《Reborn as a Failure》Chapter 9: Field Trip, part 2
Chapter 9: Field Trip, part 2
Her plan… has begun.
I thought there would be more time.
I hoped there would be more time.
But hope is a lie. A fiction. A mirage.
Hope is the carrot at the end of a long stick that kept the horse running till it died of exhaustion.
Hope makes us feel secure. Complacent. Ignorant.
It makes us put down our guards.
And at that moment…
She strikes!
She. The Grim Reaper. The Python. The Great Defiler. The Devil, herself.
My big sister, Marianne.
I thought there would be more time before the universe would face her wrath.
But I was wrong. Dead wrong.
I think too small. Believing that she would conquer our birth planet first, before setting her sights on the rest of the cosmos.
But she wants it all.
She wants the entire galaxy to crawl beneath the sole of her feet, just as she had suffered the indignity of doing it to so many.
She wants revenge.
And she wants it now!
So she concocted her plan. She put down a snare and she waited for her prey.
In due time, they came.
Two Masters of the Grand Order, the greatest mage lodge in the galaxy. The apex of power.
They may be Masters, but they are weak. Weak-willed. Weak-minded. Yet arrogance beyond belief.
Their rank and power had made them complacent.
The perfect prey.
It was so easy for her to capture them in her trap. Barely a challenge. Barely entertainment.
She has them in her crushes and they didn’t even realize it.
The little one was especially enamored with her devilish charm. I could understand, for I feel the same pull. After all, who could resist temptation?
But unlike me, he underestimated her. He sees her as a damsel. A friend. A pet. A potential lover.
Ha! The fool!
The absolute imbecile!
The Devil does not love, she hates. She does not build, she destroys. She does not give, she takes.
She takes everything you have to offer!
And when she could take no more, you’ll be cast aside. Destroyed. Forgotten.
Like an old toy. An old puppet.
Oh, the poor puppet, believing himself to have free will. Will to think. Will to dream. Will to feel.
I pity him.
For he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know the Devil as I do.
But in time he will.
And at that moment he would have a false choice.
To serve or to die.
I say it was false because the decision had already been made for him, long, long ago.
We’re all dancing on the palm of her hand.
We are her actors. Her pet. Her entertainment. Her chess pieces.
And to think otherwise is sheer hubris.
Sheer fucking hubris.
I pity him.
I pity them all.
And most of all, I pity myself.
For the day she gets bored of me is creeping ever closer.
I watched as the little man reached his hand into the abyss and grabbed onto the evil sword.
There’s a small hope inside of me. A desire to see him overcome its influence and burn down the damn sword with the rest of us along with it.
But he lost.
A Level Four wizard lost in the battle of Intent.
I could hear him say that cursed word from all the way up here. The wind intentionally carried it into my ears.
How weak. How pathetic.
And to think, I had hope. What a fool I am. A great big fool.
I closed the curtain and jumped on my bed.
There’s hot water coming out of my eyes. Even after all these years, I’m still a crybaby.
What did I expect?
A knight in shining armor riding in on his steed to slay the great python?
The fuck were you thinking, bitch!?
Fuuuuck me! I wanna cry!
Wait, I’m already crying.
Yeah. Fuck it. Whatever. I don’t care anymore.
Let’s go to sleep, and wish I never wake up tomorrow.
*Knock Knock Knock*
Three times the door rang, three times the room shook, three times my heart fell to my stomach.
“…Come in…”
Doors could not keep nightmares away, so why not just invite them in.
The door creaked open, and there she was…
“Hey, Abbi just wanted to check up on you… Abigail, what's wrong!?”
Big bro came into my room and acted surprised when she saw my tears. The Devil is a good actress.
“N-Nothing someone like you should be concerned about, bone head! Just… something in my eyes, that’s all!”
I tried to wipe my tears away but two strong hands stopped me.
“Oh, Abigail, it's alright to cry, especially today.”
Marianne took me into her embrace. Her body felt like it was carved out of granite. Rough. Sturdy. Safe.
A false sense of safety. That’s one of her tricks.
“Even I cried multiple times today. After all these years of suffering, Our luck is finally turning around. It- It feels too good to be true. Too good that I’m afraid to go to sleep, fearing that it would all disappear in the morning.”
The Devil leaked a tear from her beautiful amber eyes. A crocodile tears.
“H-Hey, don’t act like a softy, you big dummy! It’s disgusting! B-But if y-you want to cry then… I’ll do it with you! Be thankful for that, bone head!”
I said words that didn’t make a lick of sense to my own ears, but as long as I stayed in character it should be fine… right? Right!?
“Haha! Thank you, Abbi. We sure are a couple of crybabies aren’t we?”
“Speak for yourself! [Sniff!]”
“You know what, I’m so scared of going to sleep, I think I’ll spend the night here. Is that alright, with you?”
“S- Sure… d-do whatever you want…”
The devil smiled at me before laying down on my bed. Her large body took up most of the surface so I had no choice but to get closer to her.
I said I had no choice, okay!
She took me into her arms and stroked my head gently.
Her arms feel warm.
Her heartbeat was steady.
Her motion, gentle like a… mother.
How many years has it been? And why is it so… damn… comfortable…
“Good night Abbi, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
“...G’night… bi…g…bro… ZZz…”
The day of departure crept ever closer.
Once it was decided that our entire household – minus that horrible Ms. Johns, who is now the coat hanger – would move off-world, we had to make preparations and get the paperwork sorted out.
My siblings had to say farewell to their friends. Little Dave cried rivers when he realized he may never meet his buddies ever again. Lucy and George also cried a ton, but they have each other so they should be alright.
But the most surprising one was Vicky. Turns out she has a few boys she’s been stringing along. All of them rushed over to ask for her hand, but she turned them all down. She did take them all upstairs for their farewell ‘party.’ The house almost collapses thanks to that.
As for me, I never interacted with anyone beyond surface levels so I don't have any heartbreaking farewells.
I’m not crying! Shut up!
Then there's Satan.
Marianne quit her job at the farm, but not before crying at Mr. Ross’s feet and telling him how thankful she was for all he’s done for her and us.
The plump man huffed and puffed a few times before sending boxes upon boxes of his best yielded to our doorsteps. More than usual. And telling Mary to never return with tears rolling down his beady eyes.
He’s a kind man, that one. Always kept us fed with his produce, even if he doesn't pay big bro much.
The Devil now spends her days with the two Masters. She’s already taken full control of one and is no doubt trying to break the other.
The wizards’ main duty is to search far and low for talented individuals. They are now traveling around the planet with Mary as their butler.
Every night when Mary returns, she would talk incessantly about all the places she had visited with sparkles in her eyes.
My siblings are especially keen on listening to her describe the oceans and the many islands that dotted the sea. Living in a landlocked area makes the heart yearn for the endless blue
Me? I prefer the cold north. Some areas up there have daytime that lasts for months. It should keep that hateful moon away. The stalker bitch.
Having to live under a crazed lady who’s obsessed over your supreme evil sibling is annoying as fuck. Can’t wait to be rid of her.
God, sometimes I wish I never learned to read Intent. It makes nature a lot less mystical and a lot more… disappointing.
Not you, Wind, you're cool. Hey, stop! That tickles! It wasn’t a pun, I swear!
Speaking of Intent.
The Devil’s sword is gone.
I’d like to say good riddance, but I know who took it. That little man. The one they called, Master Jake.
Of the two wizards, he was the weaker one. Perhaps not in Mana or skill, but mentally.
Low self-worth.
Insane level of power.
How does that even work?
The man was like a cracked chalice. It was so easy for the sword to assert its will and take him over. Too easy, barely an inconvenience.
The sword’s Intent became his Intent.
The sword’s desire to achieve perfection became his desire.
The sword’s undying loyalty to its creator became his loyalty.
He now worships her. Adores her. Loves her.
He now prays to the Devil like a goddess.
Worse of all, he believes it all to be of his own free will.
Ha! Free will.
It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
That little man. That poor, poor, little man.
Is he really a man? He totally looks adorable! So cute, like an angel!
Those sparkling blonde hair. Those flawlessly smooth skin. Those large puppy-dog eyes.
And that unbefitting anger of his is like a little pup trying his very best to bark. Awww.
Absolutely adorbs!
No wonder the Devil set her sights on him. To corrupt the innocent is her favorite pastime.
And corrupted him she did.
The Devil lording over an angel. A massive fuck-you to God.
No wonder the woman laughs so joyfully whenever she’s near him. Her eyes no longer hide that deep sadness within.
She is truly happy.
Maybe for the first time in her life.
She’s delighted to be with her new toy. Her plaything. Hey loyal servant.
Her man.
I’m not jealous! Shut up!
I’m just afraid. Scared for my life.
Would she discard me, now that she has a shiny new pet?
Would she shove me to the side, and leave me to rot in the garbage bin she found me in?
It’s not fair!
I was here first!
I, who knows all about her true nature and accepts her for who she is, what she is.
I, who pledge my allegiance to her. Kissing her ring out of my own… free will.
Ha… Free will…
What a fool I am. A great big fool.
…Satan… are you bored of me already?
…Big bro… can’t you tuck me into bed just one more time?
…Mommy… don’t you love your little girl anymore?
Abbi promises to grow up into a really bad girl, promise!
So please, Mommy don’t abandon me. I’ll do anything you ask, so, please…
Mommy… I want my Mommy.
The Moon, she cries.
The grass, the ground, the trees, the clouds, the wind.
They’re all saddened by their king’s departure.
The silly fools. What makes someone worship another to such an extent?
Only the Sun, he gloats.
The poor fellow, having his beloved’s heart stolen right under his nose.
I feel you, bro. I feel you.
But seriously, find another hoe. This one ain’t loyal.
I’m standing inside the large terminal as I lay eyes upon the giant metallic bird that would take me up into the stars.
Surrounding me are people around my age. Some, younger. Some, older. All filled to the brim with potential.
We’re like school children heading out for a field trip. But some of us may never set foot home ever again.
There is sorrow. There is excitement. There is melancholy. There is indifference.
I’m just really, really embarrassed.
“Abbi! Hey, Abigail! Abs! Abs! We’re up here!! Can you see me! Hey, Abbi!!!”
Dave is jumping up and down as he waves his little arms at me.
He and the rest of my siblings are located in the VIP lounge with the two Master wizards.
I hung my red face down as the other Masters-to-be sent their curious and mocking gaze at me.
Ahhh! Torture! I’m being tortured!
And to think, I may need to spend the next few…
Few months? Few years?
How long is Marianne planning to infiltrate into the Grand Order again?
And what’s her plan exactly? Taking them over from the inside? Creating a civil war? Starting a full-scale intergalactic battle, for shits and giggles?
Well, whatever it may be, I should prepare myself to stand against everyone in this hall in the future.
I swear, if any of them bring up the event of this day as my sword pointed at their throat, I won’t give them a clean death!
I’m the Devil’s right-hand man, show some respect!
“Hey Abbi!!! You forgot to pack your underwear!! Vicky put them in this bag! Come up and get it!”
Ahhhh!!! I wanna die!! I wanna die!!!
My embarrassment lasted for what felt like hours, before the Devil finally came to my rescue.
She stood in front of our group and clapped her hands together to get our attention.
“Hello, everyone, this humble one is Marianne, but please call me Annie. Some of you may already know me as Master Jack’s servant. I’ll be serving you all, for the duration of this flight.”
The tall woman is wearing a grey travel coat with black slacks and boots.
Mary wanted to wear a butler's uniform at all times, but her new employer/ toy refused to let her wear the same clothes twice.
So now she looks less like a servant and more like a teacher organizing her students.
“If any of you, great ones, have any allergies or requests, please inform the staff beforehand. Once the spaceship lifts off, we won’t stop until we reach the outer rim station.”
“Ms. Anne, I have a question!”
A teenage boy raised his hand.
“Yes, Master Henry?”
“Do you prefer men or women?”
The entire group erupted into laughter as the hand-picked talents acted like a bunch of rowdy monkeys.
“Now, now, simmer down children. We don’t want to insult the prestige of our great benefactors, do we?”
Her so-called great benefactor looks like he’s dying to know the answer to that question more than anyone. The little guy was sweating waterfalls.
“Come on, Ms. Anne! Tell us! Tell us!”
Another girl asked with expectations in her eyes.
Eventually when the entire group pressured her enough, the Devil uncharacteristically yielded.
“This lowly one doesn’t dare to fall in love with anyone. However…”
Yes? Yes?
However, what!?
“If I have to choose…”
Come on!
Say it!
Ahhhh!! Just give a straight answer already, mom!!!
“…I’m fine with anyone who’ll have me.”
And with that answer, chaos ensued.
Utter Bedlam.
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