《Building a nation and make its citizen happy》Chapter 7 first hunting


When the monster is gone I looked at my revolver on my hand.

I cannot kill the beast with this gun

Why aqua give me this power I cannot kill the giant beast with this power

I need a power like fire so I can easily burn my enemy or a monster in front of me

even is my power is to fly it is still ok for me because I can easily scape an enemy

With my power now Maybe I can kill a small beast like kobold or goblin I will run while shooting and if one of them is near me I am going to shoot it so they cannot follow me.

What if I did not build my house and buy an RPG so I can fight even I encounter a giant beast I can survive.

Will even I did not build a house I still cannot buy an RPG because my level is level 1 maybe if I am level 50 I can buy an RPG

Will I am still lucky even this is my power I can buy what I need and what if is raining I am not gonna get wet because have a house

So I am still lucky

For now, my power sucks but what about if I am level 50 or I have many points I can buy whatever I need I can buy a tank and drive everywhere in this forest and if I encounter a giant beast I am going to reload an ap and shoot that thing

But for now, This system is not cool

I look at the beast while walking far away from where I am hiding.

I have a walking point in front of me but I cannot shoot like I am free but I cannot walk


I need to level up and buy a better gun so I can kill whatever in front of me

But for now, I need to be careful in my surrounding.

Good thing that beast don't saw me.

I start walking because I need to find the river but I I'm carefully looking at my sounding while walking unlike earlier.

After a few minutes of walking, I notice the grass in front of me is moving I took the gun and pointed at the high grass while feeling nervous.

I am going to shoot if the beast is out of the grads

And when it shows up it just a small animal like a size of a rabbit

That scared me to death

Now I have food in front of me

Even I don't want to shoot it I took a courage and shoot it because I 'm going to die of hunger.


I miss the shot because this is actually my the fist hold of a real gun.

What the hell I miss

Suddenly it runs.

“wait for comeback her“

I follow it I pointed again the gun and shoot.


And this time I hit it I went and took my first hunt.

I thought that I will not go to hit it.

I don't want to find animal again because I do not think they are many of them in this place because the beast eat them

My food is not a problem anymore my last problem is water I need to find a river fast so I cannot spend my night in this forest.

But what if the water is dirty and I drink it I don't want that to happen I don't want to hurt my tummy

If I find the river I am going to taste it first before I am going to drink it if the water has a taste I will not drink it


I look in the menu

Felix chambers - level 2

Experience - 0/200

Power - Build anything

Use - building

- equipment


Points - 1,000

So this kind of animal can give me 1,000 points What if the same size as the monster that I saw before I will kill how many points the system can give me

Maybe 1m because it is giant and I can level up to 50 that's what I thought but may be small because the system is not good to give me big points even the bullet that I am going to buy is expensive.

What I I'm thinking my equipment is just a small gun compare to the size of the monster I saw earlier.

Perhaps just a bit of mosquito he will fell if I shot him with this gun maybe an anti-tank can kill the monster but I cannot porches it right now because my level is not that high and I need so many points.

I hope the system can decrease the points that It is going to take from me if I buy again

I stop thinking about it and I look in the menu I open supply and I write in the search bar plastic bottle

(Plastic bottle 100 points)

100 points its cheap

I search water bottle

2,000 points it's so expensive

I Porsches the plastic bottle because I need it to stock the water if I find the river so I buy 2

And I porches a bag so I can put my animal that I kill

When I 'm going to put the animal in the bag I thought what if a beast follow me because of the smell of the blood that the animal I carry.

They can smell the animal that I killed I need to hide this I know that an animal has strong of a smell.

I hide the animal in the grass and when I'm finished.

I walk

I need to buy a bullet.

8 bullet left in my pocket and what if I encounter a 10 goblin I am going to be endangered

Better prepared than nothing

That's why I need to find a beast like a goblin so I can stock points and I can level up

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