《Galactic Intervention》001 Mundicide the first shaking


It was a fairly average day for me Finn Zimmer. I was walking home from work hoping that he could just relax and play some games. During his walk a tranparent screen fell in front of him

Afternoon earthlings You have done fucked up You have ruined that sweetest planet in your general area This really fucking pisses us off. So we will now be changing things up.

1) The earth will be filled with monsters after 24 hours of time has elaspsed.

2) The monsters will countinue to kill you all off till the world population has fallen to 500 million humans left or 6% of humnaity's current poulation.

3) Good luck cunts

End of broadcast

Am I getting punked? Was the only thing i could manage to think. But then a thought occured. "Status page" To my suprise another screen fell infront of me.

Name: Finn Zimmer Level: 1 XP: 0/100 HP: 10/10 Mana: 10/10 Stamina: 10/10 Strength: 2 Costitution: 2 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 2 Luck: 0 Remarks: Man the fuck up!!!

I stared at the screen for a few seconds till I saw the remarks, I felt blood levels rising as i realised that the system was calling me a bitch. I also wondered why I had zero luck points. Did it mean i wasnt luck or that I had a normal amount of luck? Well whatever it meant will be found out later if this system is real.

When I arrived home I saw a floating name over my front door.

Zimmer Residence:

Status: Undamaged

Occupants: 1

Remarks: Better armor your shit up chief.

"Well what the hell is this? You know what man its been along day maybe someone put shrooms in my drink before I left."

I walked through my door then went and layded down on my bed. I was fast asleep.

The next morning when I woke up a screen poped up.

Great job wasting time retard. Hope you can do something with your life before the 24 hours are up. 13 hours and 12 minutes till the fixing begins. Good luck!

I got out of bed and shook off my sleep with some stretching. I then called into work to left them know that im taking a sick day. After that I went over to my small kitchen. I craked some eggs then scrambled them. Once the eggs were done and plated I got a new screen to popup.

You Have recieved the skill Cooking. This skill allows you to master the art that is the most celebrated among the gods.


level 1 XP 0%

Effects: +1% chance to increase food rank, +2% cooking speed.

I couldn't help but try to look at my eggs for any signs of change and another screen popped up.

Name: Scrambled Eggs Rank: common Quality: Edible Effects: None Remarks: Tastes like shit

You have received the skill Inspect. This is the skill to be able to see the information of an object


Level 1 XP 0%

Effects: Can see information of creatures equal or lower to your level and can identify objects uncommon and under.

I felt the world becoe slightly brighter. When I stared at an object long enough its information would popup.


Name: Steak knife Rank: Common Quality: average Damage: 2-4 Remarks: Eh good enough for a peasant

Damn this system and its shitty remarks. Whatever im gonna just eat my shit tasting eggs and go start my day.

Once I was dressed and leaving the door I thought of the time left until the fixing

Time till the fixing: 12 hours 34 minutes

Its 7:26am right now so better hurry up before it hits 8. I hopped on the bus to the city. Once I got to my stop I went into the gym to try and test out if I could increase my strength by lifting. I went over to the bench and put on my usaul amount. Once I was warmed up I received another screen.

You have started exercising. You can only exercise a number of hours equal to your constitution stat.

Strength training: 1/5 lifts done

Dexterity training: 0/5

Constitution training: 0/5

So I guess my theory was right. I guess reading enough light novels have given me the right idea about how things might work.

After two hours of working out another screen appeared.

You have completed a workout!

Strength training: 10/10 lifts done

Dexterity training: 10/10 miles run

Constitution training: 20/10 exercises done

Results are in and here are your gains: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, and +2 Constitution.

Here is your new stat page:

Name: Finn Zimmer Level: 1 XP: 0/100 HP: 20/20 Mana: 10/10 Stamina: 2/20 Strength: 3 Costitution: 4 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 2 Luck: 0 Remarks: Man the fuck up!!!

Guess the remarks are still the same but hey I see improvment. I went to shower off and change clothes but once I went into the locker room I saw 4 guys were fighting eachother. "Hey what the hell guys!?"

I walked over to see that they weren't all out fighting but more like fighting for training. One of the men looked over to me and started to speak untill he got punched across the face. The one guy trying to speak hit the other guy back then yelled "Stop you idoits! We now have company!"

The whole group turned to me and just stared "Fine then I'll start what are guys doing?"

The guy who threw the sucker punch spoke up "Were training the unarmed combat levels. We fight for ten minutes then take 20 to heal up."

I understood somewhat but just had to ask one more thing "Yeah but why in the locker room?"

One of the other two guys spoke up "It kinda just happened to be honest with you."

"Alright well you guys have fun over there just dont hit me please."

"Got it."

They resumed fighting while I washed up and changed. Once I walked out I summoned the timer again

Time till the fixing: 10 hours and 7 minutes

I went over to a general goods store and bought a handcrank flash light, some wood, nails, screws, chains, and a fire axe. After that I went to a known weapon shop. Once I walked through the door the owner looked up and grumbled to me "I aint gonna sell you a gun because some huge prank is making everyone waste their time."


"Damn thats a shame. Do you have knives, swords, or any other type of fighting weapon?"

"I got a shit ton of knives and a few swords not much else. Make a quick look around then get out cause it seems you alreadly spent your money on building supplies."

"Nah man I still got cash but it is a little tight after that shopping trip. Where are your swords?"

"They are hanging on a wall all the way down that aisle" He pointed to the left of himsef and down to a well lit corner of the store.

I walked down and saw that he only had 3 swords.

Name: Katana Rank: Common Quality: average Damage: 3-7 Remarks: Decent for losers Name: Shortsword Rank: Common Quality: average Damage: 5-7 Remarks: Eh good enough for a peasant Name: Claymore Rank: Uncommon Quality: average Damage: 4-8 Remarks: Just eh

I pulled the shortsword off the rack and brang it up to the counter. "This and that bowie knife you got under the counter."

He pulled the bowie knife out from the glass counter. "That'll be 267 dollars."

I pulled out the cash and walked off with two nice weapons. I walked around the flea market for awhile but never found anything. I went home and began my preperations for 8 oclock

I took the wood boards and drilled them into my windows to reinforce them. I inspect the window and a screen appeared.

Name: Reinforced window (Wood) Rank: Common Quality: Poor Health: 20/20 Remarks: What is this bob the builder!?

I inspected my other window and found out that the normal window health is 10. It took 4 hours to reinforce the rest of my house. I pulled the timer back up.

Time till the fixing: 5 hours 43 minutes

I decided to take a four hour nap. I set my weapons to the side of my bed and set a 4 hour timer on my phone. With that I fall asleep.


I wake up and pull up the timer "Fuuuuck."

Time till the fixing: 12 minutes

Damnit I overslept and now I can't make any last minute preperations. I sat there and watched a video until the timer ran down.

Beep Beep motherfuckers your time is up and it's time for the fixing! There are 3 phases

Phase 1) Natural disasters will plague Terra

Phase 2) Monsters will spawn everywhere except a stronghold.

Phase 3) Time. Everything takes time and so will the fixing so be the person to survive and see the next day

The floor underneath me shook. I ran to my basement and hid under the stairs while white knuckling my sword. A paint can fell and hit me in the head knocking me out.

I woke up later to something leaking onto my face. A wolf's head stared down onto me. It had 6 eyes and 8 legs. It's face peeled back to reveal all of its teeth ready to tear into me. I gripped my shortsword and drove the blade into the neck of the wolf.

You dealt 14 damage to Octowolf. Critical Hit!

You have killed your first monster one item will be given!

Name: Octowolf fang Rank: Uncommon Quality: Enhanced Remarks: Seems fairly sharp

You have earned 15 xp and the skill swordplay

You have received the skill Swordplay. You have learned the art of murder by blade.


Level 1 XP 0%

Effects: +0.5% chance of dealing a critical hit, +1 damage when using a sword

I wiped the blood off of me and searched the rest of my house for any holes in the defense. None were found so I walked back downstairs to check the wolf for any extra uses like teeth or for its claws. As I got close the wolf's body glowed a bright green. I touched the wolf's body and a screen poped up.

You have found a dead Octowolf would you like to loot it? Yes or No?

I pressed the yes button and 3 screens poped infront of me.

You have found:

Name: Vial (Octowolf blood) Rank: Common Quality: average Remarks: Can be used for crafting Name: Octowolf heart Rank: Uncommon Quality: average Remarks: A transplat item Name: Skill scroll (Wolven fury) Rank: Rare Quality: Damaged Remarks: Need 5 INT and 4 WIS

Normally I would be happy to recieve something like this but the requirements were fairly high for me and the fact that anything could spawn down here again unless I could find out a way to prevent that. I decided to walk upstairs and to clean up anything that went out of place from the earthquake. After quite a bit of cleaning I decided to peak outside. When the board was moved out of the way I saw wildlife walking around the ruins of the town, free of worry that a human would come and take them.

Once I looked closer at some of the animals and used my inspect skill on a rabbit, a bull, and a goat.

Level 1 horned rabbit

Level ??? mountain bull

Level 1 blink goat

The bull semmed to be the boss since each animal would lower its head to it. I saw someone walk out of their door with a gun in hand. They aimed at the bull then let a few bullets fly out. Once the bullets hit the bull they simply bounced off. The rabbit hopped up behind the man and jumped at him impalimg his midsection. The bull ran into the man and shoved him through his house wall killing him on impact. The rest of the house's wall fell into rubble. Inside you could see the man's family screaming in terror as the bull jumped onto them kicking and stomping them to death. Once nothing was moving the bull walked off satisfied. The rabbit hopped along out of the house with the bull.

I stared for seconds then minutes then I fell to my knees. "There is no way out is there."

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