《Dragonscale Online Book One: Gilded Dragon Slayer #6》Progress Updates


Hello everyone! This will just be a quick blurb about what's going on with this piece. I"m assuming I'll go back and put in edits instead of crowding the piece with updates. I love writing but have never really finished an entire book for and I'd like to, which is part of the reason why I decided to post to this site. Most recently, I worked on two would be novels, both having video game elements, but only made it to about 10-15 thousand words each. I have been scratching my head the last week, truly trying to come up with something I'd want to read, I could see myself playing, and in general something that I could be proud of. I went through three different outlines and kept ruining it for myself. I sat down a couple days and ago and just started writing and it's actually been pretty great. Anyways, this is going to be a learning experience for me, so I'd appreciate any feedback. I intend to finish the book and look forward to being able to fix it in any way I can. That being said, it is a work in progress and subjected to, no required to, change. So thank you!

1/9 at 2:05 AM: Hi guys! I completed a writing prompt for fun and ended up deciding to use it as the new first chapter. I topped it off and moved a bit from what will now be the second chapter. That puts us at 7k words and three chapters. Thanks! Tomorrow, all the three chapters should be posted while I work on the next couple chapters. I'm shooting for one-two a day. Some days will be more and some will be less, but I will keep posting regularly and updating this post to showcase my progress. Thanks!


1/9 at 6:22 PM: Hey! I realized you can add author's comments to the actual chapters so I'll be doing that, but I'll still add in some updates here! I wrote a new chapter one and moved what was chapter one to chapter two. Chapter three is done but I haven't thoroughly edited it yet. Chapter four only has about 1,500 words, but I'll be finishing that soon. Oh! I almost forgot. The name was changed from Dragonscape to Dragonscale and the sword Golden Dragon Slayer # 9 was changed to Gilded Dragon Slayer #6. Lastly, I removed litrpg as a category and added in adventure, though I did add VR as a subcategory. I figured "online" is a good hint it is litrpg. Thanks! If you like or don't like those changes please let me know! I will appreciate any feedback. If you rate me, and end up rating me poorly, please let me know why so I can improve. I'd also appreciate to know why you gave me a good rating if you have the time. Thanks!

1/10 at 12:19 AM: What's up guys! I finished chapter four and spent a great deal of time writing down background information about the setting, characters and all that other good stuff. We are sitting at 9,000 words now which is a start. I know it isn't exactly about the word count. but I do well like it is at least a way of measuring progress. Thanks guys! Have a good night. Tomorrow there's gonna be a scandal in the town, I'll tell you that.

1/12 at 11:30 AM: Hey guys! sorry it has been a couple days. I'm currently on chapter six, putting us at about 13k words. I originally planned on trying to make this a long one, but now I'm currently thinking it will be anout 70-80k words, we will see as the story continues to unfold. The plan is to shoot for two and a half chapters today and then tomorrow to do soe serious editing so I can post more for you.


1/30 at 12:53 PM. I'm so sorry for dissapearing guys! I kept going and without an outline I realized how insecure I felt about posting my chapters. It is shorter than I imagined, sitting around 60k words, but I plan to edit it until I feel comfortable to post it here. Thank you!

2/26 at 4:45 PM. Hey guys! Sorry again for how long it took me. I've been back to school and yadda, yadda, other excuses. I just put up a temporary cover and the first half of the book. Any constructive criticism and other feedback would be great seeing how this is the furthest I've ever gone with a project. I don't have any actual plans for publishing, but if I do I will be hiring an editor. I'm mostly just curious what you think and all that because I want to keep writing and get better and better! Enjoy!

2/27: Hey guys. If you are gonna leave a two star rating or lower without continuing with the story can you at least give me some helpful feedback? For someone who is just starting out this kind of stuff is rather detering. If that's what you aim to do then I guess that's alright, but helpful criticism would be cool instead of empty downvotes. Thanks! I plan to kepe writing!

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