《Magical Popcorn》An Interlude


A dark room, lit only by a single candle at its centre. There, sat a beautiful woman in a red leather chair. Her fingers graced the pages of her book, the rest of the world secondary to her attention. That is, until a lone figure emerged from the shadows. An elderly gentleman, dressed quite dapper to fit his role as the woman’s servant.

"Mistress, pardon the intrusion, but I bring news.“ With grace, he bowed his head to the ground.

"Any good news this time?” she asked, wearily setting her book aside.

The man shook his head. “The city of Torydora has fallen."

The woman sighed, the flame next to her flickering its dim light. "And Aisa?"

"Her webs have been unwound I fear."

Another sigh. "I suppose that means the wizard is making his move? Such a troublesome man…”

The bells of fate were ringing.

"Call back Aisa,“ she decided. "If things have progressed this far, it’s time we prepare for the Second Stage."

"Yes mistress,” the servant bowed again, then turned to make his leave.

"Oh, and Obero?“

"Yes mistress?"

"Fix the lights when you can,” she reached for the red skin of her book, opening it once more. “Reading by candlelight is much too straining."

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