《From the Dark, Comes Life》Reboot: Chapter 8


“What the fuck? I dropped two levels? Oh, it resetted my levels.” her eyes danced as she muttered. “Wait, thirty-six points? Didn’t I only have twenty before? Why did I gain sixteen more?”

She scratched her head as I watched her out the corner of my eye. It’s interesting watching a moron at work.

“Wait, a rare class? Mystic is legendary? Wait, but it's only a support class. It can’t be that good can it?” she complained yet again. “Since it is a support class, I guess wisdom is used more so I’ll put the majority of points into that. The rest into intellect.”

Player: Elaine

Title: Prince's Concubine

Race: Half-Elf/ Half-Human

Gender: Female

Class: (Rare) Mystic

Sub Class: Concubine

Level: 4

Str: [8]

Int: [8] 23

Hp: 100

M. Atk: 345

Agi: [9]

Wis: [9] 30

Mp: 300

Con: [10]

Cha: [4]

P. Atk: 40

Mana Reg: 3 Mp/s

Luck: [3]

She looked at her character sheet and her mind flashed to Prince’s Concubine. Right after she flashed to Concubine.

“It’s actually a class? I wonder what skills I will… Oh, nevermind. All bedwarming passives, what a joke.” she thought fiercely.

I changed out of the simple robe into comfortable wear and threw open my lab doors. Walking before the cages, I checked into their dreams to see that they were adapting quickly to the new training method.

Guess mind wipe and brainwashing is the correct method. However, there are only sixteen of them and only three women in the mix.

I will need more.

Hm, wonder what a fox lady would turn into? Aren’t all foxes sly anyway? I can turn them into spies.

Wait, I need equipment and such for these guys.

My level of enchanting is nowhere near the former Vale’s. I have to practice as well. I turned to Elaine and was about to speak when I caught a mission box popping into her head. So annoying, that thing.

Quest: Your most Handsome Prince needs materials to begin enchanting. Run down to the storage room and bring back supplies.

Map: Click to pull up the map of the Druid Tower.

Rewards: Learning beginner level enchantments.

Elaine ran off without a moment of thought. Not even realizing that I had not even spoken out. This system is a huge cheat, speaking of which Bridget seemed to have made it to her house. I’ll repay her to continue our contact, I may have need of her later.


I created a dream world with a training ground facility and classrooms. Then tag her spirit to enter upon falling asleep. I assign a clone spirit to guide her in revamping one of her healing spells, Healing Rain. I felt it could be used as both an attack and healing spell. If the rain turned into frozen needles, it could injure an opponent. As for the healing aspect, the original is too wide spread.

Meaning a lot of mana is wasted upon not hitting the targets. It is a large aoe spell design for large battlefields. Thus the wastage is forgivable, but in a small team setting, it is disgusting.

I played around with it for a few hours until Elaine dragged in a sheet full of materials. Sweat drenching her forehead as she breathed out heavily through flared nostrils. She dropped the grip she had and wiped her forehead, smiling as if she just achieved a life long goal.

With a wave of my hand, the materials flew up onto the exam table that turned into a large U shaped desk.

Quest: Now your task is to go to the Library and grab a few books labeled Enchanting for minors. Because you did such a good job, the big man is happy and rewarded you with a Grade Zero spell, telekinesis.

Map: Click to pull up the map of the Druid Tower.

Rewards: You have received a level Zero Spell and been given permission to enter a Sacred place. However, with your IQ, it is best to just relax and be given everything. After all, EQ is much better than IQ when you are that good looking.

What a snarky system. I turned back to the desk and organized the materials by attributes, plant types, metals to gems. I didn’t have to wait nearly an hour and half for her to come back. With the spell, she made quick time with twenty-nine minutes and forty-two seconds.

I snatched the books from her control and flipped them open. After quick skim, I had a basic understanding. Enchanting had two different means of the same goal. One is by utilizing materials such as what is in front of me. Which is a much less risky task, but required money and the materials. However, they could have a certain amount of permanency.

The second method would be using your mana to enchant directly. Turning your mana into whatever attribute to inscribe the runes directly onto an object. The pros, it is faster, cheaper, and more powerful to do the unity of your own personal mana. The cons, it is a much more difficult challenge and needs to be done all at once.


Which meant even if you had the mental power to do it but not the mana to. You couldn’t rest and recover or vice versa.

“We will begin with a low level temperature enchantment.” I said, with a wave of my hand the diagram floated above us in brightly green color to pale white background.

I began scrapping storm crystal and mixing two supplement herbs to create the ink. Elaine watched me like an obedient pet. Her eyes shined as she paid close attention to my hand movements.

As we began inscribing on paper, I noticed that the runes were quite hard to draw perfectly. It was like an american trying to do chinese characters after they added a bunch of accent changes.

Day one.. Failure.

Day two… utter failure.

Day three.. Success

Day three, I set aside the materials and focused on watching Elaine who had a gift for calligraphy apparently. She succeeded four out of five compared to my one out of five but the effects of our products vastly differ. I was like a toddler learning how to walk.

Wobbling back and forth on chubbly little legs. Arms flailing about as I tried to stabilize myself. Making it a short distance of two steps before I go, plop, onto my tail end.

She was like that little genius kid who is doing complex puzzles and speaking compound sentences. The difference is startling and quite depressing. After taking my frustration out on one of the other concubines, I went back to my pet project.

Wait, I needed to gear them.

I left Elaine alone as I flew out to the city. I walked down the snow covered pave streets. Watched as little urchins pushed the snow to the sides of the road. They danced between incoming carriages and horses with great skill.

I clicked my tongue and walked into a well known store. It was like they had an enchantment or something that said big shot incoming because a well dressed man was waiting for me.

“I need sixteen light armor.” I said, while conjuring up an illusion of what wolves look like in their human form.

The man's eyes scanned the illusion and he nodded. “We can create custom designs if your Highness wishes to put your personal seal on them.” He said it as a statement but I felt there is a question intermixed.

“Mm, let’s do it as you said.”

I created a willow tree with the sun looking down as my emblem.

“Sixteen light armor will be forty-six gold. If you want additional enchantments to link them together so they provided a bigger strength to the group. Then two hundred and fifty rounds, your highness.” The man calculated it all so quickly.

I clicked my tongue and realized I didn’t bring enough gold with me. I only grabbed a handful before leaving.

“Good, I’ll return in ten days for them.” I turned around and left.

I walked around thinking of what to do. There is nothing to do. I didn’t very much care for these elves one way or another. I am only doing what I was told, simply due to fear. But past that, what should I do?

If I was still on Earth, I probably would be enjoying some cold beers. Laughing up with my subordinates, probably enjoying company of some willing lass. As a hitman, I really didn’t have much to do other than kill and come home. I mean, ignoring the once a week gathering of friends.

I actually really sat at home before fireplace, reading a book my wife would have liked, while enjoying the company of her pictures and the sound of crackling fire. Even on a good day, I would be cleaning the house, visiting her grave to keep it clean, or reading or watching things she liked.

Tsk, what could I do here? Should I make a grave for her? How about I turned some animals into her appearances? She always likes cats and foxes. I think she wouldn’t mind being a catgirl or foxgirl. We always wanted a child.. I should buy one of those.

Hm, maybe it would be better just to make a child in her imagination. This way, I won’t dishonor her memory by sleeping with replicas? Wait, I should try it out anyway. Just to confirm if I would still feel the same way.

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