《Steam's Shadow》Steam's Shadow Chapter 9: The new student
A while ago, John had the mission to protect Kimberly Rosenfeld at her birthday party. Everything went fine, however John was kidnapped and was supposed to be disposed of. Since he was acting as a stand in for Kimberly, the kidnapper didn't know that he caught the wrong person. John was driven away and it turned out that the supposed to be executed Iron-fist Gregor was the kidnapper, equipped with a steamworks prosthetic arm. John managed to free himself from the iron grip of this giant and was later found by Matt, no sign of Gregor. The young man had to undergo some body checks at the hospital since he was mashed against a cement wall several times, besides a lot of scratched up skin he was fine. As a result of keeping his side of the deal, Kimberly payed the entire fee for the bodyguard work and she couldn't help but feel sorry for having endangered him. John had already told Matt and Aaron about the situation with Gregor but they decided not to talk about it since it was clearly a strange problem.
Now however it was a new year and John had to come to the police office for his annual review. Matt was left at home due to him still being a hunted man for the police, so Aaron and John were the ones to go there and were immediately met with General Augustus. He was in his seventies and was a good friend of the old detective Sterling, now he was also looking after John.
The two of them had to take a seat in this very rustic looking office. Only a large and unorderly wooden desk separated them from the General who was looking through John's files.
"Johnathan Sterling, lately you seem to have been slacking off. Towards the end of last year, you took time off without our permission to visit Brinston and you got involved with a murder incident. Instead of reaching out to us for backup, you decided to take on the case yourself since you didn't want the murderer to escape but you ended up nearly getting yourself killed and lost all trace of the murderer. Then you took off some more time since you were badly injured and continued with a few odd jobs like finding missing people. Just recently, you even played as a double for the young Kimberly Rosenfeld and let the kidnapper go away too, without giving us clear details since you don't remember much due to a head injury."
John did not have a head injury but he didn't want to write that he fought a supposed to be dead man, not knowing what kind of situation the state was finding itself in.
"So let me sum this up. You were useless."
The General's statement hit like a rock but John knew that he was right. Without even being able to tell them any details about the criminals, all his work was basically useless.
"If it were for me, I wouldn't mind it. You did more than enough given your age. Sadly, the higher ups do not agree and actually think that you should return your badge," the general mumbled.
"You can't! Sure I messed up but please give me another chance!" John slammed against the large table in desperation, not being a detective would mean that he had no way of finding the person who killed the old Sterling.
"I know that, and thus I threw in a good word for you. They decided to be reasonable and give you another chance. If you can clear up this case you will be allowed to keep your badge," he said handing over a few papers.
"What's this?" John looked through the papers. "Application papers for the Grandeene College?"
"Indeed, your mission is to become a student at this college and clear up a mystery for us. During last year, seven of their best students suddenly disappeared. We went through the hassle of asking around for every bit of information but it turns out that besides them being some of the greatest students, they had nothing in common and nobody seemed to know anything."
Aaron coughed to hold back his laugh.
"Are you sure that sending in John is a good idea General?" he chuckled.
"I don't quite understand what you mean."
"Well you see," John tried to explain himself. "You remember how I told you about me being an orphan? Well I never went to school, meaning I have no idea how I am supposed to live through college."
"I thought you said that Sterling taught you a few things? Plus, you did become a detective so you can't be that bad."
"Well, he taught me how to read and write as well as some basic maths but I don't know much else and, although I taught myself how to do steamworks so I have a basic understanding of physics but other than that, I am a failure in that department. Also I underscored in every exam, I merely became a detective due to my name, but you should know that already."
"Hmm I see, well that is a problem, since we are unable to enlist you to the college as a member of the police due to obvious suspicion. If we could trust their higher ups it wouldn't be a problem. You will just have to somehow survive."
"Maybe I could come with him and serve as a help?" Aaron offered.
"I am sorry, but I think they would remember a great student like you. As the only son of the Barford family there is no way that they would take you twice."
"Wait, Aaron was a student there?" John was baffled.
"Yes, I was. I graduated too with a near perfect score. I studied medicine there, albeit my father wanting me to take over the family business."
"Indeed, the Barford family is quite the opposite to your friend. They produce biological weapons for the army, while Aaron decided to become a medic for those who suffered from his family's shame."
"I am able to speak for myself, you know?" Aaron snarled.
"Well, I thought it weird that you haven't told him yet."
"Forget that, is there any other way of getting me in there?" Aaron asked.
"Maybe you could apply as a school medic under a false identity, however you will need to be careful not to let the truth slip."
"But what should I do? I have no idea what I am supposed to do!"
"The first year of the college was easy. You don't specialize in anything yet, which means you need only do the basic subjects. I think the toughest part was choosing a sports activity and the choice between doing music or art."
"Great, so is there any sport with swords?"
"Well," Aaron didn't quite know if he should tell him or not. "There is, but you won't like it, probably."
January 9th
It was to be the day that John enters the school, all preparations were done. Aaron went under the name Dennis as a school medic and John took on the identity as Nathan Carat. John obviously was the one who thought up his new name. Matt wasn't allowed to enter the college neither as staff nor student, however his job was to lurk around and attempt to obtain all information he could get.
It was 7.50 AM, John was already five minutes late to his first lesson as he ran through the halls of the main facility. The Grandeene college was almost like a small village with its eight dorm buildings, a large dining hall as well as four sports halls and a main facility which was had enough space for nearly a hundred classes.
Johnathan ran around with his new uniform, dressed in a blue suit and a white business shirt with a small red tie. His utensils were packed in a black backpack on wheels. The reason he was late was because he wasn't able to find his classroom, E-7.
At 8 am he was close to losing all hope before he stumbled into a teacher. He was dressed in a black suit, black hair and beard. He also wore glasses, with an open frame and a round shape.
"Excuse me Sir," John huffed. "I am sorry but I cannot find my classroom E-7. Would you be able to tell me where I could find it?" John felt ashamed for already screwing up. Usually he wouldn't have a care in the world, but this was important.
"Sure thing kid, but first would you help me out?" he opened the door into his office and John was able to see some boxes full of weird things. "Would you be so kind as to help me carry some of these to my class? If you do, I will tell your teacher that you helped me out and that he shouldn't be so hard on you."
It was a difficult decision but the new student decided to take him up on the offer.
"Alright, thank you Sir!"
Together they carried the boxes over the teacher's classroom. As they entered he was shown to place the boxes on the floor next to the door.
"Thank you Nathan," the teacher grinned.
It took him a while to notice. "How do you know my name?" John wondered.
"Alright everyone," the teacher was speaking to the class which was sitting orderly and neatly, waiting for the lesson to start. "Let me introduce your new classmate to you. This is Nathan and he will be joining you from now on."
"Wait! You mean to tell me that this is E-7?"
"Yep, and I am your teacher, Mr. Desmond. Since you helped me out, I will excuse you being late to class," he grinned.
John wanted to burst out in anger, he didn't like being tricked like that but he noticed a familiar face among the crowd.
"Wait, you are in this class?" he mumbled.
In the front row sat a young woman with braided blonde hair and a red school uniform which came with a knee long skirt.
"Joh- Nathan! I didn't know that you would be joining us," she caught herself, understanding that this must be an undercover case.
"Yes, I didn't expect you to be here either."
"Oh so you know each other? Well that makes things easier then, just sit next to Kimberly. Would you be so kind as to show him around the place after class, dear? That would be very kind of you."
John sat down next to her, which was in the front row.
"Are you here for business?" she asked, whispering.
"Let's talk about it later."
The first lesson was history class.
As Mr. Desmond stood in front of the black board, he pulled out a few old maps from the boxes that John had to carry.
"Alright everyone, do you know what this map shows?"
It was an old world map, showing the Grey Kingdom in its former form. Only a little over a century ago was it that the three main kingdoms of the lands had near endless wars until the strongest won and reformed them into the Grey Kingdom.
"Can you tell me the names of the bordering countries?"
John raised his arm, "to the right of us is the eastern country of Baal, a developing country. Above us is the Northern Fort of the White Kingdom, a military state."
"Good," the teacher stopped him there to give others an opportunity. "How about you Kimberly?"
"The Equator is right below us. Merely a few businesses are there to use it for mining ores and other riches, no actual country reigns there however. To the left we have the twin countries Arié and Merié, out of all of our neighbours they are the most advanced and are a strong competition."
Many countries surround the Kingdom but none of them are monarchies. They are largely democratic besides the White Kingdom, which as a military state, has a hierarchy system.
After class was over, Kimberly decided to use the long break to show Nathan around the campus. She showed him around the dorms, one for girls and one for boys. Next was the overwhelming dining hall that serves fresh and healthy food, John's view about the rich people changed drastically downwards. He found it outrageous that they received so many comfort bonuses simply because they are rich, but since he had to fit in, he decided to not utter his voice aloud. Lastly was the educational buildings, she showed him where every class was so that he may not repeat the mistake from today, and she showed him the many sports halls.
After further lessons of maths literature and physics, they went to Kimberly's dorm room to talk. He told her about his situation and about the case that he is investigating, in the hopes that she might know something.
"I am sorry, if you had a better final case maybe you wouldn't have to go through all of this," she uttered in silence, clutching her hands.
"It wasn't your fault. I screwed up a few times before that too. Anyhow, do you know something?"
"Well I haven't heard too much, but there were some rumour about missi-"
John heard something at the door, shushed her and ran straight for the door. With a wide and strong push, he nearly tore the door aside, throwing back a small chunky boy onto the floor.
"What do you want, and why are you trying to be so sneaky?" John yelled, he couldn't afford to let anything about his case get distributed all over. As he looked at the boy however, he knew he was too serious since the kid was crying on the floor, begging for mercy.
Since they might as well hear him out, they let him enter so that he could explain himself.
"So you are saying that your comrades are scummy bullies and made you play the snake to make you seem cool? Sorry kid, but that isn't quite how the world works. If you let them play you like a puppet then they won't let go of the strings, simple as that," John lectured the boy.
"I know, but I cannot fight against them. I mean look at me I am overweight and small. I could not possibly believe to stand up to them," he cried.
"Don't be so hard on yourself-" Kimberly wanted to comfort him but was stopped by a hand motion from John.
"Actually I have a better idea, get your friends to come here, how about we make a scene?" John boasted while Kimberly's eyes were full of disapproval.
After a few runs back and forth everything was ready. The kid came back with his 'friends' behind him in the corridor of the girls dorm.
"So then chump, how about you tell us what you want to show us?" the ginger haired leader ordered.
"I won't, because I won't be your tool anymore!" the kid yelled, his eyes closed as if expecting a beating.
"Know your place, Meatball!" the leader shouted as he cramped his fist together, pulled back and aimed for the boy's face.
"Stop it right there!" a girl 'passing by' interrupted.
Soon other girls came out of their rooms to look at the scene. Yells came hailing down onto the bullies, "you leave him alone!" "I will report you to the teachers!" "Don't you dare touch that poor kid!" and many more came flying.
John's plan was a success. He knew that nobody would be more kind and protective than girls, especially when a poor little kid is bullied. Kimberly went through the effort of setting up some people from class to catch the bullies. They were scared and could not deal with the amount of comments, and quickly ran away. From further back came John, patting the kid on his head.
"There we go, that should teach them!"
"Thank you, but I didn't do anything. Didn't you say I had to fight for myself?"
"No, not quite. I just said you shouldn't let them play you like a puppet, I never said you can't use the help of some scissors," John grinned and called it a day.
The next morning.
It was Tuesday, also known as sports day at this school. Nathan was given the option to simply join a sports class as he saw fit, the list of the classes hung at the sports hall. He didn't have any sports clothes yet due to his indecisiveness, he did not want to spent money if he ended up not needing the outfit later. As he looked through the list, his eyes narrowed, he was disappointed.
"Hey, Jo- Nathan!" a familiar voice sounded from behind him. It was Kimberly in her red sports outfit.
"Sorry I am still not quite used to it. What are you looking for?" she asked.
John giggled. "Well I still can't decide which class to join. Do you have any idea what could be good?"
After a temporary stare, she grinned similarly John when he was about to be merciless.
"You could always join the athletics class!" she laughed.
"Uh, no thanks. Although I think Matt would probably love to join you."
Matt was also lingering around the shadows of the campus, trying to gain as much information as possible.
"Well," she looked at the list. "Why don't you try this?" She pointed at a subject on the list.
"You too? Even Aaron told me that I should like it but I hate it, it is a show and not an actual sport."
"Well, it's your choice. Anyway I got to go join my group now, bye!"
With a big sigh, John decided to accept their idea and go to the sports hall S-5. However as he entered the hall, something came at him rapidly from the side!
What kind of class did he join and what is coming at him? Find out next time on Steam's Shadow!
This is the beginning of a new Arc, the Grandeene College Arc!
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