《The Promise of Yuuko Asahino - Volume 1》Chapter 5: Those Who Are Least Alone [Part 2]
Part 4
The world around him changed in the blink of an eye. The memory haze he got when not spending time with his family had gotten severely worse since being fired, the last thing he remembers is talking to his wife, then being here. If he had to guess, it was the very next day.
But where was he now? He remembered speaking with Hikari, but to Yuuto, the environment shift around him was sudden. He was no longer at a table, but outside; no longer sitting, but walking. Fresh air filled his lungs while the evening sun dyed the sky an iridescent crimson. He looked around until finding a young boy in front of him, quietly walking forward with a smile on his face.
Ahh, that’s right— we’re walking home from school right now. I just picked him up.
It was frightening— the only thing he did was blink. He wasn’t always like this, but rare was the occasion where this otherwise didn’t happen. He felt as though his body wasn’t his own when not with the people he loved; like he was on autopilot. His body moved- there was a faint recognition of what he was doing- but he didn’t feel there. Complete. Whole.
And yet, it just happened with the people he loved most…...
“Father? Are you okay?”
“Hnn? Oh, yeah, I’m alright Yuuko. How was school?”
His son looked as though he was deciding whether or not to believe him, but answered the question with a smile.
“It was good! Hajimu and the others ignore me now, so I do not get hit anymore!”
Hikari was right. It hurts….... so much.
Having left the school district, Yuuto steered them towards a passing hill that overlooked the warm orange sky.
“Let’s sit down here for a little while.”
“Is it okay?”
He patted the spot next to him in response as his son happily followed suit.
It has to be here.
“Yuuko, why do you want to be a hero?”
“Father?” The question caught his son off guard, but Yuuto waved off the confusion and encouraged his son’s answer.
“Hmm……...because……. heroes are heroes!”
He smiled. He really is too young to fully understand.
He understands in part. That means it’s not too late……. even so…..
“Yuuko, you know what you did with the dog was dangerous—”
“I-I am sorry father, I just thought that!—”
“Yuuko, let people finish speaking before you say something.”
“It’s okay, because you did the right thing.”
“I…...thought it was bad?”
“It’s not. Yuuko, there’s something I need to tell you as your father. I need you to listen right now, because one day I won’t be able to tell you anymore.”
“W-Why not?”
“Yuuko, you’re not listening, it’s important.”
“Sorry…...what is important father?”
He took in a ragged breathe. “Do you remember what I’ve always told you about heroes?”
“They are….alone? Because some people do not like them?”
“Yes, but you need to remember— people don’t like heroes because they don’t believe they’re real. Those people are wrong.”
He hoped his son would be able to understand him, and from his wide pupils, he seemed to be following along.
“Those people are the ones that most need someone like you. People that don’t believe they exist, you’ll have to prove them wrong.”
“W-Why don’t they think heroes are real?”
“Because they don’t believe in the most fundamental ability given to mankind.”
“I…. don’t think I get it.”
Yuuto awkwardly scratching the back of his head. “I’ll explain it to you another day. But for right now, I need to ask you: do you really want to be a hero? Even if it means being alone? Even if it means getting hurt like you did yesterday?”
“I do!”
His son’s immediate response caught him off guard.
“I want to be a hero because I helped the dog! H-Hajimu was being a bully to him, so I helped! It hurt when he hit me…...it hurt a lot— but it hurt more when I couldn’t help father the first time!”
“That’s why I want to be like father! That’s why I want to be a hero!”
His son had riled himself up so much he was standing a few centimeters from his face with eyes full of light.
They look like……..
His son must absolutely learn.
As he looked towards the sun, Yuuto stood up— posing with dramatic flair. If this is his son’s wish, then he must set him on the path towards fulfilling it.
“Then you’ll need to know something important. Something you’ll have to carry with you for the rest of your life!”
“Yes! What is it father?”
“You will have to fight Yuuko! This world is full of people who don’t believe in heroes, who don’t want to be heroes! You must believe in good, just like you have to know that you won’t have it easy. It’s going to hurt in more ways than one! But I believe you can do it.”
Because you have the most fundamental power given to mankind.
“To……… fight?”
“You can only protect something, you can only be a hero, if you’re strong in body and soul!” His father exclaimed while taking another dramatic pose.
His son seemed to process his words for a moment before asking a surprising question. “Father, why did Hajimu hit me yesterday?”
Yuuto internally panicked. He was currently in his “pose” mode of speaking to Yuuko.
I need to give him something to remember; a satisfactory answer that will help!
“Son, some people aren’t like you, and they fight against you because they see how different you are from them— they see how much better they can be!” He exclaimed. “But not everyone is like that, and I believe you can change the few that aren’t! Fight against a world that tells you heroes don’t exist— help people, and become a hero!”
“Yes! I’ll show you I can do it father! I’ll help people just like I helped!…….er…”
“Hmm? What’s wrong?”
“I don't want to call our dog ‘dog’. Can I give him a name?”
As he exited his “flair” mode of speaking, he vaguely remembered talking to Hikari about whether or not the dog could stay at the home. It was a grueling decision, but it’d be the first step in making Yuuko more responsible, so they allowed it. With various conditions of course.
“How about ‘Mayoi’?”
“I don’t know…. does it mean something nice?”
He let out a small laugh. “No no, that’s not a good name. I would relate to the dog too much if that were his name.”
“How about ‘Toshi’?”
“Ohhhhhhh! Cool name father! Does it mean something?”
He looked at the setting sun once more. He still had time before it disappeared under the horizon; he still had time left before later. Before night came.
“Before that I want to tell you something more. Are you up for listening to you father for a little more?”
“Hnm!” his son enthusiastically nodded. “I want father to tell me more about being a hero!”
“It’s about doing the right thing,” he laughed.
It felt good to laugh with his son. It felt good that, just for a moment, there was no weight, no pain, left in his chest. At this moment, inside of Yuuto, was a warm light.
* * * * *
They arrived to an empty home, but it was to be expected. His wife had called him earlier in the day to let him know she would arrive late. Her tone made it abundantly clear she was ... dissatisfied— at her coworkers’ slack; forcing her to stay behind as opposed to going home to see her husband and son.
He felt awful, leaving her to be the one working and not him. They still didn’t have the conversation about his workplace due to various other circumstances arising; but more than that, he felt awful about not being able to fulfill their original plan. Yuuto was going to be the one working once his company had merged. A larger paycheck meant that Hikari could stay at home with Yuuko more, she could pursue the hobbies she’d always wanted to pursue, learn to knit, relax the way she deserved to.
As always, you’re incompetent…...but that’ll change soon.
During the time he was on autopilot, Yuuto developed a plan. If it worked, she wouldn’t have to worry about working so hard anymore. Perhaps that’s why it’s a blessing in disguise that she wasn’t here now. She said she would only be an hour late at most, but that was all the time he needed.
“Yuuko, come here please.”
Yuuko set down his backpack and ran towards his father.
He kneeled down to speak with him.
“You remember what we talked about right? All evening?”
“Yes! I still remember!”
“Good, good.” He struggled to control his voice. “Take good care of your mother okay? She’ll be home soon.”
“Er, yes. Okay.”
“Yes father?”
He hugged his son.
“I………..I love you. Remember that, okay?”
He struggled to control his eyes when he felt a small pair of arms reach across his back.
“It’s okay, I will! Because I love father too!”
Embedding the feeling into his heart, he stood up before it became too much.
“Alright, go put up your things.”
His son dutifully followed his father’s instructions as Yuuto made his way to his room. Before entering, he heard a high pitched whine while an odd sensation poked at his legs.
“Hey Toshi,” he said to the source. “Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.”
The dog seemed complacent, yet oddly clingy— pawing at his legs with fervor. It wasn’t until he crouched down to meet it that it stopped, opting now to stare at him.
“I’m glad we could make things right in the end,” he said petting the top of its head. “Take good care of Yuuko for me.”
Just before Yuuto could remove his hand, Toshi opened his mouth and bit Yuuto’s palm. No, it would be more correct to say that Toshi held a grip on Yuuto’s hand with his mouth, not aiming to hurt him, but to detain him. To stop him.
Yuuto gently removed his hand from its grasp. “I think Yuuko made the right choice saving you. But I have to make my own choice now. I’ll be counting on you.”
Toshi gave a final half-hearted paw to Yuuto’s leg before he stood up and shut the door behind him. He and Hikari’s room looked like the inside of a ruby, dyed with the profound crimson glow that only ever came during the last few minutes of sunset.
How appropriate.
As he began the process, he found it ironic that he was conscious in this moment. The memory gaps would usually begin at a time like this, perhaps it was because he had nothing left to ‘skip’ to. If that was the case, Yuuto was all the more thankful he was carrying out his actions now. It frightened him to think that he might one day have a memory gap of his family. Or worse, to be on autopilot with them.
Did he have conflicting feelings about these thoughts? Of course.
But this is better in the long run.
Or so he tried to tell himself.
It would be better for his wife, who wouldn’t need to work as hard to sustain herself and Yuuko……. his only son…..
Of course this is better for him. It has to be.
Because one day he’ll grow up; aging is an inevitable part of life, and when he does, he will see that his father is not the man he believed him to be.
This is something Yuuto can not allow.
To maintain his son’s wish, Yuuto must maintain the image Yuuko has built of him, lest he stop the path that he’s on. Because if Yuuto is still here, he will lead his son astray.
It’s not a question of ‘if’ it’ll happen, but ‘when’. This is something he knows in absolute.
“I know.”
“I know.”
Why not!?
“Because…...I was born into this world.”
A world without mercy. A world devoid of light within men. Of spirit.
“I…..was born into a world of perpetually diminishing returns. Yet I am to blame, I know that. I know but…..I’m not better.”
For years he repeated the lines, wore the smile, and looked for the best. Maybe there really was a time when he believed in it, maybe there really was a time where he believed he fulfilled his ideal. Where he became the best man he could possibly be.
Maybe at one point in time, he too, possessed the most fundamental ability given to human beings.
But this world steals far more than it gives. The world of diminishing returns.
Maybe that is the worst punishment for a human being. To strive for something unattainable. To work towards a goal only to be unable to reach it.
At the end of the day, he’s only a human being.
He began to feel tears streaming down his face.
He tried his best.
And his best was simply not enough.
So for a moment of bravery on his part, he will instill a lifetime of hope, bravery, and ideals.
“This is the last time…….I will be able to fulfill my own ideal.”
His final epiphany struck as he laid down into his bed.
“That’s why I’m relieved……..I’m happy.”
For a man such as him, a humble human being, born into a world that takes everything— for a man such as he to have had something to strive towards in the first place…. was a blessing.
God had mercy on him. To let him have a family, to love and be loved in return.
“I’m happy.”
He experienced the humanity, the blessing that is life, and through him— a new fire would be kindled. A new dawn.
It seems God was with him after all.
He turned and looked out the window, towards the brilliantly fading red horizon. That sunset reminded him of that day, long ago.
The day he kept his ideal.
Part 5
“Fancy meeting you here again,” he said taking the tissue she kindly offered.
“It is not chance. I am here on purpose.”
Her words caught him by surprise.
“At this bridge in the middle of the night?”
“When did they adopt you?” she asked completely disregarding his question. Yuuto was so taken aback that he forgot how to speak.
“Please wipe the blood off of your forehead and hold the tissue on the cut. It has peroxide in it.”
“Oh…. right. Thanks.”
Part of the blood had dried already, but was quickly coming off due to the properties of the tissue. It didn’t take away the pain, but it was better than constant bleeding.
“How…..did you know? I only just met you yesterday, and no one besides Tomomi even—”
“Please answer my question.”
He was too light headed to press the issue further, and she was helping him with his wounds so he obliged. He also couldn’t help but think it sounded nice when she said ‘please’.
“Three years ago. Hina— Hinansho, my mother— was kind enough to take me in when my last foster family left.”
“And you repay her by taking the beatings from her husband?”
He scratched the back of his head only to flinch away. His habit manifested by itself at times like this, forgetting he is injured. “By the time he’s through with me, he’s usually too tired to go after my mother and little brother. If it’s for them, I don’t mind.”
“That is why you act in such a way,” she said handing him another tissue to clean the last stray lines of red on his face. “You have never had someone to look up to.”
Faintly smiling, he wiped the blood away but flinched once more when touching the wound, though more out of reflex than pain. He couldn’t help but think it was quite the miracle the cut wasn’t deeper. With the way he took the hit, by all rights he should be in the hospital right now. Yet here he is, under his bridge, without a care in the world.
“Do you not pity yourself?”
“Why would I do that?” he said in response to her sudden question.
“Because of your circumstances. Do you not despise the world you are forced to live in? The world you were born into?”
That was a question he had often asked himself. Yet his answer had always remained the same.
“Of course I do.” he said staring into the red-soaked tissue. “But I don’t have time for pity when there are people who need me.”
“Does this world need someone like you?”
He grimaced at the phrasing. “Maybe not. Even so, this world is cruel. In a way, that’s why I’ll do what I can, I’ll believe what I do, in order to change it. God won’t help those who won’t help themselves you know.”
The air seemed to fill with the comfortable sound of silence when no answer escaped her. Looking at her, she appeared different. He wryly scratched the back of his head again, only this time with a smile. “You know, you seem a lot friendlier compared to yesterday night and earlier today.”
“There…. is a reason for that.”
“What is it?”
“Come with me. Do not strain yourself.”
“Where would we go at this time of night?” he said slowly following her up to the bridge stairs.
“It is only 9pm, but that matters little.” she said turning around to meet him. “Here. Take me to this address.”
She handed him a sheet of paper with a small map attached to one side of it. It was incredibly detailed, every street, every building, labeled precisely with perfect handwriting.
“This place isn’t too far, but everything here is labeled so well I don’t see why you’d need me to guide you.” he said shifting through the map. “What exactly is this place?”
“That is……. my home.”
Yuuto began blushing when he saw her do the same.
“I u-understand you’re a transfer student…..and all…...but are you sure you want me to go with you all the way back to your house?”
“As you said, I am new to the city and am….not good, with directions. Please guide me.”
“Not….. good?”
The coincidences began piecing themselves in Yuuto’s mind.
No wonder I ran into her yesterday morning, she must’ve been running late to class because she got lost. And even if she did live in this area, of course she wouldn’t know the shortcuts like I do.
“I-I guess it can’t be helped.”
The two began making their way towards their destination in almost total silence. This wasn’t at all the case for Yuuto’s inner thoughts, or his heart, which was going to beat out of his chest.
Just how unpredictable is this girl!? First she leaves me hanging outside, then she threatens me with a knife, then she says nothing at all to me when I see her again at school today only for her to find me under the bridge and offer me tissues for my past?!
It hasn’t even been two days and now I’m walking her home because I want an answer to some vague question!
Needless to say, due to his lack of experience in romantic situations, his mind and body were racing with dangerously obscene thoughts which he was quick to try and dispel.
I have an injury! I could pass out from blood fluctuations— wait, blood fluctuations? Are those even a thing!? It might not be too late to turn back! No! Not until I at least…. at least……..
“We have arrived.”
“Just how fast does time fly when you’re distracted!?”
Yuuto however, quickly got himself under control. Not from arriving, no, but from the sheer amount of shock he felt in seeing where they were.
“Hikari…. is this…. the right place?”
“Yes. Come to my room.”
He followed her as she began walking up rusted stairs that clung to the side of the building. The moon illuminated various decaying parts of the apartment building; chipped paint and spots of mold were just some of the indecencies he saw as they climbed up to the fourth story. Walking through the corridor, he could smell the trash piling up, some of it illuminated by dim light produced by dying lightbulbs.
He could scarcely believe what his eyes were taking in.
He was about to question her on this when she opened her door and led him inside. A single light flickered on overhead. He felt relieved, yet still shocked, if feeling both at the same time were even possible.
The inside of her apartment was neat and quite clean; if a bit empty. Polished wooden floors accented a clean kitchen and lead into a neatly organized bedroom. A single bed lay just below the window where one could see the river coursing through a city illuminated by lights. The only decoration was a potted plant that sat silently on the window, as if perpetually observing the lives of all the humans that lived in the city.
“I’m not sure what to make of the rumor about you being blue-blooded.”
“It is for those who can not think for themselves. I pay it no mind, but it is of interest to people. Especially the members of the council.”
“Sorry again, about today. I interfered and…. probably made things worse for you.”
She stopped what she was doing and walked up to Yuuto.
“Yet you chose to help. Both today, and yesterday. People like you are……. nonexistent.”
He felt a shock go through his brain.
People like you.
“Yesterday you said the same thing. When I mentioned your eyes.”
There was no trace of it now, but Yuuto was sure that feeling was still buried within her.
“You believe that I am angry.”
“I do. Because I’ve seen those eyes before.”
“And how curious that I have never seen eyes like yours, yet I know exactly what they are. I can see what you plainly hide.”
“You called them ‘shifting hollow eyes’. What do you mean by that? And what do you mean by saying the president should be wary of people like me?”
“I do not understand why you proceed to ask questions you already know the answer to.”
“I………………….I understand your point, but answer me. Please.”
She spun around in a small curtsy, but the action held no emotion. She did the same thing with her voice but…...it sounded as though she was actively trying to make it sound in such a way.
“Why else do you think that man ran away? One instinctively knows the dangers of a man who does not believe in himself. If the president calls himself a pragmatist in acquiring what he desires, one could say the opposite about you. At least, they would. But they cannot.”
He felt like a train had just hit him. No. It would be far more accurate to say that he felt a train went through him. Her words…. pierced straight through him.
“You, an idealist who actively avoids what he wants, and throws himself unto others. How ironic that you commit such acts despite the fact you despise the world you were born into.”
“But your eyes are no different.”
His words caught her off guard, and she looked up to find him staring at her.
“Why do you hate the world you were born into?”
“This is not about me, but about you. Do you know the reason I asked you to come here?”
He was going to give her a sarcastic answer, to tell her that he didn’t have time to sit around and wait for her to finish her analysis. But something held him back.
Unknowing in why he continued to stay, and simply shook his head.
“No. I don’t.”
“My my. Quite the self-control you have. Another reason for me to do this with you.”
She started walking closer towards him until they were a meter apart.
“The reason I have asked you to come here is because I trust you.”
“Trust……. me?”
“Yes. Yesterday when I mistook you for a stalker, you said something to me. You told me that you were just a stray that wanted to help. I would not have believed any other person…...but you are different.”
She walked passed him as she spoke, opting to look through the window, into the city night.
“Your eyes….. were not deceitful. I have seen enough lies in my life to know when a human is lying, and you……. your eyes were not lying. They were not deceitful.”
“Then……. what did you see?”
“That they were empty.”
“I do not understand you. I do not understand why you act the way you do even though you are empty. I do not understand why you chase goodness when you can not see it. Perhaps it is because you have never seen it that you attempt to emulate it. Or emulate what it should be.”
“……….that’s not……………….”
“There are plenty who wish to act righteous, but none who carry it through and even fewer that genuinely understand it. How ironic that the one man who embodies it, may not even believe it himself. How ironic…….for you to not believe in your own words.”
Yuuto had never felt so vulnerable in his life. The edges of his vision became dark, and he couldn’t retaliate in the slightest.
“Why…….would you trust a hypocrite?”
“Because I wish to know why in a pragmatic, empty world— you choose idealism. I wish to know what ideal you repeat to yourself. Over and over and over again.”
The way she said those last few words; as if she was emphasizing his internal struggle to keep himself going everyday. Every. Single. Day.
What reason could he possibly have to get up? At the end of the day, he can’t protect his family, his future was uncertain, and his life unknown.
I wish to know why…...you choose idealism.
“It’s because……. I’m alone.”
One by one, as he stared out of the window, cars stopped passing; and people stopped walking. He didn’t notice at what point he had sat down on her bed.
He looked away to find she stood in front of him. Yuuto felt an immediate sense of…...a feeling he couldn’t quite place. He wasn’t uncomfortable, but the gaze she had at the moment was too intense. Shimmering golden eyes, like luminent honey, pierced through him once more, making him feel exposed. She knew about his family, his life, his innermost thoughts; but this girl herself was nothing but a mystery. He wanted to stand up and leave…...but he didn’t.
He had the strangest feeling that she didn’t want him too either.
“I have finally found you. Yuuto Asahino.”
“That’s……. my full name.”
“Please say my full name as well.”
“I need to hear it.”
“It’s strange and I don’t know you too well….”
“Please. This is necessary for me.”
He let out a sigh at the girl who kept herself as far from people as possible.
Her stare got no less intense. In fact, Yuuto thought he saw it become even more so, if that was possible. In a single heartbeat, she grabbed one of his arms, shoving him hard against his chest so they both fell backwards and onto her bed. He raised his free arm in reaction to her assault only for her to pin it against his side and hold it there with her legs.
In a single breathe, Yuuto had been immobilized— at the mercy of a girl holding a knife against his throat.
Unfazed by the girl’s actions, Yuuto asked a question. “Why?”
“Because I am at the zenith of my life. I have found you— a man whom I believed did not exist. My entire life I was alone, like you, and I want to die with the feeling that burns in my heart at this very moment.”
“You were…..alone?”
“Everyday I struggled. The masks became so heavy that I could not breathe. That is why I am going to kill you, and kill myself.”
“Because you found someone like me?”
“Because I have never experienced something genuine. In solitude I was most alone, and with you, I do not feel alone anymore. I am relieved to have found someone who struggles. Even if he is a hypocrite. I am….. happy.”
Yuuto understood perfectly. To anyone else, she might not make sense— no, of course she wouldn’t. But to him, it was clear. The only problem was—
“—Hikari……. that’s not true.”
“It is true— you are someone who has never known family. Never known friendship. Never known love.”
“Hikari, I believe that in solitude…….we’re least alone.”
The knife began shaking against his throat. He couldn’t tell if it was from her rage…..or her sadness. Nevertheless, he continued speaking.
“People are meant to be surrounded by others, we're meant to socialize. When we're alone, we’re forced to confront ourselves. There's an internal battle a man is forced to fight; he's forced to recognize who he is. What he believes in. Who he wants to become. Sometimes it takes months or even years for the man to confront his internal struggle. The more time a man spends alone, the more he becomes isolated. And paradoxically, the more he understands the nature of humans.”
“……… that is where your ideal came from.”
The light in her apartment, the only source of illumination, shattered at that moment— but neither paid it any mind. By the window, the city lights became more than enough to see. It was more than enough to illuminate Yuuto’s faint smile.
“If that is true, it is all the more reason to kill you now. I will not be surrounded by people like them, I would be alone once more. I will not be happy, I will not be hopeful, not like this, not ever again.”
“But I don’t believe that,” he said gently freeing his arm from under her leg. “I believe that in solitude, we were least alone. It’s because we know the pain of isolation that we’ve managed to find each other.”
“How…..do you mean?”
“We became truly human. We’re the only people who can look at everything wrong in the world and still believe good can come of it.”
“The world is lost. It is only all the more reason to die here.”
“Maybe so, yes. But I don’t want to die without having known the happiness of being with you, being with another human being.”
He gently guided the knife down to his side. There was nothing between them anymore.
“You said it yourself. My words are false, and my ideals may be too. That’s why I’d like at least one chance to prove them true. To the person that sees right through them, and the person that struggles in maintaining herself bound to something she could never see.”
“What…….. is your ideal?”
“…………………… to be there for someone when I am needed.”
“Then will you promise to stay until your ideal is fulfilled? Do you promise to always stay here with me, by my side?”
“Do you need me?”
“……….……………..show me…..”
He raised his hand to brush away the hair covering her eyes.
“I can’t promise I’ll always stay with you. But until the day you no longer need me, until that day, I promise I will be here.”
“……………. and I will choose to believe you, Yuuto Asahino.”
* * *
“A man tries to fix what is broken in himself, with what little he has. But he may spend all his life fixing it, while others pass him by fulfilled— and sometimes— even all he can do will not be enough.”
He set down his final sheet of paper, and laughed so softly, one must wonder if he even made a sound at all.
“I’m sure…….she’ll tell him one day.”
As he felt the strings tying him to the world come undone, he smiled.
Perhaps he was a hypocrite, but he smiled in knowing the future.
He smiled in knowing that never once, has he broken a promise.
* * * * *
“I’m home,” she said taking off her shoes. “Yuuto, Yuuko, where are you?”
The hairs on the back of her neck rose. She always arrives home earlier than her husband; her preemptive measure. She could feel it in the depths of her soul, something was wrong.
“Mother, welcome home! Ahh, but we need to be quiet.”
“Yuuko,” she said increasingly panicked. “Where is your father?”
“Hmm? Oh, I went inside the room but he’s taking a nap, wh— mother?”
She rushed past him, carelessly dropping her bag and spilling its contents across the floor.
“Yuuto!” she said banging on the door.
No response came, and she threw open the door.
Few times in her life has she ever been at a loss for words. Yet never in her life had she been at a loss for actions. Holding the doorknob, Hikari fell on her knees, her hand over her mouth in a vain attempt to stop the escaping sounds.
Tears could not describe the heavy streams carving down her cheeks as she rose on shaking knees, inching closer to her husband, using the wall for support, lest she fall and become unable to stand again.
Whimpers, wails, could not describe the sound she made as she spoke her husband’s name.
Reaching the bed, she grasped her husband’s clothes. “Yuuto!?”
When she put her ear over his chest, there was no word on earth that could describe the terrible pain that pierced her heart.
“Y-Y-Yuuto! Yuuuuuttooo-hoho!”
She clutched her heart. “YUUUUUUTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”
Darkness was the only thing the young boy could see when he peered inside the room. As light from the moon illuminated the room little by little, the young boy approaching his crying mother in confusion.
“Yu—uuuko! You—’re father is, h-he’s going to be…….! G-Go back, g-g-go into the lih—ving room! Hurry!”
His mother's tears made it nearly incomprehensible to understand her. He stayed behind her, observing as his mother dialed a number on the phone, speaking through tears.
He held onto his father’s foot as his mother practically lay on top of him. He didn’t know what was happening, only that his mother was in pain.
It was odd that in such a moment, he noticed a piece of paper that had fallen on the floor. The moonlight gave just enough visibility for Yuuko to read it, but he didn’t understand it at all. Only the words at the bottom of the page made any sense.
“Someday we will see each other again.
Know that with all my heart, I believe in you. And I love you.
Your Father - Yuuto Asahino”
How long the two stayed there, he didn’t know. But as Yuuko stood next to his crying mother, the wail of sirens grew louder while flashing lights replaced the soft white beams streaming through the bedroom window.
“Mother? Is Father okay?”
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The Good Girl Boxer
COMPLETED BUT EDITING ~~~~🌸~~~~"Look who joined us boys. If it isn't the GG herself." I rolled my eyes and taped my hands as one of the annoying jocks sauntered my way. "What are you doing here GG? Book club is in the other hallway." I heard his little group laugh and I stood up once I was done taping my hands.Standing at my full height I was only up to his nose, but I didn't care, "You know maybe if your egotistical head wasn't shoved so far up your butt, maybe you could actually make some friends who like you." I turned on my heel and walked to an open mat when the jock who I had just insulted, grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him, "You can not speak to me like that you Good Girl." I was getting so tired of the nick name, "Then fight me and see how much of a 'Good Girl' I really am." ~~~~🌸~~~~When Daytona Lyn literally runs into Logan Wylde, things kind of start to go down hill from there. She gets threatened, deceived, and it all takes a toll on her for the worst. Someone even makes it their personal goal to see her suffer to the point of no return. Between the lies, deception, hurt, and everything else that could possibly go wrong in her life, will Logan be able to save her, or will she be too far gone? ********************#58 in Drama- 09/16/18#45 in Romance- 07/11/19#31 in Teen Fiction- 04/14/18#8 in Teen Fiction- 11/28/18#3 in Drama -07/24/19#2 in Humor- 10/3/18Copyright @maybooks04
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