《The BLOODLANDS》Book one, Chapter Four - The Hag


The Three Hags Goddesses of Kal'la are Lorna, Delti, and Neesa. The Hag of the Woods is Lorna for she considers herself the protector of the forest and all creatures that inhabit them. Delti is the Hag of the Sea, and the Bringer of Rain is the most unforgiving of all three goddesses for the death of her husband Hasa The Land Bringer. Neesa is the most fear of all the Hags she is Death and the Rider of Nightmare. The Hags are contained within The Bloodlands by the Three, and no one knows why the Three did not kill them for only the gods know what is in the mind of a god.

The Hags of the Bloodlands by Fryer Tharis

Earth some time ago.

Henry Walker Walbash was a boring middle-aged, overweight librarian that had several degrees under his belt. Never one to have travel far from home but always living his life through the books that he had read in the library since he was a child. Through his mind, he had traveled the world and crossing both time and space. As he grew older, he began to adsorb all the books he could find, which made him a boon for researchers to seek him out. They would pick his brain on what books to find for their research papers or books. His degrees in history of Europe and Asia during middle ages allow him to teach at the university nearby which would enable him access to rare books that delighted him to no end. He always had the chance to go to some of the historical sites around the world but still the fear of traveling kept him at home. Until the day all the fast food and lack of exercise fail him. It took its toll, a toll he paid with his life halfway between the library and the university that he was so proud to have been a teacher. He died from a massive heart attack alone on the sidewalk surrounded by strangers. At the age of fifty-four, Henry Walker Walbash was taking the final journey that we all must take one day.



Awaken to the blinding light at first he thought he was in a hospital only to see an old woman with gray unwashed stringy hair staring down at him one eye white and one eye red before it turns white too. Her face is wrinkle and covers with age spots and her breath, oh god it could kill a maggot. The stench of her and the place assaulted his nostril, causing him to feel nauseous. The fact that he could not move other than his eyes terrified him more than anything. The thought of a possible stroke that may have put him in a nursing home or mental ward may explain why he could not move, and the hallucination of this woman.

Patting him on the right cheek, “Your not dreaming or crazy yet, sweety!” she laughs actually no she crackles like one of Shakespeare's hags. “You have died on whatever world you were from and was drawn here because there was a need for you. You get a second chance that very few ever get, so make good use of it! The boy's body that you inhabit died of the plague, he refuses to come back to this body because he lost the girl of his dreams to a cousin. Foolish boy.” Hocking up spit and spitting on the floor. His limited to only gazing at the ceiling, seeing only dirt, grass and sticks on the roof, thinking that it reminds him of images of thatch and sod roof in the early middle ages. Feeling a sting on his face as the woman slaps him again, “Focus boy, I'm imparting the wisdom that might keep you and those around you alive. You are in a young lordling body exile hundreds of miles into the Bloodlands, a place that is full of robber barons, brigand, horrors, and death. You can learn more of that later if you live. I will be putting you into a deep sleep so that you will dream of this boy's life and his troubles and joys. Learn from it, and if you have to just pretend that you have memory loss due to surviving the plague. For if the Temple of the Three ever finds out that you are not the true soul within this body. They will burn you and all those around you at the stake. Remember that boy! Your life and those around you depend on you being alive."


"I check your aura, didn't want to bring something dark and evil across.” Spitting on the floor again, “Innocent and virgin! You going to need to grow up boy, you will have people lives in your hands, and your innocent, sweetness is going to get people killed! You are so sweet and innocent. Ha! I give you three month to live at least. Goddesses know why they wanted you to be summoned to this body. Sleep now when you awake, you will be able to understand the languages this body know and his memories what little use it gave him. He sure doesn't need them now!” she cackles as his eyes close.

Rebekah turns and stares at the sleeping captain and the young girl on the floor. Shaking her head in wonder of the Goddesses choices of champions they chose for their cause in this land, Like so many times before it will go down in failure. She shakes her head, hoping that this batch would be the one. But she thought as she turns back to the boy, this one has knowledge that could give the goddesses the edge they needed. The girl is untrained in the arts of healing, although limited by the branding the Temple of the Three gave her, she still kept the boy alive. Now the captain is a pleasant surprise never batted an eye over her being a witch. Staring at him, she touches his forehead sensing haunting dreams of those he killed and of those under him that would never return, always seeking something or someone to follow, never realizing that those that follow him would die again for him. A good man to guard the lad's back may be the goddess might have picked them right for once. Her eyes narrow as she turned toward the noises of that yowling that the fryer is making. If she were allowed to, she would kill the bastard but alas she can not at least by her hands looking over at the boy. Best to go about getting everyone put to rest until morning, she has way too much to do before the sun rises in the morn. A new witch to teach, memories to wipe, and maybe if she has time a fat fryer to harass in his dreams, it been a long time since she rode a nightmare.

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