《Tails of life》Chapter 6


As I went down the hallway I found the door as I turned the knob to the door I go in and sit down in front of a desk as my illusion dispelled reveal my werefox body as I sit there in the quiet room I now have a moment to process wait has happened to me. My emotions hit me like a bus all the fear, anger, frustration, hatred but all I could do was cry my heart out "why did this happened to me I never wanted this I was happy I just wanted a normal life go to school get a girl but no I had to be summoned and transformed into a monster how do I even live in this world" As tears streamed down my furry face I let out a sad whine. Even my voice is not the same I hate all of this I just want to be normal again.

As I was wallowing in self-pity a voice came from the shadows "it ok to cry a lot has happened to you in a short period any creature would be in the same boat just let it all out." Looking and smelling the room I could not see anyone but there was a scent of something in here with me. "Oh, are you trying to find me with your noise interesting did you do that on purpose, or was it on instinct?" I don't know what the voice is talking about but I do seem to do things like that now and then. "I'll have to write that down." I heard the beating of wings when a bat flies over my head when a black mist envelop around it women stand on the other side of the desk.

As she took her seat she had short blond hair with red eyes and light brown skin. "Hello my name is Violet Luna and I'm going to be your case manager." Jumping up from my chair a look a panicking on my face a vampire-like in the movies your here to kill me and suck my blood because vampires hate werewolves please don't kill me I'm not a wolf I'm a fox. She starts to laugh "I think you have been watching too many monster movies, your quite tall I'd say seven feet it must be hard getting through the door at least you aren't as bulky like the other werewolves I met." Putting my clawed hands over my pointed fox ears and closing my eyes I can't be hypnotized so you can't get my blood. She laughs even louder "I don't know where you heard that from it does not work like that and we don't attack for blood anymore have you not heard of a blood drive."


Looking down at her so you are not here to drink my blood? "Nope I'm here to check your mental status to see if you are violent or not and from what I see you won't attack anyone and have a funny personality as well so I can give you pass but first how do you see the human race friend or food." I'm a little confused with the question I don't see them as food but I don't see how I can be friends with them now that I look like this I do have two friends before I was turned into this. "I see you have a lot of emotion on this so I'll let you know that I also part-time as a monster therapist so if you ever need to talk you can come in just ask for Auntie Violet is what everyone calls me.” Close in the folder, ”I can see that you are nonviolent to human so she hands me a card looking at it I ask her what is this the next part of the exam is a physical just through the door to your left and I hope you keep your two human friends close you'll need friends."

Looking to my left as a door appeared that was not there before I hear Ms.Luna say "the door only will appear if you have a pass which you are holding right now." Thanking her I head for the doors turning the knob with three fingers I duck under the door frame. As the door shut behind me it vanishes I'm now standing in an arena. At the other end is three people and workout equipment as I walk to them the introduces themselves.

As the examiners tell me they are here to test my combat skills and physical abilities. "Ok as for the first task which one is a monster the other is a human tell me which one they are?" With a look of confusion on my face, I walk closer to the two people as I got closer my nose to start to sniff the air. I started to realize I can detect individual scents if I focus more as I smell they both have different scents but can't tell a human from the monster.


Looking at the instructor I tell him I can tell there is a difference but can't tell who's who. "Can you see their magic auras?" Their what "magic auras its force that surrounds humans and monsters with a core in the center. You know the thing that lets humans do magic and allows monsters to use their abilities." As I shack my head no I tell I've lonely been a monster for less than a day. ”Can you tell me which is Male and female?" I go in the sniff them an I found the female has a gentle smell well the Male has a strong smell. I point to the Male and female tell the examiners whos who then he calls out "good now time for the hearing part” after listening to different noises I found I can hear about eighty yards.

Look at his clipboard "ok I just mark you down as a two for the magic aura, and four smelling but hearing you get a nine next we'll test your strength, speed, and powers." As he points to the weight "we keep adding weight till you can't lift it we're starting at one hundred pounds." As they keep increasing the weight after thirty minutes I could not lift over one thousand pounds.

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