《Galactic Intervention》005 Leaving town


After a few hours of reading some books about survival and first aid I gained 3 INT and 3 WIS. I even gained the skill First aid which allowed me to tie a bandage properly, clean wounds, and other helpful quick fixes. After that Jack came back with a bunch of loot and an extra level under his belt. "Finn I finished the quest!"

I climbed down then looked around the corner seeing Jack "Good job. Your now have two new tasks to do. Please go make us a garden or farm where we can eat from and until I and sarah are back watch over the place."

Jack grimaced "Got it" he then let out a loud sigh.

With that I walked back to my house and climbed the rope to go wake sarah "Sarah get packed we're gonna go on a trip."

I heard a noise of the bedroom door creaking and a little voice slipped out "Ok Finn. Let me get my stuff together."

With that I sat down on my couch and closed my eyes for a little nap.

I wake up a few hours later to a poking feeling. My eyes peeled open to see sarah poking me on the cheek "Finn wake up I'm packed and you're not even awake!"

I sit up and shake off the sleep then tell her to climb down and wait for me while I grab something real quick. I walk over to my desk drawer and pull out the scrolls.

Would you like to learn the spell 'Mana Shield'?

Would you like to learn the spell 'Fleeting speed'?

Yes I thought. The scrolls then went blank and I received two blank spell scrolls. It says that they could be used for copying down magic information. With that I went and climbed down with my gear on. "Alright Sarah to the city we go."

Sarah looked me in the eyes and said "Isn't it full of monsters?"

I nodded my head "Totally is. You know what the means? A city full of XP, skills, and IMD."

Her head fell a little sideways "IMD?"

I forgot that she didn't know what IMD was "The systems currency. Now let's go. HEY JACK WE'RE LEAVING!"

His voice responded with a few curses then quilted down as I heard a door slam close. I wonder who has the issue me or Jack. I pondered if I asked too much or if it's the fact they I did right after he finished a quest for me then I gave two more. On the way out of town I saw some bikes laying against the ground that seemed fairly undamaged. "Sarah or little trip just became a little sorter by travel means anyway."

I went over to the bikes and gave sarah one while I hopped on mine. Once we left on the bikes I noticed how sarah was either taking the death of her family very well or if the fear of death was so much that she couldn't worry about the dead. After some time I concluded it must be both.

After some time on the bikes we saw a man on the side of the road. Sarah was looking at him but I could just feel danger not from man but from the bushes behind him. She leaned right and her bike went closer to the man "Sarah leave him. He has a weird feeling."

As we past I noticed that it was one of my coworkers who always picked on me for being the new guy. Eh fuck that guy he was a dick anyways.


As we kept riding we saw the tall building come into view. The skyscrapers were cracked in half and in ruins. We decided to use a pair of binoculars to see if we could find any monsters. What we found was very odd though. There were some monsters sure but nothing that could have destroyed entire buildings. We then got back on the bikes and slowly rode closer to the city.

Once we got to the first building in the city we got attacked by 3 monsters who were all level 1s. After killing them we moved through the building to find nothing left. Once we went onto roof in a last ditch effort to find loot. Once we hit the top I saw a bunch of monsters crowding around a door.

Once we saw that we made a break for the exit downstairs. We hit the pavement riding the bikes. Once we were about 1 block away we got prepared for a fight. I gave Sarah the 9mm pistol while I pulled out my sword. I then ran at the monsters and activated goring rush once I was 30 feet away. I tried to stab through as many monsters as I could have. I ended up slicing 6 in half while they weren't paying attention. The bodies hitting the ground got the attention of the rest of the monsters. There were 12 left. I heard a loud crack in the air and a monster fell. "Nice one Sarah keep shooting them!"

I then swung my sword while activating my skills again. This time the skill combined with my sword swing making my sword glow with a bright blue hue. When the sword swung it shot out a large air pressure that cut the 4 monsters. Sarah shot two more times killing one monster. I swung again not realising that my last attack used the rest of my mana.

You have suffered mana overdraft! Your health will now be used instead of mana. Minus 10 HP.

With that message I tasted a large amount of iron. I spit to get the flavour out and realized that blood flew out. With that I swung my sword again but the aura was that of a crimson hue. The rest of the monsters fell with that swing. After the last monster falling I heard the doors swing open. "Thank you Sir. Are you ok?"

Fucking really? This is what they ask after watching that while im coughing up my own blood. Hmm maybe im the asshole but you know what I think I could be a little angry at the fact that they didn't even try to help me help them. "Yeah I'm fine. I just need a few minutes to heal."

The people were made up of 3 women, 4 men, and 2 kids one boy and one girl. Once I regained my health I stood up and walked over to the group 'Hey guys if you guys can prove me that you won’t be dead weight. Now you might wonder why you should try to complete some quest to join some backwoods settlement. That would be because the area I run only has three people there and if you nine joined the settlement you would become founders of the settlement and have the most impact on the area beyond any newer people. There would be me on top then Sarah and Jack in second then you guys in third. Yes the pecking order doesn't seem to be the greatest but then when a fourth group joins you will be above them. The quest is to reach level 2 before the end of the week. Should be easy for you guys."


The group looked at me like I was insane then the two kids spoke up "What about us? Will we be in third with our parents?"

I thought about it for a second then addressed them "You guys won't have to reach level 2 if you don't want. Yeah you guys will have to grow up very fast but not yet. You guys can just straight up join without the quest your parents however will have to do the quest."

A man spoke up with anger in his voice, "Why do we have to do the quest and they don't have to?!"

I smirked then turned to sarah "Sarah please spar with him."

She stood up from playing a game with the other kids "Got it!"

Once she stood up she ran at the man then kicked him in the leg. He slightly bent since he was unaware she had any strength "That didn't do anything."

I nodded my head "I know. That's because she is level 2 but also a child. Now be prepared for me."

The man's eyes filled with fear "Wait no but your glowing sword and arm thing I can't fight."

I didn't notice but I already activated the skill uncouncissly "Oh sorry reflex I guess."

To get rid of the skill I rammed by hand through the building's wall making the wall rumble "Now we are all set."

The man held up his hands to surrender "Please don't! I realize why you made it the way it is. We will do the quest since your the only being strong enough to protect us."

I turn away from the group and point to the direction of my settlement "Head in that direction for a little while and you can find a small village with 9 houses. One's wall will be caved in. The house across from that is off limits since that is where I live. Once you arrive looking for a man named Jack. He should be the only person there once you find him tell Finn sent you for a quest."

With that Sarah and I get onto our bikes and ride off further into the city. The plan is to go find that weapon shop where I got my sword from. After a few minutes of riding our bikes we saw my old work with the place boarded up. I motioned for Sarah to follow me over. She only nodded her head then followed.

Once we rode up to my old work I knocked on the wooden barricade. "Hey idiots it's Finn open up!""

I heard some feet shuffling inside then a wooden barricade slightly move and a mirror pop out to get a view of me. In that second I saw a pair of unnatural eyes looking at me in the mirror. "Sarah get back!"

I then grabbed her and started running away from the store to our bikes. Once I got to the bikes I saw a tentacle slither out of the window reaching for us. The boards holding up against the weight of the creature started to crack under the pressure. I witnessed the boards fall away in pieces as a slimy human like things went over the window to get out. "Human smart for running. Human no beat me. I powerful god."

As the creature said that is shot forwards and grabbed my arm "Listen human. You no beat me. You weak me strong. Come to me. Join friends in death." I giggled to me.

With panic I used the inspect skill.

Inspect failed

Inspect failed

Inspect failed

Inspect failed

Inspect failed

The humanoid smiled with glee "Ha you dumb. Stupid human. You cant see my name." With that the creature grabbed Sarah and dragged us closer to the store.

With anger boiling inside of me I activated goring rush and cut into the humanoid.

Damage nullified! The creature you are attacking can't be damaged by your skill Goring rush! Advice for you: Stay calm and be ready to die to this piece of work.

The humanoid looked down to me and frowned "Why try? Stupid human you can't hurt me. Why try?"

Anger filled me and filled my words with poison "Because I won't die here and to something like you!" With that I activated goring rush but aimed it to the side of Sarah. Once the skill launched me I grabbed Sarah ripping me and her from the thing's grip. I then started to run with sarah on my back "FUCK FUCK FUCK! That thing is way too strong to be at the beginning of the fixing!"

A weak voice whispered in my "Finn he isn't following us. He walked back into the shop then replaced the board."

I stopped then looked back to see the thing gone. Once I felt a little safety a screen popped up.

You have encountered Rinx the slayer! He has killed many people and beings across the universe. The gods are now trying to fix this situation. For escaping you get a reward from the gods.

You have received:

Name: Upgrade pill

Rank: God given

Quality: 3 stars

Effects: Allows you to increase on skill by 3 levels upon swallowing

Remarks: Simply good job living to this exact point

Name: Crystal powder (5 uses)

Rank: God given

Quality: 4 stars

Effects: Dip an object into to receive an enchantment (Rank 1-4) and gain a massive damage boost

Remarks: Don't waste this stuff

Name: Spell scroll (Summon essence familiar)

Rank: God given

Quality: Godly

Effects: Summon the other half of your soul that will be with you until your essence is grinded down by the will of the universe.

Remarks: Do it now. I really want to see your better half.

With a not as rude of a comment from the system I swallowed the skill pill and selected Goring rush. Which summoned 3 windows condensed into one

Goring rush has leveled from 1 to 4! New stats below

15-20 damage to 30-35 damage

Distance increased from 50 feet to 65 feet.

Once I dimmissed the screen I pulled out the spell scroll. I read the scroll but this time it burned up in a golden flame.

Your essence familiar is being summoned now...

Congrats man! You got a good one. Your other half is the creature known as a void kraken!

A large black egg floated down into my hands. "So this is my familiar for my existence. Huh wonder how long till it hatches?" With my words pouring out the egg started to crack at a rapid pace. After about 10 seconds the egg shell blew up. Sending a black smog spilling out of the empty space. A little squid the size of my thumb floated out of the smog. It flew up to my eye for a second then flew onto the top of my ear. I felt a pinching sensation on my ear but tried my best to not whip my hand up to my ear to check what happened. Once my hand was there I felt a few small holes in my right ear. The kraken was gone though, making wonder where it went. As usual a screen popped up in front of my face.

The essence bonding has been completed! You have gained the ability to summon your essence familiar at any time. If your familiar is defeated it will then be drawn back into your ear for an amount of time. To summon your familiar you only need to speak its name.

Pick a name for your familiar.

I thought about for a minute then put in the name Typhon.

You have selected 'Typhon' as your familiar's name. Way to give your familiar a goal man. Whatever I'm go and have a nap for 5 minutes.

I thought it was a good idea so why not name it after the father of monsters and the god who almost overthrew the olympians. It might help to push the little guy with a huge goal that would motivate him to conquer all monsters.

Sarah motioned for the bikes but I shook my head knowing we could just walk a block and find others. As we walked I wondered where my life would go and what that would look at. Would it stay how it is just surviving or would I end up conquering more areas to reunite humanity to fight off monsters and reclaim the entire world for my own?

I shook my head and thought to myself how it was very bold of me to assume that I could take over the world with something like Rinx out there or stronger. "Sarah seems like some bikes are over there let's grab those."

After that we rode off back to the settlement tired from the activities of today. My next goal is to increase my constitution to increase the length of my activities.

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