《Alphas & Omegas [Dropped]》Chapter 9- The Scar
Note to the reader: *.......* means he's saying that in his head.
Chapter 9
*********18 Years Ago/Tony POV********
I'm graduated from Crehon High today. My name is Tony an 18 year old and I have two loving parents, but no siblings. I'm about six foot three with a slender athletic build and short black hair.
The graduation ceremony ended a few hours ago and now my pair and I are headed to a base located just outside of Atlantis. The whole world isn't at peace like Atlantis so every omega is sent to serve in the army once they graduate. Your skill determines the length of your tour.
I'm paired with Grace. She's a childhood friend of mine so we've always been together. The two of us are like siblings, but I'm told that a pair is usually close especially after their tour of duty. Graces abilities make her nimble like a cat along with a better reaction time and increased senses. Her finger nails are stronger then a normal persons so she can use them to fight with, but she carries two short swords that she mostly uses.
I fight with a sword and I've been learning martial arts since I was young. My power is regeneration and I've been told it's the most powerful version ever seen. I can regrow limbs in a few minutes, but it couldn't be tested to its fullest since I might actually die. My head has never been cut off or destroyed.
Grace is clinging to me while we sit in the back of a military vehicle surrounded by other students who just graduated.
Grace:"Do you think we'll be alright?"
Tony:"Of course we will. If a mission gets to difficult we can always retreat using me as a shield."
Grace hated seeing me experiment with my ability. I even stabbed myself in the heart and cut my throat once. She probably wasn't very happy that I offered to use myself as a shield, but I was confident in my ability. I was told that my ability isn't exactly regeneration. It was closer to turning back time and restoring my body to what it was a few minutes ago. The vehicle stopped and the students started getting out. We were at a military base that's used to organize the graduation students before shipping them out.
Alex:"Hey! Tony! Grace!"
A boy came running up to us. He had brown hair that came down past his eyes. He's a few inches shorter then me and he doesn't look very strong. Grace and I met him at school five years ago and we all became friends. I think he has a crush on Grace, but she doesn't seem to realize it.
Tony:"You beat us here."
Alex:"Yeah. I was waiting for the two of you."
Alex is a very special omega that was born with a very rare power. He can cancel out other people's abilities. He decided to carry two short swords just like Grace and if he smears his blood on them then they can cut through any omegas ability. I got him to cut my hand and it didn't heal. I hated how painful it was to have a cut until it naturally heals. It was something I had never felt before, but it was interesting to know my power had a weakness.
Alex:"We have to stand in that line to receive our uniforms."
Grace:"Lets go."
Grace pulled me by my sleeve over to the line and Alex stood behind us. He was a little jealous because Grace and I were close, but I told him that we have no romantic feelings for each other. I do love Grace, but it's a familial love that a person would have for his little sister. Grace is about five foot ten with a small bust and red hair.
We stood in line for what felt like years before finally receiving our uniforms then we were assign to a tent. We were told that this will be our home for two weeks. Each tent had two pairs in them which lucky for me the pair Grace and I got to share with were both girls.
The next two weeks were spent learning about the types of missions we'll be going on and how we would work together. We also learned about the military hierarchy. It turns out things weren't quite as peaceful between omegas as we thought. All the current cities that the omegas have built were like different kingdoms. The supreme is seen as the ruler like a king and the people in charge of running other cities are like his vassals, but some decided they wanted to be king so they split off. They still believe in omega supremacy, but that their leader should be the supreme.
The leading faction is the supreme of Atlantis, but a new supreme has appeared who has a large backing. They provided aid to the rebels under the agreement that their cities won't be attacked. This aid has allowed the rebels to solidify their army and increase their war potential. This supreme is known as The Omega King and friend of the rebels.
It was now our last day here before being sent off to different places for missions. All the recently graduated students were gathered for one final test.
Instructor:"Bring them out!"
We all turned to look as people began to pour out of a row of military vehicles. They all had their arms tied behind their backs and were force to line up in front of us.
Instructor:"These are captured rebels! I want each of you to pick one and take their life! Only kill one! We don't have enough for you to get kill happy!"
We were all stunned except for a few who seemed really happy. Those few immediately went up to the rebels and each killed one.
Instructor:"What are you waiting for! Get to it!"
The students ran to be the first one to pick. Most weren't excited to kill it's just that they didn't want to be forced to kill the women. Some of the students tried to run away and were killed by the instructors which prompted the others to make the kill. I felt sorry for them, but they were rebel soldiers and I wanted to live. Grace couldn't bring herself to do it so I checked to make sure no one was watching and used one of her short swords to kill one then gave it back. Everyone stayed quiet as we were being transported except for the few who enjoyed it.
Alex's pair was one of the students who died so a group was formed of omegas who lost their pair. They were now a team and the number in their group increased after every mission. After a year Grace and I were given an escort mission that was close to rebel territory. We had something to deliver, but we had no idea what it was. I was driving while Grace sat next to me. Four more vehicles were assigned to help us escort whatever was in the back of this vehicle.
Grace:"I wish our tour would hurry up and end. I'm tired of all this killing."
Tony:"The alphas have it worse. We can always find safety in our cities, but their stuck either fighting or being slaves."
Grace:"I don't understand why we're enemies. We're all human."
Tony:"Humans fight each other for many reasons. We are a violent race."
Grace sighed and glanced out the window.
Grace:"Tony stop th...!"
Something crashed into the side of our vehicle causing us to flip over. I unfastened my belt and climbed on top of Grace to shield her. When the car stopped rolling I had many broken bones, but my body was back to normal after a minute. Grace only had minor cuts. We climbed out of the vehicle and saw a group headed our way. One of them seemed to be firing air bullets at us which was what probably flipped our vehicle.
The one of the other vehicles flipped, but the rest were fine. The group coming at us broke up into sets of two and headed to each vehicle. Grace and I were shocked because we knew this group. It was Alex's group of omegas without a pair. Alex was the one that came to our vehicle. The air bullet guy was with him, but he circled around to the back of the vehicle.
Tony:"What's going on Alex!"
Alex:"I'm sorry Tony, but that's classified!"
Tony:"You're after what were carrying aren't you!"
Alex:"It's classified!"
Alex was holding his short swords with his blood smeared on them.
Tony:"You planning to kill me!"
Alex lunged at me, but Grace jumped in the way and blocked both of his blades.
Grace:"I'll kill you!"
They started a back and forth of slashing, dodging and parrying. I could tell Alex was winning so I had to help. He cut Grace many times which reduced her speed, but I could tell he was avoiding her vitals. I was surprised at how good he was since last time he fought her she would always win. I drew my sword and jumped into the fight. I knocked one of his short swords away and gained the upper hand, but he soon adjusted to using one and started overpowering me.
Out of the corner of my vision I saw the air bullet guy fire a shot at Grace which she didn't notice. I jumped at her which opened up my defense, and Alex made a long gash under my ribs on my left side. I was able to cover Grace and the air bullet landed right in front of us making the ground explode which sent the two of us flying.
Air Bullet Guy:"We got it Alex lets go."
Alex picked up his other short sword and followed as his group left. I was holding Grace in my arms as we flew through the air and I had one thought on my mind.
*That cut is gonna leave a major scar.*
I didn't think that for very long since I landed on my head and pieces of my brain went flying in every direction.
*****************Grace POV****************
When I woke up I could feel pain all over my body and tasted blood in my mouth. I was barely able to lift my head and what I saw was Tony without a head. I waited, but nothing happened. He wasn't healing. I was still being held by him. I couldn't move so I just cried into his chest for what felt like hours. I fell asleep a some point and woke up to someone carrying me princess style. I didn't know who he was, but his black hair reminded me of Tony so I went back to sleep.
The next time I woke up I was in a house. I was hurting all over and couldn't move so I laid there. The man with black hair entered the room with a cup and walked over to me.
Man:"You need to drink something so I'm gonna sit you up."
I didn't respond. I only felt like crying. He placed his hand on the back of my neck to support it as he raised me up and brought the glass to my mouth. The water tasted really good which made me realize how thirsty I was so I gulped it down. I choked a little on it and when I was done he gently placed my head back down.
Grace:"What happened to Tony?"
Man:"I don't know who Tony is, but you were the only one alive when I found you. I don't know what happened, but I can guess you were attacked by an omega. There were craters around were we found you. They must have been made by one of those bastards."
I could see the anger in his eyes. The craters were created by air bullet guy every time he used his power. He would push the ground down where he was standing and a hole would be left wherever his bullets hit.
Grace:"I need to go."
I tried to pull myself up, but he pushed me back down.
Man:"Not right now. You're in bad shape."
Grace:"I have to."
Man:"You can't do anything until you get better."
The man was easily overpowering me since I was so injured. I gave up and laid back down. He continued to take care of me and talked with me until my injuries healed. I felt very alone with Tony dead so I enjoyed his company. He was such a gentle man and I always remembered Tony when I looked at his hair. He made me feel safe, comfortable and I was able to deal with my grief with his help. He told me his name was Oscar. I didn't tell him I was an omega since I was afraid he might attack me, but as time went on I felt that he was trustworthy. I started to fall for him so u didn't want to lie anymore. When I told him he was angry and yelled then threw me out.
I felt so lonely and decided to go back to where Tony died. The place was already cleaned up so the bodies were gone. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I thought that I might have been projecting Tony onto Oscar which was why I wanted to be with him. I wasn't sure if I really loved Oscar or the fact that he reminded me of Tony.
I turned around and saw Oscar was behind me. He dropped to his knees and started apologizing over and over again. I felt happy, but I realized my true feeling were for Tony. I was really in love with a dead man. I accepted Oscars apology and went back with him. I didn't have anything else left so a new life was what I decided on. I became apart of the rebels with Oscar and I gave birth to two children. My first was a girl who inherited my hair color and was an omega like me. My second was a boy who had black hair and was an alpha.
We raised them to care for both alphas and omegas. My daughter wanted to join the rebels for a long time and when she turned 15 her first mission was given to her. My son was very smart and was recruited by the rebels when he turned 14. He was sent to the 'Base' which made me happy since it was the safest part of the rebels. They did the planning and organizing for the rebels. My daughter wasn't able to hear about his promotion since she was on a mission. She was sent to Atlantis to establish contact with someone. She was excited to visit my birthplace which made me happy and also forced me to remember Tony.
I told Oscar the truth a few years ago. He accepted that I was in love with another man since the other man was already dead. It did cause a little distance to form between us, but I knew it would hurt him. The 'Base' decided to launch a major attack on Atlantis so all of the omegas helping the rebels have been gathered. We will infiltrate the city and prepare for the attack while the alphas set things up outside of the city. I was happy that I'd get to see my daughter soon, but my happiness was shattered during the travel to Atlantis.
Oscar was killed in a skirmish with omega soldiers. I felt that loneliness creeping up on me again, but I surprisingly didn't cry when I got the news. I wanted to see my daughter more than ever now. I hoped that Aprils presence would help me fight off the loneliness. We finally made it to Atlantis and began our mission. I decided to visit April as soon as possible so I made my way to the new citizen registry. Anyone who moves to Atlantis has to add themselves to this registry including all of the rebel spy's.
I knew what fake name she was using so I easily tracked her down. I was a little angry she was so careless and only used a fake last name. I found out she started school today and I wanted to see Crehon High so I decided to meet her after school.
*****************Cyrus POV****************
I usually slept in a white t-shirt and pajama pants so when I woke up I headed straight to the closet to put my school uniform on. Before I had a chance to change there was a knock at my door.
Knock knock knock
I made my way to the door and opened it.
Lisa:"Shadow showed up again last night."
Lisa, Mia and Vincent entered my apartment and went straight to the living room. They all had their school uniform on.
Mia:"He killed Mr. Kelly!"
Cyrus:"I thought he was leaving the city last night?"
Vincent:"Last night his escort was attacked and wiped out by Shadow."
Cyrus:"So shadow killed the only person to ever see him in person. Do we know why Mr. Kelly was one of his targets."
Mia:"Cyrus get dressed so we can get to school. I want to find shadow!"
Cyrus:"Alright. Give me a few minutes."
I went back to my bedroom and removed my shirt then grabbed the long sleeve button up that's part of our uniform. Before I could put it on Lisa entered the room.
Lisa:"I need to give you something."
I was standing there shirtless, but she didn't seem to care. She passed me a pen.
Lisa:"Put it in your coats breast pocket. It's a camera."
I took the pen and waited for her to leave, but she just stood there.
Cyrus:"I need to change."
Lisa:"How'd you get that."
She pointed towards me.
Cyrus:"Get what?"
Lisa:"That scar on your left side under your ribs. It looks like it was made by a blade."
I hesitated for a minute.
Cyrus:"It was. Before I moved to Atlantis I got into a serious fight and was left with this scar."
Cyrus:"Could you please leave so I can change?"
She closed the door on her way out. I finished getting dressed and went to school with them. Today we'll start our search for shadow.Back to Main Page
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