《Phantom Transgression》Chapter 18




Whole CIA was in complete shock. This time also Phantom Being had vanished somewhere.

Phantom Being had jumped down but didn’t touch the ground either.

There was not any evidence he had entered inside any room of the same house. Maybe he had a gadget with him which made a light pass through him till he wasn’t out of the danger.

Camshron had medical tape on his nostrils. Two cops shot by Phantom Being were in South Dakota Hospital. Both were still in Intensive Care Unit.

Last night Camshron had come to Langley with Mike. He touched his nostrils and walked towards enquiry room where Lorgé was having a cup of coffee.

He also saw Mr. Fernsby in the room.

Fernsby said, "Late…Camshron…"

"Sir, you may have ordered anyone to enquire." he said looking at Mike who was lying on the bed just beside Lorgé. Mike was the luckiest person as per others because bullet was found just a few inches above his lungs.

"No. I waited for you." was Mr. Fernsby's reply.

Camshron gazed at Lorgé, who was looking afraid. He then turned at Mike and said, "Mr. Mike, tell me why you ran out from St. Elizabeth Hospital."

"To sleep with your mother."

"Okay." Camshron said after a pause, "You bad-mouth me and hide everything from me Okay? I will make our muscular agents break your right shoulder. Wait! Easy way for you to reveal all this is- Get out! Have some gunshots and have a good afterlife."

Mike looked up at Camshron and said, "So you know I was charged with the murder."

"Yes…" Mr. Fernsby said.

"But I have done dozens and dozens of murder for what I am not charged till yet by the law."

"Okay then you, Levi Mike-a hired killer."


Mike's silence showed the truth.

He was a hired killer and his business was to kill people for money. He had been doing it for a decade. Lately he worked in Russian Mafia. He hadn’t been to Russia till yet but a supreme person- Godfather, from Russia commanded him to kill others in USA. Nobody on this planet except very few people knew who The Godfather was in reality. Nobody knew his location and his exact name, but for this murder Godfather was not behind this.

Mike continued his confession, "I left working for him three years ago when my illness affected my work . But I kept on the same profession."


"I was hired to do my job. I did it in New York near to Madison Avenue, but NYPD grabbed me there. They were unknown from what I was my job, so I hired a lawyer and showed him my real mental records in the court."

"And the records were on your favor." spoke Nathan.

"I escaped from the capital punishment and was ordered to be put in Parrish Island, off the coast of Virginia."

"Let me deduce, you were not taken there because you did not look aggressive. By the way, you had just killed one…as per the records…"

"For about a year I was in hospital, but my mental situation was not much in my control. Just half a year later, I looked to be fine. One day, someone came in to meet me. He had worn a mask like cleaners wear, so I was unable to see his face. He gave me a pipe of gun the same day and said he was going to help me to get out if there in one condition, I had to kill someone. What could I say about this? I agreed without any hesitation, even though I had given up all this a long ago. For few months he came to meet me in interval of time and one by one gave me gun parts along with a fixing manual. He made plan for my escape himself, and all I needed to do was shooting whoever comes to block me during exercise time and run."


"Where had you been hiding gun parts then?"

"Inside cylindrical stand of a table fan."

"Why was he after you?" interrupted Mr. Fernsby in the middle of conversation.

"Don’t miss sequence. You would be willing to know whom I was hired to kill."

"Who?" asked Camshron, looking straight into Mike's eyes.

"Him…" hissed Mike, pointing at Lorgé.

Mr. Fernsby and Detective Camshron both were stunned by the information.

Camshron noticed Lorgé turning pale.

All the time he was with his probable murderer and he was aware of it now. Camshron thundered, "No, you are hiding something. He was attacked few days before whereas you ran from there a long time ago."

"Sorry. I missed another thing as well. I was the person hired to kill person naming Mohammad Ul Haq."

"Fuck!" thundered Mr. Fernsby. He looked at Camshron's pale face and said, "You killed him?"

Camshron said by looking once at Lorgé, who was hearing sorts truths being unmasked, "The same thing said about Lorgé can be believed, but this mess can't be. How can a person like you kill Haq?"

"I killed him. I first killed him, erased proofs and then a call came to me from Bob who said Lorgé also needs to be killed in any condition."

"No sir, it's a lie. Nobody will believe his story in the court." Camshron wiped out sweat off his cheeks, "He is conspiring. If he had killed Haq, then why was someone behind him as well. I can't believe this idiot story."

"Greater the works are, lesser the believability on them."

"Man with leaking brain-cells has got preaching now." shouted Mr. Fernsby.

"No, this man can't kill Haq." interrupted Lorgé from nowhere.

"Hey you mentioned Bob. Who is he?" Nathan Camshron was eager to know.

"He was the one who ordered me to kill Lorgé."

"I know don’t know Bob." hissed Lorgé.

"You're lying." Camshron roared Camshron catching Mike's collar, "If you killed Haq then why someone is behind you to kill you as well? Tell be about Bob."

"Someone talked to me many times before Haq's murder, but after I killed Haq the man didn’t contact me. Few days later, I started getting in contact with Bob. Like the first man, he didn’t come in hospital to contact me."

Camshron said to Mr. Fernsby, "Sir, I think we should use polygraph test on him. He can't lie there like he is now."

"Okay then." said confused Fernsby, "If he is telling truth then we can search for Bob and if he is telling lie then we can also torture him worst in detention center."

"SECURITY!" Camshron shouted, and in a few seconds a group of guards came there like wrestlers, "Grab him and take him to the Lie Detector. Let's see how he passes it."

Mike interrupted, "Won't you ask me reason of murder?"

Camshron had nothing to do except ignore the retard criminal.

Lorgé rose, "I don’t want to live in the room where is a psycho who attempted to kill me-"

"Don’t use P word again."

Guards grabbed Mike's arms and forced him to the testing room. Mr. Fernsby looked at Camshron and walked in a strange room with those guards.

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