《Faltovia's Faults》Chapter 8: Grand Speech


For the next week they went to the training ground, getting everyone as prepared as possible for the school year. Then it was time for the announcement. All the new students were required to gather in the auditorium. Chris and his friends all decided to sit next to each other further back to avoid any nobles with ego problems. Over one thousand students filtered into the room.

Once everyone had sat down, the headmaster came out to address the students. It was a woman, she had bright silver hair, emerald green eyes, a large decorative robe, gilded and shiny, and pointy ears. She was an elf, an envoy of the Sylphid Kingdom, here to generate connections between the two kingdoms.

“Thank you all for coming today. I am Headmaster Gwyndel, and we have a few announcements to make before the start of the school year. First of all, congratulations to all of you for possessing enough magical prowess to be entered here; however, magic is not enough to get you through this school. You must focus on your academics, understand magic theory, history, and many other topics. Next up, those of you who have recently arrived, please meet in the library main office to fill out your schedule forms. As freshman you all have required courses, but you also must take electives that either interest you, or are the focus of your magic. For example, as you might know, Earl Herval’s first son is here this year, and he is required to take an intermediate fire magic course due to his talents, and his preference. Please find what you are skilled at and select your main magic course based off of that. Other courses include magical engineering, magic battle, and magic potions class. Please make sure not to take too many, as it will be hard to be in two places at once.”


The woman took a deep breath, “For anyone who wants to be your year's representative, please come to the stage after, thank you.” The lights kicked away from the stage, and the students began to slowly trickle out of the auditorium. “Do you guys want to head to the library to get our classes sorted out?” Chris was intrigued by a few of those classes.

“Why don’t we wait until after you become our class rep?” Haven was entirely serious. He was the closest to Chris, and knew his passion for magic, as well as his teaching and leadership ability, “If anyone should do it, I think it’s you.” Jenny and Lily agreed, and by blocking the doorway from Chris, and mastering the art of peer pressure, they managed to convince him to go to at least see what was required of him.

As he approached, passing the benches that became fancier and fancier, he recognized a face, it was that Herval brat. There were a few others as well, those among them were the daughter of a Viscount, the daughter of an Earl, and the son of a Marquise. No one else dared approach, as everyone at the stage were known for their family ties, and magical prowess.

Chris didn’t stand a chance in this crowd if it was based on political power, he was the son of a Baron, one thrown away by the kingdom, so if it came down to social stance, he would leave.

The headmaster spoke up, “It seems everyone who wants to come up here has, so let us begin. For starters, it seems like quite a few influential people would like to take part in this position, which I’m quite happy about. I would like to determine this position by magical prowess alone this year, as this academy prides itself on being a Meritocracy. This Saturday we will hold a tournament, where each of you will face off against one another in the arena for a magic duel. Everyone will have a one on one with every other one, the person with the best record wins, and if there is a tie, the person who won between the them will be the victor. Any questions?”


The Hervel Brat spoke up, “Why is he here, he isn’t a noble, nor does he look very strong. The other day he was hiding behind some brat at the training grounds.” Chris quieted his deep seated rage and piped up, “First off, whether you care or not, I am the son of a Baron, secondly it doesn’t matter if I am because this is based on magical prowess, and third, you’re the one who embarrassed yourself on the training grounds, don’t take it out on me, my dearest lord,” Chris bowed mockingly.

“Fine, I’m happy to crush this little brat, see you then, and don’t even think of running away.” A few of the higher nobles laughed, and then they too dispersed without speaking a word to Chris.

“Excuse me, headmaster, how will you be preventing injuries during this match?” “Are you worried about getting hurt, no worries, I will enchant all of you with a barrier that will reduce most magic damage, so even after five matches, you should be mostly unscathed.” Chris put on his fake smile, “Thanks, but it wasn’t a question for me, I wanted to know how hard I could go. Goodbye!” He heard the headmaster chuckle a little, as if he couldn’t possibly back up his words.

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