《The Promise of Yuuko Asahino - Volume 1》Chapter 5: Those Who Are Least Alone [Part 1]
Part 1
It was Hajimu that tripped first. The four boys just managed to escape the dog’s forward lunge as they subconsciously huddled together for safety; but with the chaos occurring in a narrow alleyway, all it took was one misstep to send them tumbling into the concrete.
“Hajimu don’t push me!”
“Ahgghh! My glasses!”
As the four stumbled back into an escape, Daisuke’s glasses remained on the concrete; no more than two meters away from the growling creature.
“M-My glasses! Guys I need them!”
“No you don’t!” Hajimu spat in a fierce voice. “That thing almost killed us!”
“But they’re not mine! They’re my grandpa’s!”
“Daisuke, Hajimu’s right. It’ll kill us!”
His grief-stricken plea fell on the deaf ears of his friends, making Yuuko feel heavy despite his body shaking. From a safe distance, Yuuko could see that it was definitely the same dog from that day. And it almost hurt them. Again.
He wanted to say something to his friends, but the sound wouldn’t escape his mouth. Not only that, but even though there was so much energy filling his body, the weight made him feel slow.
That’s a problem! If he was slow, how would he be able to get away from the dog if he started chasing them!?
And in this energetic daze, he turned back, noticing something odd.
“Friends…..why is it not chasing us?”
As the other three turned in the direction he was staring, they found it was true. They were no more than two meters away from Daisuke’s glasses, four from the dog; yet it refused to close the distance and chase them out of its territory.
“Why did…..he stop?”
“Who cares! Come on guys, we’re leaving!”
“Hajimu’s right, we need to leave.”
“But….my glasses you guys…. They’re grandpa’s!”
He wanted to say something to him, or do something. He shouldn’t let his friends be sad…..but there was nothing he could do.
But looking at the pleading face of his friend on the ground, he remembered— this was his second time with the dog.
The second time……..
His friend who’d already begun walking away turned towards him in annoyance.
“What do you want?”
“Are you scared?”
The eyes of Sora and Daisuke went wide as their friend stomped back to confront Yuuko.
“Who are YOU calling scared? Say that again!”
“N-No, I did not mean it like that,” he said, turning towards the two spectators. “Sora. Daisuke. Are you both scared?”
“N-No way, I’m not scared!” Sora shouted in an unusually high pitch.
But Daisuke didn’t respond.
Yuuko walked to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Daisuke, are you scared?”
“Why are you scared of him Daisuke?”
“Cause…..Cause look! He looks scary and he’s gonna bite me if I get close!”
“Daisuke, did you know that it is a good thing to be scared?”
“Huuuuuuaaaaaaaaggghhhhhhh!?” blurted Hajimu. He seemed surprised when none of them paid any mind to his outburst.
“Why….. is it a good thing?”
Despite the fact his own body was still shaking, Yuuko smiled wide. He jumped back, placing a hand to the sky.
“Because this is an opportunity! The first step to becoming a hero!”
“A…. hero?”
“Just like Day, Night, and Hiro! You can only be a hero if you are brave!”
Sora and Daisuke looked in awe. Both of their bodies’ were still shaking, but their tears were slowly replaced with wide-mouthed grins. Both of them nodded strongly in agreement and began discussing plans.
“S-So how do we stop it?!” enthused Daisuke.
“Maybe we can give it food to distract it?” suggested Sora.
“Father tried that before and it did not work on him— but I think I know what to do!”
Yuuko looked back to the now violently fuming Hajimu.
“Hajimu, may I borrow your stick please?”
“No!” He said pushing Yuuko out of the way. “I’LL get it back! Shut up and watch you weirdo!”
“But I think I have a plan to—”
“I said to shut up and watch!” he screamed through clenched teeth.
Yuuko didn’t have time to stop him before he sprinted the distance towards the glasses. Holding his stick as high as he could, Hajimu screeched at the top of his lungs.
The ear-piercing scream instantly caused all three boys to cover their ears, but their pain was nothing compared to the shock that came when he struck the dog with the stick. The dull sound of thick wood hitting the bones in the dog’s ribcage reverberated through their own bodies. They didn’t need to hear it, they could feel it.
The creature reacted instantly; leaving in a panicked retreat to the end of the alley— all four of them could still make out its shape in the distance. Though it was still fairly close, it didn’t matter. Because it now looked like a completely different creature.
“Sora catch!” Hajimu shouted as he threw them to his friend with all his might. Thanks to his baseball practice, Sora caught them with flawless precision.
He quickly placed them over Daisuke’s eyes, restoring his sight.
There was a brief moment of silence that seemed out of place, but also very fitting given what just happened. Hajimu’s scream seemed to have taken the energy out of all of them. Yet he remained standing, hardly breathing, but triumphant in his goal.
“ha………...Ha! HA!! AHAHAHA!!! Did you see that you loser!? I’m not scared! I’m the hero— not you!!” Hajimu boasted proudly as he pointed the stick at Yuuko, waving it in display. “I’m an awesome hero huh guys!?”
The boys in stunned silence were finally able to speak.
“That……..that was AWESOME Hajimu! Super super awesome!!”
“Hajimu.......Hajimu!…….. Thank you! That was super cool!” Daisuke said in an emotional state. “I’ll follow you for the rest of my life!”
Yuuko looked at Hajimu and couldn’t help but feel a small relief in his chest but…. it hurt?
Even though Daisuke got his glasses back…….
He massaged his own ribs, mirroring where Hajimu had struck the dog.
It was the dog that was being mean, not Hajimu…….but why does it hurt?
“Hajimu, that was cool.” Yuuko smiled to his friend. “You are the best.”
“And I wasn’t even scared, not like you! See, I’m not shaking!”
He started jumping up and down so Yuuko couldn’t tell whether or not he was mistaken. He swore he saw him shaking earlier— right after throwing the glasses. Maybe he didn't?
“Hn. You’re the man Hajimu!” he agreed.
“I’m the best man ever! And a hero!”
He felt heavy again…… A hero…….. but this was his friend.
This was…… supposed to be his friend.
He should be a good friend.
“Yes. And a he——”
Yuuko abruptly stopped. The sudden lack of praise caused Hajimu to turn around and see a certain dog crawling back towards him.
“YOU WANT MORE!?” his familiar scream returned instantly, but became replaced with a different look Yuuko didn’t know how to describe.
The dog growled too, but like Hajimu, it was different somehow.
Why…………….does it sound that way?
Sora, Daisuke, and Yuuko looked on in panic as the creature suddenly leapt forward, tackling Hajimu; a strong and sudden force causing him to fall onto the concrete. The creature bit at the stick still in his hands, voraciously swinging it left and right in an attempt to remove it from his grasp. His earlier scream of defiance became sheer noise.
Time seemed to move much faster, but also much, much slower. None of them could say anything. Not until— through ragged gasps and a panicked voice— Hajimu yanked back the stick, pulling the dog in and kicking it in the jaw.
It was a soft strike, his lack of balance made it weak, but it seemed to be enough. The small creature released the stick with a whimper while Hajimu got back up in short, wild breaths. He began taking steps back until he heard them.
He looked back to the encouragement of his two close friends. Until now, they were so distracted with what happened they couldn’t speak. But they fully rallied behind their leader—
—and cheered him on. With their encouragement, Hajimu turned back to finish what he started.
Closing the distance, he swung the stick with every ounce of his might, whipping the dog in the ribcage yet again; and once more the sound of wood striking bone reverberated through them all. He took another wild swing, and with all his strength, struck the dog on its back; the high pitched squeals of pain being enough to temporarily drown out Hajimu’s own screams.
“You’re the man Hajimu! It’s dangerous, teach it a lesson!”
“You’re a hero Hajimu! Finish it!”
The boy relentlessly continued his assault— but the creature would not go down. Hajimu didn’t seem to mind, each growl seemingly causing him to redouble his efforts.
And it was after listening to the sound produced from Hajimu hitting a particular part of the dog’s leg that Yuuko took a step forward and noticed he couldn’t move any further than that. His body became locked in a position that appeared as though he was going to start a race.
In this position, he couldn’t look away from the scene in front of him. He didn’t understand why he felt so heavy. He was so heavy that he couldn’t move his body no matter how much he wanted to….. and his chest hurt.
Why did his chest keep hurting?
………...what do I do?
As Yuuko looked on, the cheers of his friends vanished into echoes. He didn’t notice he unconsciously stepped backwards as he remembered the first time he met the dog; it was about to bite him and father just because they were trying to feed him.
If it was about to bite them…….why wasn’t it doing it now……….?
It was then, in a momentary glimpse, that Yuuko met the dog’s eyes. They were just like Hajimu’s the day he first met him.
The memories in Yuuko’s mind became as clear as day. The dog looked mad the day he first saw it, just like Hajimu. Now the dog didn’t look mad anymore, but Hajimu still did.
What do I do?
Maybe it was mean to people because of something else?
He had no idea, but even so…..he should be a good friend. Maybe what Hajimu was doing would make it stop being mean to people…….
“Maybe it really is scared of you….”
The ache in his chest and weight of his body multiplied as soon as the thought crossed his mind. He didn’t understand what made the dog so mean when he first met him, and he didn’t understand why the answer became clear to him as he saw the dog’s eyes.
Those…...are not angry eyes!
What do I do!?
Even if he tried to do something, would Hajimu listen to him? What if he didn’t listen….but he still had to do something! He had to tell Hajimu!
He tried to speak, but no sound came out. He tried to move but his legs were stuck.
Why couldn’t he move!? Why couldn’t he say anything?!
“When the time is right, I know you will do the right thing”
“But I…..I…….”
“Yuuko, there’s always an opportunity to do better. Even if you don’t get a second chance, you can always stand back up. You can always try again”
“I……….I want to try again but…….I’m scared……...I’m not strong……...I can’t do anything”
“A man— a hero— must be weak before he becomes strong”
“But I…….am confused on what to do……….how do I become strong?…….what do I do?.....”
“I want you to forget about everything that happened today and look at the sky. Forget what you did or didn’t do, and focus on what you want”
“What I want?”
I want to be…….
“Inspire them Yuuko. Move by your own strength, and move others.”
“……..father?………….dad……..one day……..will I be?……….”
“Tell me Yuuko, what do you see?”
Yuuko held his arms wide apart to stop the strikes Hajimu was giving the bleeding creature.
All three boys looked at him in surprise. Sora and Daisuke hadn’t even noticed him leave, but Hajimu looked as though Yuuko was worse than the dog.
“Move Yuuko! I’m going to make sure it never bites anyone ever again!”
“He doesn't want to bite us! He’s a nice dog!”
Behind him, Yuuko could hear the dog slowly beginning to growl once more.
“Yes it does! Look at him— now move before I hit you!”
“If he wanted to bite you he would’ve done it when you fell! He wouldn’t have gotten you’re stick! He would’ve chased us! He’s not a mean dog— he’s scared!”
“He doesn't want to hurt us!”
Hajimu began screaming in retaliation to the dog’s rising voice.
He could tell by the look on Hajimu’s face that the dog looked scarier than all the other times he’d seen it. And all the noise, both in front and behind him, made him even more sacred. He didn’t know if he was right about the dog not wanting to hurt people— any second now he expected to feel teeth sinking into his leg. The only thing he knew was that he couldn’t move.
“Smile Yuuko”
Yuuko looked up from the ground. Hajimu was surprised to see a weak and struggling smile coated with thick, glistening tears.
“H—He’s sc-scared Hajimu. Y-You’re not a hero. A real hero s-shouldn’t be a b-b-bully.”
“.......a bully?”
The alley was quiet all of a sudden. And when the dog dared to take a step forward—
—it all but sprinted away seeing Hajimu whip Yuuko with the stick. And he cried in pain.
The disgusting sound of skin being pierced open could be heard as Yuuko raised his hands to block Hajimu’s assault.
Hajimu relentlessly struck every area of Yuuko that wasn’t covered in clothes, his hands and arms were bleeding near profusely; it felt like his body, his muscles, were on fire. Hajimu threw away his stick and slammed Yuuko into the concrete.
Yuuko covered his head in the fetal position on instinct, but even like that he couldn’t stop Hajimu’s kicks to his body.
Two boys came behind Hajimu in that moment, but before they could do anything—
“Hey! What are you three doing!?”
“Ahhh! Hajimu come on!”
—he delivered a final, strong kick to the boy lying on the ground as an officer began chasing the group down the alley. By the time he reached Yuuko, the group had already made progress in escaping.
“Ahhhh,” he moaned, crouching down to assess his condition. “I’ll be right back, I promise!” And just like that, he began chasing the escaping boys.
Somewhere along the line, Yuuko hazily acknowledged that the screams’ of his friends were now distant; that he was alone, curled up alongside trash in an alleyway. Similarly, after much time had passed, he half acknowledged the existence of a wet nose sniffing both his arms. But he only barely recognized these stimuli, because what was primarily on his mind was one thing.
As he slowly picked himself up off of the concrete, he felt a wide smile starting to form on his face. And after some time, this smile turned into genuine laughter.
“Ahahahahaha! I—I did it! I DID IT!”
Yuuko exploded off the ground, the pain of his wounds flared causing his smile to momentarily falter, but it returned as he continued speaking to the sky.
“I did it dad, I finally did it! I was just like a hero!”
He closed his fists, bringing them towards his chest with an excited squeal.
A sudden realization crashed into Yuuko at that moment. He…..he didn’t feel heavy anymore.
“I…...I can move!” He thought, opening and closing his palms. He noted that his chest stopped hurting too….. at least on the inside. On the outside, everything hurt badly.
But for some reason, it didn’t make him feel like crying.
In a rush to get home, Yuuko hastily began scouring his surroundings for his backpack which had fallen off at some point during his fight with Hajimu.
I can’t wait to tell father, he’ll be so proud of me!
It should’ve been easy to spot the bright green straps against black and gray trash bins, but it was taking Yuuko an unusually long time. Finally spotting a hint of green, he moved a pile of damaged goods to one side where his draining excitement quelled completely. Behind a small and smelly trash bag; a small, light brown dog with a tail that curved at the very end was resting.
Yuuko let out a surprised noise as he flinched away from the dog. He was already a few feet away when it looked up at him, seemingly acknowledging his presence. He shut his eyes hard, bracing himself for its growl— for it to attack again but…….he opened his eyes.
Its head was resting against its tail, its eyes were closed, and it was curled up in a circle. Yuuko took a cautious step forward. When it didn’t react, he took one more, and repeated this process until he was right next to it. His heart felt heavy.
It’s coat had splotches of red on it, and since it was sleeping in a circle, Yuuko could clearly see ribs that were pushing through its skin.
It turned its head to look at him, and he could see a weird, white cut under its chin and by its mouth. He didn’t know what to think since they didn’t look like the cuts Hajimu just made, but that wasn’t what he focused on. When their eyes met again, he didn’t know what to call the feeling he saw in them. He felt there was a lot there, but the only thing he knew for certain was that he was looking at something very sad.
“I’m sorry I never noticed,” he said directing his attention to the bruised and visible ribs. “Father must have seen it and knew you wanted this after all. That’s my father for you.”
He slowly retrieved his backpack and pulled out a small, plastic container. Opening it, the faint smell of cold food mingled with the rotting trash around them, but it was enough to rouse the dog’s interest.
“I’m sorry I only have leftovers, mother says I need to work harder to finish my food.” he said crouching to place the container in front of him. “She says if I don’t eat it all, I can’t grow into a man like father. But I think she would say it’s okay for you to eat it this time.”
The dog barely attempted to bite the food before it gave a weak, whining growl to Yuuko. He panicked for a brief moment before looking at its face— it didn’t look mad…..at least he thought it didn’t. Setting the bento on the ground, he walked to the other end of the alleyway where he sat down, watching the dog slowly chew on cold sausages. It looked like it hurt every time it swallowed, it even paused several times before continuing, though he had no idea why.
After about ten minutes, the remainder of his leftovers were gone, and Yuuko approached carefully, making sure it wouldn’t growl at him again.
“I…...I think you left drool on it….” he said putting away his box while wiping the sticky substance off on his pants. “A-Anyway, do you feel better?” he asked crouching down.
Of course, the dog gave no response.
“I’m sorry about what I said when I was with father……..you’re a nice boy after all. That’s why I’ll come back and find someone who can take care of you. That way, you won’t have to be alone anymore, okay?”
The dog looked at him, and though he couldn’t tell for sure, he thought it looked like it understood him a bit. Yuuko hesitated after finishing his sentence, but slowly descended his hand closer to the dog’s head. When it noticed, it severely flinched backwards, but to Yuuko’s surprise, made no noises or growls. As he went slower and slower, the dog’s eyes were like marbles, unblinking and unmoving.
Yuuko felt surprised when he softly, barely, ever so slightly pet the top of the dog’s head. He tried to hold in a small laugh he had when he saw the face it was making. Its neck was scrunched inward, like he wasn’t sure what to do, or why he liked it.
“Thank you for helping me with Hajimu by the way.” He said as he rose with his backpack on. “It really hurt when he said those things, and when he was hitting me, but I’m happy you came back.”
He gave the dog a bright smile.
“Thanks for coming back!”
Of course, the dog gave no response.
He waved goodbye as he left the alley, his excitement about telling his mother and father now coming back to him, but he heard a strange noise behind him.
Turning around, he saw it was the sound of overgrown nails hitting concrete as a dog with a curved tail came walking towards him. It moved slowly, but with energy, and when it finally caught up to him it simply proceeded to sit down.
“Do……..you not want to be alone anymore?”
He didn’t know how, but in response Yuuko noticed its tail barely barely, ever so slightly, move.
And he smiled.
“Okay! You won’t be alone anymore! I’m really happy you want to stay! I-I’m really happy you came back!”
The dog clamored up to him, and from there, both began walking at a slow pace. Their injuries hurt them tremendously, but that didn’t matter to them, because they were both making their way home.
Part 2
Yuuto could feel the stares as he collected the last of his things from his work desk. He knew he’d attract attention, but he hadn’t expected it to be so blatantly obvious.
Or rather, it’d be more appropriate to say that he hoped he wouldn’t attract any at all.
“Yuuto,” called his boss from the Fable meeting room. “Come here for a moment when you’re finished, I need you to elaborate on an amendment.”
“Yes sir.”
It wasn’t a pleasant feeling to be told such a thing, but it was admittedly expected. The work he’d be doing from here on out wouldn’t require him to have a desk or any personalized computer. In two weeks, when they were officially merged with Fable, he’d be “officially” fired. Until then, he supposed he was still needed.
As he finished packing the last of his things, he picked up a framed photo of Hikari and Yuuko he always kept in eyesight. It was a simple picture, Yuuko playing in the park with his mother pushing him on the swing. It was his first time on the swings that day.
It was a simple picture, one that reminded him of the reason he was still alive.
But now?
One hand that held the picture treated it like a paper flower; easy to tear at a moment’s notice.
The other was balled into a fist so dense his knuckles turned a pale yellow.
…...why?.......why am I like this……...why would I do this to them……..
“Maybe you don’t know better. Maybe you don’t know what to give them other than words. Maybe you never could've given anything at all. Not to them. Not to anyone.”
The pale yellow turned completely white.
“Yuuto— there are thirty minutes left before we begin. Come here. Now.”
With little choice, Yuuto put down the photo and entered the room where the conference with Fable was to take place.
“You should at least make an effort before you’re gone.” His boss said as he directed Yuuto inside. He nodded in affirmation and walked towards two middle aged men in business attire.
His own clothing was severely lacking in comparison.
“You’re having trouble with some of the amendments made?”
“Yes, you see— here and here you’re elaborations are…..insufficient. I’m not sure where you thought you were headed with this, but it doesn't seem like it’s any good.”
“Listen I—”
Yuuto was cut off by the sound of sudden commotion outside the room. Through the glass, he could see men and women standing up to bow to a figure surrounded by serious looking men in formal attire. He couldn’t get a look at the person from the sheer amount of people surrounding them.
“E-Excuse me, Head President………….Mr. F-Fable is here for the conference.”
Yuuto always described his boss’ face as round and jovial, but the instant those words left his secretary’s mouth, it was clear panic had begun to set in. He was about to say something to Yuuto before the door swung open, and a tall man’s commanding aura filled the room. The man looked rugged, with broad shoulders and attire that smelled slightly of tobacco.
“A very good morning to you gentlemen,” the man’s voice projected. “I do believe we are to have a meeting today.”
The man spoke to the panicked, rotund man as he took a seat at the head of the table.
“I apologize for arriving early, however in my experience I’ve found that the best companies to enter business with are those that are well prepared. I do hope you understand.”
Counting the man and his team, there were a total of eleven people in the room; six from Yuuto’s own workplace, and five from Fable. Not a single one uttered a word.
“N-Not at all Mr. Fable.” said his boss in an awkward attempt to break the silence. “However, if you could just give us a few moments to finalize our dealings, we’d be very grateful.”
“Oh? It seems you’re well prepared after all. I applaud you and your employees’ efforts.”
The compliment seemed genuine, yet out of place, as though the man was unused to giving them. His boss’ confidence and comfort with sudden situation seemed to increase because of this.
“Thank you, thank you. It’s because we only hire the best you see. Well….we were having issues with a few amendments, a certain employee of ours was causing us trouble, but we resolved the issue and continued on without delay. Rest assured, he won’t be with us when we enter our joint venture.”
“A troublesome employee you say,” the man said stroking his chin. “What a coincidence. Who is this employee and what did he do.”
Honestly, he could have at least given me a warning or something……did he give me a warning that night?
To no surprise, Yuuto couldn’t remember. But he didn’t have the luxury to think about such a thing. When his boss looked expectantly at him, so too did all the other employees in the room. He knew what his boss wanted. Yuuto ignored their piercing glares as he looked the man from that night in the eye and spoke.
“Yuuto Asahino sir. I’m afraid I’m the one who’s done a terrible disservice to my company. I humbly ask for your forgiveness as I have asked for theirs.”
“I can hardly do such a thing if I don’t know what the disservice is.”
His boss intervened before Yuuto could speak. “As I’m sure you’re well aware every comp—”
“Sir.” The man commanded.
“Y-Yes. Forgive me. As I’m sure you’re well aware...sir….every company has at least a few employees that are difficult to deal with. Mr. Asahino has crippled our productivity resulting in more than a few incidents where we nearly missed deadlines or appointments.”
“That hardly seems like a situation that calls for firing him.”
“He effects company moral and has repeatedly refused to cooperate with his coworkers and management.”
“In my experience, employees that don’t wish to cooperate say more about the management.”
“He doesn't contribute to our company!”
“Then why hire him?”
All six people from his side became quiet. The man with a commanding aura looked to Yuuto’s boss, who was shamelessly staring at the floor.
“Have any of you ever spoken to this man before?” asked Mr. Fable.
“Not casually, sir, no. Do you…...know…..him?”
“He’s exactly what this company needs. Companies have forgotten whom they serve. They’ve forgone their ideals in pursuits in money, sponsors, expansion. That is not what I intend for Fable. Virtual Reality should be used to inspire ideals; not sold in the most pragmatic way possible. This man has something everyone, myself included, has lost. That is why I wish to recruit him.”
“W-What?!” the CEO whispered in a most aggressive tone.
“A man who knows what companies should be, while at the same time increasing their status and capital, is valuable indeed.”
“According to recent notes,” said a pale man with a monotone standing behind the Fable CEO. “Yuuto Asahino was solely responsible for amending all changes to our joint agreement after two employees prior to him were fired for incompetence. One month prior, he solely reworked the buy-in of a tangential business, increasing the initially proposed cost to above market value. It should be noted the company has since brought almost one hundred thousand in profit. Two months prior, he solely proposed—”
“He assaulted his coworker during our last outing! He does nothing, shows no effort, and doesn't even attempt to get along with anyone!” His boss spoke with a fiery passion and pointed at Yuuto. “He’s a lifeless husk! That’s why I fired him!”
His boss was completely out of his seat now. It was a good thing the room was soundproof, because Yuuto was certain that everyone would be gathered outside the room otherwise.
“Assault, is it?”
From behind him, the pale man with glasses addressed his boss’ concern in that same monotone.
“There are multiple reports claiming that Mr. Asahino assaulted a coworker during their most recent outing. There is also one conflicting report that suggests the assaulted coworker instigated the affair. Overall it seems to have been handled without any investigation as to the cause of the dispute. Given this, it could be said that Mr. Asahino went unconsulted and the case could be reopened and reworked.”
The CEO of Fable began scratching his chin before finally having the words to speak.
“Ah— yes sir?” He twitched at hearing his name called by the CEO in front of so many other people.
“What do you think Fable should provide people with?”
“I’m…..not sure I understand the question sir.”
“Fable Corporation. Pioneer in virtual technology. There are many applications for the technology— what do you believe it should be used for?”
Yuuto didn’t need to think too long about his answer, but he took his time in thinking about why this man was doing all of this for him. He couldn’t even remember the conversation they had in full, much less the impact he had on him. Needless to say, he knew the CEO asked him that question on purpose; and Yuuto was more than happy to provide the answer he was expecting.
“I believe Fable must be different. We live in an era of spiritual drought, a time in which what’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong. People don’t believe in an objective good anymore, and I believe we must help nurture the ideal of idealism again. We must give people something to believe in.”
Every man in the room, minus the CEO, appeared dumbfounded. He was sure they were expecting him to say something related to helping people physically, perhaps in driving or some application in the medical field. No one except the man at the head of the table expected his answer, and it was his own boss that erupted first.
“You, of all people, have the least right to say that! You’ve never once matched your attitude with your words!”
“Or perhaps you simply were not paying attention.” The CEO spoke.
Yuuto felt a heavy weight inside his chest upon hearing those words. He didn’t act on it.
“I expect that no one here has a similar answer. While applications to industries like automobiles or video games would certainly be profitable, I fundamentally agree with your employee’s vision. We must be pragmatic, but more than that, we must be idealistic. We are not the first of our kind, but we are the leader, and as such we’re sure to impact many around the globe.”
The man gave his thoughts as he slowly rose from his chair to look at Yuuto’s boss.
“I’m sure that you wouldn’t mind Yuuto working directly under me given your….issues, with him.”
His boss’ teeth were clenched together, making a grinding sound as he looked down at the floor.
“What say you Yuuto?” He said turning to face him. “Would you care to join Fable?”
Yuuto had just been offered a position it takes some people years— decades— to achieve. And here he was, a simple employee, now offered the chance to work under one of the most influential men of one of the fastest growing corporations in the world.
All because he said something he didn’t believe in.
He…..he didn’t deserve this.
He didn’t do anything to deserve this.
Yuuto desperately pushed down a growing sense of hope that began building inside of him. He couldn’t allow even the faintest positivity to grow in his heart.
Is this okay? Could he really have this?
With this, Hikari wouldn’t have to work so hard. She could have the time she always wanted to have with Yuuko, to pursue the rest of her hobbies. She could learn to knit like she’s always wanted! And Yuuko……… he could give Yuuko the childhood he, himself, never had.
Was this really possible for someone like him”
Is this what it feels like……..to have optimism?
Can a hypocrite like me really have this?
Can I…...let myself feel this?
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible sir.” The pale man spoke with the same monotone as ever.
“I daresay it is. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Sir, I’m afraid that Mr. Asahino has been blacklisted from working in any corporation since the assault on his coworker. As I mentioned, I’m sure it could be reworked given the grievous circumstances under which it was reported, however it is unlikely to be soon. Given your influence, should you choose to pursue this affair, it’s possible; but until then we are legally not allowed to hire Mr. Asahino.”
As his own boss laughed, Yuuto noticed the CEO’s face distort into one of disgust, likely due to the fact the pale man would mention such a thing at this moment.
But Yuuto didn’t mind.
He hazily noticed himself bowing in gratitude to the CEO, he hazily noticed the sound of jubilant laughter coming from a rotund man.
He thought he heard a deep, commanding voice telling him to wait as he left the room, but that couldn’t be so.
After all, a person like him couldn’t possibly have anything to offer anyone in that room.
Part 3
“This…..is too much Yuuto. I thought it might be healthy for him, I thought we could make it work but……..we can’t. Not anymore.”
Yuuto was in complete agreement with his wife.
The moment he entered his home, he could feel something was wrong. Because of the events that took place in the morning, he had registered himself less so than usual throughout the rest of the day. Before he knew it, evening came, and stepping into his home every shred of lethargy and haziness he felt instantly disappeared. The reason was simple— the scene in front of him had one of the two people he cared for in this world injured beyond belief. He registered this just as Hikari had grabbed alcohol, cotton, band-aids, and gauze for Yuuko’s various cuts to his arms, neck, and face. That’s not even to mention the dirty clothing riddled with dry red stains.
“Mother, I’m okay, really! But listen— listen, I—!”
“What happened here?” Yuuto said dropping his things in disbelief.
Hikari momentarily turned toward him as he approached. “Help me clean his wounds before they get infected.” She sounded calm, but appeared understandably panicked.
“Ah! Father! Welcome home! Guess what happened today?! I finally got to—!”
Yuuto looked under the couch to see a dog with a curved tail crawling out and heading towards Hikari, Yuuko, and himself. Though it hadn’t moved far, one could clearly see its intention to get between Yuuko and them. He was about to pull both of them out of the way until Yuuko sprang up in front of them, arms spread open.
“No boy! Mother and father are nice, you can not be mean to them.”
Yuuto quickly stepped in front of his son, and was about to push him behind his legs; until he saw that there was no need for such an action. He didn’t know how or why, but the dog seemed to understand his son’s intention. It’s low growl turned into suspicious gaze that met Yuuto’s and, for the time being, they seemed to reach a mutual understanding.
“Yuuko…..is that the stray dog from the alleyway?”
“Yes! Father you remember!”
“Of course I do….” he said whispered so faintly that his words couldn’t be heard. “It was your first opportunity…..”
“Yuuko, let me see your arm.” Hikari said as she held up an alcohol soaked cotton ball. He followed her request as she gave a warning. “This might hurt so I need you to be ready okay?”
Yuuko gave a vigorous nod as she slowly placed the cotton over his wounds. To Yuuto’s visible surprise, his son only winced. He half expected him to cry from the pain, but no such sound escaped his mouth.
“Yuuko…..doesn't it hurt?” He said crouching to clean the scrapes on his face.
“It hurts a little bit, but it is not like when Hajimu was hitting me so I am okay!”
“Hitting you? A friend did this to you?”
A downtrodden shadow appeared over his son’s face. “I…..do not think he is my friend anymore.”
“Yuuko, tell us exactly what happened.” Hikari said in soothingly still-panicked voice.
Their son proceeded to explain the events that took place just a few hours prior. How he and his friends encountered the dog, their retrieval of the glasses, Yuuko heavy feeling from seeing his friend beat the dog, his defense of the creature, and the new bond he made with him.
Needless to say that his parents scolded him severely after every other sentence.
“That’s why you brought the dog we saw here?”
“He was all alone father! It made me feel heavy…... but now he has a friend and a home!”
Yuuto did his best to suppress his own emotions when his son reached the end of his story. He could only stare at the floor, and Hikari made a face that was difficult to read. It seemed that both of them were temporarily at a loss for words, but Yuuko didn’t seem to notice.
“Ahahahaha—s-stop that boy hahaha, it— it tickles ahahhaha!”
The dog slipped through their legs and began licking a cut on Yuuko’s leg. Normally Yuuto would try to stop this, but the majority of his wounds were on his arms and face. If it made him happy, even for a moment……. then he should allow this. It was the least he could do to start atoning. After finishing, the dog quietly retreated back into the corner he was watching them from.
This quiet had given him more than enough time to think— and all he had was a simple question.
“Yuuko…..why in the world would you do something so dangerous?”
His voice held no malice or anger. And despite the wounds, despite his pain, despite his parents scolding him throughout the entirety of his story; when Yuuto asked this question, his son shined a smile he had not seen since the story they read while staring at the stars.
“Because it is what a hero does! It is what father would do!”
Yuuto felt an immense weight inside his chest.
After bandaging his arms, Hikari briefly contemplated calling the hospital but decided against it in the end. None of his wounds looked particularly bad after treatment, and they had to be wise about what their son needed. Yuuto was once again amazed at the way she could handle things.
It was night by the time both parents finally had the chance to talk; not that it was really needed. Both of them could accurately guess each others’ thoughts and feelings on everything that happened. She carefully set down two cups of tea as she sat next to him.
“Thank you.”
She smiled softly as she drank her own cup. Her hair was free tonight, a mess of curls fell in front of her face and shoulders. Her honey colored eyes complimented her loose sweater, yet still, they showed no blame.
“You noticed the dog didn’t you?”
“It was hiding and didn’t do anything so I thought I would take it out when I finished treating Yuuko.”
“Taking it out...the same one we saw back then…..”
“Did you see the way it jumped to protect him? And how it started licking his wounds?”
“Even if it did, it can’t stay. And with our son…...it’s going to far. We can’t support this anymore. Not when it leads to injuries like this.”
He made a fist with the hand in his lap.
“…….I know you’re right but….. does it have to stop?”
“It does.”
“I see………….it’s been a while since I’ve seen you angry.”
“I am,” she spoke in a soft tone. “I absolutely am…….even though I know I shouldn’t be……”
Those words caught Yuuto by surprise.
“I know I shouldn’t be…...because that’s just like you.”
“Just…..like me?”
“I know you’re idealistic, and that’s why I shouldn’t be angry.” Her soft voice lingered with heavy feeling. “I shouldn’t be angry because I know that it works, because I know it’s real.”
“Hikari, I—”
“Even if you don’t believe in it completely I do because!……….because…….”
She didn’t notice her tightening fist until Yuuto’s hand covered her own. Calm spread through her as their fingers delicately laced together, and Hikari regained her composure.
“………...that’s what saved me. If you hadn’t been the person you are, with those beliefs, I wouldn’t be here now. It’s wrong of me to deny him the very thing that helped me.”
“That’s why you’ve let it happen so far.”
“And it feels awful. I know heroes are real because it was a hero that saved me. It’s wrong for me to want to stop this, it’s wrong for me to deny those beliefs and yet I wish to anyway. I’m a hypocrite.”
“You’re not!” He said suddenly. He continued speaking to his stunned wife. “Is it really so hypocritical that you want something different for him?”
“But….I never...”
“I’ve been with you for a long time Hikari.”
With a faint smile, she blinked away the surprise. “As expected of my husband.”
“You think that he should find his own ideal?”
Her smile became pained.
“It’s rare for beliefs to be shown now. Even if it saved me…..I can’t help but feel that maybe there’s something else for our son. He’s not you, Yuuto, even if someday he can reach those same beliefs.”
He must have worn a more pained expression than he thought, because she instantly wrapped her other hand around the one she was already holding.
“Please, I’m so sorry Yuuto! I—I——just want him to be safe….. that’s all I want!…. seeing him now……. seeing him hurt………. it hurts too much……..”
No. She was exactly right. And he knew that well. In fact, he knew it better than anyone. His son is not him, and he prayed that he never would be.
His son—
“You’re right.”
—is not him.
That’s exactly why he agrees with her.
*That’s why I have to go against our mutual desire. Because he’s not me.*
Yes. Ever since that star-filled night, Yuuto has known the difference between him and his son. The difference in how they believe in something.
“I’m going to speak to him Hikari. Father and son. Yuuko will grow up to be a fine man that goes down the right path.”
“I promise.”
His son, his only child, would reach the path he never could.
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