《The God World》2 - Leveling Up


[Lucky Man Returned / Roy Luck - Nixxion Empire - Dener Town

Tier 0

Level 0

EXP 0 / 100

LP 10 / 10

Strength 1

Vitality 1

Defense 1

Agility 1

Intelligence 5 (2 + 3)

Wisdom 5 (2 + 3)


Intelligence+ (minor)

Wisdom+ (minor)]

"Huh?" Roy was surprised. "Intelligence and Wisdom are so high!" It was 5 times higher than average people. "... Okay yeah... I aced all of my exams, and I am very good at learning and memorizing stuff. But still! Isn't that a little too high?". Roy also knew quite a few languages, a lot of stuff about GW, advanced math, physics etc. He even knew some ancient languages and animal / monster languages. He knew ancient English, because he liked the language, UHA's universal language (all humans knew it by now), some alien tongues (because they were in wars and allegiances with some), the orcish, goblin and other common monsters' tongues because he thought they were interesting and important for any and all adventures, he knew brail and morse code, binary and others. He actually got far less accomplishments than a person with INT, and WIS 5 should get....

". . . Aah, so it's because of the Gifts. My standard probably just barely reached the top of humans, so it counted it as an attribute with 2 points. And added 3 points because of the Gifts. Not like I'm going to complain." He was happy to see he was above a normal 'mortal' being.

"Let's just grind Levels for now." He said as he went to buy a local map. There was a map in God World's Menu (something like Status Screen), but it was still blank, as he just came here, and hadn't discovered anything. You could buy a local map for about 10 Copper Coins around towns and learn it like a skill book in games. Then it would just integrate into your persons Map.

"I got 100 CC (Copper Coins) when I entered God World, and spent 5 to register as a swordsman, so I still have 95 left. Then I'll buy a detailed map for around 15 CC, and get myself a Trash, Level 0 sword... And I should have around 20 CC left by then."

[(Trash) Sword: Bronze Sword - LVL 0

Requirements: STR 1

Adds: STR +1, DEF +1, AGI +1, Slash (active), Cut (active)

{Slash (active):

Slash at an opponent and deal - Standard Damage for Melee Weapons +50% Damage - can inflict Bleed Debuff

Cooldown - 30 seconds}

{Cut (active):

Cut at an opponent and deal - Standard Damage for Melee Weapons + 50% Damage - can inflict Bleed Debuff


Cooldown - 30 seconds}]

Description: A bronze sword.]

"?" ... "Standard Damage? What's that already?"

"Menu - Forums - FAQ" he thought the command, searching 'Standard Damage'.

[Standard Damage - Blunt Weapons]

[Standard Damage - Melee Weapons]

[Standard Damage - Spells]


"So there's a lot of them." he said as he proceeded to select Melee Weapons.

[Helpful Guide: Yeah there a lot of these equations. Sooo for the Melee Weapons there are two.

1st there is for a normal attack, and that's this:

{True Damage Dealt* = (10 x D / T**) x (STR*** + AGI*** / 2) - (DEF**** + STR**** / 1000) + Other (user specific system variables)}

*the Damage you deal / how many LP (Life Points) they lose

**Depth of your 'cut' or whatever and the Time it took for you to make the 'cut'

***your attributes

****opponents attributes

FOR increases some of the Attributes so be aware of that. Also, for those that don't know, FOR = Fortitude. It's a hidden attribute, so just say it and you'll get an achievement for finding it (only if you're really new to GD and still have the GD's starter bonus).

2nd there is an equation for skills, and that will be said at any skill description for when you first inspect or appraise something (or if you have the tutorial mode active):

{True Damage = (10 x D / T) x (STR + AGI / 2) - (DEF + STR / 1000) + Other (user specific system variables)} so:

{True Damage Dealt (for skills) = 100% Standard Damage for Melee Weapons + (a*% (or) b**)}

*how many % the skill adds

**True Damage skill adds

BTW, that Other is there to mess up our calculations, if we want to predict the DMG (Damage).

Maybe it was even there so the System can just make a semi random DMG number, that looks kinda right. Basically all you need to know is that melee weapons deal more damage the higher you STR and AGI are, and the lower your opponent's are. You should target their weak spots, or go with whatever you are best at.

Hope that I was helpful!

-Helpful Guide out]

"Okay... Wow... Who made this? But at least I understand now, somewhat. FOR = Fortitude"

[Achievement Got - FOR = Fortitude

You found a Hidden Attribute. Good job!

You get: 1 Silver Coin]

"Wait, there are also other Hidden Attributes... Mmm, I think that there is: LUC = LUCK"

[Achievement Got - LUC = Luck

You found a Hidden Attribute, again. Good job!

You get: 3 Silver Coins]

"Cool, now I have a little more than 4 Silver Coins, and if 1 SC (Silver Coin) is 100 CC then I should have 423 CC"



[Money - 4 SC 23 CC or 423 CC]

"Cool. Now I have enough money for a few days." He bartered for the sword, and now had 3 CC more than he expected at first. "I think I'll buy a small tent, and some dried meat jerky. I'll probably stay hunting for a few days."


"I don't think I need anything else... Sure, let's go!" He was thrilled to finally go on an adventure.

He went north, into the fields. There he found a bunch of Level 0 Skeletons solo roaming around. They were around 100 meters away from each other, so he wasn't afraid that they would gang up on him. He was a little nervous, but that was all. He wanted the thrill of adventure, and now he was going to get it.

[Normal Skeleton - LvL 0

LP 50 / 50

A normal Skeleton.]

"easy now... don't turn this way... aaand... SLASH!!!"

[-20 LP]

The Skeleton turned around, mad. It tried to yell, but it just made rattling sounds. And as it was about to use a Skill itself, BAM: Roy struck again dealing another -11 LP. That disrupted the Skeleton's move, and it received a backlash: -7 LP. It was now really mad. It wanted to tear Roy apart and eat him.

It quickly used it's own Slash Skill, cleanly chopping off Roy's left arm. At the same moment, Roy screamed: "AHHHHH!! SHIT!". Never feeling pain like this before, he madly yelled "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!". If he wouldn't be able to finish this fight quickly, he would most definitely bleed to death. He used his second Skill, Cut, but the Monster evaded before it could get hurt. It became happy that Roy would die soon, because how could a human ever kill a Monster of the same Level alone? Much less for a Level 0 newbie like him. The Skeleton even got a Healing (light) effect, seemingly because of it's ecstatic state.

[+5 LP]

When Roy saw the Skeleton regenerate 5 whole LP, he was shocked. Getting shocked and angry at the same time, the starter bonus activated.

[Achievement Got - Shocked and Angry, the way in a Battle!

This will be quick. All Attributes Double for 1 Minute, make sure to kill the Skeleton, alright?]

He was now feeling all powerful. He didn't have time to think what was happening. He slashed at the Skeleton and dealt -7 LP of damage. In his mind, he was yelling "10 Life Points left, COME ON!". The Skeleton saw Roy's might soaring, so it wanted to finish this quickly. Using the Cut SKill, it made a giant mark on Roy's chest. Now feeling even more pain, he attacked again. Miss. Attack once again. Miss. [-5 LP], when Roy saw that, he was ecstatic, but soon heard another notification [Critical State! 1 LP left!]. It was what the Skeleton had dealt him!

He was speechless, was he really going to die here? On his first 'adventure'? No! It was almost 30 seconds since the fight started. He just had to wait for the Cooldown of 'Slash' and he would survive. He started focusing on dodging. The Skeleton was amazed that the human was still alive. It thought it was disgrace to all Monsters because it hadn't killed the lone human already.

It started attacking madly. It was extremely pissed. Dodge, dodge, dodge. Three dodges? How could it let this happen. But it was too late. Roy's Slash was usable. He quickly activated it.

[+5 LP] came the notification from its Healing "NOOOOO!"

[-23 LP]

[Congratulations! Killed a Monster of the Same Level!

Got Title 'Fierce Swordsman'

2.5 x EXP, Loot and Items]

[Achievement Got - Killing a Monster for the First Time!

Good job.

2 x EXP, Loot and Items]

[Achievement Got - Killing a Monster of the Same Level for the First Time!

Great job. You did it.

5 x EXP, Loot and Items]

[Achievement Got - Killing a Monster at Level 0 without help!

Grand job. You will be a fierce Swordsman one day! Got Title 'Swordsman going Solo for the First kill!'

10 x EXP, Loot and Items]

[Achievement Got - Surviving 1 LP for the First Time! That was close!

More common than you'd think... Got Title 'Survivor'

10 x EXP, Loot and Items]

[Achievement Got - Getting a 100 x Multiplier! (for the First Time)

This is Rare. Got Title '100 Times Multiplier'

1 Gold Coin]

[Achievement Got - Getting a 1000 x Multiplier!

Splendid work! This is of Epic Rarity! Got Title 'Multiplier Freak'

10 Gold Coins]

[Achievement Got - Getting a 2500 x Multiplier!

How much are you going to get? Elite Rarity! Got Title 'Multiplier Master'

30 Gold Coins]

[Achievement Got -A Common Title!


1 Silver Coin]

[Achievement Got -An Epic Title!


1 Gold Coin]

[Achievement Got -An Elite Title!

Truly Elite!

A Random Elite Sword!]

[Congratulations! Got 5 Achievements at the Same Time!

Got Title 'Achievements for the Win!']

[Congratulations! Got 10 Achievements at the Same Time!

Got Title 'Achievements Master!']

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