《Building a nation and make its citizen happy》Chapter 6 Beast vs beast


What kind of monster is this? It's so big!

It is look like Godzilla that i watch in the movie but Godzilla look is more scary than this beast

I cannot believe that i can see this giant monster in front of me.

This is my first time seeing one because in the earth we don't have an animal that this big.

I thought that the beast live in this forest is just goblin, kobold and wolf.

Will my thought is wrong because I can see a giant Infront of me.

It's getting closer and closer. I felt my heart beats fast.

I don't want to move a single inches.

I am really scared now.

I wish it wont notice me.

It sat on the ground and it looking for something then suddenly it jump very high.


Ohhhh!! I can't believe it can jump that high despite of his big body.

I look at the sky to see why the beast jump and I saw a big bird as big as the beast

When the bird noticed it. It suddenly increased its flying and it is not now reachable by the beast

The beast howl

When the beast land on the ground it made a big hole.

The bird is circling in the sky while watching the beast and when the dust is gone and the bird saw the monster it plunged down fast

When the bird is near in the beast it lower its sharp feet

The beast jump backward and avoided it and when the bird did not catch the beast its fly fast upwards suddenly the beast opened its mouth

And the air around me is compiling in the chin of the beast and when it is in the mouth it make a bubble air and also the wood swinging from the strong wind, which comes forth from the bubble air


And The beast pointed in the flying birds and released it

the bubble air is fast while going straight to the birds the bird avoid it but the bird got cough with the wind from the air bubble suddenly the bird plunged down when the bird landed in ground

the beast run where it crashed and when it got close to the bird the beast leaped and trampling its feet in the bird's wings

Where is my gem that you stole from me?

I Suddenly lost for word because the beast spoke.

Please do not eat me

And The bird also spoke

You tell me where you put the gem

Please don't eat me.

can you first remove your feet from my wings it might break it and I might not be able to fly

What do you think of me? a fool? if I remove my feet you will fly again and I'm going to find you again for a few months so I will not going to remove my feet a second time

I'm telling the truth.

If you cheated me again I'm not going to give you a second life! where is my gem?

The bird look at the highest mountain

There in the highest mountain. there is where I kept the gem. Now I already told you where I kept it can you now release me.

If I do not see the gem there I will not give you a chance to live again and remember if you robbed me again I will really kill you!

I promise I will not do it again.

The beast remove his feet from the wings of the bird and the bird fly fast and the beast walked toward the highest mountain.

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