《Tails of life》POV Jeffrey James


POV Jeffrey James

It was my first day back to school I was so excited as I wolfed down my breakfast I ran out to get to the bus I ran into Erin. How's it going Erin "fine just really tired" you look it "it feels like my soul is being sucked out." Well, can't you always have your very religious step-parents throw some holy water on you hahaha "that's not funny" oh come on you had to go to a religious camp all summer if that's not crazy religious then I don't know what is?

As we walk up to the bus stop I see Esmond and a girl as we go close Esmond asked: "hey how was your summer" is voice sounded deep as I looked at him weirdly "dude what's up with your voice?" I don't know it was just deeper one day." Looks like your balls dropped finely hahaha. "Dude can you not see the girl here be nice." oh is this your girlfriend she's cute in jealous "she is not my girlfriend" as I heard a low growl ok ok don't get grumpy by the way I'm Jeffrey James and you are" "I'm Hoshi" as I see Esmond starts to sniff the air like a dog I see Hoshi elbows Esmond then I hear "you sniffing like a dog I'm sorry but I smell him as her face goes dark "where" "I don't know but it's faint and I can't locate him." "Just be on your guard" I will as the bus comes down the street I see Esmond turn to Erin "you're quite are you ok" "what oh yes I'm alright just thinking about something."

As the bus pulls up to school Erin and I got off the bus. As we waited for Esmond and Hoshi a person came running off the buy with a wet spot on his pants and fear on his face as Esmond and Hoshi walk off the bus. As we head into the homeroom we take our seats when the teacher comes in and stands in front of us "greetings class my name is Mrs.Soany and I see all of you studies as my treasure. I will not let anything happen to you in this building so if you have a problem come to me and I will help you." I thought it was a weird statement but at least she cares.

As I go through the day it was lunchtime before I know it as I sit down with Erin he was very quiet as Hoshi and Esmond come over I ask Hoshi how so how your first day Hoshi? "I'm finding it very interesting" as eating my food three girls came up to Esmond " hey are you Esmond?" As Esmond turned around "Yes why?" "your the last person to see jade before she went to the hospital" "she in the hospital?" "Don't act like you did not know the rumor is you put her there"


"I would never" "just admit it you beat her because she was going to leave you" as a growl comes from Esmond "I DID NOT DO THAT TO HER NOW BACK OFF" as I hear that voice it felt like a beast was standing in front of me and it was ready to eat me at any moment as I see Hoshi grabs his arm "don't do it keep in check" as he took a deep breath the feeling was gone "I didn't know about that and sorry for snapping at you." "Well, whatever we still don't believe you explicitly after that." As they walked away Esmond turns back around look at me my mouth open what the hell was that I sounded nothing like you "I'm sorry you had to hear that" dude that sent chills down my spine I thought for a moment I was going to die "what did you think Erin?"

As I ask Erin he had a blank look on his face as he got up and left what was that about Esmond "I don't know but I'll be right back." As Esmond got up to leave as well I look at Hoshi do you know what's going on " I would recommend you stay out of it hum... I mean Jeffrey" I'm what was that I was not paying attention "nothing" as the bell rang we got up and headed to gym class.

Hoshi and I bumped into Erin and Esmond head to the locker room to change I go into the changing room as I come out I see Esmond looked at Erin's back I sneak up on Esmond "I know you are there" how did you know I was there? It's simple you suck at being stealthy hey Erin when did you get a tattoo as Erin puts his shirt on "I got it over the summer" "really I thought your parents are very religious and wouldn't let you get one?" "They said only if was a religious one only" that's so cool did it hurt? "I can't really remember it I went in and then I was outside with it on my back now can we stop with the stupid question." "You don't have to get angry at us we all friends here." As we head outside I meet up with Hoshi.

All right today I'm going to push you to limit" "but it the first day back" "exactly you had all summer to get lazy now start running ten laps" by lap eight it was just Hoshi, Erin, two other and myself. As we rounded the corner on lap ten it was down to Erin, Hoshi, and Esmond. As Erin moves toward Esmond he sticks out his leg on instinct he jumped over it but the fell on the ground. As I see Esmond and Hoshi sitting on the ground hey Esmond are you to love birds done we need to hit the shower. I see both their face turn pink.


I leave them there I head to the locker room as I was undressing Esmond came in and we hit the showers. As we enter the showers as I see Esmond get in I smell something musty then the smell was gone. As the bell rang we leave the school building I see Erin, Esmond, and Hoshi head down an alleyway so I followed them.

As I neared the corner I hear wings flapping and a voice "know if you smell me you would come running" "I don't want to fight you" "well I do but I'm not stupid I won't fight you now but I still need to settle the score with your little girlfriend" someone yelled out in a growly voice "she is not my girlfriend" "it does not matter what she is this holy bolt will end.....wait...what no stop it now" as I rounded the saw someone fall to the ground with his back to me I see white wings "I don't know who or what you are but please kill me .....no shut up you fucking idiot I must kill them.....no you killed so many I can't take it anymore....you are just a weak host if I must I'll kill you too..... if I die you do to......I will control you like a puppet till my energy runs out now shut up...... please help me make it stop."

As he reaches out to them the angel "looks like I have to go but next time you both will die hahahahaha" with that he flys away. As they stand there looking up to the sky they turn around and looked right at me. I just standing with my mouth open when I started to scream he ran over and put hid clawed hand over the mouth and neck I felt a small pain in my neck "what do we do now we need to kill him you know the rules" "we can't kill him and you know you" I started to scream mmmmmm as I start to thrashing about "well what do you think we should do with him" my vision starts to go dark.

I open my eyes wait where em I "you're in an alleyway near the school" how did I get here "we saw you walk down here and found you laying here" I don't know why but thank you for coming to get me "no problem man as they help me up we head back to the bus stop. Once on the bus, they ask "so do you remember anything" I don't know I think I saw two no three people there but they... I can't remember. "That's ok don't force yourself" the rest of the trip was quite. As we got to our stop I get off and say goodbye to Esmond and Hoshi as I head home.

As I got home I went to watch so TV the news came on. I was watching it and I saw a creature standing there in front of the camera holding the microphone I look of at my dad what's with the costume they are wearing "costume what are you talking about" the report on TV he's wearing a costume "I think you need your eyes checked." As it switches back to the newsroom one of the two reports was a creature no monster it had bird wings for arms a human chest and a head but bird feet and tail feathers. Do you see the woman monster there dad as he looked at the TV "I don't see it I see a man and woman I think your tired" maybe you're right "dinner come on guys."

After dinner I went up to my room I turned on my computer I watched videos and monsters are walking around with people. I sat back in disbelief as I look out the window I see a monster I think I recognize I ran out of my room and out of the house. I know you're here so come out now. It did not move so I pick a baseball and throw it and I caught it I knew you were there it was you in the alleyway too right it just sat there.

Why do I see monsters on the TV but no one noticing them I think I'm going crazy. "You are not crazy" it growls so you can talk so why are you out here to spy on me you're not going to eat me right. "No I'm not but you might be in danger from other creatures." So I might still be eaten after all "I'm wondering when did you start seeing monster?" It happened after you grabbed me you scratched me a little "as I turn to show me a scratch on the back of my neck I was scared that it might be killed "Jeff who are you talking to out there" no one as I turned around it was gone I look around and found it on the roof next to my house then it left. I went back inside and tried to sleep.


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