《The BLOODLANDS》Book one, Chapter Five - Morning After


Most of the population can not read or write, math is one of the few things everyone learns, but most could not count very high.

Height is usually by the width of a human hand which can vary depending on a person. Distance is measured by the foot length of a village elder, or it can be base upon the highest-ranking person in the area like a mayor, or a lord. A rod or pole is used to measure a distance, which is about five and a half yards or sixteen and a half feet. A chain is four poles. A mile is three hundred and twenty poles. A furlong is forty rods long and one chain wide, which is the area of an acre of land. Most lengths are measured by the stride of a man or how long the distance is by walking. Most will tell you it will take as long as a mark or two to travel to so and so place. A mark is about how long a candle burns per hour.

Book of all Things

Morning of Day of Everlast in the Month of Seed

Sunny, Cool air. Winds Breezy from the Southwest

The sound of birds awoken him, David stood up looking puzzled at finding himself outside the hut next to the wagon. Staring around, he spotted the old hut that seems to be in ruins, its roof long since fell in many years ago. No sign of pigs was in the grass clog pen with only its fallen fence laying around on the ground all rotted through. The pole barn long since been a heap of rotting wood long ago.

The old Fryer could be heard walking up from below with where the sound of a spring gurgling from the ground could be heard. “Captain! Look like we don't need the healer after all. The boy fever has ended sometimes in the night. I told you some leeches and blooding to rid the boy of its evil toxin is all that is needed.” He smiles while walking up to him, “I am glad the nonsense of having a witch to heal the boy was nothing but a rumor. Now we can get on with getting this boy to his land so that he may claim all that he deserves!”

David's hands were clenching as he turns back to the wagon and seeing the girl standing by the wagon with her eyes wide with surprise as she stares at her wrist where there use to be scars. Seeing David staring at her wrist, she looks scared before covering them up, before the Fryer could know that they were healed. Apparently, the witch alters some of the men minds to forget about what happened last night. She could have done the same with him and the girl. Staring down at his right hand where the witch cut his hand for blood, seeing no cut or scar. Maybe he dreams all this, and the boy recovers on his own. Well, first he needs to see if the boy is well and not taking the words of a rambling of a fool.


David strolls over and looks into the wagon seeing the boy sleeping but was looking more healthy, and some color seems to have returned to his face. Hearing a noise next to him, he turn and look down at the young woman that was looking nervous, waiting for him to move so she can climb back into the wagon to care for the boy. He was staring into her bright blue eye, and the hood of the robe was off her head revealing a shaven head her skin is pale white with a few freckles across her small nose. She twists her head around, trying to find the Fryer.

“She heals everyone, except for the fryer.” She whispers before pulling herself up into the wagon.

He grabs her hand, stopping her from climbing into the back of the wagon. David leans closer to her as the smell the herbs, sweat and weeks of travel upon her. He is thinking about how bad he must smell after not bathing the last month. Shaking his head to clear the thought of smells from his mind, he stares at her tries to guess her age, thinking that it had to be between sixteen to eighteen winters.

“Last night was not a dream?” Whispering to her.

“No, my lord. She has a message for you. 'Beware of the Fryer'.” hearing the noise of someone coming she pulled herself up into the wagon as one of the men walk around the corner of the wagon.

“Captain! I see you are up.” his friend said while munching on some meat, holding another piece of meat on a sharpened stick that he was handing toward him.

“Thanks, Jason, I see you been cooking, I'm surprised it not charbroil.” taking a bite of the horse meat.

Shaking his head no, “Didn't cook it, I figure the girl did. Everyone was sleeping, and no one seems to know who was on guard duty. Surprise you didn't hear me yelling at all of the men sleeping. No tracks of anything into the camp other than that strange totem and the abandoned farm not much is here. There is a small spring that been dam up down that away I got some of the men cleaning up their gear and themselves.”

“Rotate the men and keep an eye out. I want you to stand guard over our Sister.” Searching his memory for the girl name. Chastising himself for not getting to know her more other than calling her Sister. “Jason, you would not happen to know the Sister's name?”


Grinning back at him, “Sister Samantha White, you mean?” laughing at his friend. David never was one to remember the names of people that he doesn't see as a threat. But if you do, then he would never forget who you are or what you did.

“Yeah, her keep an eye on her for her safety. I no longer trust the Fryer, and I saw some abuse.” Narrowing his eyes as he watches the Fryer talk to a few of his men. “Keep an eye out on any of the men getting too friendly with him, and I want to know.”

Jason nods his head and peeks into the wagon, “Sister White, get some of your gear, I mean your clothes and I will have someone escort you to the spring so you can bathe and wash your clothes!”

The woman peers out at both of them looking frightened, “I'm not allowed to go with anyone without the Fryer escorting me.” Looking up as the sound of the Fryer huffing and puffing as he races over to them.

“Captain! I have to insist that none of your men be allowed around the Sister! She is of the Temple and can not be alone with these, these barbarians!” He sputters as he nearly slips in the mud.

“You can go if you want to keep watch so she can keep her virtues protected. Jason was telling me that he thinks there might be another Horror in the area and could use another man like you to protect everyone around the spring.”

“Horror you say, in the area?” his eyes darting around in fear, “I think the Sister virtue would be safe, someone needs to watch over the young lord.” Pushing his way past the captain and climb up into the wagon with a few attempts as he was slipping as he tries to climb. Captain Hendrik turn to keep from laughing as Jason pretends to clean his boots to keep from busting out.

After getting into the wagon, he handed down to the Sister a bag of clothing and some lye soap. “Be sure to get the undergarment clean I will inspect each piece of my clothing.”

Jason helps her carry a load of laundry down to the spring. David turns back to the hut and walks over to a totem that was nearby it. The totem is of an eagle head with a beak and wings. Carve down the wood was the body and claws of an eagle. Carve into the wood is runes of protection he had seen a few of these but bigger that protect small villages. Finding one is rare. From the size of it about ten hands in height, this totem would protect about forty rods in a radius around it. Or four acres of land. Unfortunate if Fryer Roberts find it he could try to destroy it, The Temple of the Three declare totems to be a creation of evil. Only the Goddess and their flock can create them to protect an area from the Horrors. Reaching out to touch the pole, he can feel the thrum of power within.

Muttering under his breath, “Good, this totem should last until the third moonrise which will be in about a month.” talking to himself. A Witch or woman that has powers and can call upon the Goddess could recharge the totem. Looking toward the direction of the spring, then looking around, he pulls a few limbs off the collapsed hut and covers the totem. Going to need to pull it up and take it with them, Temple or not, this is the Bloodlands.

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