《Tails of life》Chapter 7


Giving me a short rest it was time for the speed test around an obstacle course as I took off it was like a blur as I cleared the course in just ten minutes jumping over a forty-foot wall at the end I was moving at a speed of one hundred thirty mph as the examiners tell me. "You just set a new course record!" By how much ask the other examiner "by about five minutes I think we can put your speed at a ten." A smile crosses my muzzle as my tongue hangs out well I pant. I stopped for a minute to realize how much of an animal I'm starting to act like.

The examiners look at me with uneasiness on their faces asking "are you ok?" Yes, I'm fine as I bury my emotions. "All right now we need to know all the powers you have and please be as honest as possible." All in know is I can create an illusion of myself for twenty minutes I can also make black foxfire flames I can also shift into a fox and hide in shadows but only in that form and something called void claws. That is all Hoshi as told me before I had to take her out for good as payment for the information" so that's all I've got. ”That's interesting are you sure you don't have regeneration like werewolves do?" I don't know I've have not been hurt so I wouldn't know. The examiners looked at each other as one walk up to me as he looks up at me I realize how much taller I'm to him.

Looking down at him I'm about a foot and a half taller his head only comes to my chest. "Can you please give me your arm?" As I hold out my arm he cuts it with a knife but as he pulls the knife back the blade was gone as if something. A look of curiosity crossed both our faces "interesting my silver knife couldn't cut you can you try cutting yourself with your claws?" I don't know but I'll try saying as I raise my other clawed hand to my arm as I jab it to the arm I feel pain when I pulled the claw from my arm it was red. "So the claw works but the knife didn't interest look at my arm as blood drips from the wound it slowly stops. "It looks like thirty seconds for a small wound to heal so regeneration is at six it's a little slower then a werewolf theirs is at an eight."


"All right now it's time for the Sparring match." Sparring match for what "so we can see your fighting style and movements." But I don't know how to fight in this body I can barely walk in it. "You're overthinking this look at what you've done so far, you just need to feel it not think it." The next thing I hear is air escaping my lungs and my body hitting the wall. Bouncing off the wall as I fall face first in the dirt "did you feel that." As I push myself off the ground there's a sharp pain in my leg and chest breathing heavily I lean up agents the wall what the hell hit me. Look in the direction I can from I see bear it stood on two legs thick brown fur but the way the body look I would say is human-shaped with a lot of muscle in its arms. "You best take this serious or I'm gonna beat your ass."

As the bear came closer I throw a punch at it the bear swiped it out of the way as if it was nothing and pinned me to the wall I started to get desperate with my only thought was to get away as I closed my eye I felt a calm wash over me. When I opened my eyes I was on the other side of the arena the examiners where look at the bear asking him where I want. I was a little confused about how I got here but was happy I was not pinned as I let out an excited bark then I looked at myself I was in my fox form looking up after checking myself out one of the examiners was there.

I jumped back in surprise landing on my injured leg I yelped in pain he walks over to my "so this is what you look like as a fox all the girl are going to love you." A look of annoyance crosses my face. "Sorry about that comment but it true any was you just shadow jump fifteen feet." "Do you have anything to attack within this form?" I sat there thinking about it then it came to me shaking my head yes I closed my eyes.


I focus all my magic energy into the tip of my tail I can feel it growing as I open me I swing my tail as I can over my head. As I see the black flame fly over my head it drops in front of my letting out a low sad whine looking at it was the size of a quarter. Burning a nickel size how then fuzzies out. A wave of fatigue came over me as I flopped to the ground unable to move. The examiner looks at "can you move?" I just growl "can you talk?" Grrr "obviously you can understand me so that good I'll make a note of that." Well I lay the other two examiners come over I locked eye with the girl and even though I can't move the look on her face sent a shiver throughout my body.

The next thing I hear is a high pitched screech as she ran to me and picked me up "he just a little fluff bay and I love" as she squeezes me tightly. "I told you the ladies are going to love you." "I'm going to give you danger ratings of a three out of ten." "Do you mind carrying him to the next room?" "If it means I can hold him longer then not at all." I let out a sigh as an annoyed look came over my face. "Just so you know you are suffering from magic overuse or MO for short it should last an hour till then you can't move so you'll have to which the magic in the future."

With that, I'm carried away wrapped up in the hoodie as the girl says "you're so cute like this I want to dress you up." She carries me through another door to a room with a sofa inside was Hoshi Kimi laying down. She looks up to see me in the girl's arms and laughs "magic overuse" the girl answers her "yes how did you know and do you want to hold him?" "I can see his's magic aura but yes I'll hold him thanks." As Hoshi is holding me the girl leave with one more cutie wink the shut "we have a lot of work to do and I expect payment for each lesson." As she turns me around to face her I see has a cut on her forehead. I growled and yipped at her what happened to you? "Oh this doesn't worry about this now you take a nap it will help" as eyes begin to close "don't worry I'll wake you up if anything happens" and with that, I'm off to dream world.

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