《The Sword God and the Eight Swords》Chapter 6 - Lady Vashjana


Sounds of rumblings of the thunder and looming dark clouds that flashes golden lightning appeared before the trio.

Such phenomenon was led by a woman, a slithering woman. Her name was Lady Vashjana, one of the princesses of the naga race. She wields her well-known two kris swords named Kalis. The two swords were identical with its shape and its distinctive blade-patterning but the embedded glyphs on each swords were different.

The first sword named Kris Mlumah and was embedded by two glyphs. The first one was a two triangular shape while two dots was on each side of the triangle. The triangular forms were stacked together, one on the top and one on the bottom. It symbolizes luck and tranquility.

The second sword named Kris Miring and also embedded by two glyphs. Symbolizing glory and honor. The first glyph has the shape of a letter ‘p’ but the curve was pointy. The second glyph was a bit complicated, appearing an intricate outline for an ‘X’ but the left sloping diagonal line was curving and at the tip of it was formed like a devil’s tail. Then, it was stacked by a three horizontal line at the center, the upper and the lower horizontal lines were a bit curved facing the middle horizontal line.

These two powerful swords were already powerful, but her weapon was not just that. She also wields other two weapons, the Twin Naginata of the Black Seas. The two Naginatas were made up of a thousand year old black pearl that could only be found in the deep black sea. The reflecting inky aura and glinting bluish light were powerful water and dark energy combination.

She was leading her race to head to the trio’s location. The nagas with varying build and weapons quietly followed her wake with killing intent would flash on their vicious and shark-like eyes. The stifling atmosphere that the trio felt was amplified as the dark clouds veil the wide river with darkness, thunder rumbled shaking the calm waters that leapt towards the skies as if it answering the thunder’s call, but the lightning crackled faster than the thunder rumbled smashing and crashing into the surface of the calm waters in the river. Rippling in waves that splashes. But the most suffocating feeling was not the weather, but the person who did it. Lady Vashjana.

Right now, the trio were only a kilometer away from the river bank. But that distance couldn’t be traversed in an instant. The couple were frantically thinking some other ways and alternatives on how they could solve this problem that suddenly cropped up. Feeling an impasse in this situation. Suddenly, Jian Shen said in decisive manner, making the face of the two to be blank then paled.

‘You two. You go first, I’ll intercept them and will hold as long as I could.’

“No way! Even-…“ But before Sikong Yi could put his stance on Jian Shen’s decision he was interrupted midway, by Jian Shen himself.

‘Don’t worry, I will not put myself into trouble as I have many things to do in this timeline.’ Jian Shen then patted Sikong Yi’s shoulder whose eyes were already turned bloodshot. Xiao Lin on a distance was also already teary how passionate and generous their great benefactor was.

Still saddened by Jian Shen’s decision, Sikong Yi could only wipe his tears and hurriedly turned around.


“Lin’er let’s go.” His voice was shaking slightly.

Though their meetings of Jian Shen were short, but he thinks of him as his brother already. They were also saved once but now they were once again saved for a second time. He and his lover knew that they couldn’t repay it even with their lives. It’s hard to find such person, true and have a kind-heart.

Xiao Lin stole a glimpse of their benefactor before reluctantly leave. Suddenly when the couple took some distance away from Jian Shen’s location. Sikong Yi halted his steps and suddenly shouted that could chop nails and sever iron.

“This kindness you have given to us could not be repaid even with our lives, but, we will not forget this kindness even after the second life!” With that, Sikong Yi beckoned Xiao Lin to hurriedly leave the place while trying not to turn their heads.

‘This silly guy…’ Jian Shen couldn’t helped but grin on Sikong Yi’s oath before turning his attention to the group of nagas lead by Lady Vashjana that were nearing his location.

Taking a deep breath, he thought.

‘It’s been a while since I killed a group of nagas.’

He then stretched his body as if he was preparing for a race, but he was not. A fight would broke out from now one and it was fast approaching.

‘But, it’s a bit troublesome if my clothes would turned into a rag. Sikong Yi was not on my side anymore. Sigh, how troublesome.’

Thinking how troublesome it is, ruining his clothes by fighting the naga race. While he was frowning and troubled on his clothes. Lady Vashjana who was already a five hundred meters away from him smirked when she saw the person unafraid of her and her company’s momentum. She saw many humans that acts like this, acting as if they were not afraid but in truth they were afraid that they might die because of fear. Thus, she throttled her pace in a swift manner, slithering like a fish in the water, she dove underwater and her company also dove into the water.

‘Cheap tricks.’ When Jian Shen saw their move, he could only shake and comment in a casual manner.

With a proper stance, knees bended forward, arms bent forwards on each side. Hands were clutched tightly, a colorless mirage energy slowly gathers around his body. Then it concentrated around his shoulders before it slowly moved and surrounded his two hands.

With a span of two seconds, shadows of the nagas were clear on the waters of the river but the most distinct was Lady Vashjana’s silhouette. The distance of the opposing parties were only tens of meters away!

Thinking that the energy he gathered was enough. He took a step forwards using his left foot and placing his left arms with an open palm forward. Still clenching his right-hand, he quickly moved and placed his hands in a hammer-way to his left hand’s palm before pulling it towards his shoulder sliding on the cloth of his clothes, revealing his average yet muscular muscles on his left hand. The clenching right-hand continuously traveled to his collar bone until he pulled it behind his back. His action was as fast as someone would take a step once.

‘Humph!’ With a snort he punched right hand with his full strength and might!


His action was timely when the nagas emerged from the water pointing their weapons on his body, if one of the weapon would hit him. He will be dead for sure. Behind him, a mixture of bluish, inky, and white light manifested with an imagery of a naga queen behind it. This attack was precisely from the one of the princesses of the nagas, Lady Vashjana!. With a combination of such attack, it was deadly for Jian Shen to let it hit him.

When he punched his hand forward, the trajectory of his attack was not to those flying trident or swords. Nor to the sneak attack behind him. Instead he pointed it to his feet.

With a loud resounding like a clap of thunder rumbled in the area, the ears of the nagas bleed in an instant! But it was just the precursor of the coming devastating attack.

After that, the rippling water on his feet caved in and he was instantly lead to the wet soil of the river standing there just like he was standing above the water. The water? They flew to the sky as if they were frightened by that powerful attack! The looming dark clouds, the rumbling of the thunder and the crackles of the lightning were gone. The dark clouds was pierced by something like a large spear creating a large hole revealing the clear blue skies and a glimpse of sparkling stars. A hundred fold of shockwaves blasted in circular fashion quaking the earth, crashing the water and blowing all the nagas into dust creating a circular massive tsunami that turned out to be a water mushroom that even the couple could see from afar.

When Sikong Yi and Xiao Lin heard the muffled sound of the splashing of the waters, crashing of the stones and quaking of the ground, they hurriedly turned to Jian Shen’s location.

“NO! BENEFACTOR JIAN SHEN!” The couple at the same time shouted, aggrieved. Thinking that their benefactor was already dead.

Before the explosion happened, for some unknown technique they used. The distance from the river bank was decreased for a hundred meters. When they heard and felt the eruption, Xiao Lin was already started climbing on the cliff of the river bank.

Sikong Yi wanted to let his tears burst free from shock and sadness of losing another comrade, friend, and a brother but when he saw the fast approaching massive tsunami that came crashing down to them. He couldn’t help but skipped it and swallowed a mouthful of saliva while grabbing Xiao Lin’s hand then flew away from the edge of the river bank in a flustered manner as if their life was on the line. But it seems his life was really on the line.

The massive tsunami that rolls on every surrounding were in utter destruction. The vegetation, the rocks, the creatures in the river and even the soil were banished and was flooded along the massive tsunami.

Instead of sadness filled Sikong Yi and Xiao Lin’s heart, it was instantly replaced by fear and anxiety of the approaching natural disaster behind them.

When the waters climbed the cliff of the river bank and passed by the forested area, same thing happens. After it passed in that area, not even a single grass were left behind, only a plowed wet ground of soil. The clear waters in the massive tsunami was now turbid and shadows of trees and any other things were mixed in side, some shadows collided on each other. The massive tsunami turns out to have a deep shade of green color and it was as heavy as it travels on land. Fortunately, its height started to decrease as it covered a distance of tens of meters.

Still shaking in fear and nervousness, Sikong Yi was frantically running while carrying Xiao Lin on his back. Xiao Lin also gathered her spiritual energy to her lover attempting to help him speed up their pace. Sweat tricked down on their faces in contrast to the cold and chilly atmosphere.

While the two were crazily running for their lives, the person who instigated all of these were standing still on the same place though with different situation. He was standing on a solid yet wet ground, deprived with any waters as if he casted something like Moses could do. Placing his hands on his back, looking at a certain direction. As if he was not the criminal of such devastation.

A distance away from him, was a slithering lady. The inky scales were odd, some of it still intact but most of it were gone. Ears were bleeding, clothes were shredded revealing something like four mountainous peaks. Her face was pale and was shaking in fear, her weapons were still on her hands albeit cracks were all over the body of those weapons. The corner of her mouth was still bleeding appearing that she was badly hurt.

“W-wh-who are you!?” Stuttering in fear Lady Vashjana said.

‘Who am I is not important, but what will you do to leave this place?’ Jian Shen squinted his scintillating scarlet eyes, probing her further.

When Lady Vashjana heard his question, she laughed manically.

‘What’s funny?’ he asked crossing his hands on his chest.

“You think I could escape? How could I leave this place with your almighty powers backing you?” Lade Vashjana angrily answered Jian Shen’s question.

‘Hmmm, you are right.’ Jian Shen agreed as he nods his head.

His eyes then roamed around her body as if he was checking something, but when his eyes goes further down to her lower body. Lady Vashjana couldn’t help but be reddened, starting from her neck to her collar bone unto her face.

“Wh-what place do you think you’re looking at!?” Feeling flustered all of a sudden she shouted.

Unfaze by her question, his gaze then started to go down further to her feet. Feet? Looking back again at the lower half of her body. The snake like tails were gone! But was replaced by a slender white like jade legs. Still, as if Jian Shen was a eunuch unaroused by the tempting view. Instead, he asked.

‘From the looks of things, you seemed to have reached the level where you could transform into a real human being with just a hundred years of age. Are you a royal descendant of Gonggong?’ Placing his right hand on his chin then he asked.

In return, when Lady Vashjana heard his question, her reddened face was aghast in an instant!

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