《Tails of life》Chapter 19


As I got home I open the back door we have a problem "what is it" everyone looked at me it seems Jeffrey can see monsters through the magic illusions "how did that happen" I don't know but he said after I scratched him. "What you scratched him" I look over at Hoshi and dad why is that important? "It's something from my mythology if a human is scratched by a yokai or monster in your terms that human can see them. And because you are a monster no one has ever seen before who knows what will happen to him."

"Well I don't know anything about yokai mythology but werewolves I do one of the myths about werewolf is if you're bitten by one you turn into a werewolf." But everyone knows that one "yes but if you're scratched by one it could turn them into a Fenrir like wolf but because you are a new species I don't know what will happen. " Wait I have never heard of that "long story short but Fenrir is the father of all wolves and he killed Odin." Ok so it's a wolf God how does the work "they won't become Fenrir but they will become a human-size feral wolf with magic power near a god-level with training and the have the immortality like a werewolf." So a giant immortal magical wolf is what you are saying "yes."

As this event ever happened before "I can't tell you because of the law but there are at least five Fenrir like wolves on the planet." Only five why "because most werewolves don't leave anyone alive and if they do they bite them. How long did you hold him" I don't know but he thrashed about then passed out "that's not good" why "that means he was infected," I thought you could not tell us "no I can't tell you their names and places but anything medical or mythology I can."


So what do we do how long does it take "it takes about three days first he sees through magic then his sense improves than his body turn and that is when the challenge begins." We have to help him "we will but you turned him so there is a connection between you two if you don't keep him from forgetting who he is then he will go feral." I'll try so what do we do "we have to grab him after he leaves home and take him to the training ground."

Why there "it's a good place its quiet, isolated, and he can get us to his new senses it will help him for the change." As I went to bed I awoke to the smell of sausages. I got up to see everyone there good morning "good morning" after we had breakfast mom and dad left to get everything ready dad went to get the paperwork ready so Jeffrey can getting to the training ground and mom went to rent a space.

It was up to Hoshi and me to get Jeffrey. As we left we made our way there I knocked on the door and his mom answered "hello who is it" it's Esmond Jeff was not at the bus stop as the door opened I see she was getting ready to leave for work "oh he's not feeling well this morning" I'm sorry to hear it can we see him "I guess you can but don't be late for the bus" we won't have a good day at work.

As we make our way to his room I hear him "oh my head why aren't the pain meds working" I knocked on the door "oh my God it hurts it's so loud who is and what do you won't" I spoke In a low whisper it's Esmond and Hoshi can we come in. "I don't know what is wrong with me I don't want you to catch it" we'll be fine we can to take you somewhere "I can't go out it hurts too much" as I enter to room he looks at us "Esmond get way from her" why "you won't believe me but she is not human" I know and neither em I as I took off my necklace "it was you two in the alleyway and you in my backyard last night."


Yes, and it's my fault for what is happening to you that is why we must go now "I can't move the pain in my head it's to much" just focus on my voice I went through the same pain it helps to focus on one thing. "I'll try but what do you mean it's your fault and what is happening to me." I'll answer all the questions I can but just come with me. As I see the pain on his face fade a little I grab his headphones and have him put them on now you're going to start to smell a lot of new things just keep your hand on your nose so it dulls the other smells out.

As he sits up he does as he is told I put the necklace back on and we leave as we entered the park I see mom waiting for us. "Mrs. Morrow are you a monster too" "no I'm a witch let's get you inside and we can talk" as we walked up to the booth and showed our band I saw moms was the cat necklace she always had on. When it was Jeff's turn he looked confused "what do I do" "oh yes" here mom hands him a card it a one-use free pass that tells us.

As we head into the locker rooms Jeff is standing the wondering what to do as I took my band off the illusion disappears "so it really was you in the alleyway I guess that explains the voice change as well but I still don't understand what is happening to me" just put your stuff in here and we will tell you everything thing we can.

As we walked out we see mom and Hoshi in her fox form "what is the creature next to your mom" that is Hoshi in her fox form I have one too. "Can I see it please" fine as I shift "well that was interesting to watch" I barked at him. "They can't talk in those form Jeffrey" "oh that nice its quite now," I growled at him I shift back let's go as we head out to the grounds. His eye opened wide "what the fuck how does all this fit in here" "magic."

"Ok, Jeffrey I think it's about time we tell you what has happened to you and what will be happening soon." "I'm a little scared Mrs.morrow" "it's alright Jeff we will help you and keep you safe" as we sat there tell Jeff everything up to this point he was calm till "so you're telling me just because you scratched me I'm going to turn into some type of human size four-legged magic wolf thing." "Well we don't know what it will look like but that is the normal thing but because Esmond is a hybrid we don't know."

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