《The Ancient Era》Prologue: New Horizons
Plautoon Planet, Diverses Land Region
In a wide plain region filled with odd looking trees, that instead of pointing up stretched in an acute angle towards south, a disgusting rotten smell mixed with blood pierced through the air making even some grown men throw up. Along with the dead men lying almost as far as the eye can see was an all-out war. A couple hundreds of men were on the northern side slowly advancing towards the southern group, that was only covered by what looked like leftover walls, whilst firing different kinds of weapons making the enemies group of a few hundred slowly tick its way towards zero. Bloody scenes were left as the northern group continuously advanced. Their armor seemed to take in all the damage as very few would fall occasionally. Meanwhile the southern side only had black suits as protection which was the same as being naked.
"Fuck, we can't hold on much longer Capt. Kain. We must retreat, we're outnumbered and our men are on the edge of pissing themselves!" screamed a middle-aged man on the southern side while sweat mixed with blood covered almost half of his appearance. He had a black suit that was barely recognizable with all the blood and tears in it. He was carrying a sort of assault rifle which shot black beads that seemed weak and were barely visible but left a frightening amount of damage wherever they landed. A man on the opposing side got hit by a bead and suddenly exploded, blood and guts painting the odd trees a deep red.
"There's no hope Harold... we should have never taken such a thing... we tried to bite more tha-" the two-meter sized man named Kain was cut off as his head was suddenly blasted off by the opposing side.
"S***! RETREAT! Everyone disperse there's no hope left!" Screamed Harold at the top of his lungs. As soon as he screamed the remaining men of barely over a hundred all ran in separate directions. Harold quickly ran towards his ex-captain and looked around his pockets, seeming to look for something of great matter. Just as he pulled what looked like a chip from Kain's inside pocket a sudden kick was delivered to his right rib cage, launching him across the blood-oozing floor.
"...H-how did..keuugh" just as he wanted to speak a lung tearing sound was made as he threw up blood from the kick. The kick was not simple as it broke almost his entire right rib cage. But he didn't understand how the enemy got there so quickly but as he looked around he realized the enemy side had already arrived and was also killing and chasing the retreating men, capturing a few.
"Hahaha, long time no see, don't you think ex-partner Harold or is it... Harry! Hahah, well I'll be taking that chip!" a slim figured man around 27 with a handsome face said as his hands moved like light and took the chip that was still in Harold's now weak grip. He stared at the chip a few seconds as if in astonishment.
"...J-just..let me be.. you got what... what you wanted... for o-old times. What... do you say... Ezekiel? said Harold, taking in deep soul tearing breaths through clenched teeth with blood slowly oozing out still.
Seeing his pitiful state, Ezekiel remembered his past with this old partner of his. At some point they decided to take different paths, while they both went down the path of killing it wasn't the same road, eventually they knew they'd fight each other as Diverses's Land wasn't big enough for them both and yet none wanted to leave this land for the other. It was justifiable however, as this region was the biggest and richest of the planet.
"Hahaha! Good job Ezekiel! You've done your part well, but you see... your train stops here!" a big man with a squad of 6 surrounded Harold and Ezekiel knocking them out of their senses. The big man with white armor and a dark mustache looked at Ezekiel with mocking eyes, as if already seeing a dead man. "I'll take the chip and own this entire region, who knew such a small thing would give so much power. I'll have everything in my hands! I'll be a king! HAHAHA" said the big man as if already seeing his glorious self.
"YOU! You fucking bastard! You're my subordinate, who gave you authority to order my men!" Shouted Ezekiel as if he would've never imagined this scenario. He had painstakingly gathered all his men and even slowly made money through a few years to buy weapons and protection. Along the way he met a middle-aged man who he took as an underling and made him who he was today, yet this man named Caleb dared bare his fangs to his maker.
"Hahaha! Ezekiel, I was your subordinate, but I promised these 6 men I'd give them riches if we went through with this and from today I am no longer your subordinate. With your death, since I'm second in command, I'll become the new head of this Group! We'll just say you were killed when we got here. Hahaha!" No longer being able to hold in his glee Caleb burst out laughing and slowly calmed back down with a wide wicked smile from ear to ear making his face distort. "Alright men, kill these men" said Caleb as his face slowly distorted even more making even a slight glimpse at his face fill you with an overwhelming sense of evilness.
"I'LL TAKE YOU SEVEN WITH ME!" just as the six men aimed at them, Ezekiel screamed at the top of his lungs slightly dazing the six men surrounding them, in that slight half of a second that they were dazed with lightning quick speed he took out a small marble like object and smashed it on the ground with all his strength. Just as soon as he crushed it a few beads were already shot through his body making fist sized holes in his chest, arms and legs, ripping tendons and bone along with them.
"OH NOO! SHI-" screamed Caleb, realizing he had underestimated Ezekiel too much, but there was no medicine for regret in this world and he had to face the consequences of his actions. Closing his eyes, the last thing he saw were Ezekiel's eyes staring at him with a bit of regret and yet also excitement in them. Shocked he thought I was never even his match, what a fool I was.
I hate my life *sigh*. Damnit. Shit. Were the six men's thought as they realized they were doomed.
I guess this is where I'll meet my end. Well, I guess at least he's going to die as well, heheh. Were Harry's last thoughts as he took a glimpse at Ezekiel.
F***. I was about to own this damn place and now I'm going to die cause of some dumbass I helped. Guess I'm a fool for lending a helping hand. Well, guess it's fine, wonder where my next life will be, hehe. Just as Ezekiel thought this the bead he had smashed suddenly made a small space vortex that started sucking everything at least ten meters around it, intensely sucking in the 6 men as well as Caleb, Harry and Ezekiel. As soon as everything was sucked in a tiny spiral appeared which suddenly exploded and threw guts, blood, bone and dirt all over the place.
"Woaah!" shouted Ezekiel as he suddenly appeared out of thin air a foot off the ground.
"Aww man, still hurts no matter how many times I land here" said Ezekiel as he rubbed his head and slowly stood up. He looked around and it was just the same as every time, just dark all around with a sort of dark fog and only a bit of light was available at the current area he was standing on.
He was in an unknown area, he had been here before countless times already, but he still couldn't get used to it. Every time he'd die, he would appear here as if he was just in a continuous cycle almost like being punished. In the beginning it sure was tough, who would enjoy ripping connections with loved ones because they knew they'd continue living on in another life.
Being born in a family, meeting friends, meeting the love of your life and having children, all these connections he would make in a life and yet he wouldn't meet them again, at least not as the same person. It would break apart his heart every time and even more so when he'd experience the harsh side of nature, the dark side of fate and even the cruel reality of life.
But, eventually he grew a backbone and realized that if he couldn't defeat his enemies then he must learn to coexist with them. This sudden change in mind he had seemed as if it had given him a 'breakthrough' and it gave him new worlds to experience.
He had lived countless times already, lived as a woman, man, homosexual. Living for so many years yet he still hadn't understood why only him. Why only he could 'revive'. At least, he hadn't encountered any other individual with this 'special ability'. Even though he had visited far too many worlds for him to count, some with technology so advanced it crossed the boundaries of what he ever thought was possible.
He had investigated it before as well with many different lives and even interrogated many people about it, yet no one would believe him as he didn't have evidence. Only knowing top secrets from lives he lead working as secret agents which he tried sharing to give as proof, yet after that he was like a mouse running from the government which was the big black cat. He'd been captured before and it was terrible, as soon as he was captured he was tortured and then put to sleep and only woke up when he was dead as he arrived at this same place. From then he decided to just go about his own ways and just enjoy his 'ability'.
"So, what will it be this time I wonder. Hey! How about you let me choose a word this time! I want one with magic and shit! Why haven't you given me one of those anymore?! The last one was pretty close I guess, but not what I'd like!" shouted Ezekiel not expecting anything like every time he'd scream in the past times he'd been there.
He didn't remember the last time he was in a world with magic. Even if he remembered the techniques or cultivation manuals, if the world didn't have Ki, spirit energy, or just some type of energy he couldn't use any sort of 'magic'. Every world with 'energy' would take it and name it in their own way. At first, he thought they were all the same with the only difference being the name, but they were indeed all different and each had their own unique systems. The cultivation techniques he'd already know would need to be a bit modified with the world he'd be in for them to work.
Suddenly a bit of fog dispersed, and an odd-looking door appeared from the ground. Ezekiel stared at it as if trying to connect it with other doors that had appeared here in passed times.
Hmm, this door is much more eye-catching than the ones I've already gone through and it even has some sort of... uhh.. jewels on it?
The door was a pure white on the left half and an extreme black color on the right half. It had two jewels on it, the left jewel which was on the pure white half of the door was an extreme heartwarming white and the right jewel was a severe soul eating black. They each seemed to be all new colors all by themselves.
He'd have thought the left jewel would be too bright, yet its brightness seemed to only linger inside the jewel as if not being able to escape its outer layer. Almost as if it didn't deem anything worthy enough to receive its enchanting light. He thought it was like a huge beast holding in a roar in front of its prey, deeming it unworthy of such a magnificence.
When Ezekiel looked at the white jewel, he seemed to get a fuzzy warm feeling across his body, he seemed to recall his most precious memories, like this he unknowingly stood in a tranced state for an unknown amount of time...
Suddenly a black rod moved out of the fog and aimed for Ezekiel's head.
"Uggh..what the hell happened?" Ezekiel looked around, not remembering what he was doing. He rubbed his head wondering why it suddenly hurt a bit.
Maybe I'm actually not alone here..
Then he turned towards the door and remembered he had seen all his best memories pass by in front of his eyes. "Damn, looks can be deceiving, it's actually pretty dangerous. I could have been like that forever if not for whatever woke me up." said Ezekiel as he felt a chill go down his spine. As he turned towards the black half of the door he felt his heart pace speeding up. He knew he'd regret it, yet he was too curious of the unknown.
If white which was 'good' was that dangerous, what would the 'bad' side be... he wondered.
His pupils were slowly turning towards the black jewel on the dark half of the door. As his eyes finally landed on the jewel, its soul sucking darkness seemed to suck in his consciousness. He was surrounded by darkness and negative emotions were stemming from his mind as soon as his eyes landed on the black jewel, these emotions suddenly gave birth to all kinds of painful memories he was once lived and even some he didn't even recall. He had started shaking and sweating all over his body. Stuck in another trance for an unknown amount of time...
"Ni sevid llits tey dab sti swonk namuh nmad.." whispered an unknown figure through the fog with a crispy voice. His voice made chills go down your spine.
"Well, can't blame him...curiosity does wonders.. hehe" replied another figure from the other side of the fog. It was a soft voice this time, pleasant to the ear and warm to the heart, yet giving a sense of wariness.
"Let's just wake him up already, I want to see what he'll accomplish in this life this time..." said another figure from the fog, this voice was mysterious, neither pleasant nor unpleasant just with a sense of knowing.
"Very well then, lets wake him up and then I'll open the door for him." answered another voice this time, it was firm and gentle. Each voice seemed to be on different sides making a diamond around Ezekiel.
Then the same way as before, a black rod swung out of the fog and smacked Ezekiel on the head,
"AHH! Stop it!" Shouted Ezekiel as he rapidly looked around still not realizing he had left the 'dark' zone. Full of sweat and trembling all over he sat down and covered his head, mumbling to himself. Slowly he came to and regained his composure.
Come on Ezekiel, come on, I'm not a child since ages ago, pull it together damnit! That damn thing is too strong though, I underestimated it.
As he slowly stood up he faced the door once more and suddenly thought. What if I take the damn things with me...
As he thought this the door suddenly slid open to the left revealing what seemed like a vacuum, savagely sucking him in.
Shit, I gotta get them fast!
As he was about to be sucked in he reached towards the door and grabbed the white jewel, he felt he was about to be tranced again but fought against it and since he wasn't looking it was much easier. After pulling it out of its slot he realized he couldn't store it since he was about to be revived, in panic he threw it in his mouth and reached for the other jewel while his right hand was grabbing onto the door.
"What?! Should we allow this? Hey Fate, did you foresee this?" said the figure that was full of joy before in a confused voice.
"Actually, this time... I can't see anything." answered Fate with an odd smile. "It's so... mesmerizing! It makes me...mmhm!.. ex-excited!" said Fate with an alluring moan in between, making the other 3 figures shocked, not by her attitude but because of what she said.
"No ratel su rof melborp a emoceb thgim eh, mih llik tsum ew!" shouted a figure as he swept passed the fog and was about to swipe a scythe at Ezekiel. But he realized he wasn't gonna make it.
Damn! Where will I store this one?! Unless... no choice now, if I die I'll revive anyway!
As Ezekiel said this he swallowed the white jewel and almost threw it back up, forcing it down his system. As soon as he got it down, he swallowed the other one. With both down his throat he pleasantly smiled and let go of the door allowing the vacuum to do as it please. Just as his head was about to pass through he saw a dark tattered black robe fly out of the fog and swipe a scythe at his only remaining part, his head.
He thought, as the previous scene was replaced with an enclosed space and a small narrow opening atop his head giving in a blinding light. He hadn't realized he was about to be born once more. Ezekiel was still far too shocked from what he had seen.
Was that death?.. Why did it seem like it wanted to...kill me?
Unknowingly he was already being hold onto by the legs by a young pretty woman, seeing that he wasn't crying she game the baby a slow yet strong smack in its butt.
Still processing the scene where the scythe was about to make contact with his head Ezekiel was forced to come back to reality and linked the former event with the present.
"WAAHHHH!" Screamed Ezekiel in pain and fear.
- In Serial27 Chapters
Helena's Plane
Paul, a bored young man, wakes up in a white room. A young woman tells him he has died, that she is some kind of god who likes videogames and he will be reborn in an RPG-esque world so she and her fellow god-friends can watch him for entertainment.Unfortunately, the goddess forgot to give Paul most of the obligatory, obvious cheat-abilities to make him rush to power in easy mode. Paul embraces his new life full of clichés, perverts, magic, loot and action. And animal girls.18+ !CONTAINS GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL CONTENT! (Actual sex is still hard to find, but you will get it. Eventually. Sporadically.) =================Author's note:So, this is my very first novel. It will be poorly written, has a huge info-dump disguised as a first chapter (to be rewritten. At some point in the future. I guess.), and may or may not offend everyone for different reasons. Perhaps you will just find it boring, which would be even worse. The description turned out a bit comedic, but the story isn't overly so.I have a rough idea of where this will be going, but expect some bumps on the road, as well as logic holes, flat characters and a lot of borderline copyright infringements from all the ideas I got reading other works. And did I mention I'm not a native speaker? No? Well, expect some embarrassing grammar and wording choices.The main character is a more or less normal guy, without high morals, martial arts skills or even a desirable goal in life. There is mature content, in terms of violence and sexual content. It won't become a full-blown erotic novel, and it may or may not be your cup of tea when it comes to the type of content.Critics welcome.
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Jack, despite having greater than average aptitude, has never cultivated. Every time he has thought to try, he remembers the looks of hate and fear on the faces of friends and neighbors when they found out his affinities. When people look at him, all they can see are the faces of those they lost to the vicious Sunbelts, after their sect leader went mad and took the rest of the clan with him. When he recieves an invitation to become an outer disciple of Frigid Mountain, the cultivating sect that watches over the area, he leaps at the chance to leave his village and the people who view him as a remnant of a past better left buried. Watch Jack as he attempts to rise above the sins of those that shared his features, and seeks to become a force for good in the world, rather than destruction. ----- Photo used for cover by Oussama Elhaidi
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While dreaming, a hard working family man is approached by a child-like god that has become bored of their custom created gaming world. Allowing the man to choose whatever 'Class' he wants, he chooses to become a 'Time Wizard'. He's dropped off in a city above a labyrinth with only this directive. "You just have to play my game, which is styled after your world’s dungeon exploration RPGs, level up, and save the world. Or don’t. I don’t care."
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