《Dragonscale Online Book One: Gilded Dragon Slayer #6》DragonScale Online Lore By GM Thalminous Stout


Humans were very scarce on what was simply called "The Rock." The lands were ruled by trolls, goblins, and other magnificent creatures. Then a man and his family came through a mystic portal. He walked through, and went to live in, the only human town in existence. It was known as Landalof

He brought with him many things from his world: sticks that shot out light, small weapons that spat out projectiles, and more importantly, a large collection of bones. You see the man and his family were actually archaeologists from another world. The man and his family soon found out that humans didn’t have the best life on The Rock. It is said that he found a creature, known as the ancient one, that told him about a source of power located on The Rock that could change the tides of war. The man found the stone, which was actually a collection of dozen other stones, and took it back to the ancient one.

The ancient one told him that he should fill a cauldron up with water, boil it, and then drop any ingredients of power he wanted into it. Afterwards, anyone that the man wanted to share his power with would have to take one of the stones and thrust their fist deep into the burning cauldron. At first the man was shocked and refused to proceed, but he assembled the supplies and got ready following a brutal attack on the town.

He added the bones of a large dinosaur, wings from a pterodactyl, the strongest steel he could find, and lastly, the darkest stone of the collection. He threw it all in, let it boil, and then thrust his hand into the boiling cauldron.

He ripped his hand from the vat and gooey black plasma resumed the life his hand had been living. He screamed in agony and fell to the ground. The darkness creeped over his entire body until it was done.


The first dragon was born. Then more came. The man’s wife, daughter, and three brothers. They each took a stone and plunged their fists into the cauldron, They established a magical border that would protect the people from unwanted violence.

Things were great. Dragons rocketed into the world in abundance

The original dragons were each able to take on a human form, so they became the kings and queens of their new settlements. The mother and father spent some time as royalty of Landalof, but arguments ensued, causing them to split apart and start their own towns as their children did. The mother went north and the father went south.

From then on, all royals were to be given a dragon companion at birth. Monsters no longer stood a chance against the humans. It really was great, but then what was known as the Dragon Wars began.

All non gifted humans were put in harm’s way, for dragons could break the rules of the border due to the fact that their magic and blood established it.

That was when a great knight went through the laborious task of constructing and empowering a weapon in order to take on the original dragons. He then overcame the six dragons, trapping their souls within the blade.

Since then, everything has been great. The lands are now called Dragaria

and other humans from another world known as adventurers come to prove themselves and live a new life. The monsters pose a bigger threat now that the original dragons are gone, but the powers the scales of their descendants allow the adventures to push back the monsters with ease.

Now, you know the history of the land. Go forth, discover yourself, and most importantly, defend the innocent people of Dragaria. Go on! I believe in you!

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