《From the Dark, Comes Life》Reboot: Chapter 7


The King took my silence for an answer. We continued walking out of the garden into a highly guarded area. Guards were stationed at every exit and enchanted golems stood dressed in armor that had anti-spell enchants.

If I were to try to break in with my ability now, I would surely end up dead. While these warriors and mages were weaker. As a collective whole they were strong enough to hinder me.

Plus their equipment is really expensive.

“One of the reasons I called you back is because I was going to make you King. Now such means aren’t needed.” The King looked at me with piercing eyes. “This demon war will decrease our population even more and the female population has always been higher than males to begin with. Plus our reproduction isn’t as strong as the humans. Thus I have decided that all nobles will take additional wives, half breeds will be given more status. What do you think so far?”

I am slightly curious why he was including me into this discussion but I could think farsight.

“That sounds wise but you should include your soldiers into that picture as well. They will have a lot more stress than nobles and thus mate more. I would add magic academies to teach commoners basic defense magic. Magic towers can be set up in an array, like the one around the palace but covering a large area. If we bring all the commoners within this area, we can save a lot more resources in the short term.”

The king frowned, “In the long term, it would eat up a lot of peacetime resources. What would you suggest then, when the dark elves are ready to invade? Send them back out to live in the area torn by war?”

I tilted my head and stared at the sky. “Have you never dreamed of holding the clouds within your hand?”

He glanced up, confusion left his face slightly flushed.

“No, I can reach up and bring down the stars if I so desire. Why would I have such a mundane dream?”

I looked at him to see that he was serious. I cleared my throat in embarrassment.

“True. However, if the land is too small, then why not take to the air. I have seen some magical floating ships but if we had magical floating forts, then our troops would be partially invincible. We would hardly have to worry about these pets of the Demon race biting our ankles.”

The King stopped in front of a door and pondered for a moment. His eyes distance and his face relaxed. He looked as if he had regressed even younger than before.


He snapped back to attention and smiled at me.

“That idea could work. The floating fortress, not the whole ankle biting thing.” he chuckled and opened the door.

Allowing me to see a room full of about half a dozen scantily dressed women.

I looked at him in confusion. A, why is such an old man on his deathbed having a bunny room. B, is that really the best way he can spend his time? C, I hope he wasn’t into show and tell. I am straight. Sharp shooter. Only aim in one direction.

He gave me a funny look when I took a step back involuntarily. His large paw landed on my shoulder and pushed me into the room.

“At least three of them. Make sure you shoot inside of them. I’ll come for you tomorrow.” he smiled, slamming the door in my face.

I turned to the women and bowed.

“Hi there. I’m picky. Small breast that can fit in my hand, small ass that’s round, and a seeable curvy body.”

I wasn’t expecting two to really step out. This wasn’t practical common sense in the modern world, but sometimes I forget that old century women weren’t exactly thought of fondly. Beyond practical benefits. The more intelligent women were basically rarities that were trump cards.

One of these women must have been a next level courtesan in her previous life. She sat down by the window looking forlorn, like the world couldn’t understand her. Her black hair is uncommon among elves but I noticed a certain lack of sharpness and length of her ear lobe.

Half elf.

There is also a degree of regret and sadness in her eyes that I felt was very familiar. It wasn’t anything compared to what I face when looking in a mirror. Well, when I used to look in a mirror. It has been what five? Six years since I last put on a professional suit with the intentions of wow’ing my wife?

Ha, look at me now.

Standing in front of what could be considered an Imperial harem. Being forced to mate with a bunch of females for the embetterment of my species. You couldn’t even find such logic even if it dropped from the sky.

I felt disgusted with myself but looking into her eyes. Which only said she missed home, ha. I felt more disgusted at her pretentious ways. Did she think anybody was stupid enough to believe she didn’t sign up for this?

You telling me a King forced a bunch of cheap women to do what they didn’t want to do? You telling me he doesn’t just have to clap his hands and throw gold at the ground? You telling me he can’t pass a decree granting protection to women's family and they won’t come running to sign up to be used and abused?


Are you saying all this power at this guy's fingertips and he has to kidnap pretty women? I don’t believe it is so. So why was she pretending to be filled with sorrow? Does she think this is some kind of disney movie and she possessed the ultimate plot armor?

Ha, even more importantly. Does she think I cannot read her mind and know that she is trying to stand out. Using something from a tv drama? Does she not realize that her player status allows her to use insight ability to see who the fuck she dealing with?

What if I cut her open? Could I understand the aspects of her ability to revive?

Tsk, let’s enjoy the gift the King so gracefully bestowed me.

I grabbed her head and dragged her ass over to the bed. She would be the first just because I wanted to study her soul. I’ll think about the other two who resemble my wife's body frame in a way. Actually, I shouldn’t show weakness that the King can exploit. I’ll pick those opposite of my taste so I don’t slip up.


I duck my head into the scalding water, holding my breath long past the point of my chest burning for freedom. Water rain down from my head exploding out the water. My lungs gasped through that burning pain that suggested I was still living.

I felt something thinking about me.

An ant.

I noticed that half breed staring at me, her feet dangling in the waters. She was staring off into space like she had lost her friend but I could read her thoughts as if they were my own. Her face was even more obvious.

She would turn her head slightly to catch a glimpse of me. Before hurrying back to stare off at the animal statues on the other side of the room. Or the waterfall with its pretty green flora that made this room feel unreal.

I had to keep asking myself, while listening to her thoughts.

Are players that foolish?

Do they really believe that nothing can happen to them because they are considered chosen ones by the natives? Undying but that only accounts for a specific duration. Five times in a day. Forty times in a week, a week consisting of eight days.

“Can you stop pretending? You have mentioned your plans numerous times now. Your plans to get into my good graces, but just sensing my negative emotions doesn’t mean you can understand what I went through.”

Her face showed shocked and I felt her reaching for her little ability. Trying to understand the emotions that were registering in my aura but the only thing I felt right now was annoyance. Which was quickly budding into anger.

However, that slowly ebb away at the thought of my pets having passed a mission which I had labeled with beginner level difficulty.

I strode out of the bath.

“Follow me,” I commanded.

She jumped, rushing after me with her head down. Her light-pink skin looks tantalizing in the lowlights of the floating lanterns in the hallway.

With a flick of my wrist, a robe wrapped around my body.

She had to rush forward to grab a towel. Doing a quick dry off, wrapping a robe loosely around her, as she rushed after me with wet footsteps against the warm tile floor.

“You will be my secretary. Your job is simply to listen and do.” I said, pushing through double doors towards my research lab.

Quest: You have received promotion in rank above what you could have achieved on your own. Due to having a pretty face and nice body, A Paragon has bestowed you with beginner knowledge in the Art of Mysticism. As long as you are loyal, you will rise far above your peers and stand high among the other consorts.

Details: Use your brain and body to provide relief to the Prince. Meet any and all his demands without a single thought of betrayal.

Rewards: Spells and knowledge about the Legendary Class Mystic and Dream Sage. You have a choice between becoming a Mystic, a support class, or a Dream Sage, a Support Class.

I paused in step as I caught her quest message. Did I intend to offer her the option to pick up my knowledge? I don’t think I did. I didn’t even have such thoughts other than studying her soul.

Maybe this was a way the system offset the disadvantages?

Tsk, how cozy.

She was innerwardly complaining about support magic not being cool enough? Wanting combat magic? How I wish I could have pure combat magic? Wouldn't I be able to take over the world? Instead of relying on others to help me achieve my goals?

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