《A Champion's Rise》A Sister's Escape and a Human's Renovation
Chapter Fourteen
Wha-wha-what's happenin'?!
Everything was going too fast; there really wasn't any time for her to understand.
So much happened in a short amount of time-- the tip of her tail being lit ablaze to slipping through hot doors, all leading to her fiery doom. To ask herself to add onto that confusing pile was out of the question. With her body's senses kicking into overdrive, the shock she felt rolling off the rampart vanished instantaneously with the surprise appearance of hope.
But as her blood rushed into her limbs to wrap herself around her thick metal cable saviour, that meant that she could feel every single lick from the flames torching her. Like tossing a sheet of paper onto a raging fire, the stray bits of hair she had ignited and spread like wildfire across her body. "KUSHAAAAW!"
The pain, nearing on unimaginable as the flames started to touch her actual flesh using her gnarly hairs as miniature fuses, loosened her grip just enough that she slid down to the very bottom of the rope. But just as her fingers were about to lose their grip, an awesome, cold wave froze her fingers in place. Her buck teeth snapped together, and her core activated with a snap so powerfully she swore she could feel something in her pop. N-no! Ain't fuckin' today dat I'm being done in! The flames outside her burned and roared, but deep inside her, she sensed opportunity was starting to present itself. Fockin' A! I can't just die HERE! Not when I've got a good fockin' chance to get outta this SHIET hole!
What that chance could lead to, the she-rat had no possible idea of what it could be. Her entire life had been this ship and her brothers; now both were gone or disappearing before her eyes. She learned how to do nothing more but inflict torment on others. And vice versa. But there was still something in her that seemed to burn brighter than the flames burning her. Something that demanded... different.
But she would only find out what that different demand was if she could make it out of the hell she got herself stuck in. It was too late for pleas, to beg to whatever God might've been listening to get her out of the mess she was in now.
She clung onto the heated cable with all her might, her face growing tighter with the agonized grimace... as she climbed. When she was falling, she had caught herself looking back from the rampart so extremely close yet just far away enough. But wit' dis fockin' cable... Right, right, right! Dat's it!
Even when she slid down slightly from the cable's hinges loosening and slackening, her toes shrivelling by the flames licking at her, she ground her two buckteeth against one another, proceeding to only tighten her grip. I don' want to fockin' DIE! I... I-I-I want to LIVE, damn it! All she could do was feel the fur on her palm become rawer with every passing moment and the hair on her body rapidly disappearing.
But those agonies mattered not to the determined she-rat. Because as her weight pulled down on the cable, the she-rat only felt the cable's momentum grow faster and faster. She couldn't ignore the creaking from above, something she wasn't sure she was glad to could finally hear. If there was one prayer that she wanted to be heard, it was for the roof of her former sanctuary to hold itself together for just a while.
She went up an extra inch or two, wincing as she felt her lower leg finally catching on fire. Just A FOCKING SECOND! The pain before was nothing compared to what she felt now, but thankfully, her sadistic brothers DID allow her to get a full set of defensive augments. So while it felt like her hide was melting off, she knew that the weak nano-machine organ responsible for fortifying her flesh would prevent serious damage. At least, for a minute. But as the cable finally went taut, and with that, her hopes were renewed. A quick expression surprised jubilation appeared like she wasn't sure the cable would actually do that or not, but quickly she prepared herself. It should only be a second more, and den dis fockin' thing should snap me RIGHT ON UP!
On par for the course for the rampart, her little plan wasn't unbelievable nor too ambitious. No one could blame her if she took the sensible course of action to 'safely' slingshot back on the rampart. Well... As safe as you can get it in dis fockin' hell hole!
It was so close, what seemed to be the only place within the ship that seemed stable enough. But the doubts in the she-rat's rapid thoughts were creeping in, and suddenly, she found herself doubting the integrity of such a plan. With every passing second, the scrappy ship was beginning to look more like the devil's stomach rather than the ship it once was. Just how long would that 'sanctuary' of hers actually last?
That is what stilled her hand and legs from pushing off like she had planned. Was this REALLY the best path for her to take? Time once again went still as, much to her relief, the cable's end whipped the air as it curved upwards, her body emerging from the inferno like a greasy phoenix. Truth be told, she did take a second to revel in the glory that she was sure she had. But who wouldn't? Regardless, she knew that this momentary phenomenon, this adrenaline-fueled superpower of ultra perception, would not last forever. She had to think and look FAST.
The ramparts were safe-- for now-- but where could they lead to? I couldn't see a fockin' thing tumbling and jumbling as I were! The stairs that led into the former garage, where the small exit was located, were exactly where she almost melted: at the very base of the inferno. Obviously, that path was unavailable.
What about the walkway with the scaffolding? That WAS her original plan, after all. At that moment, when she had looked through the door earlier, it seemed like it was-- and still was-- the best course of action for her to take. So why is it dat I feel somethin' is still off?!
There was a wriggling sensation in the back of her head like she was missing an obvious clue, the obvious path that would be her only chance for survival. No matter what, she just couldn't shake the news that there was something wrong with those options. Like something was just bound to go wrong if she followed through. But for the life of her, she just saw no other way.
Her instincts were screaming at her, but it was now or never. O-okay, den! Here goes! Her palms screamed out in sweet relief, but her fingers still cried out as they were the only thing holding onto the cable. With having every intention of jumping right then and there, her legs uncurled themselves from the cable, and now only the balls of her upper foot stayed. In just a second, the motion of the cable would peak and give her the perfect opportunity.
But even then, even as she leaned forward, she still felt that apprehension haunting and taunting her... and it was enough to stay her hand. The cable was losing its momentum, already starting to go limp as it started falling back the other way... back into the flames. Yet... something inside her was reassuring her now. What da fock am I doin'? Am I trying to get meself done in? Why am I-?
Now she was starting to fall back, the window for what should've been an easy choice rapidly closing on her. But there was STILL something at the back of her mind. What could it fockin' BE?! What is... is this it?
Indeed, it was. Finally, the conundrum revealed itself. What the she-rat had thought was metaphorically at the back of the mind was really closer than once thought. For the answer was quite literally coming from behind. As the she-rat started to fall back down into the inferno she was once blessed to escape, the hot breeze drying out her eyes in a moment... she felt it.
The cool, salty tinge of the ocean's breeze. Somehow, it called to her, making its way through the impossible terrain... just to reach her. Her head snapped back to look at the tear in the hull, time resuming as it should've as she did so. Ain't no way!
From where she was before, looking from the door she slipped through, the sight of the hull being torn open was impressive. But she couldn't quite really see the sight that laid beyond: only the most distant of water and clouds. But now, from where she prepared to jump on the cable, the picturesque scene was nothing but breathtaking. Whatever had caused that mountain to explode both blew away the rock... but also those dreary clouds that unfortunately reminded her of her own homeworld.
Her dark eyes widened the sight of clear blue skies with nary a hint of the drab grey she hated, reflecting off the soft waves that started to move in. It took away what little breath she had... which she immediately regretted. When all she had left to breathe was smoke, she needed to keep what little she had left in her. Especially as the cable began to swing back into the flames. The sight disappeared as fast as quickly as it revealed itself, and before she could reach out to futilely try and grab the heaven just out of her reach... Hell overwhelmed her once more. N-no...
The cable swung down hard AND fast, and the cinders touching the tips of her hair exploding into life thanks to the sudden intake of fresh air, giving it new life. Even before she touched the flames awaiting, she was already set ablaze into a ball of furry fire. Her once luscious hair was nothing more but burnt stubs at this point, and by the time she assumed the flames below were done with her, she'd be lucky to still have her bones left uncharred.
And to make matters SOMEHOW worse... it seemed like the ship itself had acknowledged its time had come. She couldn't help the yelp that exploded from her mouth as the entire ship started to tilt onto its side. Whatever was left of the base supports keeping the ship afloat AND upright seemed to have finally melted away due to the intense heat. The transition was nothing less than jarring, not to mention it would've been absolutely downright heartbreaking... if it weren't for the fact that her grip only got tighter as the sight escaped her. For whatever reason, her black eyes stayed wide open, as if transfixed by what she saw.
But as her body hesitated only slightly before literally hugging the limpening cable in a desperate attempt to save what momentum she still had left, it was more like she was... inspired. Inspired enough... that she finally came up with a plan. She took a look back to see the ramparts falling apart, almost as if it was on cue, and she gulped loudly as she turned back to see the inferno. Not like I got many choices 'ere! But fock it! I'm doing dis!
She wasn't sure if this would work; it had every reason not to. The ship's roof was so dismantled by the licking flames and wafting smoke that the cable had a panel barely to hang off of. Because of that, the cable was swiftly losing the tension she would need to replicate such an arch. The possibility that her plan wasn't going to work was growing higher with every passing second she got nearer and nearer. Did that chance frighten her to no extreme? Without a doubt, it did.
But does dat mean I'm checkin' out like a lil' bitch?! Her teeth never pressed together more tightly, pressing into the cable to give it all the help she could give. Ain't no way!
She wasn't sure if she would ever manage to see that beautiful sight again, her possible fiery demise about to engulf her at a moment's notice.
But was the possibility that she COULD not worth the try?
She came to the conclusion it was...
And back into the fire, she went, with but one last prayer to whoever was listening.
It burned and burned her, and before she knew it... she saw the light.
What the human thought was going to be the first triumphant comeuppance over the rats, a time for him to finally relax and catch his breath... had turned out to be quite the opposite. Not even in victory was he allowed respite, something that made him puff out his cheeks in disappointed torment as he struggled to keep himself on all three limbs. His other, unmangled hand was now inside the sliced open armpit, allowing the alien to do... whatever it was doing, which meant that he could only lean on the rat's body for support as he underwent the excruciating-- though not OVERLY painful-- process.
To say the process was calming was nothing short of a lie.
Oh, my good GOOOOD! "AAAAACK! Hrnnnn, hohoho-oooh FUUUUCK ME!" The human gapped and punched the ground quickly like he had just got stung by a thousand hornets repeatedly. His body was spazzing in any way it could to make the absolutely bizarre feeling he was suffering through just somewhat more bearable. His eyes bulged into a deep red from the sudden pressure; the effect that made his head feel like over 100 tons was immediate.
The sensation of his body repairing and transforming itself was easily beyond anything a human had ever experienced up to this point. And to the best of his knowledge and lack of memories, he may very well be the ONLY human to go through something as grotesque as what was happening to him now.
He looked down at his own chest, feeling and even SEEING the alien inside of his rib cage throbbing, pulsating and contracting all at the same time as the rat gradually looked paler and paler. It was like his heart had grown ten sizes too large and was not beating out of his chest, a sight that made him unbearably faint. Oh, fucking CHRIST! "HOOOOORRL!" He groaned in abject misery and, admittedly, a state of shock. If he had to compare it, the shock of being lit on fire would easily be rivalled by this, for this was also a whole-body experience.
What made it all the stranger, this activity was that its beginning was almost as natural as it was for him to breathe. The moment he got within reach of the rat, he fell into a state of unconsciousness. He fell into it, fully assured that the alien, however it did it before with the corpse of Big Boss, would want to live as much as he did and would know how to do as such. Only made sense considering we share the same damn body now!
That's why, right as he fell forward into the sand, he let his newly found instinct-- one that was particularly UNHUMAN-- guide his only working hand into the warm, leaking hole that was made when he threw the knife into the soft space that was the rat's armpit. I don't know what in the HELL this thing's deal is but holy damn, did it want me to do that! And it was like second instinct for me, too!
For whatever reason...
Thankfully, he was already tapped out, so he could not feel the moist, dank, and lukewarm dampness engulf his fist as it slid between where the flesh was cut. But that blissful nothing didn't last long as he awoke not even a few seconds after the gut-wrenching squelch his fist made when it pushed itself in. I don't get what and WHY the FUCK this thing would want me to do that! Because this doesn't FEEL LIKE IT'S HELPING!
"TCH! Fufuuuu...!" The human clawed up the wet sand below him, his back arching like a disgruntled cat as the alien mercilessly dug into the rat's rat, doing God knows what to the deceased alien's organs. What I wouldn't GIVE to just-! GAH! Hrrrn, I HAVE a mouth, man! And I need to scream!
It was exactly as if his esophagus had displaced itself and was now chugging a continuous stream of water with chunky bits in it right next to his heart. He could FEEL the alien wrapped around his heart begin to bloat as it continually sucked out from the rat, whatever it seemed to deem necessary for their survival.
The rhythm of the said organ was all but erratic as his body was nowhere NEAR adapted to hosting a whole new organism, let alone one as active as this one. He didn't think it would ever. But regardless of his moaning and groaning, the intruder gleefully absorbed the blood from the rat's body. Without any semblance of care, all gentleness and caution were thrown to the wind as the alien partook in the rat's bountiful, nutritious body.
And in an EXTREMELY bizarre case of parasitic symbiosis, not only could he feel all his lost blood being replenished... but there was more. The human didn't want to pass out by throwing his head back in a wail, so he just ground his teeth together...
Wait, just a gosh-digiddy darn SECOND..!
His teeth, all but bashed from their gummy homes, were promptly slathered with his moistening tongue, the flexible muscle going around each and every single molar like a worried mother concerned for her offspring's status. No way... Some had fully returned by the time he realized their restoration, while others made him squeak in surprise as they pushed up against his tongue, still in the process of their extremely fast regrowth. drawing a drawn-out grunt of pure confusion from the deepest part of the human's chest. "HUUUUUUMMMMM?!" No, DAMN WAY! How the hell are they-?! Wait! Human teeth can't grow back this fast! So that means you're getting them from-?! SO that IS really how you work!
The human wasn't sure if he could trust his own eyes when he flipped over the rat, who was on his side when he bled out, onto his back. Unsure of what was going on was even real, the human squinted his eyes down at the rat's limp jaw hanging open. The real test of his hypothesis was about to begin. He moaned painfully, as the weight on his two knees was almost too much for him to bear when he came right next to the head.
His mangled hand, spurting out some blood, came up to hold the rat's head in place as an examining, disgusted grimace came onto his face. Alright, just open wide, and we'll- holy shit. There it was: the means behind his survival for all the world to see. He didn't like it one bit. As the rat's lower jaw went slack as the human shook his head around, the human was taken aback by what he saw happening before his eyes. He gagged, looking away before his newly added instincts forced him to look back. Oh, good, God, why? Phu... Okay, okay...
His eyes back on the rat's mouth, like he had seen the most forbidden knowledge, his face went blank and expressionless as he finally came to accept the type of thing that was inside of him now. He watched and watched, unable to make sense of it at first, stumbling back onto his rear the next. Of course, he kept his arm inside the rat, but now he could only stare at the limb in immense revulsion.
Oh, you're one sadistic fucking parasite, you know that ri- "OOF!" He was knocked on his back as the alien, now seemingly offended as it understood his thoughts, basically punched his spine, sending him into a coughing fit of ultimate proportions. Oh, now THAT'S a damn LOOOOOOW blow! "Fuuuuuuuuck..." The discomfort of having his spine practically right hooked in his insides was so extreme that not even his loudest shriek would do it justice.
Instead, he opted to only let himself roll into a sort of Child's Pose before letting out his misery into a low groan, meekly producing bubbles into the stream of water around him. They only grew more in size and intensity as he felt something HARD travel and scrap against the bone in the forearm attached to the fist inside the rat. Oh, now that wasn't right, ya little parasit-"AH!"
His mangled hand twitched violently, and its reappearing pain was nearly enough to cripple him. It had gone numb not so long ago, but now it was starting to return. But he remained steadfast in his posture, only leaning back further into the child's pose, wincing and groaning as loudly as his strained body would allow. "Errrrgh!" It feels like every single muscle in my body is cramping at once! Like how one can't help but stare at a train going off the rails, at the sensation of his mangled hand wriggling around like a mad worm being electrocuted, the human couldn't help his eyes unwilling look down. Please don't be doing it; PLEASE DO-OOOOOH, God!
The human gagged at the sights, which was a horrible idea as it just made his head throb significantly more, which caused a moan of anguish... which only made it worse. Oh, this shit is UNENDING! For all that it's worth, he wasn't necessarily DISPLEASED with his hand being repaired; it was mostly the way the alien inside apparently went about it. What?! Am I not allowed to call you a p-!?
A nerve in his hand returned just as soon as he thought that, making his lips peel back in agony as his once numb hand sprung back into life. "TCH!" He let his forehead fall into the water, the cool spring liquid soothing him as much as it could. Yeah, yeah! I get it, I get it; no more name-calling! Jeesh! He peeped the hand writhing again, his tongue rolling out in disgust, making the appropriate sound to such a sight.
Alas, he was too crippled to do anything else until his mangled hand fully repaired itself. He blew out some air in a rhythmic motion, finally beginning to adjust to the pulsing his arm was going through inside the rat's bosom cavity.
He peeped out the corner of his eyes, something... truly off-putting. His right arm slightly bulged, almost like the tendrils inside the rat snagged something large. What it could've been, much less what the lump SLOWLY travelling up the human's forearm was about to be used for, he had no idea. For all he knew, the mass was either a hardened pile of muscle meant to interweave itself in his damaged ones or a softened ball of bone meant to fill in the cracks of his fractured structure. Whatever it is, it's revolting to look at. The fact that I'm going to have to get used to this..!
From the evidence he had from Big Boss' corpse to the rat next to him missing its own teeth while he now had his full set back as if nothing had even happened, the alien certainly did not hold back the presentation for his sake. He cringed, both internally and externally, as it all happened before his eyes. The method to his survival, and, sadly, the ONLY thing besides himself he could count on in the wretched galaxy. Whoopity-fucking-do...
However, his newly found 'friend' was doing it regardless of whether he could stomach the sight or not, and for whatever reason... the human found that comforting. Maybe you ain't a parasIIITE AFTER ALL! He shuddered suddenly as he felt something wriggle out of his gums, and it only took him a second to realize that it was yet another tendril. Possibly, it could've been clearing the way for the tooth he was sure was being transferred over to him... or maybe the alien just hated being called that enough to punish what was supposed to be a compliment. Whatever the case, the human let out a breath of relief when it was over. Eugh! Well, you sure as shit are still a DICK! Damn, son...
Regretfully letting his eyes go back to the process, his uncomfortable expression only got worse when his swollen forearm had given way to bulge, travelling RIGHT ALONG with the muscle of his defined bicep. Urgh! How in God's good name is it both dry AND wet?! He could only guess how IT worked. It was either liquifying the internal body of the rat using... some sort of weird alien acid. Or perhaps the tendrils ended with microscopic teeth that chewed the body up and sent them down the thousands of black veins that showed themselves like temporary tattoos leading down the responsible arm.
Those methods didn't REALLY bother him, but the human couldn't help but shudder at the thought that the alien could either MELT him or EAT him from the inside-out whether it wanted. You've got full fucking control now, don't ya? Hopped right in and settled down like a bug in a rug. Question is... He looked down at the suddenly still alien bulging around his left rib like his pondering was enough to quell its absorption of the rat. If that really is the case... then why haven't you taken me already?
He didn't really hide his thoughts from the alien; that much was for sure. Despite the guide that eventually set him on the path that got him that orb, his natural, fearful instincts were still skeptical of its intentions. But the fact still remained that when he and Big Boss were dying together during that period... it still chose to save him.
And it still allowed him to run away screaming. And it set him down a path that gave him a purpose to keep fighting... even if the most likely ending to his story would be that he was ultimately meaningless. It was still him that decided to grimace when he felt that meaty or boney lump bend around his broad shoulders and collarbone.
It was because of the thing inside him that he still held hope.
He held his breath for just a second, unsure if he could really give it a chance. I guess, as of right now... He begrudgingly sighed in defeat and growing acceptance of his situation, letting his body finally relax-- sort of-- as he pushed himself back up onto his knees. He stared down at the rat's body, almost like he was urging it to give him more. I guess I CAN trust ya. For now...
The alien inside him wriggled around like a squirming child wanting to break loose from a tight hug. Whether that was because he finally got the message it was trying to convey all this time, or because it was merely happy when the lump finally made its way over his chest and right into whatever gullet it must've had... he didn't care anymore. 'Cause until you decide against it... I guess we are in this shit together, after all.
Just then, with that thought, he groaned as he felt the worm's stomach churn and grind in his chest like a thrashing, rolling alligator. And then, right before the moment, he had could be ruined... he felt a substantial pressure in his chest suddenly lift. The agony of his broken ribs eased up as he felt the broken shards poking into the surrounding flesh and organs finally go back to their natural position. Already, he could feel the spare tendrils still inside his body and not in the rat go over his internal wounds, patching them up with a tickling rub, which made him realize just how well equipped this thing was in the arts of healing.
That alone made him settle down even further... but still not enough to let his guard FULLY down. Whatever was in that lump certainly had some bone in it. For the shards to settle in so quickly like they did, there had to be some sort of building block to build off: similar to starting a puzzle from the edges and filling in.
He finally breathed in easy for what felt like ages, and he was surprised with how... tasty the air was. Like... REALLY tasty! Like... He sniffed a few times, and he, his senses, and what even appeared to be the alien were taken off guard as the smell went into his nose. Chicken? The... fuck? He looked over at the burning rat he impaled not so long ago with an arched eyebrow.
A dark part of him was satisfied, seeing how nothing but black skeletal remains were left lingering. But that wasn't the reason why he looked back. It can't be coming from that fucker. He's more burnt than a burger at a frat party... He leaned down and nearly let out a revolting moan as he smelt the dead rat before him. And I'm sure the dead midget and his dead brother over there smell just as PLEASENT as this fucker here!
The human was so perplexed by the smell of the salt air intermingling with... SOMETHING that he didn't even notice how his bashed-to-Hell-and-back eye was following his other eye's movements as well. Where could it be? Not only that, but his mangled hand twitched once more, only this time around, no blood spurted out and his pinky finger... curled without resistance. It would still be QUITE a while before either was completely restored, though. The human was fine with that. He wasn't in any danger, it seemed. And it just gives me more time to find out where this coming from!
He looked around, a sneaking suspicion starting to emerge at the back of his head. But apart from the ship, there was really nothing he could spot that could possibly be producing such a smell, which only confounded him more. If it ain't him, and it certainly isn't coming from these guys... Where then?
He snorted out a puff of air, not willing to let this go unless something extraordinary was to happen. Which, typical of the planet he was on, was exactly what happened next. The ground below him shook and vibrated, which meant he nearly ripped his hand from the body. The alien tensed up inside him like it was suddenly tugged from both sides; the human could've bet that certainly did NOT feel good. "WAOH! S-shit! Sorry 'bout that! What in the world was that?" Turning to the best of his ability, the human didn't wait for his adrenaline to fade as he spun around violently, ready to move.
But what he thought was an ambush from some monstrous, alien deity had turned out to just be the alien ship starting to finally collapse in on itself. He had a gut feeling that the vessel was nothing but puny compared to what may be waiting for him in the galaxy above him. But for the tall man, he was still nothing more than an ant compared to the makeshift monster's bulk, which only made how it was giving out so quickly all the more surprising to him. That thing must've been barely flying on its own before I accidentally blew it up! He jumped a little when a few explosions erupted from the side, the entire ship reaching the point of no return.
But oddly enough, the human did not run for the hills despite its increasingly violent demise. If the shit was going to burst, it would've done so the moment it caught on fire. He brushed it off with a dismissive wave, but of course, he didn't take his eyes off it. This thing is gonna die with a whimper.
The groaning, tilting, fire-engulfed ship could be crossed off the list of things that could've been possibly the source of the intoxicating smell. But if it's not the ocean around me, and it's not the ship nor dead rats, then what is it?! "Hmmm..."
The human didn't expect the answer to fall out of the sky. He knew life and God did not work that way. So that's why when he heard a loud snap come from the ship, a snap that didn't sound like the crack of cinders popping in the air, he slowly turned on his rear. "What is... that?" Sounded like a loud ass whip cracking in the air!
Bizarrely enough, right by the ship in the air as it fully collapsed onto its side with a resounding boom, something he could only describe as a smoke trail was floating away in the air. It came right from the formerly largest section of the ship, though now it was just a pile of molten rubble as the roof caved in on itself. Normally, he wouldn't have paid it any mind, considering that the literal source of smoke, fire, was right there. But there was something with how it... lingered in the air that made the human stay on guard. It's hanging right in the air. As if it... came off something. A piece of shrapnel, maybe?
However much he wanted that to be the case, it just didn't click with the human the way he wanted. Something SHIFTY is in the air; I can smell it! He actually took in a comically loud sniff, trying to lessen the mood with his antics that seemed to only amuse him. But in truth, that only put both him and the alien in him in a more tense state. Ay, yo, I CAN smell it now! It's getting closer!?
His head snapped onto the smoke trail once again, this time not dismissing it so quickly as he began to pick up where he last left off. Okay, something REALLY isn't right! With great effort, he got off of his leg, ready to roll if need be. Where IN the fuck is that thing going?
Whatever it was, its trajectory was so severe, one could see it just went straight up into the air. The smoke trail then started to curve and even bend while in the air, meaning that whatever it was had a ROUGH tumble and spin once it met its maximum velocity. From there, the curve tapered off, and it was there that whatever it was finally started to drop. The human had to turn on his rear to follow the path, though he looked right back in front of him in confusion. Wait just a second. So that means if it went above me before it started to fall... His eyes exploded open when he heard a faint whistle above him getting exponentially louder by the second. Whatever it was, it was large, noisy, and from the sounds of it... right above him. Then that must mean-!
Upon hearing that unbelievably shrill shriek, the human threw his mangled arm above his head and rolled right next to the rat. "Holy SH-!"
The alien and he stopped whatever they were doing or about to say when an incredibly large wave and a loud kerplunk washed over them. Jesus Christ, on a fucking stick, WHAT WAS THAT?!
Shell shocked, to say the least, the human didn't budge an inch as the water continued to drench his body and face in newly formed streams. Not so far away from him, the distinct sizzling one heard when they dropped a large bucket of water onto a roaring bonfire; not enough to extinguish it right away, but still enough to quell its flames. The steam rising up into the air invaded his nostrils, and he rolled his eyes as he stayed on edge. Okay. So THAT'S what smelled like the chicken.
The human looked over the one forearm that he could still enlist for help, tentatively, with both eyes glaring in bewilderment. God DAMN, what was that?! He looked over to his right, and only then did he feel the alien slowly begin its operation again. Hmm, so you're fine... Now is that thing?
The screeching object had since grown quiet, which made the human nervous on an entirely different level than what he would like to be. Is... is it dead? He gulped and let out an anxious breath as he used core to bring himself back up, still tense from the possibilities. Only one way to find out... He cleared his throat, his voice only slightly quivering. Not out of fright but just plain bewilderment. "O-oi... You al-?"
He wasn't able to see much before, really only a pink, burnt blob of SOMETHING. But when it jumped up, screeching and hollering at the top of its lungs like a mad man lit on fire -- which wouldn't really be far from the case-- he knew exactly what it was. Ho-ly fuck, it's that dipshit of a sister that 'wanted a piece of me'!
Seeing the putrid female rat, completely naked for whatever reason, but made him unbelievably frightened. But more than that... His baffled expression was slowly shifting, seeing her jump from bouncing in pain from the salty water touching her burn marks, that which coated her ENTIRE body now, to jumping INTO the deep salty puddle that saved her from the fall, no doubt trying to cool herself off. I don't give a fuck how she managed to survive in THAT!
Where's that god damn KNIFE I used before! He scowled with deep hatred, his head frantically spinning around as he took advantage of her agony-induced delirium. But he had to be quick. Where?! Where the hell is-!? AH HA!
There, not so far away from his own toes, it glinted in the sun right into his eyes. He didn't dare laugh to bring attention to himself, but he decided now was the time to reveal his pearly whites to the world again in an almost crazed smile. PERFECT!
Just in reach of him, he used his elbow to push the knife toward him. He had every intention of killing the rat. He did. But as he looked around, there was one thing that had yet to change. Just how unbelievably lost he still was.
Which was what gave him the idea that stilled his hand... even if he couldn't even use it right now. Fucking hell! I see I see. So it's like that, then. He looked to the sky, the revelation made immediately clear. Seems like the winds of Fortune have yet to leave me behind. He snapped his head over to the suffering female, all but determined to spare her. Not out of the kindness of his heart... but because the treacherous fiend still had a use for him. If these are the guys that chased previous-me onto this world... Then they must know how to get OUT!
He looked down at his hand, still mangled beyond belief... but so ever close to getting his fingers back. He stared at the rat's bare back down, rolling underneath the rat he was in at the moment. Just a second longer is all...
- In Serial49 Chapters
Meat Eaters
A boy, alone in the mountains. Covered in snow. Defenseless. Hunted by monsters. On the verge of death, he discovers a black dragon egg. Soon, the hunter will become the hunted. Rewritten chapters so far: Prologue Image credit on watermark.
8 162 - In Serial19 Chapters
Chains of Dominion
If Jake wins the local Fantasy Tactics Online tournament, he’ll have everything he’s ever dreamed of — a ticket out of town and the attention of a beautiful woman. However, this woman has more planned for him than a bus ride to the local metropolis. She teleports him back to her Realm and declares him her Master… and says it’s up to him to save the world. No pressure. Rival Dominions vie for power, and they are all far larger and more organized than Jake’s rag-tag group of women, but he has two advantages: the rules of this world are eerily similar to those of Fantasy Tactics Online, and his wildest dirtiest sexual fantasies act as a power multiplier for his all-female army. Warning: The heroes have intense tactical battles, wild kinky sex, and near-constant flirtation. The villains are disturbing and cruel. If the idea of villains doing bad things bothers you, please do not read books ever, but especially don’t read this one.
8 258 - In Serial24 Chapters
Lost in the New World
During an intense battle in the wastelands of the New World, Fel Evenstar fell into a mysterious cavern, activating a portal that whisked him to the underground world. Follow Fel Evenstar on his journey through the New World, encountering strange creatures, exploring the ancient art of magic, and adapting it to his modern technology. I publish a chapter every Sunday and I hope that you'll enjoy this novel!
8 241 - In Serial8 Chapters
Territory (rus) || l.s.
Луи был очень молодым и впервые представлен как омега в ранние двенадцать лет, когда его изнасиловал альфа, и он стал беременным самым лучшим в его жизни - сыном Гарри. Гарри никогда не видел в Луи своего отца. Поскольку парень мог мыслить самостоятельно, он всегда понимал и чувствовал, что Луи - его половинка, даже если они были кровными родственниками. Он просто знал, что они должны быть вместе, и что он никогда не позволит никому забрать то, что принадлежит ему.Au, где Гарри - родной сын Луи и сделает все возможное, чтобы защитить то, что ему принадлежит. А принадлежит ему Луи.https://www.wattpad.com/story/131761065-territory-larry-stylinsonCredits belong to ishiplarry79.
8 95 - In Serial60 Chapters
Short Poems
A mix of mixed emotions in a poetical way.
8 224 - In Serial25 Chapters
"The names' Maki." He blinks at the girl with the glasses before stifling a small laugh. An eyebrow arch from her features, already annoyed by the boy."What's so funny?" "I'm sorry, it's just.." He regains himself and looks at her with a smile, "Your name is literally just mine without the Ta at the beginning."Maki Zenin x male oc! Short story ! Will include prequel spoilers, violence and more 18+ content I don't own jujutsu kaisen
8 163