《Bloodmancer System》Chapter Five - The class
Spending the afternoon in one of the Academy library's private study rooms. Henry pulls out the three books that Professor Shane gave him. The first book call 'Spells Every Magicuser Must Know.' He makes sure the door to the room is locked. As he places the book against his forehead, he gets prompt.
[Do you wish to learn ten spells: Light ball. Flame. Create water, Clean, Mend, Salvage. Dig, Dirt to Stone, Stone to Dirt, and Mud. (yes/no?)]
The pain was so intense that I passed out within moments and woke up an hour later. I was covered in sweat on the floor next to the overturned chair. Checking myself first and saw that there was no harm. I found the spellbook next to me is still intact. Nothing seems to be wrong with it. Calming my breathing down, I stared at the book and realized that this was a cheat.
The next book is worn and seems to be well used. 'A Beginner Guide For Necromancers.' He opens the book, turns the pages, and notices that the book has general knowledge of what necromancy is about and some information about which not everyone knows, including me. For instance, the spell called Group Summoning allows a caster to summon a group of undead out of the air. Depending on the necromancer tier level, a gate will appear and summon up to ten undead skeletons, ghouls, or ghosts. The spell can last an hour before the summon ends. But the next spell is called Ritual Binding Spell. It can make those summoning creatures bind themselves to you as a permanent summons and count only as one summons that looks interesting. But the considerable expense and time doing it are enormous. It takes a day to set up the spell, then summoning the creatures for an hour of work. Wearily, he put the book to his forehead, hoping to get the two spells and that since there are only two spells, it would not be as painful. And was prompt again.
[Do you wish to learn this book and its two spells? (yes/no?)]
I should have learned my lesson from the first book. That it will not be that simple. Since it was two spells, I figured it would not be as bad as learning ten spells. No. I fail to read the first sentence. DO YOU WISH TO LEARN THIS BOOK? It did not say spells, but the book. Always read the fine print! Otherwise, you will get taken for all you are worth! When I woke up an hour or so later. My body and my clothes were completely soaked in my sweat. My head was pounding as I put away all the books. After making sure the book was not blank or missing pages. I made the decision to do the last book later. I feel like a truck ran over me and back up and did it again. Not only that, I feel like I can drink a gallon or two of water.
I had an hour and a half to run to my hotel room to clean up before class. Lucky, I left the library with no one seeing me and getting back to the hotel. After taking a shower with a change of clothing, I was able to get back to the school for class by six. I barely made it. Luckily my meat grinder of a brain finally kicked in during the hot shower. Realizing I now know every one of the spells from the two books. How to copy them into scrolls, even understand everything I read in the second book. It is as if I spent a year studying each book.
Finding that the lecture hall was not filled with many people was not surprising. Using my ability to read each of the ten people's names and backgrounds. As I walk in, staring at the people that will be my classmates.
Betty Tate is a short cute curvy woman with a more significant chest proportion. She is a zero tier, zero ranks fail ghoul, but she is a Bronze Tier, Rank Ten Alchemist. Unclaimed slave of the now-deceased vampire, Albert Wright. Thirteen days until ghoul hunger triggers a feasting event to promote a new ghoul. Sadly no one knows Albert was dead killed by me.
[New tasks! Give blood to the failed ghoul to create a lesser vampire that is loyal to you. A contract of the heart is required between master and slave. Thirteen days until the event fails. Reward. +300 experience, New spell. An Alchemist will be gained.]
Looking in surprise at the short girl with sad blue eyes. The woman's hair is parted in the middle and is cut like a bowl from chin high. Small nose with a soft red lip that pouts. If not for the fact she has a gray pallor to her skin, she would be cuter. Can't walk up and claim her. I'll talk to her later. I can use an Alchemist.
The next three women are Heady Brightwood, Lisa Wormwood, and Kate Stoneheart. All three are Copper tier, Rank Three blond slutty looking Dark witches. Wearing too much makeup and not enough clothing. The following two are twin brother and sister, Jake and Jean Blackblade both are death knights, Copper Tier, Rank Two. They both have a tiny skeleton behind them. The young man has a Copper Tier, Rank One tiny skeleton, while hers was Copper Tier, Rank Two. Surprisingly, to see the same tier and rank as the caster in a skeleton. Skeletons can't rank that fast nor be at their same level, odd.
Death knights share the experience with their skeleton. They both must absorb twice the experience of a necromancer to grow. Whereas a necromancer can summon many skeletons, who share theirs as a group. Each kills to add to all of them. Looking closer, he can see they both have attribute points on their skeletons that can be used. He doesn't have the ability to change their attributes until he can win a little of their hearts. Either by loyalty, lust, or love. But the skeletons each have eleven points for Jake and twelve points for Jean that can be added in points. What a waste of points. Somehow this world fails to use their unused points, unlike him, who can use all the points and puts them to any stat.
They both can easily be noticed as twins with their tall and muscular bodies. He carries a two-hand ax, and she has a two-handed sword. Both have short dark hair, sunken blue eyes, a hawkish nose, and cruel mouths, wearing quilted armor. Students can't wear heavy armor in the classroom. Short hair allows them to wear helmets better. It shows they can think about safety over fashion. Overall, they can easily sleep with anyone they want with their looks. What's more, they both have large chests. He is flat and built like a bodybuilder while her stands out to be noticed by guys.
The following four people are dark mages. All but one are dark-headed brown eyes and plain-looking men. The last is a green-tinted shoulder-length hair, a green-eyed girl about five-ten in height. All are thin and haggard in appearance, wearing their black robes. The difference between the witches and the dark mage is that the dark mages can summon demonic forces, and witches cannot. No necromancers are in the group. What a shame. Take a front roll seat and let the 'cool kids' sit in the back roll. Feeling Leeka squirming as I put my back to them.
'Got to get her a dress tomorrow, need to remember that. About that time, Professor Shane Gordon walks into the hall. I once again started leaking a tiny bit of charm and seduction skill into the room. Going to capture this woman's heart one way or the other. Pausing in thought, when did I become someone that wants to claim others for themselves. Is it the vampire blood?
Professor Gordon lay two huge heavy books on the table with a thump. Knocking him out of his thoughts. Each of the books is about a foot thick and three feet long and wide. Only magic can explain how she walks into the room without collapsing from the weight of the books.
"I am Professor Gordon. Some of you have had me before, Heady, Lisa, and Kate." nodding to the dark witches.
As her eyes pass around the room, and look at me in surprise. "Mr."
"Mr. Henry Bloodrose, professor, I just signed up with the headmaster today." I do not want her to reveal my family name.
The look of relief crosses her face as she calls off names to match names with faces. "The alchemist will spend the first two days of the week with Professor Theodore Thomas in his classes on night herbs and dark alchemy. We are off on Moonday, so you will learn a spell pick from this book today. Sometimes the book will pick a spell for you to learn. No one knows how many spells are in the book. We have only discovered two hundred and fifty-two spells." Since Professor Thomas will be out this week, Miss Tate will be in my class today and tomorrow.
Moving the grimoire around on the table. "By the way, this is a school's Grimoire that will return itself upon removal of the Academy's grounds. Pick one spell and only one spell today and copy it. Next Mainday, I want ten copies on my desk and at least know part of the spell. You are expected to learn ten spells before allowing you to advance next year. To show how hard it is to advance, the three dark witches in the room are the only ones out of fifteen people that advance. Learn the ten spells, people. Don't waste the opportunity." looking around the room seeing the witches smirking as they stare at Henry.
'The bitches they are going to try to target him.' For a brief moment, she felt the urge to claim him as hers. 'Her army of undead can guard his body. What a body it... Crap, That damn aura of his!'
Henry raises his hand.
"Yes? Mr. Bloodrose?" feeling her panty getting wet.
"Can we learn more than ten spells from the book?" I asked.
"Yes, each time you demonstrate the spell you learn, you can learn more. You have four months." saying a little breathless.
Straightening up, and turn to the girl alchemist. "The alchemist must learn all five flame spells, dark flame, cold flame, star flame, spirit flame, and soul flame, by the end of the year to join the intermediate Dark alchemy classes next year. I will spend a little more time on undead summoning because we have one necromancer and two death knights in the room. Summoning undead may be hard for dark mages and witches. They have been known to have summoned small undead creatures like mice and birds. And yes, skeleton birds can fly and make great spies and scouts with special utility spells cast on them.
The alchemist doesn't need to copy the spells. I will just give you a copy that will save you time. Since you will learn a lot of herbs and formulas. I don't want to take your time from learning the recipes. Both death knights will copy a spell to share. The first one is healing bones. Because you will be spending your time learning to fight in your last two classes of the week. They have not assigned you to a trainer yet. The dark witches will each pick one spell in the copper or bronze tier. After hitting silver tier they can copy from the second Grimoire."
"This book," showing a little fear while looking at it. "Have kill a few students over the three hundred years since it was found. The spells you will learn will depend on you. You three ladies do not have to learn from it. You do need to learn fifteen spells from the first book if you decide not to use this book."
Henry stares at the book and notices a faint female form standing next to it. The woman has a smirk on her face as she stares at the three women. Almost a hungry look. 'Seem there is a ghost attached to the book. Wonder if Shane will let me grab her someday soon. He turns his attention to the three dark witches staring at the book with greed.
Seeing several arms raised, "no, we do not know how the students died, but they all have been found laying on the Grimoire drain of blood, water, and magic." Watch their hands drop.
Professor Gordon carries the second Grimoire from the room back to her office to lock it away. As the rest crowded around the other grimoire. I decided to wait to be last. The three dark witches all sway their hips as they walk up to the book, one knock on the book as they chant. “Mr. Grimoire, Oh, Mr. Grimoire.” In a sultry voice together, "Grant us your wisdom and choose a spell for us. Pleaseee."
The Grimoire floated in the air as it flipped its pages, turning one way then the other. Finally, settle down on the table open to a page.
They all snorted in laughter, "How to Hex in ten easy steps." One chimed, and they grinned as they sat down, and all three began to copy the pages. Half the work is done by magically copying the spell. The other half is doing the hard work at drawing and writing by hand. The paper that is used is expensive, about one gold piece a sheet. So you need to copy correctly at first or use another sheet. So far, no one has had to try a second time.
I was the last to pick a spell from the book. The third spellbook in my bag of holding has the heal bones and a few other buffs to help my skeleton. I plan to learn the spells tonight when I decide to sleep. The Grimoire pick a spell for me before I even touch the book. It spun a few times, turning pages rapidly before setting on the table.
Chain of Pain: A binding spell that can root or slow down a person or creature for one minute per caster's rank, plus ten minutes per tier. The spell will last for the duration when cast on a person your level or lower. The chances of breaking the spell rise as ranks and tiers are higher than you.
Giving my summons a chance to kill the creature as I kite it. Also, make a great crowd control. The only problem is that it is on the high end of the rookie spells. And affect one person or creature.
Do you wish to learn this spell?
Surprise as I finish copying the spell and my page flash with light. Thinking no, for now, not knowing what may happen ff the spell scroll is destroyed. Then copying the spell ten times will be problematic and hard to explain. If it is that easy to learn the spells, I might draw unwelcome attention to myself. I will have to be careful in the future. I copy it first again just encase I fail to learn the spell.
"Now that you all have to copy the spell you pick. You must remember to copy it ten times by Mainday and have some knowledge and questions for me on the spell you choose. Mr. Bloodrose, I need to talk to you in my office. I have not had a chance to do so since you join during the day.
"Yes, Professor Gordon." Thinking liar to myself.
After everyone left the room and saw that, the witches all stared at me as they left. I turn the skill down some more so as not to irritate Shane.
Followed her into her office and closed the door as she sat down. I sit in the chair in front of her desk.
"You're going to be a pain with that charm of yours. You got all the women fidgeting and watching you. The three dark witches are plotting on kidnapping you." Holding up her hand to stop him from speaking. "They kidnapped an elemental earth mage last year for a few days and raped him. No charges were pressed because what male will admit to being raped. His family sent him to another school. The lust on their face tells me they seem to be plotting to do it again. They are not real sisters but have been grouped together since last year, so they may as well adopt each other. Then our ghoul looks like she doesn't know if she wants to have sex with you or eat you. And seeing that one of the twins trying to listen to my banter only to fail and watch you, thank gods that her bother didn't notice, or he would have dueled you."
"I tried to push it down. I thought I did because you didn't seem to have any problems talking," I interjected. Smirking to myself.
She stared at him for a moment. He can see that she is warring with herself on jumping him in the small office. He knows that if he did not turn it down before entering the office, she would have lost control by now.
'He is not a vampire. Vampires don't do spells.' Thinking to herself, the room has anti charms spell in it. She knows it is not charm skill or spell. 'Maybe it is something his body gives off. If so, I need to find a way to counteract it. I'll check on it later. Unbeknownst to herself, she has already forgotten it after shoving it aside and wondering how he lost school funding earlier.
"Tell me why you lost funding for school?" she asks.
He explains how his father hates him being a necromancer and that somehow, word got back to him on failing to pass the entrance exam. That his father exiled him and denounced him as his son.
"I can pay for your schooling," blushing as she blurts out the words. She stares above him in embarrassment over saying something.
A warm feeling flowed through him at her kindness. "No need, my father left me some money to survive. I change my name with the City Hall and have bought myself a manor that is haunted, real cheap."
Her eyebrow raised at the haunted manor. "I know of the manor. Do you need help?"
Shaking his head, "no, I think I can handle a ghost. Even a killer ghost."
"Okay then," looking slyly at him, "can you sit in the back of the lecture room from now on" Looking helplessly at him.
A smirk appears on his handsome face making her want to smack and kiss him. "That not funny. Your charm that you acquire from your skeleton got my hormone and the others girls all in a twist. I need you to keep your distance so I can teach." Glaring at him.
Grinning, "you seem to handle it well in here."
Groaning, "I will deny it if anyone asks, but it is hard not to come across this desk. If not for the fact you are the only necromancer in my class, I would have kicked you out for harassment. I need to find a spell or item that can negate your innate charm. And why the name Bloodrose?"
Rolling up his sleeve, showing a bloody rose on his wrist.
"Okay, now I understand." staring at his tattoo." Your name almost makes it sound like a vampire."
"Can vampire can't do magic?" Casting a light ball above his hand. It is one of the spells he learns from her books.
"You already learn the spell? It took me three days to get that spell to stabilize." She stares at the light. Squirming in the chair as his seduction skill works on her.
Smirking inside, knowing that his seduction skill affects her more than the charm skill. He decides to turn it down more.
Shane is a Gold Tier Rank Five necromancer. He can see some tattoos on her wrist and one peeking out on her right neck. A rising blush on the tattoo as she notices him looking at her tattoo on her neck, turning her head.
"You could get me fired." Glaring at him.
Heart +1
Wait! What! feeling surprise. 'Mary, I thought she could not rise higher than eighty percent without sex?'
[System is down, Update 96% completed.] Mary's monotone voice in his head said.
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