《My life is ruled by my character stats》chapter 5


The two days by rather quickly as they were uneventful. Exiting out of my room, the inn was completely empty well except for the old man and the blacksmith. They were both talking about something when the old man saw me his eyes had a devious glint for less than a fraction of a second until turning to a one of filled with worry. A person without exceptional perception would be unable to notice this.

asking in what sounded like a rude tone. With him ignoring the tone, he answered .

With a sceptical look I replied with as soon as he knew that I would do it he said almost instantly

A notification popped up

QUEST: RESCUE BETH from goblins


REWARD 50 guild points

600 xp mystery reward



With the rewards making it hard to refuse so I clicked accept. Going to the blacksmith I ask without answering he just passes it to me. Looking at the armour another notification appears.

Armour: demon wolf fur set

Hands, Legs, Chest, Head

Each piece +25 defence

Requirement level 5

Full set bones hostility with wolfs decreased by 25% Taming chance increased by 10%

Asking if the inn worker can show me the last place where they saw Beth. Alfred called out a name Josey come here. Couple seconds after he called out a girl about 25 came out she had red shoulder length hair also waiting big rimed round glasses making her look like a librarian. After hearing what Alfred wanted her to do she gladly led me there.

On the way there were few goblins that wanted to attack us but they were easily dealt with by my new acquired magic fire bullet. Calling out the name in my head small wisps of flame appeared on my fingertips pointing it to the goblins it shot out and killed it almost instantly. Picking up the valuable drops which was money and miner medicine. When we had reached our destination the amount of goblins we had slayed was uncountable my xp bar was nearly half filled with that and we gathered around 10 silver ac and also 30 miner medicine.



Heals minor injuries closes medium injuries (leaves remains of injuries) helps with minor metal pain fatigue, headache and insomnia

The Josey’s expression looked very fatigued so I passed her one of the minor medicines. The reason was because of the description that popped up.

Whit a look of relief on her face after taking it she thanked me by bowing in an eastern manner. With a redden face I asked her to stop. We continued until we reached a small area filled with bushes of tea leaves. Josey catches up and says . With her leaving I started thinking where did Beth kidnaped too looking through the bushes I saw what looked like drag marks and I started following those until I reached a clearing. With a large cave entrance goblins entered and left the cave all the time. Hiding behind a tree I started to think of a plan. Griping my sword, it started to glow red, the temperature raised all around in the area.

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