《Steam's Shadow》Steam's Shadow Chapter 8: An unexpected turn of events
The last day they were visited by a fairly famous young woman, Kimberly Rosenfeld. She came to them expecting the old Detective Sterling to help her but instead finds Johnathan to be the one in charge. Her birthday was to be in two days, one day from now, on the ninth of November and she received a frightening letter which made her want to ask for protection. Interestingly enough, John was thus brought into a deal to stand in for her and dress up as her, in return he would get an exceptionally large blazestone on top of his regular payment.
The eighth of November, Preparations.
Since Kimberly's birthday was to be tomorrow they wanted everything to be checked, not twice but twenty-fold. They couldn't allow for anything to go wrong, especially since the party covered such a large space. An entire mansion was to be used, along with its garden. Voice pipes, sound improving and carrying pipes, would be used to fake the speech which John would have to hold but instead would be told by Kimberly in a safe space, were set up throughout the main hall of the mansion. While John would sit up stairs of the main hall on a large podium, Kimberly would sit in a safe room further back with Matt as her bodyguard. However to have him be completely effective John helped him repair his steamworks Weapon, the claws. Back when they fought, John cut open the steam pressure tanks and which broke the mechanism of protracting blades and thus won the battle.
Meanwhile John and Matt sat in the office at their home and looked at the great work created by the merely 15 year old Matt.
"So why did you choose to make something as strange like claws?" John asked Matt.
"Well, I guess it was my idea to be like a beast or even monster, or maybe because I am a glutton for overcomplicated designs," Matt explained. "Either way, do you think we can fix it?"
"Of course we can fix it, we only need to replace the pressure tank. Maybe we could even find a better design for it, but first explain to me how exactly this thing is supposed to work." John turned the objects around and tried to analyse it. "Even as I look at it now from close up I barely understand the mechanism."
Matt took a glove with the claws and used it as demonstration. "The glove has flexible pipes connected to the pressure tanks, which are filled with water and have water condensers in them, together with a blazestone. Meaning even if the normal amount of water wasn't enough I could slowly but surely generate more water through the condensers while the blazestone acted as a heat source."
"Meaning it is the same as my pressure system," John interrupted.
"Indeed. That is the basics of steamworks after all, anyway, the gloves have rings attached to wires. I would wear the ring on a finger and depending on whether I pulled it, or not, a valve would be opened or closed thus releasing the pressure and protracting the claws. To be exact, when I close my fist the blades would protract, and if I moved my thumb back the three steam thrusters would release pressurised steam for propulsion hence why each glove has two rings."
"Interesting, I never thought of using wire mechanisms to switch a valve, I always used buttons like I have on my sword. The pipe that goes through it has several valves which would open separately depending on which buttons I pressed."
"I get what you mean, however it would be inconvenient having to press buttons, plus it has a great effect."
Eventually, John looked through a box of junk which was filled with metal scraps, tubing, pipes, buttons, gears and pressure tanks. All of it was part of his 'spare parts' collection, which did annoy Aaron quite a bit mainly because it had expanded from a tiny box, to several boxes filled with all kinds of things. After a lot of rummaging through boxes and junk they had finally found a pressure tank with just the right size.
"Do you want to keep the tanks on your hip or should they be like mine, worn like a backpack?" John asked.
"I would rather keep them on my hips because I feel like having them on my back would change my balance, as you know I like to make use of my nimbleness."
"Oh don't worry, there is no way I am forgetting that salto," John almost felt some goosebumps as he was reminded of that stunt. "How about we at least split the pipes? Since your problem was that by me opening one tank, the entire system for both claws stopped working. Would it not be better to split the pipes and give each claw their own tank?"
"I had the same idea at first, problem was that the propulsion system required both tanks. Unless you can improve the pressure I don't think we can properly change that."
"You could use two sets of pipes," John pointed at the claws and then at the thrusters. "You could have a pipe for each claw system, meaning they work independently and you could fight even with a tank destroyed. Meanwhile the second set of pipes would be used for the thrusters, allowing them to pull at both of the tanks."
Matt had some trouble imagining the construction but nodded in agreement. "Sounds good, let's do it!"
Afterwards they spent the entire night welding, connecting, reinforcing, swapping and redesigning the gloves. The end result was a hip pack, with one tank on each side which was reinforced by a thick steel casing and a cotton pouch. Hidden pipes which run from the pouches up his shirt to his shoulders, down his arms into the gloves. The pipes were high end, capable of retaining the pressure more effectively than before. The gloves themselves were made out of black linen, simply because Matt liked comfortable clothes as well as the colour black. On the back of the gloves sat a long dark matte metal box which carried the mechanisms. Wires were attached to valves and rings which he would wear on a finger and a thumb to control the claws and the thrusters. All in all, the entire equipment received a major overhaul thanks to John who is quite adept at steamworks.
The next day, it was early in the morning, it was the day of truth.
They, Aaron and Kimberly, had to dress and style John into a perfect double for her. First washing his hair, shaving his arms and legs, attaching fake eyelashes, picking his eyebrows and using coloured eye contacts. Carefully braiding his hair and powdering his face together with using cherry lipstick he was almost done. The final part was the dress.
"Do I really have to wear a dress? I mean, I am sure I can get away with a shirt and trousers right?" John tried to save himself.
"No!" Kimberly yelled. "You would put shame to my name, no my entire family if you did that. Don't be such a wimp and get changed already!"
She pressed a large box with the dress inside into his arms and pushed him into the changing room. While Aaron and Kimberly were standing outside, he had to change behind the red cashmere curtain.
"Do you need any help with the dress?" Aaron asked, figuring it would be less embarrassing for his partner.
"No! Don't come inside, if you do I will kill you. To be honest I want anyone who sees me in this dress to drop dead after this is done," John shouted as noises of changing could be heard inside the small room.
While he was about to come out as a pretty princess, the real princess was in what she called her casual clothes which consisted of a grey comfy pullover and baggy cotton trousers.
"How do you women walk in these atrocious things?" John yelled with a struggling voice as he 'swooshed' the curtain aside and stepped out.
Before the baffled judges stood a beautiful young lady with braided hair, a ruby red dress with a stuffed bra and red glossy high heeled shoes, except it was a boy who was slowly dying inside.
"See it wasn't that bad right?" Kimberly asked with her hands resting on her hips.
"Oh, you have no Idea. I am glad I don't know my father otherwise I would be even more ashamed than I already am," he shook by just the mere thought of his parents seeing him in those clothes.
She let out a disgusted sigh. "You really act too much like a man, try to soften up a bit. Look at the bright side, you get paid for it."
"I am not a female dog, thank you. Wuff," John barked with a smile.
At that moment the clock on the wall gave the 'ding' sound to indicate that it was already five pm. In a few minutes the guests would start arriving. John's attitude suddenly changed into a serious look.
"Alright, you get inside the room and stay with Matt. You can trust him to protect you. Meanwhile Aaron, you hide among the guests and try to listen in on anything suspicious while I stand and wait up on that podium. We need to act swiftly here!"
"Understood," both of them yelled in sync.
They ran off to their stations but while Aaron continued on, Kimberly turned around to talk to John.
"Sterling, thank you for your work. I know that I am harsh, but please understand the importance of all this," she bowed.
"Don't worry. You hired me for this and I will see through it that you will remain unharmed."
"Thank you so much," she held her hands open to him, in her palms laying a small bag. "Inside are small blazestones. I usually keep a bag with me to dry my hands, since they always sweat from anxiety so I thought you might need it."
As John took it, he felt like her spoiled aura had slightly faded away. "Thank you," he says as he held it in his fist. "Now we need to get going!"
It was just about time. They all got ready everything was set up, the party began. It wasn't yet time for him to hold the speech, everyone was still focused on greeting one another and finding a place to stand. Meanwhile John still had a few moments to wait on the great podium and saw that it was designed as a discussion table. Around a small wooden table were six chairs, which were for the family members and VIPs. He took the chance to have a seat and calm down before he has to hold the speech which he doesn't even need to hold himself. All he has to do is stand there and look pretty and attempt to move his lips in the right pattern. While he sat in his rather comfy satin chair he looked at the table and found a newspaper from a few days earlier, the fifth of November.
John was not exactly the kind of person to read but he figured it could not hurt for once. He opened up the first few pages, filled with useless celebrity discussions and some financial ones too. Skimming over everything he eventually gulped as he read the headline, 'Iron Fist Gregor was executed in prison for murder'. Johnathan had fought him not too long ago, the man was a mass murderer and a prisoner already but he tried to steal a train and was defeated by John in the end, losing an arm. He couldn't care less about a murderers life, however it was a shock none the less. The Authorities never executed anyone, they were imprisoned but never actually killed or even promoted in the newspaper. Something about it didn't feel right to him, despite that, a light tap of Aaron's hand on John's shoulder told him that it was time.
Standing tall on the railing of the podium, looking down at dozens no hundreds of people with by far too much money and by far too expensive clothes on, he felt that his throat became dry. If he could, he would run away since he hated attention of this size. Although he loved being the centre of attention, it was only fine if it was within a small group, any more than 'small' made him anxious.
The sound carrying pipes were all set up and before him was a pipe which lead to nowhere, merely acting as a disguise since the actual one was with Kimberly in a room behind him, safe and locked.
After a short cough as to gain everyone's attention which came from the tubes, he held his right hand in a fist before his mouth. After everyone was silent, Kimberly started.
"Everyone, thank you for coming here today. I am grateful that you decided to spend your time for me. As you know, today is my eighteenth birthday and my coming of age party. As such my father wishes to announce something to everyone."
An old man, her father, stood up from the behind John and stood next to him. His eyes looked slim and annoyed, he expected to share this moment with his daughter and not with a man in a dress.
"Everyone," He yelled through the main hall. "I am proud to say that my little daughter has finally grown to be such a beautiful young woman. I know that with my age, it won't take many more years until I leave her my entirety, but it would be wrong to burden her shoulders so suddenly. Thus I must announce that as of now, I leave with her, half of my business. This should help her getting ready for the near future," he laughed. "Let us not hope that this future comes too soon however."
His speech left everyone mute. John tried to act thankful by putting on a smile and bowing in gratitude, sadly the man's cold attitude towards him made John struggle with the 'thankful' role.
"Thank you my father," suddenly John had to face the guests again and sync his lips. "I promise not to disappoint you, I will honour your present and care for it with my all. I won't let your gift go to waste, father. Lastly I would like thank you all for bearing witness to this unique moment and I rely on your hopes for me, thank you," lastly John bowed to the guests, raising his dress a little, expecting to be crushed by a sword.
To his luck, nothing actually fell onto him and he was instead overwhelmed by a clapping and cheering audience. After shaking his hand with the father's hand to allow for pictures to be taken, they sat down around the table again.
"So it appears this trouble was for naught?" Mister Rosenfeld said disappointingly.
"So far, yes. However would you rather your daughter be killed? Judging by the looks you have been giving me, you would rather see my corpse," John snarled back, without caring for his posture.
"That is correct, I cannot stand the likes of you who doesn't even know that as a lady, it is inappropriate to sit with her legs wide open, especially when wearing a dress like that," he answers as he looks aside.
John, still dressed up as Kimberly, quickly crossed his legs and pulled the dress into place. He knew that even though the speech was held, people could still see him, resulting in embarrassment for Kimberly if he doesn't continue his lady act.
Hours passed, it was not long until the party would be over. John's body hurt from the unusual poses he had to hold. Sitting straight, bowing, smiling, acting like a proper woman, it was really exhausting. Eventually he had to go 'powder his nose' and went a few rooms further back and before he entered the bathroom he was surprised. Suddenly something grabbed hold of him from behind, and a large pull held him in place while a towel was forcefully held over his face.
After ten minutes Aaron got suspicious and decided to knock on the toilet door to check on his partner. With a light knock, the door was easily pushed open to reveal that nobody was inside. Worried about the situation, he had some of the personnel of the house go out to find him. The mansion was huge with thousand and one doors, or so it seemed. After not having the slightest idea of where he could've gone, the crowd was asked to leave. It wasn't in a rude sense, it wasn't long before the party was over anyway.
After everything was safe, Aaron checked on Kimberly who was being guarded by Matt.
"Hey, everything alright in here?" he asks as he entered the room, showing that Matt and Kimberly had been playing cards to wait. "Seems so, anything from John?"
"John? Why no, he is supposed to be out there doubling as me right?" The woman asked confused.
"Well, you see... Nobody can find him."
"John is missing?" Matt shouted in worry.
"Yes, if possible I would like you to go out and hunt him down for me, go after anything suspicious."
"I hope nothing has happened to him," she worried, folding her hands together in prayer.
"I know John, he is probably enjoying himself right now, kicking some bad guys butt. However just in case, I would like you to stay here with me and your father. We can't let something happen to you too."
Without much fuss, Matt ran out while the rest waited for their safe return.
Meanwhile, on the road, within a large truck container.
A heavy speed bump woke John up, with his still sleepy eyes he was astonished. Everything around him was dark and he could hear a loud steamworks engine running, giving away that he was being driven. As he looked around, trying to find just the slightest glimpse of light, he found a small gap between the container doors. He tried moving, but his legs and hands were tied and if that wasn't enough his mouth was also tied with a cloth.
Sadly for the kidnapper, John wasn't stupid enough to just wear a dress and not be armed. Whoever tied his legs didn't look up his skirt, where he hid a sharp knife. Very much ungracefully bending around, he took the knife and carefully freed his hands, then his mouth and then his legs. Next thing to worry about was that he had no idea where he was, absolutely none. For all he knew, they could've crossed borders into another country by now.
The container was made out of light aluminium, allowing for easier transport and for cheaper mass production. This was something which John knew, but he had no way of leaving the container silently enough. What it did do however, was allow him to carefully poke his knife into the wall to create a small hole. He needed to see if anything looked familiar and indeed, he saw these streets before, especially the sign of 'Brass gear street' made it obvious for him. The truck was only about ten minutes away from the house of Kimberly, driving through a factory district.
Soon, the truck stopped in a dead end.
Container door facing towards a wall, ensuring that the 'goods' cannot simply run off. Noticing this, John played silent and sleepy, while the engine was stopped and large footsteps trampled outside, coming closer. The container door was opened, shining the light of the moon inside, allowing him to see the kidnapper.
"Impossible! It can't be..." John was shocked, he tried not to speak loudly because of his voice making it apparent that he wasn't Kimberly.
"Ah good, so this chloro-whatever worked just long enough," the large man standing in front of the container said. "Now come with me!"
The moment the man stepped inside the container, the light reflected off his right arm. An arm made of steel and brass pipes, not the tiniest sign of flesh. It was part of the incredible craftsmanship of steamworks. A prosthetic arm.
Just the sight of this made John distrust his eyes, they must be deceiving him he thought. To his pity, they weren't.
"So it really is you, Iron-fist Gregor." he said, a little too loud.
The ears of the big man before him twitched, as if remembering the voice. His right shoulder also began to itch.
"What? That isn't a woman's voice. You are a guy!"
Swiftly, John jumped around the giant and tried to leave the container but was hit by something into his back, making him almost fly out onto the paved ground.
"Nice try brat, now let me see," he bent over John, grabbing him by his throat with his metal arm.
"Hey there, thought you died." John said with a smirk as he tried to pull at the arm with his hands.
"That voice, so it really is you! Sterling!" the big man was the Iron-fist Gregor, who was supposed to be dead.
Pressing John against the left wall, he continued to choke him with his warm metal hand.
"You have no idea how much pain you have brought me, do you even know how it feels to have your nerves being attached to this piece of metal? Thanks to you I need regular maintenance and repairs for my arm. At least that man pulled me out of the prison with the simple order of getting rid of an annoying girl."
"Aww, poor Greggy," he coughed. "I am sure those people who you killed have pity with you."
The cross dressing man was pulled up higher, making it even more difficult to breathe, "Are you sure that you are in a position to have a big mouth now? Your life is literally in my hand."
"Not quite, my life is in this mechanical wonder of steamworks. Plus the way I see it, the reason you haven't killed me so far is because the hand doesn't close completely. Am I right?"
"Enough!" Gregor knows that he was correct but didn't feel like continuing the conversation much longer as he smashed John against the wall several times. Being practically hammered against a cement wall hurt, not only his back but also his head which hit it every time.
He had to think quickly here, before he was nothing more than strawberry jam on the wall. While he tried to concentrate, Gregor laughed in joy, finally getting his revenge.
"I've got it!" John shouted in his mind, unable to waste his breath on words. He tried to reach his pocket, blending in on the dress and when he did, he pulled out a small pouch. Rushing, he opened the pouch and emptied its contents into his hand, making it feel incredibly warm.
"Let us see how good your engineer was!" John yelled as he threw orange-red stones into the complex piping and mechanisms of Gregor's arm.
"What's this? Do you honestly think a hand full of pretty stones can make my arm stop? Too bad, but that won't do the job!" Gregor said, before he noticed an awful squeal coming from his arm.
"Too bad these weren't just any stones, they are blazestones."
Gregor's eyes opened wide as he heard these words, realizing that his arm wouldn't last long with those stones inside.
"Steamworks prosthetics require incredible precision in order to function just like a human limb. Nerve sensitive mechanisms allow steam to be released into the pipes which, through pressure regulation, allow pistons to move inside your arm. These control the directions your arm can move to and well as your fingers. Just imagine the intricate ability to have a proper flow through the pipes, now sadly the steam cools down and becomes water but luckily the engineer calculated that into the design and made drains and pressure gauges, now what would happen if something was to warm up all of the water residue in your pipes?"
"No wait, that means--"
"Indeed, it means that the pipes will be over pressured and will eventually bust!"
With squealing noises the hand began to open up against Gregor's will, dropping John onto the ground. Coughing and chocking, John tried to grasp for air, as he felt his body screaming for rest.
"Not again, why must you always ruin my arm!" Gregor shouted, just as some of the pipes began to break open and have hot steam rushing out, making the sound of a water kettle.
"I must say though, your Nickname fits you that much better now," John smirked.
Suddenly a car horn rang from behind the truck. Gregor seemed to believe it to be his cue as he ran straight towards the street. While John really wanted to run after him, he was dizzy from his head being smashed against the wall.
Stepping into a large black, prestigious car, the giant was driven away. Merely ten minutes later, Matt finally found the weirdly parked truck and with it John, who was sound asleep on the pavement.
Next time in Steam's Shadow! John is summoned to the police station and has to take on a large task, while his last mission barely even went well. Why was Gregor still alive? Who built the arm and who drove him away? What more mysteries hide behind this veil of steam?
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