the town soon and it will reach the city after a few months meaning everyone must have weapons and armor by then."

The group spoke in unison "Understood!"

With that I turned away grabbed a fishing rod and hopped on a bike. While riding off I looked back at the progress we made and thought to myself 'Seems like we have some nice things going on but then again nothing lasts forever.' I turned back to the direction of the lake and pushed myself harder so I can get there that much faster.


I reflect on my life during moments like these and thought back to how my life used to be. I used to be a 5 foot 7 inch twerp who wouldn't raise a hand against anyone. I remember the time that I watched as my friends were getting picked on but never did anything. A week later they told me I wasn't welcome to hangout with them anymore because I was too much of a traitor to them. Then I look at my life now and think about the changes that have happened to me. I used to be shorter and scrawny wearing tight clothes since I simply wanted to fit in. Now I'm a leader who runs a small settlement that works very well. I changed to some baggy clothes to since they are way more comfy to fight and do things in compared to tight jeans and some super tight hoodie that didn't offer any real heat.

Once I was done thinking to myself I realised that I arrived at the lake. I stopped the bike then got off to walk to the lake. Rod in hand and bait on hook I cast my line and sat down. With that set up I pulled out a small pocket book and wrote down ideas for the settlement and also ideas of how to deal with the lack of defenses.

My rod started to pull away from me when I was comparing defense options. I gripped the rod's grip and yanked on it to snag the hook into its cheek. I started to reel in the fish but felt that reeling it in wouldn't bring it out of the water so I used my strength to pull out the fish.

Once I yanked the rod the water rippled and then some spines broke the water with a roaring noise broke out from under the water. I yanked again and out flew a frog type monster covered in spines and it had an alligator's head. I used inspect on it.

Spined Arog:

HP: 160/160

Mana: 50/50

Stamina: 160/160

I pull out my sword and summon Typhon. I tell Typhon to go and spray some ink into its eyes. He gets close but then the Arog shoots out spines at him shooting him out of the air. I then use Goring rush and wrap it around my blade and slash at the Arog dealing 47 damage. Once Typhon got back up he went back to trying to spray ink at the Arog but this time from high in the air. I slash again draining the rest of my mana. I then use the fishing rod and whip it to the side and it took the Arog with it whipping it into a tree. I check the Arog's health again.

Spined Arog:

HP: 78/160

Mana: 50/50

Stamina: 124/160

Alright I should try to wrap this up quickly since Typhon looks weak and won't last too much longer. I then grabbed the rod and whip it over my head pulling the Arog from the tree high into the air slamming it down into the dirt. It spat a green liquid then slowed its breathing. I went over and checked its health again 43 left. I pulled out my sword and slashed its throat finishing it off.

I decided that maybe I should just by some fish from the system. I packed up the Arog's loot then headed back to the village was disappointed that the lake might be too dangerous for most.

Once I headed back to the settlement I looted the Arog and stuffed away its blood and spines. I gave it to Meg who was interested in dissecting the monster corpses to better understand the monsters we face day to day.

I bought 20 fish and 2 cows and gave them to Jack. "Thanks Finn with these animals we should now be able to have a steady supply of meat for ourselves."

"Alright Jack you have fun with that I am going to sleep." I turned away and went into my house and slept for the rest of the night.

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