《The Sword God and the Eight Swords》Chapter 5 - Accidentally Entered


At a mountainous forest, south from the Deathcrier’s Nest. The trio were camping at some part of the forest. The dainty yet mischievous Xiao Lin was hopping and playing around the big boulders and trees. The stupid but loyal man Sikong Yi kept chasing his lover who was laughing merrily. The indifferent and the person who kept snorting when looking at those silly couple Jian Shen was sitting casually in front of a campfire. They stayed there until morning arrived.

Jian Shen wondered how could these two people easily brushed off their emotions in just one night. Their comrades died miserably but they were happy right now as if they don’t have any subordinate when they hunt those Deathcriers. Though Jian Shen was indifferent on some things, but he has high concern with regards on human-relationships. Thus, when the couple finished arranging the required materials of their quest. Jian Shen asked, in which, he instantly understood them with sympathy on his scintillating scarlet eyes.

Their answers were that in order to remove their saddened hearts, they tried to bury it with happiness and adventure. As a cultivator, many people a cultivator would met will come and go. Life and Death were common like clouds in the life of a cultivator. Treading the path of immortality was a lonely path, not everyone was a genius nor would a couple be together forever. But they both believed that there should be a mythical and powerful magical spell in some part of the world that could resurrect the dead. Making it as a driving force for the both of them to become more powerful. Wanting to resurrect their lost comrade, friends, and family. With such a conclusion inquired by Jian Shen, they uneventfully left the mountainous forest.

At the foot of the mountainous forest only took just half a day for them to traverse. In front of them was a wide river. The river spans about ten kilometers in width and on each sides were boundless that they could only see the horizon.

‘I didn’t think that there could be such a big river. This looks like a lake or an ocean to me’ Jian Shen said in surprise on how humungous this river in front of him.

“We think so too, benefactor.” Xiao Lin enthusiastically said.

“Let’s go.” Sikong Yi chimed in with a strange glint on his eyes.

When Jian Shen saw his odd expression, he could only shake his head. Feeling it a bit ridiculous for being over protective to his girl. Snorting, he said.


They trekked down the path and eventually arrived at the bank of the river. Jian Shen was fascinated on the scenic view while the couple were preparing something, they were pulling things out of their magical pouch.

Jian Shen could feel the whistling winds that touched his face, the sounds of the splashing waters that flows to the east. The tiny and playful fishes that would hop out of the river. The clear sky along with the sun that rises from the east which reflects boundless golden lights on every direction. Feeling the heat of the rays of the sun and the warmth of the nature, he couldn’t help but be amazed and dazzled by this spectacle.


“Uh, benefactor? Are you okay?” When Sikong Yi found that Jian Shen was in daze, he waved his hand in front of Jian Shen and asked him in wonder.

Waking up from his daze. Surprised by the big rough hands in front of him. He quickly and indifferently said.

‘I’m fine.’

“Ah, then let’s hop in!” When Sikong Yi heard his answer and found nothing odd, he beckoned his hands to his benefactor wanting him to let Jian Shen enter into the thing that they prepared.

Seeing his beckoning hands, he looked at the thing they were riding at. Surprise was apparent on his face that even Sikong Yi could see it.

Standing proudly, Sikong Yi said in a haughty manner.

“Impressive right? This is one of the best flying tool that a cultivator like us could use on traversing long distances.”

The flying tool that Sikong Yi was talking about was a big colorful balloon. The balloon was already flying above the couple and they were both standing on a square shaped basket that weaved by an unknown wood. Without those ropes that tied the balloon on the ground, it may have been taken off when it appeared. Without delaying any further, Jian Shen hopped in inside the basket.

With the trio already entered the basket. Sikong Yi pulled off the ropes that were embedded on the ground with force and the balloon took off from the ground.

When the big and colorful balloon reaches a certain height, Xiao Lin suddenly made an incantation gesture and the balloon stayed on that same altitude.

Though Jian Shen was delighted and fascinated by the scenic view, he controlled himself and act cool looking very indifferent.

Seeing his indifferent face, Sikong Yi couldn’t flaunt his tools to him again. He could on sigh in regret.

As Jian Shen kept his cool, he realized something. Thus, he asked.

‘With this tools in hand, why didn’t we used it yesterday? Travelling on foot was a bit troublesome.’

“Sigh, if we could do so then why not?” Sighing sadly he answered his question.

‘So, why not?’

“Well, you know. If we were really rich then we could do so extravagantly. Unfortunately we are not.”

Feeling puzzled, Jian Shen frowned. He looked at the interior of the flying tool and found out that above their head was a pile of bluish crystals that glint with brilliant deep blue light. And above it was a burning blue flame. It appeared that these bluish crystal was the fuel on making this tool kept flying. With this conclusion in mind, he asked Sikong Yi who was now looking at the far side of the river.

‘Is that expensive?’ He pointed his index finger on his right hand towards the pile of bluish crystals.

Sikong Yi who was concentrating his gaze on the other area, unhurriedly turned his head and looked at the crystals that Jian Shen asked.

“Yeah, it is reaaally expensive. Because that thing is a spirit stones!” Tears were apparent on his eyes.

‘Spirit Stones?’

“Huh? You don’t know what a spirit stone is?”

‘En, I don’t, why?’

“Unbelievable… sigh, okay I’ll tell you. Spirit stones were actually a currency used by us, cultivators. We don’t used gold or silver to buy things for that is only for the mortals. The spirit stones were actually just a stones, but it was filled with spirit energy that has blessed by the heaven and earth. This stones can be mined, it can also be found on a nearby spirit veins where the spiritual energy in that surroundings was dense. Actually as long as the spiritual energy was strong, you can find these stones.


There are three grades this spirit stones could have, there were normal, medium and high grades. A normal spirit stones was just like that bluish crystals above us, but the medium grade spirit stones were violet in color while the high grade spirit stones were purple in color. A single piece of spirit stone is equivalent of a hundred normal grade spirit stones. Likewise, a single high grade spirit stone was a hundred medium grade spirit stones.

This was the reason why we can’t use this magic tools continuously. It will not consume our spiritual energy but our money. It’s just like a test how deep your wealth is. If we could run this device for a month, then we could proudly say we’re rich. But it was just a pipedream.” After a long summary of spirit stones, Sikong Yi couldn’t help but let his tears flows down his eyes on the last part that he said. Fortunate for him, Xiao Lin consoled him lovingly.

Snorting in irritation, Jian Shen retracted his gaze from the couple and looked at the distant side of the river bank. There he saw a group of vague shadows. Frowning, his scintillating scarlet eyes flashed with red light. His vision zoomed covering several hundred of meters until he could clearly sea those shadows. When he saw what they looked like, a serious face was replaced from his indifferent look.

‘This is bad, we have company.’ Jian Shen shouted to the two.

The couple was not surprise but they quickly scrambled up from their feet and looked at the far distant where Jian Shen was looking at. Circulating their spiritual energy to their respective eyes, they saw those large number of slithering nagas.

“We really are unfortunate to bump these nagas.” Sikong Yi sighed but there’s no fear on his tone.

“No, it is not just simple at all. Look! They appeared that they were doing some rituals!” Xiao Lin seriously said as she pointed her index finger.

“D-don’t tell me.” When Sikong Yi heard that the nagas were doing some rituals he couldn’t helped but swallow his saliva and stuttered.

Jian Shen who was lost on their conversation, asked them.

‘What’s wrong?’

“We are inside the Naga’s Territory!” An anxious look was on Xiao Lin’s face.

“Hurry steer it away!” Sikong Yi uttered in haste.

“B-but if we steer the magic tools, the spirit stones would be consumed without us arriving at the other side of the river bank!” Xiao Lin replied worriedly.

“It’s is better than risking our lives against those nagas!”


Jian Shen wanted to say something but he stopped it, considering that the two were tense right now. With that, the balloon steered to the side trying to evade those nagas which were doing some ritual.

Unfortunately for them, at the location where those nagas were doing some rituals. At the center of it. A woman whose lower half was a slithering snake. Her hair appears to be a clusters of black snake that slithered its tongue looking around with an intent to kill. Her brows were fine as if it was crafted by some meticulous god. Eyes were closed that looks like the water phoenix. Her nose, lips and the oval shape of her face could be dangerous and tempting to any man. Her skin was white like porcelain and jades. A body that as fine like the snake and well-proportioned like a voluptuous woman. But her tail was dark and inky. Dark scales were on it while an ornamental ribbons that were made up of some mystical seaweeds wrapped around her ample chest. Her chest was the biggest asset she had, having a two pairs of breasts! But! She has also have a two pairs of hands that could kill any enemy and could be deadly to fight with!

Many people and even the nagas themselves believed that they bear the blessing of the water immortal, Immortal Emperor Gonggong. Resulting for them to have highest affinity in water and manipulate it that it could turn into powerful weapons against their enemies. Mostly, a typical naga would have a two pair of hands that both wield a pair of trident or a combination of a kris sword and shield. A male naga would always be burly while the female naga has the characteristics of beautiful mermaid but they don’t get along with the mermaid race.

Suddenly, the lady sitting at the center. Snapped her water phoenix eyes!

With a slither of her body she shouted in a deep but melodious voice. The waters rippled in wave, the ritual was broken, the nagas tumbled by her powerful voice. The sky has started to accumulate dark clouds as she spoke.

“Who dare entered in our Naga’s Territory!?” Then she gestured her hands and a pair of tridents and a pair of kris swords appeared on her four hands. She slashed the kris swords on the direction of the flying balloon. The kris swords flashed with white light and a gust of powerful wind screamed its way to the air splitting the waters into two.

“Oh crap!” SIkong Yi shouted in alarm.

As some point, tornadoes would manifest on the powerful gust of wind’s wake. In a quick manner that describing it couldn’t cope from its speed, the powerful gust of wind slashed its way to the colorful balloon where the trio were in, turning it into fine cuts. The balloon couldn’t be helped but fell from the air, devastated and badly damaged. Fortunately, the trio were not hurt but they fell from the flying tool they used. Thus, the trio wouldn’t wait for their demise. They launched techniques respectively. They safely arrived on the surface of the sea, standing and floating. Various expression were apparent on their face, but their gazes stared at the same direction.

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