《Bloodmancer System》Chapter Four - A New Lease on Life
"Sorry, I forgot how painfully binding a servant to your body. I have eighteen tattoos. Some of them unit tattoos I got when I served five years in the King's Army." Shane spoke up after watching him grimace in pain from the binding of his skeleton into a tattoo. Showing him several tattoos on her arms to him.
Henry is surprised that she had so many tattoos at her age. Most necromancers only have ten by the time they are thirty. Because necromancers can live several centuries, many older ones have thousands of tattoos covering their bodies. Once they become a lich, their bones will almost become black from the tattoo overlapping themselves on the bones. It is not unheard of a lich having thousands of troops. Over ten thousand years ago, the last Lich lord had millions before dying from a beast lord he killed during a massive beast tide that came out of a gate.
Helping Wilber into a seat causes Shane to flush red from touching him. Sitting across from him quickly. She pulled out three tatter books from a shelf and put them in front of him.
"One is a minor spellbook with basic survival spells that any class can cast like light, create water, and fire. This second book is a beginner guide for necromancers that you would not find in a library. The third book has spells that you will learn in class. After class is over in a year, you should know everything in the book. There will be a test." looking at him sternly, Next year, you will take an intermediate class, and then in the last year, you will do the advanced course after that. You should have three to ten summons tattoos on your body by then. Don't worry about how many summonses you get at the copper level. You have two hundred years to gather enough mana to summons several skeletons that are strong enough to bind with you. Each tier, you gain double your life span until you reach platinum, and each tier, you can double the amount of summons you can have, then you can decide to go the lich route. At which point you are an immortal." Staring at Wilber. So don't get disappointed with the number of undead you can summons now. It is better to summon power undead. Quality over quantity.
"So I will see you on the evening of?"
"Tonight is the first class at six," she said.
A week is six days, four weeks in a month, and sixteen months. There are three moons. The largest moon orbit the planet that is ten times larger than Earth. The moon itself is the size of Earth and covers in storm clouds that flash lightning at all times. And it orbits once a month. The red moon orbits the planets every four months and signals the changes in the earth, fall, winter, spring, and summer. The last moon is the smallest, and it is blue. It travels the planet every hundred years. In a few years, it will be high in the sky. Marking the end of one cycle a the start of the next with a small eclipse that will only dim the sun. It also means the massive beast gates will open during the eclipses of the sun for an hour as all three moons will like up. The dimming of the sun is only a few minutes each day for a few years. It is the strongest at its peak. It is said that elemental magic is the strongest at the moment of the eclipse of the largest moon.
The red moon is a blessing to those that serve the night. While all dark magic is enhanced by the red moon. While the largest moon to the Shapeshifters makes them stronger on the three nights of the largest full moon. Every month there is a one-hour eclipse of the sun allowing vampires to walk during the day. Many merchants look forward to that day because the life span of a vampire is long. They are extremely rich. Unless they are young and poor.
Mainsday is like Monday on earth. Following that is Layday, Moonday, Boonday, Farday, and Restday. The people of Lavinia take two days off a week. On Moonday and Restday, they work almost ten hours a day except at noon, where they take an hour to stay indoors. Many people do not like vampires. A small population, usually about a hundred vampires, live in the city. Most live in the dark in the southern hemisphere.
Vampires are not allowed to take blood unless they are willing people or their own slaves. If a vampire kills a human and drinks their blood without consent, they are beheaded. Vampire coven has a truce with the human kingdoms that allows vampires to walk alongside humans only if they do no harm. If a vampire is killed by a human when one attacks, the coven can not retaliate unless it is found that the killing was staged or provoked by the human. Slaves can be bought and used as blood banks for vampires.
Waving goodbye to Shane, he left the room.
[Shane Gordon +20 loyalty, now loyalty is 80% require full seduction to claim the body and soul will seal 100% loyalty]
'What? System you are perverted. There no way I will force myself on her.'
Today is Restday, so he will head back to the hotel. After an hour of counting out his money, he has a hundred and three gold and fifty-two silver and ninety-one copper. He knows his family is paying four hundred gold a year to go to school. The hotel is costing him two silver a day. And the family pays him five gold a month to survive. He barely makes a living compared to the hundred gold the rest of the family kids get per month.
Bang, bang.
Someone knock hard on the door. Henry held a dagger behind his back as he opened the door to find the clan's main butler standing at the door. Wonder why the old man Jacob would be here and traveling over four hundred miles from the clan's city. Before he could say anything, the man hands him a letter and a large, heavy bag that he nearly dropped. The man gave him a sneer and walked away without saying a word.
Opening the thick letter.
Wilber Henry, you are at this moment expelled from the family of Wells. All rights and privileges are hereby revoked. All funding and help from this day's foreword are terminated. Your academy funds have been withdrawn upon learning you have not passed your exam.
"Wait! I pass the exam! Did someone tell the family I failed?"
Reading further into the letter, it said I am not to contact them or trespass upon any members or properties of the family. Sign by my father's name in angry bold handwriting. Finishing the letter with a P.S., You are no longer a Wells member using the name Wells will not be allowed from today onward! Then the family seal is stamped on the bottom of the letter. The rest of the letters explain how to change my name. There is a voucher I can turn in that the family will pay for the cost of the procedure. And to clarify that I am a clanless nobleman.
Checking the bag, he found ten thousand gold sitting inside. Shock at the amount. He realized his father gave the amount for him to survive until he gained a job or income.
Not seeing my sister or mother upset me, but it may be best considering I am not the real Wilber. Seeing a note at the bottom of the bag.
A sum of one hundred gold will be brought to you yearly. Although you fail, I will not allow my son to die from starving. Consider this token to appease my wife and your mother. Your mother will be at the restaurant Golden Apple once a month on the first Restday of the month. It is up to you to see her or not.
"Hmm, my father seems to be less heartless than I thought. It will still not change his mind about kicking me out of the family. Several of my uncles and brothers are behind me being kicked out. They have always been vocal about having a necromancer as a clan member. Being an embarrassment to the clan. Digging thru my memories, Wilber's father never called him a failure, but he never rebuked others from calling me that.
Putting the money into the thug's bag of holding. I turn in to sleep, knowing not many places will be open on Restday. Surprisingly I slept well. The next morning on Mainday, I head out to the city hall to buy a name and a place to live now that I have money. Can't create a clan unless I am married to one or more women. And have a hundred troops under me. And a place to live.
Three hours of standing in line. Finally, I am sitting in front of a middle-aged bitch from hell. The woman was about fifty with a lot of gray in her brown hair, all up in a bun. I refuse to use my skills at first. One reason I can see anti-charm spells everywhere, and two, she is a butt ugly rotten bitch.
Asking for my new last name and proof of who I was, then showed all my family records that came in the letters. The whole time making snide remarks about being me being kicked out of my clan. I must be a worthless guy to get booted. She let everyone in hearing distance know.
But in the end, I was forced to use my seduction skill and charm, which somehow bypassed the anti-charm formation around the desk. After another hour, I finally received my new name Henry Bloodrose. Name after seeing the bloody rose on my wrist from Leeka.
I then cross the street to a Realtor's office to find myself waiting again and being ignored. Okay, maybe it is my fault that I was not dressed like a rich snob if not the fact all of the Realtors I can see are men. I was almost ready to kill someone when an older woman walked out of an office, and she was frowning at the fact I was still there.
During the time-wasting away my precious time, I overheard that a medium-sized manor that had been in their hands for ten years was brought and then returned. The owner filed a lawsuit of ten thousand dollars about them lying to noble. They had to pay back the money plus the fine. Ten people have been killed in the past ten years by a ghost. The owner of the Realtor company is about to abandon the place because no one wants to live in a house with a spirit that kills people.
"May I help you, young man?" She said as she frowned.
"Yes, I heard you have a haunted manor I wish to buy. I don't have much, but I can spend three hundred gold for it." Which is enough to buy a small manor on an acre of land.
The woman paused and was about to rebuke him when her boss stepped out of his office upon hearing him. "If you sign a contract saying you know it is haunted and that we are not responsible. You can have the place for three hundred gold. In fact, we will pay the city tax for you." The old man said, smiling. Thinking that they can get rid of the hell hole. The woman was surprised at her boss for selling the manor so cheap.
After reading the contract, he felt a finger on his leg in the shadows below him after a half-hour of reading. He stops reading as he looks around and down at the paper, seeing a dark shadow highlighting a small print. Reading the print and seeing a monthly maintenance charge in the contract.
"Lady Francis, I wish this clause to be taken out," he commented to the woman.
Reading the clause, she added. She hides her disappointment over him finding the clause. "Sorry about that, sir, somehow my people mix up the forms. I will correct this!" gritting her teeth at losing a small monthly commission.
Getting up quickly and leaving the room embarrassed over getting caught. Fifteen minutes later, a new contract was lying before him after reading and checking it several times. There was no response from Leeka. He signed the contract and pressed a bloody thumb in a box beside my name. Watching the contract glow and a light enter him as the other contract disappears into a light a few out the window into the city hall across the street.
The woman rolled up the contract, handed it to him, then swept the three hundred gold into a box and closed the lid.
"Congratulations, Lord Bloodrose, you are now the owner of the old Higgin manor. Here are your keys and master key. She handed him the keys.
As soon as my hand touched the master key. I knew where every key to the house was. Every one of the keys was accounted for in my hands.
"A young man will take you to the manor if you wish."
Knowing I need to go to the Academy and pay my tuition, I accept.
Getting into a magical steam car was thrilling for me. The long black nose of the vehicle that seated four people was out of a steampunk fantasy world. Steam burst out every once from the engine area. Knowing that the company had hired the vehicle to take me to the manor was to say that it was unexpected.
Seeing several brick buildings, some as high as five stories along the river's shoreline. Smokestack spewing smoke out of them, He realizes that coal costs less than using magic when melting metal. In a few minutes, just ten blocks from the Academy. He saw a southern-style two-story ivy cover dirty white manor that looked like it was from Earth. Standing in the middle of a ten-foot-tall stone wall enclosed the block with an iron gate with a large H that will split when open. Four massive two-story columns went from the ground to the roof in front of the manor. Henry was surprised that it was so close. Not really looking at where it was supposed to be located when he bought it. Just fifteen blocks away from his hotel. He finally realizes the manor takes up a whole block of Learning street and 13th street. The young man dropped him off and fled the scene like he was attacked. Staring at the car that left, he turned and pressed the master key to the gate and heard a click of a lock opening. Smiling, he locks the gates again. Head to the Academy by following Learning street.
After another hour of waiting and traveling from one person to another, he finally sat in the headmaster's office. He waited for the man to say something as he looked over the man's appearance with a long brown beard and hair with traces of gray mix in and deep brown eyes staring at him. The old man's eyes sparkle as he watches him sitting calmly. He can hear the headmaster's heartbeats beating fast as he seems happy.
"Henry Bloodheart, is your name now?" Fingering his identification papers. "You know your father has rescinded your funding?"
"Yes, I know. I do have this year's funds on me. I believe it to be four hundred gold?"
"It is three hundred and seventy-five. If not for Miss Gordon's praiseworthy recommendations, I would not consider letting you start today. The staff will have your paperwork ready by tomorrow at three bells for you to sign. Have the money on hand to pay for the year."
"Thank you, Headmaster Elias." Bowing to the old man. Stopping as Henry was turning halfway. "For some strange reason, someone from the Academy notified my father that I did not pass the task to gain admission to this Academy. It would be a shame if he found out that someone lied to my family. It would be shameful for future family members to go elsewhere instead of going to school here where they have three hundred years of history. Because someone in school has a problem with the Wells family.
Seeing the headmaster's eyes open wider at the understanding of losing the Wells to the future and the yearly funding that the family sends them. Some of the next generations of the Wells family are almost old enough to go to the Academy, and losing the Wells donation could lead to other families' gifts to end.
Henry hid his smile as he left. Knowing his father would become furious over being deceived, he had to abandon his son. There is no hope of being reinstated by his father. Because in all his memories, his father never admits to making a mistake. His father will move heaven and earth to root out the ones behind this. But he will not disclose an error. From this day forward, he is no longer a Wells."
[Congratulations on a hidden task, creating a new name. +1000 experience, +2 attributes, 1 silver chest.]
[Update system 01%, 05%]
After closing the door to the headmaster's office to leave, he stops in surprise upon hearing the system that has been quiet for a while.]
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